Scientific Liberalism

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THE SECULAR HUMANIST STATE The American Experiment A unifying theory of physical morality and evolutionary ethics As driven by supramacro-socioeconomic forces that shaped and reshapes History and culture of a species that has a brain capable of facilitating Biochemical algorithmic processing constructs essential for the Intellectual evolution of a species from creature to creator

This paper is a synopsis of the upcoming book Scientific Liberalism And the Secular Humanist State By Alfred Sturrup Copyright 2009 by Alfred Sturrup. All rights reserved.

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Copyright 2009 by Alfred Sturrup. All rights reserved. 


American Exceptionalism The Quintessential Truth about the United States The United States of America is the most powerful military-industrial complex in the history of planet earth. Despite this fact it is a nation deeply conflicted about its true purpose and destiny. The confusion is rooted in the erroneous perception that the United States is inextricable from its Judeo– Christian ethic roots; this paper argues the contrary. In light of the deep religious traditions embedded in American history this argument seems moot; but is it? The pertinent solution question relevant to the argument is, “Does the conception environment of a new ideology inseminate it with inalienable and inextricable values?” Marxist ideology was conceived in a Judeo-Christian environment but few would argue that Marxism is a Judeo-Christian ideology. Likewise the conception of the United States within Judeo-Christian environment is not validation of the proposition that United States a JudeoChristian nation. The question is can the United States be extricated from its germinating environment? The determinant of inextricability or non-inextricability is the “value system consistency“ between the conceived ideology and the conception environment ideology. If they are adverse then any argument of inextricability becomes moot. The comparative value system between Judeo-Christian values and American values is the origin of sovereignty. The diagram below enumerates the adverse differentials between Judeo-Christian sovereignty and US governmental sovereignty. Judeo-Christian State – Government of George III Theo-Centric State GOD – the essence of power and authority Priest – God’s vicar, validates authority of king King – Earthly executor of god’s power and authority People – Subjects of the king God is Sovereign Priest is god’s spiritual appointee King is god’s secular manager of the nation People god’s sheep and the king’s subjects

Secular Humanist State – Government of the People Human-Centric State People – the essence of power and authority Representative – public managers of the government Government –Executes the will of the people People is Sovereign Representative managers of the people’s collective affairs

The Judeo-Christian State is permeated with homage and subservience to a god-deity whereas the Secular Humanist State is permeated with homage and governmental subservience to “we the people” (humanism). Neither the DNA (Secular Humanist State) nor the birth certificate (the Constitution) reflects the sovereignty model as defined by Judeo-Christian ethic. The Unites States is (arguably) the first of a distinctly different class of nations, the godless state. American Exceptionalism is rooted in its secular humanist ideals; the historical failures that mar its history are due to the adverse impact of negative and corrupting theological moral and ethical equivocations. These pseudo-moral and pseudoethical doctrines authenticated most if not all of America’s historical crimes against humanity. These crimes are not inherently American; rather, they are the historical continuum of the same JudeoChristian negative cultural values that precipitated the pilgrims’ flight from the horrors of George III England. This is fully recognized by the proponents of Judeo-Christian values; that is why they challenge the truth about the religious authentication of evil (e.g. slavery). It is important to note that theology and religion are inevitable conclusions for a species evolving from mere creature to creator. The same is true of Secular Humanism, which is the post-deity phase of cultural evolution. There are two great bodies of evolutionary laws, one is the Laws of Physical Dynamics and the other is the Laws of Socioeconomic Dynamics. The Laws of Physical Dynamics shaped and reshapes the universe by transforming energy into matter, matter into living matter, and living matter into intelligent living matter (evolution). The Laws of Socioeconomic Dynamics shaped and reshapes the cultural universe by transforming scavengers into hunter-gatherers, huntergatherers into domesticators, domesticators into industrialists, and industrialists into technocrats. These laws govern the cultural evolutionary process and they are only applicable to a species with a brain capable of achieving intelligence. When the aggregate of scientific knowledge produces

Copyright 2009 by Alfred Sturrup. All rights reserved. 


