July 23, 2009 Chalice Connection

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The Chalice

A publication of First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) 201 East Second Street , Edmond Oklahoma 73034

Vol. 1 No. 4

July 23, 2009

2009 General Assembly Minister’s Message by Rev. Chris Shorow, Senior Minister This week we will be commissioning our delegates to the General Assembly of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in Indianapolis. The General Assembly is a gathering of Disciples from the US and Canada which meets every other year. We gather to have fellowship, exchange ideas, learn about ministry opportunities, worship, be inspired and do the business of the church. The General Assembly represents the national gathering of the church. In our Design (or essentially, our Constitution), we celebrate a church in three manifestations— the local, regional, and general church. The general church consists of 3,754 congregations in 46 states. Our headquarters are in Indianapolis (where we happen to be meeting this year—the site changes every time we meet—2013 will be in Orlando). There are 11 General Units of the church whose mission is “to strengthen congregational life for the church’s mission.” Units like Christian Board of Publication (our publishing arm), Higher Education and Leadership Ministries and the Council on Christian Unity are designed to help educate and promote our goals of unity in the Christian world. Disciples Home Missions and Division of Overseas Ministries help to spread the gospel throughout the world. The Pension Fund, Board of Church Extension, and Disciples Foundation deal primarily with finances and being good stewards. More information on all these ministries can be found at the website, www.disciples.org. Our Regional connection is with the Oklahoma Region, comprised of 173 congregations. Many of you are very familiar with all the work done on a regional basis, including camps and conferences, congregational transformation, and educational opportunities. More information can be found at www.okdisciples.org. Finally, we have the local church. I’m proud of our church and the commitment it has made to outreach over the years. Besides all of the wonderful ministries you do, you are one of the top 100 givers to Disciples missions. That kind of commitment says much about a congregation and its commitment to reaching out in Christ’s name. God bless you.

Support BLOCK PARTY ‘09! Help provide school supplies to disadvantaged children & youth in NE OKC & children of our Breakfast on Boulevard patrons! “BLOCK PARTY ‘09, a free event to be held Saturday, August 8, from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. on the grounds of our co-sponsors, Holy Temple Baptist, Quayle United Methodist, and NE Church of Christ. There will be carnival games, food, entertainment and more!

Want to help? Drop by our Block Party display in the rotunda to sign-up as a volunteer for the Block Party and to see a list of needed supplies; so, while shopping, you can pick up an extra backpack or supplies to help a child in need. Drop off donations by August 4. Questions? Contact Lori Fuller at 751-5658 or [email protected]

Summer Sunday School for for Adults Adults Sunday Mornings 10am in the Chapel July 26 Rev. Chris Shorow, Rev. Jerry Black & our 2009 General Assembly Delegates Every two years at the General Assembly of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) delegates consider a variety of business items including financial reports, ministry plans and “Sense of the Assembly Resolutions.” Following the 2007 General Assembly, FCC Edmond assembled a task force to study the resolution process. With the help of Sharon Watkins, our General Minister/President, and the General church, which also assembled a task force and received input from our group, a new resolution to end the resolution process has been approved by the General Board and will be voted on at the 2009 General Assembly. Our Summer Sunday School session will look at this and other resolutions on the docket. Aug 2 Women of the Bible! Don’t miss this opportunity to see & hear Women of the Bible come to life!

Coupon Class Continues July 29 at 7pm - Room 117 You can still join the final session of Erin Robertson’s informative class that instructs you how to save money with grocery coupons. Register with Iris Jordan at 341-3544.

Prayers of the People OUR PRAYERS FOR THOSE IN THE HOSPITAL Richard Cutter in Mercy; Gladys Dronberger in Mercy; Ed Berry in Edmond OTHERS IN NEED OF PRAYER Bart Rodr, Marilyn Noles, Daniel Marks, Ed Penland, Tom Ferrone (Anita Wilson’s dad), Cora Deal, Judy Joy, Dana Shadid, Phil Rehrig (Glo Rehrig’s son), Dave Watts, Gayle Smith, Nita Williams (Jeff Williams’ mom), Lawrence Bunton (Greg’s dad), Judy Berry, Hank Thomas (Randy Thomas’ brother), Teresa Finley, Dorothy Taylor, Cynthia David (George & Winnie Hall’s daughter), Hurshell Wright (Patrick Wright’s dad), Margaret Basso (Anne Stone’s sister), Patrick Douthitt (Duke Douthitt’s brother), Eric & Penny Koegel, Alyssa Baker.

