Seiri Audit Checklist

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 599
  • Pages: 4
5S Audit Seiri audit checklist S1=Seiri=Sort=Clear up This checklist include questions as follows: 1. Are there any tools, spare parts, materials left on the floor, nearby equipment? 2. Are all frequently used objects sorted, arranged, stored and labeled? 3. Are all measurement instruments/devices sorted, arranged, stored and labeled? 4. Does the inventory or in-process inventory include any unneeded materials or parts? 5. Are there any unused machines or other equipment around? 6. Are there any unused jigs, tools, dies or similar items around? 7. Is it obvious which items have been marked as unnecessary? 8. Has establishing the 5S’s left behind any useless standards?

Seiton audit checklist S2=Seiton=Systematize=Keep in good order This checklist include questions as follows: 1. Are access roads, storage areas, working places and equipment’s surroundings clearly defined? 2. It is understandable what is the usefulness of all the pipes, cables? Are these easy to be identified? 3. Are the tools/devices/instruments properly organized în two categories: “regular” and “special destination”?

4. Are all containers, recipients, pallets and NTMs stored in an appropriate manner? 5. Is there anything too close to fire extinguisher? 6. Does the floor have any cracks, drops or variation în level? 7. Are shelves and other storage areas marked with location indicators and addresses? 8. Do the shelves have signboards showing which items go where? 9. Are the maximum and minimum allowable quantities indicated? 10. Are white lines or other markers used to clearly indicate walkways and storage areas?

Seiso audit checklist S3=Seiso=Clean=Clean up This checklist include questions as follows: 1. Check carefully the floor, the acces roads and equipment’s surroundings! Can you find or notice oil stains, dust, fillings and waste? 2. Are there any parts from the machines/equipment dirty? Can you find or notice oil stains, dust, fillings and waste? 3. Are any supplying pipes/ belts greasy, dirty or cracked? 4. Is the draining system for waste and oils clogged (totally or partially)? 5. Is the lighting environment affected? Any dirty light bulbs or windows? 6. Are floors kept shiny and clean and free of waste, water and oil? 7. Are the machines wiped clean often and kept free of shavings and oil? 8. Is equipment inspection combined with equipment maintenance? 9. Is there a person responsible for overseeing cleaning operations? 10. Do operators habitually sweep floors and wipe equipment without being told?

Seiketsu audit checklist S4=Seiketsu=Standardize=Maintain This checklist include questions as follows: 1. Do you wear a dirty or inappropriate clothing? 2. Does your workplace have adequate light and aeration? 3. Are there any problems regarding noise, vibrations and heat/cold? 4. Is the roof cracked? How about ventilation? 5. Do you have designated areas for eating and smoking? 6. Are improvement memos regularly being generated? 7. Are improvement ideas being acted on? 8. Are standard procedures writtten, clear and actively used? 9. Are the future standards being considered with a clear improvement plan for the area? 10. Are the first 3S’s (Sort, Set Locations & Limits and Shine & Sweep) being maintained?

Shitsuke audit checklist S5=Shitsuke=Self-discipline=Let behave This checklist include questions as follows: 1. Are you doing the daily cleaning checking?

2. Are the daily reports correctly done and în due time? 3. Do you wear a appropriate labor protection clothing? 4. Do you wear badges and helmet – when necessary? 5. Are the modular group members fulfilling the meetings’ schedules? 6. Is everyone adequately trained in standard procedures? 7. Are tools and parts being stored correctly? 8. Are stock controls being adhered to? 9. Are procedures up-to-date and regularly reviewed? 10. Are activity boards up-to-date and regularly reviewed?


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