technological change that reaches a critical mass the intelligent species will create a new socioeconomic paradigm to manage the technology. This paradigm becomes the next phase, of the cultural evolutionary continuum. At the core of intellectual evolution is the algorithmic dynamics of the triune brain. The ancients were cognizant of the results of these processes and concluded they were the caused by higher powers. The higher powers concept evolved into various types of godconstructs. The deity socioeconomic model was incompetent in managing a domesticated economy but detrimental to a scientifically and technologically advance and ever advancing economy. That is why theology and religion are passé. Religious intransigence and violence are product of its inability to manage issues raised by advance technological constructs. The defining act of American Exceptionalism is its “first” status; i.e. the United States is the first Constitutional Secular Humanist Sate. The achievement of this status was the rejection of the JudeoChristian “Divine Rights” lineage that was accepted as the sole essence of legitimate governance. The rationale for Divine Rights is the Judeo-Christian cosmology, which states “In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth”; as creator, god is the sovereign owner of the universe and all therein including our solar system, the earth and “we the people”. The rationale states that god appoints a sovereign potentate who is authenticated by God’s earthly shepherd (vicar, priest pope etc.); in this system “we the people” are nothing more than subservient sheep under the authority of both vicar (social authority) and potentate (economic and military authority). When the founders’ signed the Constitution they rejected the Judeo-Christian sovereignty model; this act negated all moral and legal principals legitimized under the Divine Rights principal. The founders established a constitutional paradigm placing “we the people” at the top and the sole essence of governmental legitimacy. With this act the founders established a new nation status, the godless secular humanist state. If the essence of governmental legitimacy comes from the people, and not god, then god has no power or authority over the state. The Corrupting of a Secular Humanist State From its inception Judeo-Christian values dominated United States politics and public policy. As stated previously, the United States was conceived in a Judeo-Christian environment at a time when scientific moral and ethical codes were yet to evolve. This phenomenon satiated the maxim that states nature abhors a vacuum. The moral and ethical vacuum was filled by the prevailing Judeo-Christian morality construct. These religious values were diametrically opposed to the nation’s secular humanist needs and therefore antithetical to the evolution of that “more perfect union”. The adverse influence corrupted and retarded the progressive-liberal agenda that was and is essential for achieving the founders’ mandate as stated in the preamble to the Constitution. We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity.

American Exceptionalism is rooted in the advance of science and technology, the exclusive pathway to that “more perfect union”. Religious dogma assumes a singular paradigm of the perfect union; that paradigm is called heaven and there is one passport office, religious institution (commonly called the church, mosque, or temple). The preamble to the Constitution liberated citizens from the horrors of religious tyranny (hell and damnation) by obviating religious corporate legitimacy. Instead they established a secular state and charged it with the burden of evolving into paradise that “more perfect union”. Religion is a stubborn construct; like weeds it is difficult to eradicate from the garden of humanity’s best hope. Removal of religious dogma from the public sphere is not about hatred of religion; it is about the advance of humanity towards that “more perfect union”. It is important to recognize that religion evolved to satiate real socioeconomic needs but; it is more important to recognize that a new moral and ethical paradigm (culture) that is conducive to the success of modernity. The Laws of Socioeconomic Dynamics The Laws of Socioeconomic Dynamics is a body of law that determines the survival fitness of a species. This body of law is inseparable from the Laws of Physical Dynamics, which determines the survival fitness of the universe and its constituent parts (energy, matter, neutrons, protons, electrons, Copyright 2009 by Alfred Sturrup. All rights reserved. 


molecules, stars, planets, etc.). Likewise, The Laws of Social Dynamics is the moral law of living matter that mandates the cause and effect, which determines the perpetuation (survival) or termination (extinction) of a species life span. To achieve the fittest status, and thereby ensure its survival, a species must evolve a socioeconomic code of conduct that extrapolates beneficial results from the Laws of Physical Dynamics. This code of conduct is called ethics. Morality and ethics are scientific laws, not subjective opinions. Ethics is the efficient modality that determines the survival of a species within the context of its evolutionary history. Thus the survival ethics of a tortoise is different from the survival ethics of a human being yet both must comply with the immutable moral law of survival. Species ethical differential determines the socioeconomic construct conducive to maximizing the survival of each species. It is therefore possible to construct an objective matrix that extrapolates the ethical code of any given species; this matrix is called the Species Survival Matrix. The Species Survival Matrix consists of the four moral categories enumerated below: 1. 2. 3. 4.

