Scientology Exposed

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Scientology There is no escaping a commentary about Scientology. I've written about it for years, but I didn't outline a concrete sketch of this controversial organization. The head of Scientology today


David Miscavige. Now, it's the time to achieve that goal of fully exposing Scientology from beginning to end. An ex-African American Scientologist named Jesse Prince says that: “The current leader of Scientology, David Miscavige is a racist and extremist.” Jesse Prince was a top level Scientologist and an assistant to David Miscavige. Prince said that he was called racial slurs by leading Scientologist even from David in a WMNF Radio Interview in December 4, 1998. Both David and Jesse nearly fought over this issue. Jenna Miscavige Hill is another former Scientology that was forced to do excessive labor as a little girl. She is the daughter of Ron Miscavige, Jr., the brother of Church of Scientology leader David Miscavige. Now, it's the time to achieve that goal of fully exposing Scientology from beginning to end. It is famous and has many Hollywood stars as apart of it. I'm not backing down from dissenting with Scientology at all. That is apart of my belief system. I'm a man. It is estimated that Scientology has more than 7 million members worldwide. Its founder was L. Ron Hubbard. It was created in 1953. Hubbard was a science fiction writer. He wrote a book entitled "Dianetics." Many ties of these false religions like in Scientology is about the propping up of man's Ego, the love of the occult including apostates, and the distortion about the view of God. Scientology is a strange organization that has been criticized heavily in recent years. According to a quote from >Frequently Asked Questions >What is Scientology About?:

"...Scientology further holds man to be basically good, and that his spiritual salvation depends upon himself and his fellows and his attainment of brotherhood with the universe..." The Bible says plainly that no man is good, he is sinful (as found in Romans 3:23, 5:12) and he can't save himself by himself (as found in Ephesians 2:8-9). Romans 3:12 outlines clearly that, "They

are all gone out of the way, they are together become unprofitable; there is none that doeth good, no, not one." Hubbard even said that goodness and badness didn't really exist. Hubbard embraces moral relativism, which I never subscribe to. The logo of Scientology looks like 2 triangles with an S on it. The Triangle looks similar to the Delta Greek letter alphabet. Plainly, Scientology is a repacking of New Age philosophies and teachings. The New Age Movement wants to merge all religions into one belief structure. From their own website, Scientology believes that man is immortal, he is a spiritual being, and a handling of the spirit (This is also very Gnostic since in Gnosticism every thing in spirit is holy, while physical matter is condemned. Scientology teaches that spirit is trapped in MEST or in the matter, energy, space, and time construct. The truth is that many things physical along with spiritual things can be holy). Gnosticism believes that personal attainment of insight is done through a series of stages. This is just like Scientology. L. Ron Hubbard denied that the material world had truth. Hubbard said "The ultimate truth ... has no mass, meaning, mobility, no wavelength, no time, no location in space, no space...."(Phoenix Lectures, p.180, Scientology Axiom 35). Bashing the material world is again a key tenet of Gnosticism. The truth is that many things in the material world are holy and is composed of the truth. Self improvement being a key to making man immortal is a purely New Age teaching. Hubbard view that he had lives from other planets. He believed that an evil-Creator being called Xenu trapped humans and did allowed alien spirits to implant memories into human beings (on Earth) from 75 million years ago. Scientology maintains that Earth is prison planet that has millions of souls of murdered intergalactic beings. Hubbard believes that his version of science mental health and religious philosophy (via technology) can cause humans to have immortality (along with spiritual fulfillment). Scientology claims to be compatible with religions, but L. Ron Hubbard is quoted of saying that man invented God, there is no Christ, Christianity was a product of a false implant, and other bizarre things. Now, this is Gnosticism repackaged also. Gnosticism incorporates the same lies that L. Ron Hubbard enjoys to promote. The reason is that Gnosticism teaches that an evil Creator God named Jehovah trapped matter on Earth to create the physical man (for control). The Gnostics invert the Biblical story of Adam and Eve picturing the Serpent as the good guy. The truth is the opposite. Physical matter is not all evil, the Serpent is evil, and Almighty God is holy for creating physical plus spiritual life in the Universe. L. Ron Hubbard was a science fiction writer and he has been rifled with scandal. Even Time Magazine wrote about it: "...The Church of Scientology, started by science-fiction writer L. Ron Hubbard to "clear" people of unhappiness, portrays itself as a religion. In reality the church is a hugely profitable global racket that survives by intimidating members and critics in a Mafia-like manner. At times during the past decade, prosecutions against Scientology seemed to be curbing its menace. Eleven top Scientologists, including Hubbard's wife, were sent to prison in the early 1980s for infiltrating, burglarizing and wiretapping more than 100 private and government agencies in attempts to block their investigations. In recent years hundreds of longtime Scientology adherents -- many charging that they were mentally of physically abused -- have quit the church and criticized it at their own risk. Some have sued the church and won; others have settled for amounts in excess of $500,000. In various cases judges have labeled the church "schizophrenic and paranoid" and "corrupt, sinister and dangerous..." (Time Magazine; May 6, 1991; Page 50; Special Report (cover story); by Richard Behar; "The Thriving Cult of Greed and Power")

