Sentence Structure

  • June 2020
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  • Pages: 7
Sentence Structure Practice 1 1.

The student was punished because of his laziness.


The government cannot pay the debt on account of its poverty.


Many people were unemployed because of an economic depression.


The flight to Canada was cancelled on account of the bad weather.


He failed because of his lack of experience.


She lost a good friend for her snobbishness.


As it was icy cold, we put on warm clothes.


Since the cobra is poisonous, don't touch it.


As she was wealthy, he married her.

10. Since he was cruel, all his subjects ran away. 11. She is cheated for her greed / she is greedy. 12. Since you don't like him, why have you dated him? 13. The reason for his resignation is an open secret. 14. He turned young by reason of the power of the dragon balls. 15. Snoopy shouted madly by reason of his loss in the tennis game. 16. Othello was jealous, so he killed his wife. 17. Macbeth murders Duncan, so he becomes the King. 18. So alert was the store detective that he found two customers putting some groceries in their shopping bags. 19. Dante is a faithful Catholic, and therefore he praises God. 20. The man beat the thief out of anger. 21. He listened to his teacher out of (his) respect (to him). 22. Out of curiosity, the boys peeped into the haunted house. 23. The kids stopped to look at the accident out of curiosity. 24. He forgave his opponent out of pity. 25. He bowed to his teacher out of respect. 26. Out of curiosity, the boys explored the jungle. Practice 2 1.

The Holy Warriors' union resulted in their victory. 2. Misunderstanding resulted in their separation. / Their separation resulted from misunderstanding.


The foreigner talked so fast that I could not understand him.


They are such dirty chairs that I cannot clean all of them in an hour.


He had such a lot of money that he could buy anything he wanted.


John is such a hardworking student that everyone praised him.


The weather was so terrible that we postponed our picnic.


Peter worked so hard that he had a successful business.


There are such a lot of monsters that Superman is very busy.

10. The boy is too naughty to attend a normal class. 11. She was so ignorant as to take the rumour as true. 12. He is wealthy enough to buy a country.

13. He is so clever as to refuse the post. 14. King Lear is too stubborn to accept the truth. 15. Odysseus is clever and lucky enough to go home at last. 16. Dr Faust is so eager for knowledge as to sell his soul to the devil. 17. He spoke too quietly to attract their attention. 18. He works hard enough to win a prize. 19. The actress wept so deeply as to touch the audience deeply. 20. The film is too violent for children to watch. 21. The dog costs too much for me to buy it. 22. Hamlet thinks too much to take quick action. 23. He was too tired to argue with his brother. 24. The foreigner talked so fast that I could not understand him. 25. They are such dirty chairs that I can't clean all of them in an hour. 26. He had such a lot of money that he could buy anything he wanted. 27. John is such a hardworking student that everyone praises him. 28. The weather was so terrible that we postponed our picnic. 29. The flight to Canada was cancelled on account of bad weather. 30. Owing to the shortage of university places, many Hong Kong students go abroad for further studies. 31. He failed his examination on account of his laziness. 32. Because of an / the economic depression, many people were unemployed. 33. His failure was due to his lack of experience. 34. The quarrel was due to a misunderstanding. 35. The car accident was due to the careless driver / the carelessness of the driver. 36. He drove at full speed so that he could catch the train. 37. She turned down the radio so as not to disturb her brother. 38. The teacher explained the theory with examples so that he could make us understand what he said / we would (could) understand what he said. 39. The burglar hid under the window so that he would not be seen. 40. He ran quickly so as not to be late for an interview. Practice 3 1.

Despite my careful plan, a lot of things went wrong.


Though I can't play any musical instrument, I love music.


In spite of my advice, John takes the job.


We carried on walking although we were tired.


He is in fact German despite his (having got an) English name.


She managed to walk to the village although her foot was injured.


I decided to accept the job in spite of the low salary.


Despite our being the better team, we lost the match.


Despite his sickness, he continued doing his work.