Acquisition Acquisition Acquisition Acquisition

of of of of

nutriment (food, gasses, minerals, water etc.) physical comfort zone (clothing, fur, hide, etc.) security assets (shelter and defensive mechanism) reproductive technique (procreation, relevant social construct)

These categories are predetermined by objective moral laws and applicable to all species. Although the moral law is species universal the methodology (ethics) for complying with the moral law is species specific, i.e. they vary from species to species. This variability is due to diverse species evolution history. For example, the evolution of land life forms and water life forms established the natural survival environment of each life form; fishes evolved to live in a watery environment, human beings evolved to live in an air environment. Although humans and fishes have different natural survival environments the survival of each depends on complying with the four moral survival categories of the moral law by evolving the predetermined lifestyle (ethics) consistent with its evolutionary history. Comparative Ethics Immutable

The Darwinian Mandate known as “natural selection” reflects the difference Ethics between a species immutable ethics (scientific ethics as determined by the moral law) and its optional ethics (ethics as determined by a chosen lifestyle). a Y The differentiation between these two ethical paradigms is called the Ethical b Efficiency Quotient (EEQ) and is used to determine a species life span. The Optional greater the variation between Immutable Ethics and Optional Ethics or EEQ, Natural Ethics the shorter the species life span; likewise the shorter the distance between Selection Immutable Ethics and Optional Ethics or EEQ the longer the species life span. The Darwinian Mandate is reducible to a mathematical formula that establishes a quantifiable relationship between the Laws of Physical Dynamics, the Laws of X Social Dynamics, and Ethics. This formula states that the survival life span of a species is inversely proportional to the circumference differential between immutable ethics and optional ethics (i.e. the wider the difference between immutable ethics (a) and optional ethics (b) the shorter the species survival lifespan). This is represented in the formula below. When X (Lifespan) is immutable ethics and Y is optional ethics

X ∝ 1/Y Theological ethics originated in the mythical and mystical dynamics of antiquity and are only applicable to theocratic states that acquiesce sovereignty to a perceived deity. Secular humanism ascribes to a natural cosmological genesis and extrapolates its moral and ethical code from the natural environment (the universe) using scientific methodology. The fact that the United States emerged out of a theocratic political environment does not negate the humanist mandate, to create a “more perfect union” based on a moral and ethical code that is foreign to the germinating theocratic environment (i.e. Judeo-Christian ethic). This fact is evident in the founders’ two proscriptive barriers that ensured the proper evolution of the new Secular Humanist State. These steps leave no doubt as to the founders’ intent.

Copyright 2009 by Alfred Sturrup. All rights reserved. 


1. 2.

They removed the sovereignty of a supernatural deity and replaced it with the sovereignty of human beings (we the people) They proscribed the establishment of a theocratic government

