Scope Of Work For

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Version 4.0 Oct 15, 2008

Lahore 44 F Gulberg Center Gulberg III Lahore Pakistan Voice: (92) 42 5762109 1-800-784-0826

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Document Overview Title

Scope of Work




Friend For Sale Facebook Application




Shadi Ghanim



Doc #


Doc Date



Nasreen Shehzad

Last Save


Description: This document explains the various features of application in which users can buy and sell friends as well as send them gifts. Document provides a clear understanding of the project to the client.

Revision History Ver # 2.0

Rev Date Sep’24,2008

Author Nasreen

Distr Date Sep’24,2008


Oct ’06,2008







Brief Description Changes are made in sections 7.2 and 7.9 and sections 7.3, 7.10, 7.17 and 7.11 have been added to make the document according to the specifications provided by client. Revisions are made in sections 7.2, 7.3, 7.5, 7.6, 7.7, 7.8 and 7.16 as per the requirements. Revisions are made in sections 7.2, 7.4 and 7.9 as per the requirements specified.

Distribution List Approved By

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TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Policies....................................................................................................................... 4  2. Introduction ............................................................................................................... 5  3. Scope ......................................................................................................................... 6  4. Intended Audience .................................................................................................... 7  5. Overview Diagram ..................................................................................................... 8  6. Use Case Diagram ................................................................................................... 10  7. Functionalities ......................................................................................................... 11  7.1  Add Application: ........................................................................................................... 11  7.2  Home Page: .................................................................................................................... 11  7.3  Click On a Friend: .......................................................................................................... 13  7.4  Buy Items: ...................................................................................................................... 14  7.5  Mini Feed: ...................................................................................................................... 14  7.6  Send Gift: ....................................................................................................................... 14  7.7  Favorites list: .................................................................................................................. 14  7.8  Search Hotties: ............................................................................................................... 15  7.9  AUCTION To Buy And Sell Friends:............................................................................ 15  7.10  Earn Money: ............................................................................................................... 15  7.11  Chat:............................................................................................................................ 15  7.12  Message Boards: ......................................................................................................... 15  7.13  Invite Friends: ............................................................................................................. 16  7.14  News Feed: ................................................................................................................. 16  7.15  Display Application On User Profile Page: ................................................................ 16  7.16  Adverts Section: ......................................................................................................... 16  7.17  Application Tools: ...................................................................................................... 17  7.18  General Design Requirements: ................................................................................... 17  8. Admin features ........................................................................................................ 18  9. Quality Assurance ................................................................................................... 19  10. Cost and Timeline ................................................................................................. 20  11. Liabilities................................................................................................................ 21 

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1. POLICIES The following policies are undertaken by FACEBOOKSTER at during the development and delivery of the project: •

FACEBOOKSTER will not be responsible for data entry.

Design changes after 30 % of the project completion would not be entertained.

Timeline can vary due to client feedback and other circumstances.

2 Changes / Revisions will be entertained per Milestone.

After 2 Changes / Revisions of a project per milestone, will be subjected to extra payments, depending on the Changes / Revisions requested.

FACEBOOKSTER will not be liable to purchase any 3rd party scripts, if required.

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2. INTRODUCTION The application entitled “Friends for Sale” is a Facebook application that allows users to buy and sell friends. Users can give nicknames to their friends, add them to favorites list and can also send gifts to make friends feel good. Users earn money whenever a friend buy them or they sell a friend, the more friends are bought and sold by user, the more capital is build up in his account which can be utilized further to get connected with more people on facebook. Aim of this game is to be the richest and most powerful pimp. The more money, items and people user owns the more powerful and wealthy he is.

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3. SCOPE This document “Scope of Work for Friends for Sale facebook Application” has been written with the purpose to confirm all the requirements demanded for the design and development of this project. All requirements captured for the project will be defined within this document. On completion, this document will be handed over to the client for review.

FACEBOOKSTER is a software development and consulting company based in Pakistan. One of the main objectives of FACEBOOKSTER is to keep abreast of and to work with latest software development technologies. FACEBOOKSTER has developed software in latest technologies with current developments. The project would be developed offshore to make it cost effective for the Client. To make the development process robust, a senior developer, having management skills, would be available onsite. A bimonthly status meeting is suggested to ensure the correct direction of the project as well as to provide visibility of development to the Client.

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4. INTENDED AUDIENCE The intended audiences for this application are regular Facebook users, their friends and contacts around the world who are interested in buying friends just for fun.

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Explanation of Overview Diagram: The overview diagram depicts the main picture of the application which shows that on home page user is shown friends for sale tutorial which mentions few rules of the game and different ways in which money can be earned along with other tabs like add to favoriteslist, send gift and buy a friend. Money earned by user can be utilized to buy friends and send exciting gifts to them. Gifts are further divided into four categories toys, food, flowers and pets. All activities of user are displayed in news feed and mini feed section.