10. He made the same mistake although I gave him my advice. 11. In spite of my illness, I managed to finish my work.

12. Although it rained, they went for a swim. 13. In spite of my father's objection, I am going to find a job. 14. Peter will not marry Susan despite his love to her. 15. In spite of his love to his own children, he taught them strictly. 16. Despite the high price of the walkman, he bought it. 17. Although I have advised him, he jumped into the cold water. 18. I didn't feel hungry even though I didn't eat / hadn't eaten for 24 hours. 19. Even though her father beats him up, he still sends flowers to her. 20. Despite his sickness, he continued doing his work. 21. Although I had advised him, he made the same mistake. OR Although I had given him advice, he made the same mistake. 22. I managed to finish my work in spite of my illness. 23. Although it was raining, they went for a swim. 24. David set out for an exploration although we had advised him not to. 25. In spite of my father's objection, I am going to find a job. 26. John will not marry Mary despite his love for her.

Practice 4 1.

He sent her flowers regardless of her parents' warning.


He still saved a child regardless of his serious injuries.


Notwithstanding the policeman gave him a warning, the driver did not stop.


Notwithstanding his poverty, he is happy.


Notwithstanding the heavy rain, they still went on picnic.


Notwithstanding his hatred to his boss, he still works for his boss.


Granted that I love to read books, I have no time to read them.


He did not work hard granted that he wanted to pass the exam.


I have to leave my country granting that I love my country.

10. No matter how hard he had tried, he could not persuade her. 11. No matter how late he came, we would wait for him. 12. No matter how rich he is, he feels lonely. 13. No matter how fast he wrote, he still could not answer all the questions. 14. No matter how many housing estates are built, lots of people cannot find a roof to shelter. 15. However poor the Government is, it has to pay the debt. 16. However expensive the new airport is, the Government will build it. 17. However complicated the problem is, I shall make effort to work out the solution. 18. Whoever blocks my way, I will teach him a lesson. 19. Wherever he hides himself, I can find him out. 20. Whatever folly he did, he was a good man. 21. No matter how heavily it rained, we set off as planned. 22. No matter how hard he studied, he could not pass the exam. 23. Reasonable as he was, he had no right to make decision. 24. Loudly as he shouted, the noisy boys still could not hear him. 25. Brave as Achilles was, he was killed.

26. Famous as Poe was, he bankrupted and died. 27. He was talented, while he died of poverty. 28. He is tall and thin whereas his father is fat and short. 29. Unless you are a member of the Students' Union, you may not borrow this book. 30. He spoke as if he were the manager of the company. 31. Notwithstanding the policeman's warning, the driver did not stop. 32. No matter how hard he had tried, he could not persuade his parents to let him go camping on Sunday. 33. Late as he came, we would wait for him.

Practice 5 1.

He told me to close the window.


He suggested having a cup of tea.


Mary said to David, 'Would you like something to eat / to eat something?'


Nancy asked me how long I had been waiting there.


Mary asked me to turn down the radio.


John suggested solving the problem together.


He said (that) that was what he was looking for.


They told me that they were waiting for Peter.


Jane told the class that Mary would further her studies in Canada the following year.

10. 'I had a tour in the USA two years ago,' she said. 11. 'I am making a model now,' Peter said to me. 12. David asked John to post that letter for him. 13. He told the stranger to give him a reply by the next / following day. OR He told the stranger to let him have his reply by the next / following day. 14. Peter advised me to ask John for advice if I got into trouble. 15. 'Keep quiet!' the teacher said to the boys. 16. 'Be careful! Do not kick at the stones in the comer,' he said. 17. The driver asked a passenger not to make so much noise. 18. John asked me if/ whether that was what I wanted. 19. The monitor wanted to know if/ whether we/I would attend the meeting in two days' time. 20. Jane asked Alice if/ whether she had taken part in David's party the night before / the previous night. 21. 'Can you show me the way to the City Hall?' a foreigner said to me. 22. 'Whose pencil is this?' the monitor asked. 23. Jack asked Mary how 'significance' was spelt. 24. The teacher asked the monitor where the boys had gone the previous day / the day before. 25. Rose asked me how long I had been waiting there. 26. 'Why were you absent from the meeting yesterday?' his brother said to him. 27. 'Where did the robbers go?' the policeman asked. 28. The boys said that it was a very exciting basketball match.