“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion” A secular humanist state is one in which scientific laws are superior to both tradition and theology. In a secular humanist state each person is free to subscribe to any tradition and/or theology but no tradition or theology is free to impose its doctrinal edicts, sacrament, or beliefs on the state unless such tradition meets the highest qualitative and quantitative standards of scientific methodology. Freedom of religion is an individual and not corporate right. Religious organizations have neither inalienable nor constitutional rights therefore religious doctrinal edicts have no independent legislative or legal standing in any court of law. Although conventional wisdom differ a strict constructionist interpretation of the establishment clause will reveal that the founders explicitly proscribes granting legal status (corporation, sole proprietorship, partnership, etc.) or tax status to any theological or religious construct. The Constitution is clear, “Congress shall make no laws respecting the establishment of religion…” It is important to note that religious organizations are the only organization type explicitly banned by the constitution. Such a ban does not negate the right of individuals to practice whatever religion they choose. It can be argued that the documentation of indicates that the founders found this proscription critical to achieving the goal of a “more perfect union”. Identifying Secular Moral Law and Humanist Ethics Secular Humanist consists of two words secular and humanist. “Secular” indicates that the Moral Law is the law revealed through scientific methodology (e.g. gravity, evolution, the big bang, genetics, chemistry etc.), and “Humanist” indicates that the ethic (lifestyle) is predetermined by our species evolutionary history as revealed by scientific methodology (e.g. using DNA, RNA, physics, chemistry, genetics etc.) to technologically extrapolate the most efficient survival construct of the individual and the specie thereby minimizing the differential between immutable ethics and optional ethics. It is through this process that secular humanism will reconcile the Articles of the Constitution to the Preamble of the Constitution and actuate the founders’ dream of a more perfect union. This is the profundity and true meaning of the term American Exceptionalism. The process for extrapolating family values (morality) and its complimentary lifestyle (ethic) based on scientific evidence demonstrates that theology and religion are not indispensable to morality and ethics. This process begins with the Darwinian Mandate Survival of the Species by natural selection. The survival of the species is antithetical to the inherent mortality of its members. Survival depends the ability to obviate, suspend, or transcend death. An examination of the Moral Laws of Physical and Socioeconomic dynamics reveals that there are basic laws and transcendent laws. In physical dynamics gravity is a basic law and aerodynamics is its complimentary law. The law of gravity holds the planet together and keeps our feet planted on the ground even as the law of aerodynamics transcends gravity and permits temporary flight, e.g. birds, planes, and other heavier than air objects. Like the Law of Physical Dynamics (physical laws) the Laws of Socioeconomic Dynamics (evolutionary laws) has basic and transcendent laws. The Darwinian mandate calls for the survival of the species; therefore the highest moral law and ethics is of evolution is “survival” techniques. If a species cannot achieve a mechanism to negate, or temporarily suspend, or transcend individual mortality then it will become extinct and all other moral laws are rendered moot. Therefore the highest moral law is the law of survival. The transcendent law that negates the impact of mortality is the law of procreation. It is through procreation that the species transcends death even as the immutable moral law of mortality exercises its prerogative on each individual. Procreation alone however does not ensure survival because the procreated entity is also mortal. To ensure the survival of the species it is essential therefore that the procreators ensure the survival of the procreated. The procreated entity (infant, progeny, child, etc.) is key to the survival of the species and therefore of the highest moral value. Infants are the progeny self of the procreating couple. Procreation is an inalienable moral right and the free exercise of that right is the inalienable responsibility to ensure the survival of the infant progeny until it is capable of exercising its procreative rights and responsibility.

Copyright 2009 by Alfred Sturrup. All rights reserved. 


When coupled with the mitochondria DNA evidence, which unifies all children as legitimate inheritors of scientific Mother Eve, expands the ethical (lifestyle) mandate beyond individual rights and responsibilities to collective (species) rights and responsibilities (public policy). This survival efficiency ethic makes it plain that racism, homophobia, sexism, and all other theological and political divisive rationale are morally inefficient i.e. they are immoral (negative) ethics (conduct). The ethics that satiates the moral mandate is best ascertained and managed when scientific knowledge (of cause and effect) generates understanding (to produce beneficial technology) that minimizes the variation between Immutable Ethics and Optional Ethics (scientific wisdom). This is just one example that negates the assumption regarding the indispensability of religion to human morality and ethics. Secular Humanist Socioeconomic System Sociology and Economics are critical integrated properties to the evolution of an efficient construct that minimizes the Ethical Efficiency Quotient (EEQ) see page 4. As stated earlier the Species Survival Matrix consists of four moral categories: 1. 2. 3. 4.

Acquisition Acquisition Acquisition Acquisition

of of of of

nutriment (food, gasses, minerals, water etc.) comfort zone (clothing, fur, hide, etc.) security assets (shelter and defensive mechanism) reproductive technique (procreation, relevant social construct)

These four categories are the topical essence of the Specie Survival Matrix and the Cultural Genealogy Paradigm. Specie Survival Matrix Acquisition of nutriment Food - Oxygen etc.

Acquisition of comfort zone Clothing etc.

Ac quis i tion o f s e c uri ty as s e ts Home, shelter etc.

Acquisition of reproductive technique Interpersonal relationship etc.

The author integrated Dr. Paul McLean’s triune brain theory into the Specie Survival Matrix (above) and created the Cultural Genealogy Paradigm CGP (below). This paradigm provides a logical explanation of cultural evolution under the forces of supramacrosocioeconomics that fuel the dispensational transitions from a scavenger socioeconomic construct to a technocratic socioeconomic construct.