Scientology views that man is insufficient, because he has "engrams." According to Jason Kovar, Scientology use E-meters or lie detectors to attempt to change people's lives. This is classified as auditing. Of course, Scientology have a hatred of psychiatry. Hubbard was heavily involved in the occult as was Aleister Crowley. The biographer Bent Corydon wrote that the Book of the Law (as written by Satanist and British Intelligence agent Aleister Crowley) influenced Hubbard. Hubbard by

the later 1940's was an associate of occultist Jack Parsons. Parsons was the head of Crowley OTO or the Ordo Templi Orientis. Jack Parsons was the head of the Agape Lodge of the Church of Thelema in Los Angeles (The Agape Lodge was an aspect of the OTO). Parsons was a NASA rocket scientist who died in an explosion. Hubbard and Parsons performed magic rituals together in attempting to cause the New Aeon in the world. The Aeon is Greek for the Age. So, both men wanted the new world order through their occultism. Jack Parsons was anti-Christian and wanted the Antichrist to rise up. Kosar writes that Parsons described to Crowley that Hubbard had great understanding of Magic (plus Parsons believed that he was guided by a "Guardian Angel"). Now, L. Ron Hubbard utilized Crowleyan philosophy, Gnosticism, and occultism to devise his new religion of Scientology. That is why Hubbard said in a taped Scientology lecture that: “Our whole activity

