Semester Review Game Questions Bible

  • November 2019
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Bible Review Game Questions When the form of the argument is structured incorrectly Statement cannot be true and untrue at the same time and in the same respect When the form of the argument is correct and the conclusion doesn’t follow Pretends compatible properties are incompatible Any argument if P then Q, not P not Q Any argument if P then Q, Q therefore P Assuming the conclusion as a premise Misrepresents opponents view

Formal fallacy

Refers to man’s evolved ability to react to the stimulus as language Intuitive awareness that the identity remains undisrupted (constant) States that only the individual can shape reality states that proper sociology must value both society and the individual in order to achieve a proper understanding of reality Branch of psychology that rejects the concept of mind and describes behavior based on physical influences The mind is nothing more than reflections of brain Learned responses to secondary stimuli Founder of classical conditioning German Theologian that led an underground anti-Nazi movement; became involved in a plot to assassinate Hitler, was arrested, and spent his last 2 years in prison

Second signal system

Brought communism to china; “The Great Leap Forward” Popular American economist and sociologist Ignited number of revivals in 1740s

Mao Tse Tung

Description of the fossil record – or – a class of theories that view evolutionary history as a series of periods of stasis interrupted by relatively abrupt change; because of the lack of evidence in the fossil record for Darwin’s theory of evolution, many Humanists have proposed this theory in order to account for the fossil evidence.

Law of non-contradiction Informal fallacy False disjunctive Denying the antecedent Affirming the consequent Begging the question Straw man

unity of identity Individualism Pluralism Behaviorism Psychological/ontological monism Conditioned reflexes Pavlov Bonhoeffer

George Guilder Jonathan Edwards Punctuated equilibrium

Theory that holds god created universe and Deistic evolution then evolution took over Theory that non-living matter was or is capable Spontaneous generation of producing life Theory that suggests that life unaided by god Naturalist evolution created all life and brought it to its present state Changes in the genetic information in individual Mutations members of a species

Theory that acquired characteristics are inheritable Refers to speciation – evolution across species Theory that holds that God created universe and started life and used evolution to bring to the universe to its present state Requires closely matched components to function; question Darwinian evolution God created the universe and everything in it in 6 consecutive 24 hour periods Evolution within a species A mechanism (suggested by Darwin and Wallace) that postulates the survival and reproductive success of species better adapted to their environment as an explanation for the apparent progressive nature of evolution.

Lamarckism Macroevolution Theistic evolution Irreducibly complex Fiat creationism Microevolution Natural selection

Branch of geology, study fossils to understand prehistoric life forms God created the universe and everything in it in 6 long periods of time Wrote origin of species, founder the evolutionary theory Wrote Darwin’s black box Called Darwinian evolution into question by comparing DNA to scrabble Believed neodarwinians are saddled with … metaphysics The problem of increasing information Stood up for Christianity and biblical count of creationism when rationalism was rampant Attacked Mendel’s theory of genetics, and promoted Lamarkism in its place.


Suggests that there is no known mechanism that can account for …. Calls into question the evolutionary theory Coined the term irreducibly complex


Progressive creationism Charles Darwin Behe Meyer Nelson James Ore Trofim Lysenko


Christian author that suggested evolution Nat…. list different types of creat. Attempted to show that Darwinian evolutionary theory improbable based on bacterial flagellum The premises of argument are known based on experience Giving reasons a person should believe Everything must have a sufficient reason God’s means of revealing himself to man through physical universe and moral order Demonstrates that if premises are true then conclusions are probably true Belief faith is basis of all knowledge and reason is irrelevant Asserts that mind is supernatural … existence Affirms exist of intelligent, powerful, loving, just god the doctrine that asserts god created universe out of nothing Asserts that parameters of earth specifically to foster human life Offered the wager as incentive for atheist to become Christian Formulated and made popular the watchmaker argument Formulated, in “Summa Theologica,” five basic arguments that attempt to logically prove that God must exist.