The Human Cultural Genealogy Paradigm shows the socioeconomic evolution of human culture within the context of the dominant brain. The differential of brain dominance is due to the algorithmic processing efficiency of the various brains. The Exosomatic Brain is an integration of the physical brain and the computer. Cultural Genealogy Paradigm A

Dominant Brain Æ


X1 Reptilian Brain Dispensation

X2 Mammalian Brain Dispensation

X3 Neocortex Brain Dispensation

X4 Exosomatic Brain Dispensation




















Economic Structure

Scavenger Gatherer

Hunter Gatherer



Somatic Technocrat

Pre-Exosomatic Technocrat

Type 1 Dawning

Type 1 Civilizatio


Morality & Ethics


Terrestrial Deities

Tangible Extraterrestrial Deities

Intangible Extraterrestrial Deities

Anthropomorphic Higher Power

Amorphous Higher Power

Physical Science & Evolution

Eugenics and Euthenics


Primary Survival Personality

Self Preservation

Self and Progeny Preservation

Intra-Group Battering of Goods

Inter-Group Battering Manufacturing

Atomic, Molecular & Electronic

Evolution of New Energy Sources

Global Integration of Terrestrial Energy

Intra-Solar System Economic System


Philosophy Religion


Theo Preemies



Secular Humanism


Creator Humanism



Social Order Leadership

Malevolent Brawn Dominance

Benevolent Brawn Dominance

Malevolent Dictatorship

Benevolent Dictatorship

National Democracy

Pre-Global Democracy

Planetary Democracy

InterPlanetary Democrac

Copyright 2009 by Alfred Sturrup. All rights reserved. 


The Cultural Genealogy Paradigm shows four civilization categories i.e. X1 to X4. The United States Constitution was formulated in an X2a Civilization in which King George the III functioned as the Malevolent Dictator (X2aH). The ideals of the preamble of the United States Constitution defines an X4a&b Civilization i.e. the “more perfect union”. American Exceptionalism can be defined on the Cultural Genealogy Paradigm (CGP) by identifying the location of its conception and the location of its relevance. These locations are: Conception Coordinates X2b (BÆH) Relevance Coordinates X4a (BÆH)

The relevance of the constitution is four CGP Relevant Coordinates is four columns removed from its CGP Birth Coordinates and represents the future of humanity. It is within this context that the United States Secular Humanist movement must seek to expand its constituency and political potency. Secular Humanism is not simply an ideology it is humanity’s salvation and redemptive mechanism, it is the Chicana glory of intellectualism. Such beauty and power must not remain within the confines of the intellectual aristocracy but it must be caused to permeate into the vast expanses of the intellectual peasantry (so to speak) where religion reigns supreme. This is not an emotional statement rather it is a precursor to an understanding of the Cultural Genealogy Paradigm relationship to public policy and its potential impact on individual lives. Reading the Cultural Genealogy Paradigm The Human Cultural Genealogy Paradigm is only one matrix of a complex matrices construct that consists of the Human Survival Matrix, the Human Personality Matrix etc. Together these matrices reduce the cultural complexity to biochemical input, storage, recall, and processing. This theory is based on the assumption that there is a causal relationship between objective knowledge, technology, scientific wisdom, and cultural evolution. The Darwinian Mandate requires a species to maximize its survival efficiency. The most powerful human tool in this process is the human brain, a unique asset with the creative potential to achieve the Darwinian Mandate. The evidence of this fact is endemic in the evolution of human history. The Cultural Genealogy Paradigm assumes that knowledge (information of cause and effect) under girded by understanding produces an efficiency mechanism known as technology (the ability to manipulate cause and effect). The integration of technology into the survival matrix changes the intellectual perceptions of the status quo and establishes a new socioeconomic center of gravity that systematically evolves a cultural paradigm conducive to maximizing survival efficiency. Technology holds the potential to increase the species survival life span and the quality of life. An example of this is shown in the different cultures of CPG X1a [BÆH] and X1b [BÆH]. These locations show two different economic systems, a scavenger economic system and a hunter-gatherer economic system. The primary difference between these two systems is technology weapon. Under the scavenger economic system food was gathered and consumed on an individual basis, i.e. individuals operated independently within the group. The introduction of weaponry technology into the gatherer economy evolved the paradigm from an individual independent economic system to a group dependent economic system. This introduced many new ideas into the socioeconomic construct that precipitated the advance from a scavenger culture to a hunter-gatherer culture. This cultural shift is shown in columns CPG X1a [CÆH] and X1b [CÆH]. The cause of the cultural shift is the Ethical Efficiency Quotient (EEQ); i.e. the practice (ethic) of hunting increased (efficiency) access to meat (nutriment), reduced the time spent scavenging, and freed up time for the early scientists and philosophers to think about the technologies that eventually evolved into the domesticated economy. Reading the Cultural Genealogy Paradigm by columns gives a snapshot of a particular socioeconomic culture, for example, CPG X1a [BÆH] give a snapshot of the scavenger-gatherer socioeconomic Copyright 2009 by Alfred Sturrup. All rights reserved. 