tends to make an individual completely independent of any type of limitation.... Old Aleister Crowley had some interesting things to say about this. He wrote the Book of the Law.” Crowley wrote that he wants no limitation as cited in his book entitled "Magick in Theory." Even Crowley's tarot card was adopted as a logo for Scientology (and image of a cross with and X on it). His own son L. Ron Hubbard Jr. exposed L. Ron Hubbard as wanting to be the Devil and Scientology being influenced by the satanic powers (on tape, L. Ron Hubbard Jr. said these words. I heard them, so this isn't a lie at all). Crowleyan philosophy influenced Hollywood since much of Hollywood reject traditional norms of society. Some of them desire a rebellion against Judeo-Christian values and that is why many of the Hollywood crowd join Scientology (along with other reasons). Hubbard even issued "Project Celebrity" to attempt to win over celebrities to their side. There are other occult connections to Scientology. Now, Hubbard wrote the book of Dianetics in 1950 that expressed his Scientology views. Some believe that Freud's "Unconscious" book influenced Dianetics. L. Ron Hubbard admitted that he used automatic writing, speaking, and clairvoyance (as found in the source of Hubbard, "Dianetics: the Evolution of a Science" originally printed in Astounding Science Fiction, May 1950. Republished by AOSH DK Publications Department, 1972, quotation from p.56, see also p.59). A person said that Hubbard contacted the "Empress" (or a false spirit guide) to write the book of Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health. In 1945, Hubbard became involved with Crowley's acolyte, Jack Parsons. Parsons wrote to Crowley that Hubbard had "described his angel as a beautiful winged woman with red hair, whom he calls the Empress, and who has guided him through his life and saved him many times." In the Crowleyite system, adherents seek contact with their "Holy Guardian Angel". Hubbard and Parsons worked in magical rituals regularly. Both of them did the secret 8th degree ritual of the OTO in January of 1946. They tried to attract a woman willing to participate in the next stage of Hubbard and Parsons' Sex Magick (they wanted to incarnate the Scarlet Woman as described in the Book of Revelations since both were anti-Christians. L. Ron Hubbard blasphemeously said that Christ was an implant or that he didn't exist). Aliester Crowley called Hubbard and Parsons idiots basically. This ritual was called The Babalon Working. L. Ron Hubbard was a temporary member of the Ancient and Mystical Order Rosae Crucis or AMORC in 1940. L. Ron Hubbard stole Parson's girlfriend. In a 1952 Scientology lecture, Hubbard referred to "Aleister Crowley, my very good friend." Although, Crowley never met Hubbard and Crowley didn't respect Hubbard at all. Hubbard still recommended Crowley's literature to Scientologists. Why would Scientology promote works from a Satanist like Aliester Crowley unless Scientology was influenced by the occult. Both Crowley and Hubbard believed that they experienced past lives. Scientology was involved in Operation “Freakout.” This was about Scientologists harassing Paulette Cooper, who is the author of “The Scandal of Scientology.” Their plan was to have Cooper to be incarcerated in a mental institution or jail at least to hit her so hard that she will drop her attacks. This plan tried to make it look as though Cooper was planning bomb threats. This occurred in 1976. In 1978, there was Operation Snow White where L. Ron Hubbard ordered some of his followers to infiltrate the IRS and other government agencies (they wanted to get tax exemption status for their religion, get rid of incriminating info about the group, and discover personal information about critics of Scientology). It was the single largest infiltration of the U.S. government in history. They had been breaking into the IRS for years via stealing documents and tapping phones. 11 high ranking Scientologist including Hubbard‘s wife Mary sue were indicted, charged, convicted, and jailed.

Tom Cruise is the most famous Scientologist. He is one of the highest paid actors in Hollywood and wants to be paid extremely high for films. In many of Tom Cruise's films from Top Gun, Cocktail, Jerry McGuire, Eyes Wide Shut, Tropic Thunder, etc. they depict a man who is defiant to God, have profanity, and even have Gnostic like teachings. Tom Cruise is a big puppet. He was raised Catholic. Cruise's mother is a practicing Roman Catholic and is a Scientologist. The Valkyrie film came up around the time of Christmas 2008. Tom Cruise is starring in the film as Claus von Stauffenberg. He was the man involved in a plot to kill Hitler with a briefcase bomb in 1944. Notice that some of the money spent on this movie will go into Tom Cruise's cult of Scientology. Ironically, Scientology has view similar to the Nazis in believing in lesser races and global domination. Valkyrie has received tons of promotion in this latter part of 2008. There has been controversy in Germany about the movie. Many German politicians and the Stauffenberg family don't agree with Cruise's casting in the film. Germany itself bans Scientology. That is why Scientologists must send their children to Danish schools from across the border. Now, I don't agree with that since even I agree with religious freedom. Germany is also wrong to ban home schooling. Berthold von Stauffenberg, the son of Cruise’s character, said in a public statement, “Cruise should keep his hands off my father.” Why would Cruise play this role when even Clauss's own son said that Cruise shouldn't do it. It could be to covertly promote the aims of Scientology (which hates psychiatry. There are evil philosophies in psychiatry, but there is nothing wrong with legitimate therapy, real medicine, or counseling that can help those afflicted with mental illness at all). L. Ron Hubbard (who founded Scientology) believed that Hitler used a secret cabal of psychiatrists to develop his eugenics program in order to exterminate human beings.

