Senate Protocol Act (04/09)

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  • Pages: 6
Senate Protocol Act (04/09) Parliament of eAustralia Purpose: This Senate Protocol Act, outlines Senate Protocol and Procedures as well as Speaker and Deputy Speaker Nomination and Election. Definitions Majority Approval of elected Senators - Stated agreement with a proposal in a Discussion Topic by 50%+1 of eRepublik elected Senators Procedure: 1. Policy Proposals a) All Policy Proposals or amendments intended to be debated by the Senate and Cabinet shall be placed in the eAustralia Senate forum for discussion under these procedures before being voted on, either here on the forums or in-game. b) Any Policy Proposal made using the eRepublik Congress system that doesn't follow the procedure explicitly as described below, requires all Senators to vote "No" automatically. c) The Policy Proposal procedure is as follows; (i) Any Senator, Department Minister, Deputy Minister or the Prime Minister interested in making a proposal must first declare the proposal using one of the required Templates, as a new topic in the Senate section on the eAustralian forums. This topic will be discussed, starting from the date and time the Discussion Topic is posted, for a period: a. no less than 48 hours for standard legislation, or b. no less than 12 hours with the majority approval of elected Senators for emergency legislation. (ii) The Senate Speaker and Deputy Speaker shall preside over all Senate discussions and topics, act as moderator, and rule on any points of order in relation to the proper process for debating and passing of legislation. (iii) Proposers are required to amend their own proposal topics where required if they choose to do so. Failure to do so will mean that the proposal will be voted on specifically as the proposer stated, unless in the case of subsection (vi). (iv) The proposer of the proposal may propose that the discussion is closed at any time after the appropriate discussion time period has expired. If the proposer does not propose that the discussion is closed, the Speaker / Deputy Speaker may declare that the discussion is closed after the minimum discussion period. The Speaker / Deputy Speaker will then lock the topic with a final post directing voters to the Voting Hall and the vote taking

on the proposal as a new topic. (v) The Vote shall be taken simultaneously in the Voting Hall and in eRepublik. Senators must duplicate their eRepublik vote in the Voting Hall. This poll in the Voting Hall will be voted on, starting from the date and time the Vote Topic is posted, no less than 24 hours, and closed when the eRepublik poll closes. (vi) Further to (iii), the result of a discussion may be the general consensus of the Senators. Such examples include: - A Senator, Minister or the Prime Minister makes a proposal but there are various resolutions counter-proposed and supported by Senators. In this case, if the proposer refuses to amend their original proposal, both the original proposal and the counterproposals will become a multiple choice for the proposal to be voted on, in a poll created by the Senate Speaker or Deputy Speaker. This is known as a "multiple-choice vote". (vii) Regardless of the voting options presented in any individual bill, elected members have the right to abstain or vote in the negative even when the option to do so has not been presented. Following a positive result of a vote (ie if a majority vote of "yes" in a yes-no vote or the proposal with the most votes in a multi-choice proposal), any Senator is authorised to make the actual proposal using the eRepublik Congress system if required. As the game mechanics state, this vote runs for 24 hours. (viii) Policy Proposals and Amendments will not be accepted from a Senator, unless they have signed the Senate Protocol Act for the current term. The Speaker or Deputy Speaker will immediately lock the proposal/amendment thread, and no futher discussion will be allowed. 2. Senate Speaker/Deputy Speaker Elections a) The Speaker of the Senate from the previous term shall call for nominations in a post on the 26th and 27th of the month. Senators may nominate themselves or nominate others for the positions during this time. Any Senator who is not the Prime Minister, Deputy Prime or a Cabinet Minister may apply or be nominated. Deputy Ministers and Apprentices, who have been elected to the Senate may be nominated. Any elected senators may run. i. Nominations and applications may be for specific positions as either the Speaker or Deputy Speaker, or they may be as general nomination or application. ii. Nominees nominated by others should accept or reject nominations prior to the closing time, otherwise they will be included in vote. b)On the 28th and 29th of the month the Past Speaker shall institute a vote in the Senate with those Senators who have been nominated. Senators will then vote for those they wish see as Speaker and Deputy Speaker for that term. c) The Vote shall run for a period of 2 days. After the New Speaker and Deputy Speaker will be those with the Majority of the votes. d) The Past Speaker will add both winners to the respective Speaker and Deputy Speaker Forum Groups and remove himself within 3 days so as to offer help if needed. The New Speaker may ask the Past Speaker to stay in the group to assist for a period of no more than 3 extra days. e) If at some point the Speaker or Deputy Speaker has to resign their post during any given month the current or out going Speaker will appoint a Speaker or Deputy Speaker to fulfill the remainder of the term. If the 2nd Deputy Speaker (if filled) resigns it is the discretion of the current Speaker to appoint a new 2nd Deputy Speaker or not. 3. Code of Ethics a) Anything posted in the Sensitive Discussion area must not be repeated, screenshotted or copy/pasted to

