Scope Of Work - Roi

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 497
  • Pages: 2
Scope of Work defined The “Sponsorship Appriasal” ROI assessment report is produced in order to provide an opinion of Market Value relative to the worth of the sponsorship between the Sponsor, and Sponsee, p9 SportsGroup. The function of this report intends to quantify the market value as a result of media measurement and thorough research of suitable data relative to the value of media exposure. As well as conducting an in-depth analysis of relevant factors in order to arrive at a supportable conclusion of market value. Examination of the available verified market data for use in the methodology to obtain value conclusion was considered and applied to the analysis and metrics of this appraisal report. The report reviews research of public records through the use of commercial sources of data such as printed material and computerized data bases. Research of marketing and related media data was viewed and when found to be applicable, and meaningful, the effort was made to verify the data from known credible sources. Consequently, some data that is generally accepted within the industry to be widely known, was used without verification. The report analyzed the relevant data found, and reached final conclusions regarding the opinion of market value.

There is no absolute measure of brand value or brand valuation (equity), and measuring it tends to be complex, expensive and difficult to institute. The Good News:There are several approaches and multiple ways to approach brand value –one may be right for you. The difference between value and valuation: > Brand Value: The strategic and financial value of your brand > Brand Valuation: A financial exercise intended to put a dollar value on your brand over and above discounted future cash flows

Information and data contained in the appraisal report, although obtained from public record and other reliable sources and, to the extent possible, carefully check by the appraiser(s), are accepted as satisfactory evidence upon which rest the opinions expressed herein. Information and opinions furnished to the appraisers and contained in the report were obtained from sources considered reliable and believed to be true and correct. This report is intended for use only by the identified client and identified other known intended users stated within the cover letter. Use of this report by others is not intended by the appraiser.

Possession of the report does not carry with it the right of publication. Out-of-context quoting from or partial reprinting of this appraisal report is not authorized. Further, neither all nor any part of this appraisal report shall be disseminated to the general public by the use of media for public communication without the prior written consent of the appraisers signing this appraisal report.

Market value is defined by the American Heritage Dictionary: MV is based on comparison with identical or similar past, actual or expected services and goods. The amount that a service is selling for, or may be expected to obtain for services in the open market.

© 2008-2009 p9 SportsGroup and all subsidiaries

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