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7. FUNCTIONALITIES The main functionalities of this application are:



This is the initial step of this application, the user first needs to join the application in order to be a part of “Friends for Sale Application”. User needs to go to the application page and click on "Add Application”. Once the user has added the application, he can immediately start exploring the application.



Home page is where user is directed after he has logged into the application, main display gives a brief description of the game as to how can user be a powerful person, what is the main idea of the game and how can he be more rich than his friends and the rest are shown below: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9)

How much each item costs. How much does each item affect the power? How much does a body guard cost? How much does a bitch cost? How much does a body guard effect power? How much does a bitch affect power? How much money does the user gain when logging in at least every 2 hours? How much money does a user lose when being gunned down? How much power does a user lose when gunned down?

Secondly, home page will display ‘Rules’ of the game, which are illustrated below: 1) You can buy/offer to any of the application users (including your body guards, bitches and other pimps) a bikini or a G-string or any other item. This makes you spend some money every time you offer something to someone. 2) Logging in every 2 hours +, will gain you a certain amount of money only. 3) As soon as you join the application, you gain a certain amount. 4) When someone is gunned down, they lose certain power and money. However, the rule is that you can only gun one person every 24 hours. 5) You cannot gun someone down when you do not have a gun.

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6) Your body guards or bitches cannot have equal amount of money as you. If two users have equal amount of money, none of you can own the other person. Your bitches and bodyguards must have less money and power than you.

Next, home page will display the news-feed history mentioning users and his friend’s activities in the game, current cash status of the user and other similar news sorted by time and date. The history should go back maximum 14 days. Home page will also show who is the richest pimp so far out of all user’s friends and what is his/her power. There will be a link to ‘Invite Friends’ section which will take user to invite friends page from where he can select and invite his friends to this application. There will be a link to ‘Buy items’ that takes the user to the page where he can select items to purchase. A link that will take user to the live chat place. A link that will take user to message boards. The homepage will show a list of what items user own. The homepage will show to the user who’s his bitches. The homepage will show to the user who’s his body guard. The homepage will show how much money user owns currently. The homepage will show how much power user has. A link for the CPA. A “favorites list” which is will show those items which have been added by user in this section. A space on the side that will show user’s own picture and his pimps picture (if he have one), otherwise not. Link that will show which of user’s friends have installed the application. Search criteria where by user can see application users by doing a search by gender, money and server. Home page also show a few featured gifts, these are just a couple of gifts and more gift items can be accessed by clicking on a gift item which will take user to a new page where user can see all the gift items that application offers. The user can create an album just for the game so people who are interested in buying can browse the pictures and the owner can choose from the album which picture to be the game picture for this particular user (that he bought earlier). Users will receive a particular amount of bonus money when they reach a certain limit of cash and power. This bonus amount and the scale of cash and power after which bonus will be received will also be mentioned on home page. •

Application Tabs On Home Page: The user will view the following tabs on home page:

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o o o o o o o o o o o o o o


Richest Pimp. Invite Friends link. Buy Items link. Chat. Message Boards. List of items owned. Your Britches’. Your Bodyguards. Money. Power. Link for CPA. Favorites list. Featured gifts. Album.


When user clicks on any of his friends who have the application from the link, he gets the following options; • Make them his bitches • Make them his body guards • Give them something (like a G string) • Change their nick-names • User can see their power and how much money they have. • User can see if they are pimps, bitches or body guards for other users. • Their friends who have the application with similar options next to them as user’s friends. • Gun down. 2) When user clicks on his bitches, he can see options next to them that will allow user to choose what he wants them to do. The options are as follows; • Do a lap dance to one of the application users that user chooses (even if he/she is a pimp) for money. • To strip to any of the application users for money. • Light a spliff to any of the application users for money. 3) When user clicks on his body guards, he can see options next to them that will allow him to choose what he wants them to do. The options are as follows; o Gun down a pimp, bitch or a bodyguard. 4)

‘Add to Favorites list’. This link adds this friend to user’s favorites list.

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When the user clicks on the link to buy items, it will show the user different items such as a watch, a bag of weed, a hat, chains, guns etc. When the user clicks on one of the items such as a “watch”, there will be more options to buy different kinds of watches with different prices and the user can purchase the item of his choice.



When user buys a friend this news story is shown in application’s mini feed section which shows that all stories related to the purchases made by that particular friend. For example when a user buy a friend, mini feed will say ‘user has bought xyz friend for $X, earning friend $Y’. Friend’s wall is also displayed below the mini feed section where user can post a few lined comments about his friend and press the ‘Post’ button to get these comments posted on friend’s wall and viewed by the friend.