Let’s Build Another Habitat House! Disciples, Independent Christian Churches & Churches of Christ Set UNITY BUILD September 26-October 17 We are partnering with churches across central Oklahoma to build a Habitat for Humanity home at Hope Crossing, N.E. 63rd and Kelly. The build is scheduled for September 26 through October 17, 2009. Our partners come from Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), Independent Christian, and Churches of Christ congregation - the three expressions of the StoneCampbell movement. Using the “Habitat Bank” that many of you obtained some weeks ago, save the money you might normally spend on coffee, tea, sodas, and snacks during a given day. If that amount is just $2 a day, in one month you can save more than enough money to pay for one square foot of the Habitat home which is $57/square foot. On or before Sunday, August the 9th, open the bank, put the money in an envelope with your name on it (if you want your gift to be a tax deduction), and place that envelope in the morning offering marked “Habitat Build” or bring your gift to the Business Administrator, ~ Your Outreach Ministry Team Karla Mahan, sometime during the week.

Classics Plan for Fall Fun! Hope you are all having a great summer and staying cool! We are planning fun trips to start in the fall.

December 3 - The Branson Trip! This will be a wonderful Christmas experience. Plan now to go with us.

For more information contact Winnie Hall, 341-4297.

Happy Birthday! 7/26 7/27 7/28


7/31 8/1 8/2

Destiny Banuet, Paul Dodson Glenda Adams, Brian Cain, Terry Dillon Ryan Brumback, Cathi Carroll, Gary Clopton, Phil Jackson, Gail Webster, Emy Lawson Slater Fondren, Mark Hammond, James Percival, Kristin Prince, Carol Wilson Scott Rankin, Cole Stanley Cooper Reid, Jett Humphrey Diane King, Virginia O’Niel, Bill Allison, Shari Brecht

Youth Ministry  Sunday, July 26 10:00am Youth Café & Classes – FLC Omniplex/IMAX Cancelled  Wednesday, July 29 6-7:30pm Summer Bible Study – FLC  Friday, July 31 1-4pm Summer Swim Party @ Kinnaird’s, 1600 S Coltrane  Sunday, August 2 10:00am Youth Café & Classes – FLC 4:30-6:30pm Tye-Dye Day  Wednesday, August 5 6-7:30pm Summer Bible Study – FLC  Friday, August 7 1-4pm Summer Swim Party @ Caldwell’s, 2604 Woodruff Rd

FCC Seeks Caring Nursery Staff Sunday mornings and Wednesday evenings. Must be 18 or older and CPR certified. Contact Jamie Wedlake: [email protected].

Women! Come Join at First Christian

August 2 - 8:15, 9 & 11 Laity Sunday Message: Bill Medley (8:15 & 11) Scripture: Luke 7:36-50 Message: Steve Allison (9) Scripture: John 3:16

August 9 - 8:15, 9 & 11 Message: Rev. Dr. Jerry Black Scripture: Ephesians 4:25-5:2 The Chalice CONNECTION Shelley Regan, Editor [email protected] SUBMIT CONTENT www.fccedmond.org/news

Fall CONNECTIONS Women’s Bible Study

An exciting bible study for women will be explored this fall by CONNECTIONS facilitators Tana Stufflebean and Jenny Wiechmann. The selected text of study is Esther: It’s Tough Being A Woman by Beth Moore. If you’ve ever felt inadequate, threatened or pushed into situations that seemed overpowering, this study is for you. CONNECTIONS meets Monday evenings and Thursday mornings, providing two opportunities for women to join. See schedule below and mark your calendars to join us in gathering treasures to aid women in our hurried, harried, and pressured lives. Books are available at the introductory session or may be picked up in the CONNECTION’S Bible Study mailbox in the FCC workroom. The cost is $20 and includes the cost of the book and accompanying DVD’s. Make checks payable to FCC with a notation of Connections Bible Study. Scholarships and childcare are available upon request. Monday evening classes, 7-9pm – Jenny Wiechmann, Facilitator Aug. 10 (introduction) Week 1-9: Aug. 24; Sept. 7, 21; Oct. 5, 19; Nov. 2, 16, 30; Dec. 7 Thursday morning classes, 9:30-11:30 – Tana Stufflebean, Facilitator Aug. 13 (introduction) Week 1-9: Aug. 27; Sept. 10, 24; Oct. 1, 15, 29; Nov. 12, 19; Dec. 3

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