cultural construct. Reading the Cultural Genealogy Paradigm by rows provides a cursory perspective of the evolution of the specific row, e.g. X1ÆX4 [D] shows the evolution of the economic construct. Cultural Evolution Since scientific Mother Eve walked the earth the intellectual diversity of human beings has change very little. Stipulating this assumption is true, modern marketing psychology applies to the earliest human beings. New ideas become the center of gravity that transitions one CPG coordinate to the next, these new ideas are constructed by Innovators who sell the ideas to Early Adopters who makes it fashionable enough to attract the Early Majority that finally convince the Late Majority leaving behind the conservative Laggard who become irrelevant to the process as mortality executes attrition. Innovators Thinkers and Scientists 1. Early Adopters 2. Early Majority 3. Late Majority

4. Laggards

The Laws of Social Dynamics has a social gravity force (attraction) and social antigravity (repulsion). These forces function on two levels, social and economic. Innovators are social comets and meteors; they function within the laws of social dynamics but usually outside of the economic constraints. Innovators don’t simply look for opportunities to succeed; they create success that becomes the gravity force that attracts others to opportunity. Opportunity is a perception attracting force through which others see a more efficient survival modality. Early Adopters are not attracted to innovators; they are attracted by the perception of self-interest satiation i.e. they are the nouveau risk-takers. This group adds mass to the new idea and increases the social gravitational attraction force to the place where the status seeking Early Majority is drawn to the now fashionable idea; this new group increases the mass of the idea. The additional mass is now strong enough to attract the late majority. Finally the total mass either attracts the laggards or they remain at an altitude where the orbit the once new idea that has become the status quo. At this point the process repeats itself. Cultural Diversity Cultural evolution is not a unidirectional process immune to modern marketing mix (diversity). A culture usually consists of a population with diverse attraction to the new idea. The United States was conceived as a secular humanist state and even today the Laggard (Judeo-Christians) constituencies remain a substantial social gravitational construct. One reason for this status is the fact that science and technology has not entered the political realm even though technology has permeated and dominates the socioeconomic construct of global cultures. The user of the cell phone, miracle healthcare products and services, computers, the Internet etc. is oblivious of the nexus between these technologies and the moral and ethical codes that affect their real lives. This disconnect creates a void that is delightfully filled by religious morality and ethics. The “more perfect union” mandates a change so that science, technology, and scientific wisdom take its rightful place of influence within the grassroots political construct. It is therefore essential to define three socioeconomic tools that will enhance the integration of scientific knowledge, technology and scientific wisdom. These terms are cultural diversity, cultural gravity, and cultural fluidity. Cultural Diversity is: The total number of subset CGP coordinates within a defined population set Cultural Gravitational Force is: The relative statistical inference of subsets within a defined population set Cultural Fluidity The statistical inference shift of CPG coordinates between the subsets of a defined population set

Copyright 2009 by Alfred Sturrup. All rights reserved. 


