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  • Words: 1,780
  • Pages: 4
“For most of human history, literature, both fiction and poetry, has been narrated, both writtenheard, not read. So fairy tales, folk tales , stories from oral tradition, are all of them the most vital connection we have with the imagination of the ordinary men and women whose labor created our world”{Angela Carter, The Bloody Chamber and Other Stories} TITLE-RELEVANCE OF FOLK TALES IN MODERN ERA- A STUDY OF TENALI RAMAKRISHNA, BIRBAL AND MULLAH NASRUDIN. Originally, all the societies created oral literature know as folk tales. Folk literature also known as folklore or oral tradition of cultures having no written language. They are carried through the medium of mouth. The author of this traditional literature is unknown or not identified. It consists of large varieties of songs, dance, epics, dramas, fable, folk tales etc. According to Webster Dictionary, “Folklore is a traditional customs, tales, saying or art forms preserved among people.” Folk tales which are part of folklore tradition consist of popular stories that are created from generations for youth to acknowledge their tradition and culture carried in past. They are not just mere stories but also provide an understanding between what is right and what is wrong. These tales not only preserve and propagate our tradition but also provide an expression of simple life and path of righteousness contained in tradition. This paper shall seeks to attempt a close reading upon the popular folk tales which mainly consist of Tenali Ramakrishna, Birbal and Mullah Nasrudin and their relevance in modern times. Dependence on technology has resulted modern society in alienation. Children have reached up to the point where moral values has shrinked due to their growing attachment towards materialistic things. They focus more on virtual world leading them in desolation. Jean Jacques Rousseau in his “Critics of Society” says “But for man in society, there are different concerns; there is, in first place, the matter of providing for the necessities and then for the superfluities; next come the luxuries, then immense riches, and then subjects and slaves; he does not have a moment of respite.” Rousseau portrays that in modern society people tend to commit wars and crimes not only for their basic need but also for luxury and pride. While Folk tales, on the other hand connect us to our culture and heritage, though formed orally but there essence remain fresh. “These tales, without exception, express the truth that justice triumphs in the end. They all contain the idea that it is worthwhile to fight for the truth, in any situation. In the fight man is assisted by more powerful beings than ordinary mortals. And the triumph of justice is the only sense and consolation in the world. Indeed, the world itself started out with hope the human race received it long, long ago as a cradle song.” {Gyula Illyes, Once Upon a Time: Forty Hungarian Folk Tales} Now, let’s focus on the major aspects of folk tales which is lost in modern times

MORALITY In the era of gadgets and social networking sites, moral values and ethics doesn’t play any role. Religion has lost it control on people’s life leading joint families into nuclear ones. The individual is too engrossed in attaining the desired goal that they don’t have time to spend with their family leaving them lonelier and secluded. People more often use the language of expression rather expressing themselves to their families. Greed, lust, adulteration and their excessive hunger to achieve more has misled them in their life. The tales which instill confidence and morality remain mere tale in present times as they consider them as intellectuals. If anyone read these tales, their confidence and sense of judging between what is right and wrong is regained which they are losing in present times. For example, in the tale “Hundred Gold Coins and Birbal” portrays Birbal’s wit and intelligence in spending gold coins wisely. It conveys us the idea that one should spend money more wisely and carefully, as in present times, people spend money for their own pleasure rather contributing it in charity in organization. This tale teaches us that money spent on pleasure frittered away while money spent on charity is reciprocated in form of blessing from god. Similarly in the tale “How Truth Was Created” Mullah Nasrudin provide us a sense of judgment as Truth can be distorted and manipulated. One should have keen mind to judge the situation. In present scenario people are easily influenced due to which they lost their sense of judging the situation. HUMOR Today, every individual is career oriented. The word humor remains mere word as the life of an individual is filled with stress and burden. People run to achieve success due to which their entire life has become depressed and monotonous. They are too focused in the race of competition that they are leaving their happiness behind. In order to prove themselves best they have lost their time to sit and chat with their families. Along with this, there are many tensions prevalent today which make them more sad and upset. Earlier people used to sit together to enjoy with each other which is now replaced by games and technology due to which humor is lost. Under such circumstance where people don’t have time to read serious work of literature, these small folk tales help them to reduce their tension due to humor present in them. For example in the tale “The story of Tenali Rama and the cat” shows Tenali wit in dealing with cat. The way he tricked the cat makes the reader laugh on his cleverness. This tale shows that the kingdom of Vijaynagar is facing a major problem with rats, causing destruction everywhere. So king in order to solve the problem of state provided cat and cows in every household. The hilarious incident happens in the house of tenali who poured hot milk in the pan due to which the tongue of cat get burned. Accused by king in the court, he present himself as innocent soul by pouring milk in the pan on which cat run away seeing the pan considering it’s milk as hot.