Home page shows the ‘Choose a gift to your friend’ option along with the visual images of just a few gifts but when user clicks on this option he is directed to a new page where he can see a wide range of gift items sorted categorically. User can select adorable toys, food items, pets or plants and flowers to send as gifts to their friends. User can also give a human as a gift (some one user bought can be given as a gift to somebody else). With each gift item the money it would cost when it is being send to a friend is mentioned and when a particular gift item is selected by the user, respective amount of cash will be deducted from his account. After selecting the gift item, user needs to enter name of the friend in the search box given on the same page. (Names and money figures of the gifts will be given later by client).



User can add his friends to his favorites list list by clicking on ‘Add to favorites list’ link, when a friend has been added to your favorites list, a message is displayed saying ‘You added friend to your favorites list”.

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Friends can be searched by typing in the name of the friend you want to search for in the search bar present on home page of the application. If the friend is present in user’s facebook friends list then search result will take user to friends’ detail page where he can see current value of the friend, cash owned by friend and user can ‘do stuff to friend’, ‘send him a gift’, ’write on friends wall’ directly from this page.



Application will include a feature that allows the user to buy and sell his friends and application users through auctions. This will take place in the way that user can throw one of his friends in the auction pool, display the lowest price and highest price that he will accept. The auction will be open for 7 days from the day it began and the seller can award the auctioned friend to anyone he wishes to sell.



User can earn money in the following ways: Cash is added to users account on inviting friends. Logging in every 2 hours +, will gain user a certain amount of money only. As soon as user joins the application, he gains a certain amount of money. Cash is awarded to the user when he is bought by someone. Cash is added to users pocket when he buys a friend. 7.11


Chat rooms are a great place to meet and communicate with friends. User can find chat rooms where he can get involved in discussions with his friends. 7.12


Following sections are available in this tab: 7.12..1


This section will show the recently posted messages by the members of the application, these messages are sorted by date and the latest message will be displayed on the top and then others.

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User needs to click on a particular message to view the discussions made and message posted by others regarding that particular topic. 7.12..2


Forums helps users to get advice, share your plans, or just chat. Users can discuss different issues like planning events, parties and much more through forums.



This tab will take the user to Invite friends page where like any Facebook Application user can invite his friends to this application. User can select up to 20 Facebook Friends by clicking on their picture or by entering their names in the textbox which will be provided above the pictures. Once the user has selected his friends he will have to click on Send Invitation button which will open a message box confirming that the user wants to send the invitation to the selected friends. User will be awarded a particular amount of money on inviting friends, this money is decided by admin. 7.14


The activities done by user in this application are displayed in news feed section like when user buys a friend or send a gift or do an activity with the friend. When others buy user this information is also shown in news feed saying user is bought by xyz and earned $X for the user.



The application is displayed on the user profile page on the right corner. Image of the application is displayed along with a link which takes the user directly to the application. Some text is also displayed which specifies username and a few lines about the application.



Advertising banners will be running on all user pages to generate the revenue to keep application running. •

Application Tabs : The user will view the following tabs on home page:

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o o o o o

7.17 • • • •

Home. Buy a Friend. Send Gift. Favorites list. Invite Friends.


Linux, referring to the operating system. Apache, the Web server. MySQL, the database management system (or database server). PHP, the programming language.



Logo of the application will be (cartoon character) snoop doggy style. Gifts send by users should be shown in graphical drawing style.

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8. ADMIN FEATURES Admin will have the following responsibilities in this application: • • • • • • • • • • •

To keep track of number of users in the application. Number of friends invited. Admin can edit, insert and delete gift items from the gifts collection. All gifts values will be decided by admin. Admin will deduct the cash from user’s account on sending a gift. Admin will decide the amount of cash awarded to the user on inviting friends, buying friends and on being bought by someone else. Admin will be provided with CMS to make changes in the application. Admin will keep track of every time login of the user and award him cash accordingly. Administrator can add/remove/modify list of banner advertisements. Admin has the ability to ban/remove the users from the application. Administrator will also be able to ban the users(if required) and can also remove ban on users which have been banned, once the ban has been removed from the user he can then access the application and its features.

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9. QUALITY ASSURANCE As per FACEBOOKSTER quality assurance policy, one and only one of the persons involved in the project would have a role and responsibility of QA. The units, modules, project would be released only if QA approves the quality. a) FACEBOOKSTER plans to use a modular architecture, modular both horizontally (user functionality), and vertically (system components). The design of the system would compose of components having well defined interfaces. Having a component oriented design helps maintaining various aspects of system development and maintenance, most notably change management. b) All parts of the system would be accessible via a well designed user centric graphical user interface.

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Cost: 1500 $. Timeline: 4 weeks.

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11. LIABILITIES FACEBOOKSTER liability is limited to and will not exceed to the total amount paid by Client to FACEBOOKSTER during and after the project development.

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