Tradition definition of culture addresses the esthetical differentials between one group and the other. For example, traditional definitions of culture differentiate between French, Italian, American, etc. The Cultural Genealogy Paradigm (CGP) addresses culture in terms of CGP Coordinates. There is a difference between these two perspectives. It is therefore necessary to differentiate the terms and definitions so as to reduce any confusion when discussing the term culture as it relates to the CGP. Aesthetic Culture: The traditional definition of culture CGP Culture: Coordinates on the Cultural Genealogy Paradigm This difference is important when evaluating cultural using statistical inference techniques. Aesthetic Cultural sets and subsets are determined largely by aesthetic ephemeral differentials, CGP Cultural sets and subsets are determined by CGP Coordinate differentials. For example, a statistical inference may show that in France, Russia, Iran, and Africa, a population set at CPG X2a. Aesthetic Culture would show five separate cultural subsets whereas CPG Culture would show only one subset. National and Geopolitical Impact of the CGP Terrorism and traditional wars occur when two CGP Coordinates demand the same interest. For example, the seemingly intractable IsraeliÅÆ Palestinian conflict is a product of CGP X1aG subset (a battle of the gods). This problem would have resolved itself through Cultural Diversity, or Cultural Gravitational Forces, or Cultural Fluidity or some combination thereof i.e. the intra-competing subset would have resolved the problem based on Cultural Gravitational Forces (the larger group determine the outcome). The intractability property is the impact of a foreign CGP X1aG (religious right) subset with sufficient Cultural Gravitational Force at CGP X3a (in the USA and Europe). The superior technology of CGP X1aG overcame the Cultural Gravitational Forces of subset CGP X1aG [Palestinian] to enhance the weaker Cultural Gravitational Forces at CGP X3a [Israeli]. That is the status quo. The Cultural Genealogy Paradigm can also be used to plan strategies that may or can avoid certain violent conflicts. Case Study 1 – Impact of 9-11 The economic phase of this theory suggests that positive Cultural Fluidity (advancing from left to right on the CGP) and negative Cultural Fluidity (advancing from right to left) is a product of underlying economic forces. An examination of violence in human history intensifies when a significant subset of a given population faces a real or perceived status at Coordinate CPG X1a or b. One of the most dramatic pieces of evidence of negative Cultural Fluidity occurred on the infamous 9-11. On that fateful date a foreign subset populace in Afghanistan at CGP X1a launched an incomprehensible attack on the USCGP X3b. The impact of the attack had the adverse effect of increasing USCGP X1aG subset population to a critical mass where the USCGP X1a had a negative Cultural Fluidity that propelled it to USCGP X1a [E&H]. It should be noted the President George Bush identified and surrounded himself with a substantial amount of staff from the USCGP X1a&b [E&H] subset. The influence of the predominant subset morphed the vacuous Bush into a USCGP X1a [H] leader. The result of this negative Cultural Fluidity is the indelible legacy of the G. W. Bush administration. USCGP = United States Cultural Genealogy Paradigm

Case Study 2 – Post 9-11 Post 9-11 saw the rise of sympathetic terrorist attacks in several Islam intensive population centers including around the world but not in the United States. The question is why? The answer to this question may lie the Economic Assimilation of two USCGP Coordinates. The advance status of the United States civil rights and economic integration may account for the ethical differentials between European and American Islamic (I) constituencies. The identity coordinate of most European (E) cultures is ECGP X2a; and the identity coordinate of most Islamic cultures CGP is ICGP X1 [aÅÆb]. CGP X1[aÅÆb] and CGP X2[aÅÆb] are theocratic cultures with a negative bias to alien theocratic constructs. This negative bias proscribes or limits economic opportunity for the minority coordinate and establishes inertia properties that negatively impact the cultural assimilation of the dominant CGP

Copyright 2009 by Alfred Sturrup. All rights reserved. 