anyone who is not a member of The Senate or member of Cabinet. b) All Senators will endeavour, to the best of their ability, make an informed decision and vote accordingly upon that decision (rather than looking what everyone else has voted and voting the same way,) and discuss accordingly all topics covered by The Senate. 4. Acceptance a) All Senators should familiarise themselves with this Act and the Protocols encompassed within as each month a copy of this protocol will be posted into a separate topic in The Senate Forum and ALL Senators are required to read, understand and sign the document. Senators will have a period of 3 days grace after the senate elections to sign the document, before full senate access on the forums is revoked. To regain full senate access, they must contact the Speaker or Deputy Speaker who will return access. Failure to sign the document after this time, will result in full access being revoked for the rest of the current elected period. Exceptions: The exception to part of the Senate Protocol Act is Sensative Issues, which will be placed in the Sensitive Issues Forum as a topic similar to standard proposals. All such discussions relating this topic will be done there. Voting will take place in the same location and time frame as stated above. Responsibility: General responsibility for most of this document will be that of the Senators and the Speaker and Deputy Speaker. After the election of every new Senate, the Old Speaker / Deputy Speaker is required to copy the following code into a new topic, fill in the required areas and the Newly elected Senators are required to read and sign. Code:

Subject: [Parly Protocol] 08/09 09 - All Senate & Cabinet Read & Sign [quote][center][img][/img] [size=150][b]Senate Protocol Act (04/09)[/b][/size] [size=85][b]Parliament of eAustralia[/b][/size][/center] The Following Protocol is a direct copy of the [url=][b]Senate Protocol Act (04/09) [/b][/url]. [b]ALL Senators and Cabinet Members[/b] are to read it carefully and reply post [b]“Signed”[/b] to show you understand and agree. [b]"All" Senators and Cabinet Members[/b] are to read the following Acts to familiarise themselves with the workings of eAustralian Parliament: [url=][b]eAustralian Parliamentary Process Act (04/09)[/b][/url] [url=][b]Cabinet Protocol Act (04/09) [/b][/url] [url=][b]Government Secrets Act (04/09)[/b][/url] [url=][b]Political Process Act (08/09)[/b][/url] [url=][b]Citizenship and Quota for Immigration Act (08/09)[/b][/url] [color=#8000BF][size=125][b]A Breach of any of these will be strictly enforced, "I didn\'t read that Act" will NOT be an acceptable excuse.[/b][/size][/color] [b]Procedure: [/b] [b][u]1. Policy Proposals[/u][/b] a) All policy proposals being presented to the Senate and Cabinet shall be placed in The Senate Forum in the Form of Bills/Treaty/Agreements/etc. for discussion under these procedures before being voted on, either here on the forums or in game.

b) Any proposal made using the eRepublik Congress system that doesn\'t follow the procedure explicitly as described below, requires all Senators to vote [b]"No"[/b] automatically. c)

The Policy Proposal procedure is as follows;

i. Any Senator, Department Minister, Deputy Minister or the Prime Minister interested in making a proposal must first declare the proposal using one of the required Templates, as a new topic in The Senate section on the eAustralian forums. This topic will be discussed for a period no less than 48 hours, starting from the date and time the topic is posted. ii. The Senate Speaker and Deputy Speaker shall preside over all Senate discussions & topics and act as moderator. iii. Proposers are required to amend their own proposal topics were required if they choose to do so. Failure to do so will mean that the proposal will be voted on specifically as the proposer stated, unless in the case of vi.. iv. After the 48 hours has passed the Speaker / Deputy Speaker will lock the topic with a final post directing voters to the voting hall and the vote taking on the proposal as a new topic. v. The Vote shall be taken in the Voting Hall. This poll will be voted on for a period no less than 48 hours from the date and time of the Vote Topic. vi. Further to (iii), the result of a discussion may be the general consensus of the Senators. Such examples include; - A Senator, Minister or the Prime Minister makes a proposal but there are various resolutions counter-proposed and supported by Senators. In this case, if the proposer refuses to amend their original proposal, both the original proposal and the counterproposals will become a multiple choice for the proposal to be voted on, in a poll created by the Senate Speaker or Deputy Speaker. This is known as a "multiple-choice vote". vii. Regardless of the voting options presented in any individual bill, elected members have the right to abstain or vote in the negative even when the option to do so has not been presented. Following a positive result of a vote (ie if a majority vote of "yes" in a yes-no vote or the proposal with the most votes in a multi-choice proposal), any Senator is authorised to make the actual proposal using the eRepublik Congress system if required. As the game mechanics state, this vote runs for 24 hours. [b][u]2. Senate Speaker/Deputy Speaker Elections[/u][/b] a) The Speaker of the Senate shall call for nominations in a Post on the 23rd and 24th of the Month. Senators may nominate themselves or nominate others for the position during this time. Any Senator who is not the Prime Minister, Deputy Prime or a Cabinet Member may apply or be nominated. i. Nominations and applications may be for specific positions as either the Speaker or Deputy Speaker, or they may be as general nomination or application. ii. Nominees nominated by others must accept their nomination in order to be considered a valid candidate. If a candidate declines or doesn\'t respond, then that nominees will not be considered a valid candidate.. b) At the end of the Elections of the New Senate, the Past Speaker shall institute a Vote in the Senate with those Senators that have been re-elected listed on it. Senators will vote for those they wish as Speaker and Deputy Speaker for that term of the Senate. c) The Vote shall run for a period of 2 days. will be those with the Majority of the votes. d)