Believed that the existence of god – properly basic need no proof Wrote “Church Dogmatics” and greatest theologian 20th cent Hailed by nobel as the champion of Christian worldview Formulated argument Based on principle of sufficient reason Current champion of Kalam cosmological argument ???? Responsible for the ontological argument (argued for the existence of God), found in “Proslogium” (Ch. 2) 1. God is “that than which nothing greater can be conceived.”2. Existence in reality is greater


Behe A posteriori Positive apologetics Principle of sufficient reason General revelation inductive Fideism Mental proof Theism Ex-nelilo Anthropic Pascal Paley Thomas Aquinas

Karl Barth Plantinga Lievnes William Lane Craig Epistemology Anselm

than only existing in the understanding. 3. Therefore, God exists in reality, otherwise He would not fulfill the criteria found in #1 – a greater being could be conceived. Theological belief that all reality is god To Marxist, upper oppressing class of society Belief that god is in the world the way soul or mind in the body Much of deism has become Knowledge comes from inner self (not pantheism) Philosophy that threats all reality as supernatural – monism (not pantheism) The theological position of Marxists (they prefer to be called this) Wrote communist manifesto and Das kapital Early Greek thinker that postulated only one ___ or being Co-wrote communist manifesto and supported Marx’s work Tried to prove his master’s case with logical absurdities motion between 2 points … reformulated Herbert of Churbury’s ____ Considered the father of __ deism Means all-powerful Belief that human mind cannot know whether or not god exists The universe considered as harmonious and orderly system Claims that both the natural and supernatural exist Philosophical view that only natural forces exist denying the supernatural Provide proof for Christian faith Behaviorist psychologist who said that the environment shapes person DAY 2 Reformulated ontological argument Believed that humans created God as a wish fulfillment, need for cosmic comforter Helped found ACLU Argued that god doesn’t exist based on causality These people the humanists claim to have descended from

Pantheism Bourgeoisie Panentheism Skepticism Cosmic humanist epistemology Non-naturalism Scientific atheists Karl Marx Perimididies Engles Zeno Matthew Tindall Herbert of Cherbury (sp?) Omnipotent agnostic Cosmos Dualism Monism; NOT atheism b/c not theological b/c there’s nothing about God. Positive apologetics Skinner De Cart Freud Dewey Bertrand Russell Epicurean

An approach to understanding God and world QUESTIONS: cosmic humanists believe humanity is progressing to this These people believe that changing society will change individual These are the social institutions ordained by god Marxist’s second stage of evolution of marriage Claims humans good by nature The second highest need in the hierarchy of needs People believe humans shaped by environment almost completely “If you do not stop acting up I’ll take away your TV” “If you continue to get good grades I’ll give you a TV” Believe that guilt is real School of psychology through DNA is more important factor These psychological believe human mind understand things not as parts but as a whole T/F behav. Believe change thing on certain matter – change behavior Sigm. Froidd founder to physco analisis Christians believe sinc ethe mind continues to advance…. Christain claim persistence of memore --proof of monism Marxists believe this created all life Cosmic humanists believe humanity is progressing to this… Why is modern science… …???? Accirdubg to book how does second law… Believe in microevolution Believe in macroevolution Yom Progressive creationist believe… According to Marxist religion is… According to Marxists, this is god The handbook of marsism there must be ..

Worldview Higher state of consciousness Humanists or behaviorists Church, state, and family Barbarian Humanist, Marxist, cosmic humanists Esteem Humanists, behaviorists Negative punishment Positive reinforcement Christians Biologicalism Gestalt T F T F Spontaneous Generation ??? Science relies upon order Teleological The law states everything going toward disorder … Christian, humanist, Marxism All but Christian 24 hour, 12 hour, long period Long period of time (day means long period) Opium for masses Self Complete overthrow of all …….

…. According to Marxist Reject met What do humanists believe about … Humanists base everything upon… Paul nelson’s main argument includes cont. that neodarwin. … extreme complexity flagellum Behe critique Darwin.. Possibility and probability of naturalistic evolution Acc Christian modern science ….universe is orderly Cosmo. Arg. Today formulated appeal to modern science and big bang…. Paley suggested that person should accept Christianity cuz Christina has everything to gain and nothing to lose Ontological argument prove god’s existence based on inductive reasoning Science, reason, history etc… used prop only after Argument for personal theism and against deism… Arg sugg everything exhibit design… univ (kollum) Aq 5th way everything mover…. William paley suggested the person sugg…. Craig sugg beg to time based on unmoved mover proof… Acc to pantheism creation springs out of God’s being… Acc to panenthism god can never… David hume belief most prob, Pantheism believes in monism Henderson sugg that prob with rowe’s arg. Humanists are dualists Nichie demonstrated what happends Sec humanists trace lineage to Marxists No such thing as secular b/c all worldviews begin with philosophy Cosmic and Sec humanism both begin with atheism… Why is there no such thing as secular? Why have humanist try to keep from being religious

Dialectic says always changing Dialectic says always changing No god Science F T F T T F F T T F F F F F T T True True False T F F F Start with theology To keep out of school system

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