29. John greeted me and exclaimed / said that it was a very lovely beach. 30. The little girl said that it was a very interesting film. 31. 'Merry Christmas! Did you take part in Mary's party last night?' John said to me. 32. David greeted jack and asked / inquired after his brother. 33. Mother asked Mary if/ whether she was doing her homework and she replied that she was. 34. Mr Chan asked his daughter if/ whether she was doing her homework and she replied that she was. 35. Mrs Wong asked Agnes if/ whether she had closed the door and she replied that she hadn't. 36. 'Will you attend the club meeting tomorrow?' I asked Jack. 'Yes,' he replied. OR 'Will you attend the club meeting tomorrow. Jack?' I said / asked. 'Yes,' he replied. 37. 'Do you agree?' the monitor asked the class. 'No,' they said. 38. 'Do you see a man attack a woman?' the policeman asked the pedestrians. 'No,' they said. 39. Peter asked Mary whether she liked swimming and she replied that she did not. 40. David asked Joseph to show him his picture book and said that it looked very interesting. 41. David asked his brother to turn down the radio because he couldn't hear what his friend said on the phone. 42. Mother told Janet not to forget to lock the door when she left the house and asked her when she would do her homework. 43. Alice said that she had finished her work and (said) that she would go out for a walk. 44. 'Keep quiet!' said the teacher. 'You'll be punished if you do not stop talking.' 45. 'What a successful concert! Do you want to organize another one next year?' the principal said to the prefects. 46. John advised me to see the doctor immediately. 47. A customer suggested looking into the causes before making their complaints. 48. 'If I were you, I would not insist on doing the work alone.' (I said to him.) 49. 'You'd better listen to your parents' advice,' I said to Mary. 50. He apologized for making a mistake. 51. He offered to help me solve my problem. 52. He denied breaking (having broken) the bottle. 53. Mary accused John of stealing the documents. 54. He promised to avoid arguing with Mr Chan the next day. 55. He admitted opening the safe the previous night / the night before. 56. He refused to accept the reward. 57. She accused Tom of attacking a weak man. 58. He promised to go with me to explore the jungle. 59. He apologized to Mary for being unable to help her. 60. Please tell me how I can distinguish between these two shirts. 61. I'm not sure what the students want. 62. Do you know why John beat his dog?

63. We wonder if / whether Miss Chan will take part in our party tomorrow. 64. I don't know what he is searching for. 65. Can you tell me if/ whether there are any tickets left?

Practice 6 1. If he had come early, he would not have missed the wonderful performance. If he had not come late, he would not have missed the wonderful performance. 2. My father wishes he had not lent his most favorite stamps to his friend. 3. He wishes he had written an application letter to the firm. 4. Unless you arrive at the cinema on time, you will miss the wonderful performance. 5. If you do not start your work now, you will never achieve your aim. 6. Do not give up, or / or else you will not succeed. / Do not give up; otherwise, you will not succeed 7. Carry on with your work and you will achieve your aim. 8. But for your help, we would have been punished by the teacher. 9. If you are not careful, you will make a mistake. 10. I wish he could help his classmates solve the problem. 11. I wish I had sent a letter of application to the firm. 12. He acts as though he were an expert. 13. Stop, or else you'll knock into the stranger. 14. Listen carefully; otherwise, you'll not be able to understand. 15. Don't run so fast, or / or else you'll be in danger. 16. Unless you help me, I won't be able to finish my work. 17. If the doctor does not operate on the patient, he will die. 18. Provided that you do your homework first, you may go out to play. 19. Mr Chan will let you off on condition that you promise not to make the same mistake. 20. They will not notice us as long as we do not make any noise. Practice 7 1. The man sitting over there was thought to be the detective. 2. John is supposed to have gone abroad to further his studies. 3. A lot of housework is done (by Mary) every day.


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