English Sentence Structure

  • June 2020
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  • Pages: 3
English-Sentence Structure

Sentence Structure (Simple) S = Subject

(A performer/driver/doer of an action). It can be noun, pronoun or noun phrase. e.g. William Shakespeare wrote the play ‘Hamlet’. (William Shakespeare: Noun) They submitted the assignment. (They: Pronoun) The attitude of the student irritated all teachers. (The attitude of the student: Noun phrase)

V = Verb

(A word that shows an action or a state) e.g. She is baking a cake. (baking: action verb) Zafar became the president of the company in 2003. (became: state) I am busy now. (am: state verb)

O = Object

(That receives an action or on what an action is applied). It can be noun, pronoun or noun phrase. It always follows only action verb and not state verb but it is not necessary that every action verb should follow an object. e.g. She is baking a cake. (What is she baking? a cake: object, noun) The teacher appreciated me. (Whom did the teacher appreciate? me: object, pronoun) Saram fetched me a glass of water. (What did Saram fetch me? a glass of water: object, noun phrase) (Who did Saram fetch a glass of water? me: object, pronoun

C = Complement

(That complements the sentence.) It can be noun, adjective or noun phrase. It is always followed by state verb. e.g. My father is an engineer. (What is my father? an engineer: complement, noun) She seems beautiful. (What does she seem? beautiful: complement, adjective)

A = Adjunct

(That tells about time, place, and manner). e.g. She turned up at 7 o’clock. (When did she turn up? At 7 o’clock: time adjunct) They called in at our home. (Where did they call? at our home: place adjunct) Faiza speaks English fluently. (How does Faiza speak English? fluently: manner adjunct) Saad writes slowly. (How does Saad write? slowly: manner adjunct)

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English-Sentence Structure 1. SVO

5. SAVO He stole the pen. S V O

He always speaks the truth. S A V O 6. SVOAA Sana called me at home yesterday. S V O A A 7. SVOOA She gave me a gift at the school. S V O O A

2. SVC She seems busy. S V C 3. SVA She ran fast. S V A 4. SVOA They bought a computer yesterday. S V O A

8. SVOOAA My friend gave her the message secretly yesterday.






Exercise: 1 What structural components are underlined words. One is done for you. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

It is hard to understand. Hard: complement The cackling of geese saved Rome. She gave me a gift. All matter is indestructible. He clad the naked everyday. I shot an arrow in the air. The piper stepped into the street. The flames spread everywhere. She spoke distinctly. I recognized your voice at once. The post of the headmistress suited her in all respects. She helped a lame dog over a stile. The children look healthy. All good children pity the poor. The children appear happy.

Exercise: 2 Say whether underlined adjuncts show time, place, or manner. One is done for you. 1. 2. 3.

The students are sitting in the classroom. Place She always speaks the truth. ____________ Salman took my pen stealthily. ____________

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English-Sentence Structure 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

The balloon went up. I hear that your brother is in London. He remained at home on Sunday. By and by the tumult will subside. Islam spread far and wide. She answered all questions cleverly. We should treat all kindly. Yesterday I ran into my old friend at the bus stop. He now and then writes on fiscal questions. She sang well in the concert. They are to be married the next year. She committed the mistake repeatedly.

____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________

Exercise: 3 Say whether underlined words are ‘objects’ or ‘complements’. One is done for you. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

They were happy. They all tell the same story. She became a famous actress. Rizwan is rather lazy boy. The porter opened the gate. They have two daughters. You seem quite depressed. My mother gave me a warm hug. Mr. Smith has been sick for three days. They are having a broken chair.

Complement ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________

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