After the New Speaker and Deputy Speaker

The Past Speaker will add both winners to the respective Speaker and Deputy Speaker

Forum Groups and remove himself within 3 days so as to offer help if needed. The New Speaker may ask the Past Speaker to stay in the group to assist for a period of no more than 3 extra days. [b][u]3. Code of Ethics[/u][/b] a) Anything posted in the Sensitive Discussion area must not be repeated, screenshotted or copy/pasted to anyone who is not a member of The Senate or member of Cabinet. b) All Senators will endeavour, to the best of their ability, make an informed decision and vote accordingly upon that decision [i](rather than looking what everyone else has voted and voting the same way,)[/i] and discuss accordingly all topics covered by The Senate. [b][u]4. Acceptance[/u][/b] a) All Senators should familiarise themselves with this Act and the Protocols encompassed within as each month a copy of this protocol will be posted into a separate topic in The Senate Forum and ALL Senators are required to read, understand and sign the document. [b]Exceptions: [/b] The exception to part of the Senate Protocol Act is Sensative Issues, which will be placed in the Sensitive Issues Forum as a topic similar to standard proposals. All such discussions relating this topic will be done there. Voting will take place in the same location and time frame as stated above. [b]Responsibility: [/b] General responsibility for most of this document will be that of the Senators and the Speaker and Deputy Speaker. After the election of every new Senate, the Old Speaker / Deputy Speaker is required to copy the following code into a new topic, fill in the required areas and the Newly elected Senators are required to read and sign. [b][u]Acknowledgment[/u][/b] a) As a Senator you agree that you have read the above procedures for the Senate and you need to sign below. [color=#BF0000][size=125][b][u]Senators for ***/*** 2009[/u][/b][/size][/color] [color=#00BF00][u]Signed[/u] [/color] [color=#0000BF][u]Yet to sign[/u] [/color] [color=#FF0000][u]Not registered on forums[/u] [/color] [color=#408000][size=125][b][u]Cabinet Members for *** 2009[/u][/b][/size][/color] [color=#00BF00][u]Signed[/u] [/color] [color=#0000BF][u]Yet to sign[/u] [/color] [/quote]

Amendments: 1. [Senatorial Review] Senate Procedures 2. [Amend] Senatorial Voting Rights – <06/09> 3. [Amend] Speaker Election Amendments 4. [Amend Senate Protocol Act Amendment - (09/09) References:

Initial: Senate Protocol – Pre-eAus Government Formation. Amendment Discussion: 1. [Senatorial Review] Senate Procedures Amendment Vote: [Vote] Senate Review of Speaker Nominations Amendment Proposed by: Senator Xavier Griffith Amendment enacted: Tue Apr 21, 2009 @ 7:19 pm Amendment Discussion: 2. Discussion [Amend] Senatorial Voting Rights – <06/09> Amendment Vote: [Vote] Senatorial Voting Rights Amendment Proposed by: Senator Alex Australis Amendment enacted: Fri Jun 19, 2009 @ 11:14 pm Amendment Discussion: 3. [Amend] Speaker Election Amendments – Amendment Vote: [Vote] Speaker Election Amendments – PASSED Amendment Proposed by: Senator Newt Gingrich Amendment enacted: Wed Sep 02, 2009 @ 11:30 pm Amendment Discussion: 4. Senate Protocol Act Amendment - (11/09) Amendment Vote: [Vote] Senate Protocol Act Amendment (11/09) PASSED Amendment Proposed by: Senator Derek Apollyon Amendment enacted: December 6th 2009 Amendment Discussion: 5. [Amend] Senate Protocol Act Amendment (12/09) Amendment Vote: [Vote] Senate Protocol Act Amendment – (12/09)PASSED Amendment Proposed by: Senator Majester Amendment enacted: December 27th 2009 Amendment Discussion: 6. [Amend] Senate Protocol Act Amendment (04/09) Amendment Vote: [VOTE][Amend.6] Senate Protocol Act (04/09) PASSED Amendment Proposed by: Senator Infin Amendment enacted: January 10th 2010

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