Similarly, the tale “The Fish Morality” can be considered as one of the most funniest tale of Mullah Nasrudin as when Mullah without any hesitation took the larger plate of fish while scholar was left with mouth opened in disbelief. These lines took us in fits of laughter as we read them: “I, being a conscientious human, would have taken the smaller fish for myself.” Said the scholar “And here you are, “Mullah Nasrudin said, and placed the smaller fish on the gentleman’s plate. IMPORTANCE OF NATURE The ecological imbalance in nature in present times is quite relevant, as every individual is attracted towards the world of technology that they hardly spare a time to look upon nature. Advancement in the field of sciences has made them callous towards nature. Today, If one look upon the lifestyle of an individual it’s seems that their life is filled with electronic gadgets and social networking sites. They are aware about new technologies launched in the field of sciences but they remain indifferent to their surroundings. Several problems like Global Warming, Depletion of ozone layer, pollution in environment is caused due to man excessive hunger. These folk tales are seen as the reminder of mankind. Nature is as important as human figure portrayed in the stories. These stories reflect beauty and dignity of nature which is noticeable through the participation of animals. For instance in the tale “People talk” there is a reference of donkeys. Likewise in the tale “Crows in the Kingdom” has reference of Crows. The setting of this story reflects greenery which is contrasted with present times as nature has reached to the level of extinction. These stories also show nature as valuable possession and help youth to understand the importance of nature in the world of gadgets. It allows man to reflect upon what they have and what they has now. UNIVERSAL EMOTIONS These folk tales portray universal emotions such as love, peace anger, jealously, kindness which are found everywhere in societies. In present scenario emotions such as jealously and hatred overlaps the feeling of love and attachment. People are constantly fighting with their loved ones for property and money that love and kindness cease to exist in mankind. They keep their pride and ego above love. For instance in the tale “The Pot of Wit” emotions such as anger and love is reflected, when Emperor Akbar in anger dismisses Birbal but later on his absence affected him as he was not able to take decision without his help. It is his love for Birbal that he plans a trick to find him, by sending message to the head of every village to send him pot filled with wit. This tales show that anger diminishes in front of love but youth in anger doesn’t realize how much they hurt the person with their words .For them their anger and ego is important.

In present scenario, jealously is common in every individual. It is not impossible to find such people who are envious with the position of other people. In order to gain more in their life they can destroy each other in their jealously. For instance in the tale “The Three Questions” portrays the emotion of jealously, when King Akbar praise Birbal in front of other courtiers. The courtiers try to bring him down from his postion, but it also show how birbal manages to retain his position. POETIC JUSTICE In present scenario, we observe injustice, threats regarding murder, blackmailing which has increased in its number. These folk tales present justice as an ideal virtue to be attained by people in the presence of god that good is rewarded and bad is punished. For example in the tale “Farmer’s Well and Witty Birbal” when man tries to outsmart the poor farmer, Birbal came to his rescue to provide him justice against witty man and also outsmart him with his wit. Likewise in the tale “The Most Precious Gift” King Krishna Deva Raya is shown in positive light who tries to solve the suffering of common folk by providing justice to them. The king believes in spreading peace and love as hatred and bloodshed remained in the war.

To sum up the whole argument, it is concluded that folk tales are relevant in modern times. Modern reader can appreciate it for several reasons like morality, humor, importance of nature, portrayal of universal emotion and poetic justice present in them. The relevance of these tales remains till humanity exists. So, people should value its essence in modern times.

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