Now, Scientiologists believe that Xenu (or what Scientologists believe was the evil Creator being) as advised by psychiatrists to implant "lesser" alien races' souls or thetans into CroMagnon humans 75 million years ago. They believe that each human body has a thetan or other souls called body thetans (which are responsible for anger, fear, illness, etc.). This extreme view is the justification Scientologists use to promote vitamin supplements when vitamins should be for health reasons (not to advance a false religious view). The OT Level VII believe they are not a lesser human but a superior race of Homo novis. These views are similar to the numerous Nazi racial supremacist lies. Scientologists view all religion as Xenu's brainwashing campaign utilizing dead alien souls with body thetans. L. Ron Hubbard believed in clearing the planet. That means segregating or even exterminating people with a level 2.0 or down in their tone scale (Hubbard admitted to this in his book The Science of Survival, on p. 157. That is why Lisa Ruby proved that Hubbard bashed individuals who were disabled). L. Ron Hubbard was a racist and said slurs against many ethnic groups ironically. Cruise is a hypocrite for starring in an "anti-Nazi" film when his cult has ethnic controversies and proextermination tenets itself. Not to mention that the film omits the Vatican/Jesuit links to the Nazi Empire. The good news is that people should pray that Cruise should wake up about Scientology (repent of his own soul to God) and leave that organization completely. Scientology have OT levels. These levels range from O-20. There are higher levels in it. Da Vinci Con film and Kosar found a secret OT-8 Document where Hubbard describes his real mission on Earth (that is to derail the Second Coming of Jesus Christ on Earth). According to the document, Hubbard writes that: "...No doubt you are familiar with the Revelations section of the Bible where various events are predicted. Also mentioned is a brief period of time in which an arch-enemy of Christ, referred to as the anti-Christ, will reign and his opinions will have sway. All this makes for very fantastic, entertaining reading but there is truth in it. This anti-Christ represents the forces of Lucifer (literally, the 'light bearer' or 'light bringer').... My mission could be said to fulfill the Biblical promise represented by this brief anti-Christ period. During this period there is a fleeting opportunity for the whole scenario to be effectively derailed, which would make it impossible for the mass Marcabian landing (Second Coming) to take place. So there you have it. The secret that I have kept close to my chest all these years...." The Bible in the book of Revelations has the opposite opinion. The Book of Revelation outlines the new Kingdom of Jesus Christ ruling the world from the Holy City of Jerusalem. Revelation 19:11-20:3 outlines these events clearly. Hollywood individuals like the late Sonny Bono, Priscilla and Lisa Marie Presley, the late Isaac Hayes, John Travolta, Kristie Alley, Catherine Bell (from the Lifetime show called "Army Wives"), and even famous rapper Doug E. Fresh are members of Scientology. Some of them join it since much of Hollywood abhor organized religion and want man to be praised up almost on the level of God. Others are deceived about their true teachings or Scientology's real history. Scientology still has controversies about the mysterious deaths of people like Lisa McPherson and others. I will always remember the dead victims' names. L. Ron Hubbard was the founder of this cult. He was not only a psychopath (with blatantly false and extreme views), but he used the occult (as followed by Nostradamus, Himmler, Eliphas Levi, Joseph Smith, John Dee, and others) and Satanic views as the foundation of his Scientology organization. You know the tree by what fruit it shows. The foundation of Scientology is based upon false claims and evil doctrines point blank with wicked fruit. Ironically, the fraud L. Ron Hubbard was convicted of fraud being sentenced to 4 years in prison (in a French court) in 1978. He stolen $200 million from his group. He died in hiding as a fugitive. So, Scientology is a dangerous cult, it ruins lives, and they have been accused of killing people for decades.

Lisa McPherson February 10, 1959 – December 5, 1995

Scientology have done some evil things before. God is certainly great to give us the opportunity to expose this religion. We expose it with the Word of God (which is sharper than any 2-edged sword) in a fashion similar to spiritual warfare. This is Lisa McPherson’s story. Even though she was in a false religion, doesn’t mean we refuse to defend her life. We need to fight for justice for all people and encourage also all people to be saved. Lisa was born in February 10, 1959 and she passed away when she was 36 years old. In 1977, Lisa McPherson joins Scientology. By the 1980’s, she is an active member of the group. She spent thousands of dollars per year on “audits” and self improvement courses. At the time of her death, she only had a total of $151 in all of her bank accounts. Critics of Scientology hold annual pickets and vigils in downtown Clearwater, Florida

marking the anniversary of her death. On November 18, 1995, Lisa was involved in a minor car accident. She wasn’t hurt, came out of the vehicle, took all of her clothes, and acted mentally unstable. She was taken to the hospital where doctors wanted her to be psychologically cared for. She went to see a psychiatrist. Scientologists came in the hospital and stated that Lisa didn’t believe in psychiatry and left with them. They sent her to Ft. Harrison Hotel for rest. She was in the Hotel in solitary confinement probably against her will. She was bill $240 for a cassette tape series to listen to. Some Scientology church logs were missing and a high-ranking ex-Scientologist claimed that the church destroyed logs that would make them experience trouble. On December 5, 1995, Lisa was taken from her room at the hotel and put in the back seat of a van. This was 17 days after being taken from the hospital. Morton Plant Hospital was only 1.1 miles away from the Ft. Harrison Hotel. Why did the Scientologist drive her to the nearest hospital? They reason is that they were so extremist to support their views, that their selfishness killed her. The Scientologists drove her to Columbia New Port Richey Hospital since it had a Scientologist doctor on staff. This was ca. 24 miles away. She later died. She was pronounced dead immediately on arrival at the Columbia New Port Richey Hospital. We must Note that on December 6, 1995, the autopsy filed by the Pinellas Pasco Medical Examiner’s Office showed Lisa McPherson’s 5 foot 9, 108 lbs. body as severely dehydrated, arms and legs bruised, and her skin cracked. Her skin was also scaling, had bug bites, etc. Lisa was underweight, severely dehydrated, and had bruises plus bites from cockroaches. Her left pulmonary artery was blocked by a fatal blood clot brought on by dehydration and bed rest. Wayne Shelar, police spokesman said that: “The Clearwater Police Department doesn’t think she died of natural causes.” Since the Scientologists were the people who were present during her death, logic would tell you that they contributed to her death. The Scientologists caring for Lisa obviously weren’t medical experts, so they violated the law as well. The family of Lisa sued Scientology for wrongful death, yet Scientology claimed no responsibility to this day. On November 13, 1996, Scientologists were accused of 2 felony charges in Lisa’s death. On June 12, 2000, the charges were dropped. The reason was that the prosecutor said that the medical examiner couldn’t be trusted to testify even though Scientologists abused Lisa (a disabled person) and practiced medicine with no license (that’s against the law). A civil suit brought by her family

against the Church was settled on May 28, 2004. At least a civil suit came about, but some of these Scientology criminals escaped real justice on this Earth. Lisa McPherson was left to die without food or water. During Judgment Day, those criminals will be exposed.

L. Ron Hubbard’s Evil Quotes 1). “Well there’s India, a wonderful place except for its people.” (L. Ron Hubbard, From “The Control of Hysteria.”) 2). “They smell of al the baths they didn’t take…The trouble with China is, there are too many (racial slur) here.” (His Personal Journal from 1928). 3). “I’d like to start a religion. That’s where the money is.” (L. Ron Hubbard to Lloyd A. Esbhach, in 1949; quoted by Eshbach in OVER MY SHOULDER REFLECTIONS). 4). “Fair game may be deprived of property or injured by any Scientologist without any discipline of the Scientologist.” (Hubbard Commmunications Office Policy Letter, October 18, 1967) 5). “There is no more ethical group on this planet than ourselves.” (Keeping

Sceintology Working. February 7, 1965 which was reissued on August 27, 1980) 6). “In any event, any person from 2.0 down on the Tone Scale should not have, in any thinking society, andy civil rights of any kind..” (Science of Survival, 1989, Ed. P. 145) 7). “THE ONLY WAY YOU CAN CONTROL PEOPLE IS TO LIE TO THEM. You can write that down in your book in great big letters. The only way you can control anybody is to lie to them.” (L. Ron Hubbard, “Off the Time Track,” Lecture of June 1952, excerpted in JOURNAL OF SCIENTOLOGY Issue 18-G). 8). Scientology is the only specific (cure) for radiation (atomic bomb) burns.” (L. Ron Hubbard, ALL ABOUT RADIATION, pg. 109).

By Timothy

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