Coordinate into the subdominant CGP Coordinate negating the positive cultural fluidity necessary for assimilation. 9-11 demonstrated an important point of dominant and subdominant cultural affinity. The fact that the Islamic population subset had assimilated US economics USCGP X2bÅÆX3a minimized the negative fluidity of the US Islamic Community thereby minimizing if not negating any infinity between the US Islamic community natural allies Foreign CGP X1a and Islamic USCGP X1a even in the face of the fact that the US dominant culture negative Cultural Fluidity was at the coordinates CGP X1a. Case Study 3 – Post 9-11 Positive Cultural Fluidity 9-11 proved the stamina of the US as a CGP X3b culture. As 9-11 faded the dominant culture increasingly rejected George W. Bush’s leadership style CGP X2a [H] and created a positive Cultural Fluidity that found an affinity with the progress-liberal message indicative of CGP coordinates CGP X3b. These dynamics led to the election of a political “Techno-Humanist” CGP X3b. Pragmatic Utilization in the Creation of a Pure Secular Humanist State Expanding the aggregate knowledge of Laws of Physical Dynamics enable the evolution of technological marvels that enhances civilization. So too expanding the aggregate knowledge of the Laws of Social dynamics will enable the evolution a “more perfect union”. The innate theological proscription against eugenics and euthenics are based on the illusion that god created humanity perfect beings and that through sin humanity has fallen from perfection to imperfection. The theological solution to humanity’s problems is divine redemption that is made possible through one religious means or the other. The essence of religious conflict is the issue regarding which subjective religious opinion is the pathway to theological utopia (heaven). There is no evidence upon which to judge the validity of any theological redemption or salvation plan. This is the difference between science and religion. The basis of scientific postulations is testable premises whereas the basis of theological postulations is visions, dreams, talking bushes, talking jackasses, etc. The source of the data however is testable. There are many persons today who act on data received from visions, dreams, voices in their heads, and talking animals. These persons are recognized as having some mental deficiency and not persons of divine revelations. As a general proposition the following syllogistic analysis seem appropriate People who act on dreams, voices in their heads, and talking animals are insane Prophets receive divine revelations through dreams, voices in their heads and talking animals Therefore prophets are insane

The evidence confirming this general proposition is found within religion itself. Each great religion and each subset (various denominations) have a singular prophet that is the divine messenger, Moses of Judaism, Mohammed of Islam, and Jesus of Christianity. Over time these religions have deteriorated into many subset levels based on the variation of the old religion. These new prophets received their revelations through dreams, voices in their heads, and talking animals etc. The maniacal essence of each new religion is the belief that its doctrine is the singular truth; those who do not accept the theology are doomed to hell. The significance of the “only way” arrogance of each theology lies in the mathematical negation of all religions. For example, Southern Baptist theology says Catholic theology is erroneous and Catholic theology says the Southern Baptist theology is erroneous; each cancels out the other because the divine revelation of each negates the validity of the other. When secular humanism concurs with both the Catholic and the Southern Baptist on the validity of each they attack secular humanism. This is the insanity of religion. The Cultural Genealogy Paradigm shows the coordinates of the cultural evolutionary chain that is conducive to maximum religious influence on sociology CGP X1a [CÅÆH] and CGP X2 [CÅÆH]. These coordinates are in the Reptilian and Mammalian Dispensations. CGP X1a & b [D] and CGP X1a & b [D] show that this sociology occurs during the Scavenger-Gatherer Å Æ Domesticated economic systems. The question of crime and violence may be particularly indigenous to these economic systems. A sampling of the basic economic system of subgroups should show a correlation between the Survival Mechanism, Economic Structure, Morality & Ethics, Philosophy Religion, Social Order Leadership and

Copyright 2009 by Alfred Sturrup. All rights reserved. 


violence in subsets of a population than in the CPG X3 coordinates. If the correlations exist, it could have important public policy as it relates to reducing violence and crime within a given population. Financing the Secular Humanist State CGP X1 and X2 intellectual profile is inherently adverse to egalitarian governance inviting to dictatorial leadership of one type or the other. CPG X1a & b [H] and CPG X2a & b [H] show that the preferred Social Order Leadership ranges from Brawn Malevolent ÅÆ Benevolent Dictatorship under the guise of one deity type of the other (Preemies) ÅÆ (Theo-Humanist). Although Reptilians and Mammalians demand strong leadership (Dictators) they detest the taxes imposed by the Dictator. It was this tension between George III and the Colonies as well as the distance from England that became the fertile soil for the intellectual evolution of the governance philosophy that is enshrined in the constitution and created the first secular humanist state. Pre-Secular Humanist governance rests on the premise that the geography belongs to god and through Divine Rights it becomes the dominion of the Potentate (dictator-king/queen etc.). Under this paradigm the potentate’s property rights is inalienable; this is known as eminent domain. Under the concept of eminent domain property rights includes both topography and geology; all natural resources on or in the property is the domain of the potentate including, precious stones, precious metals, plants, minerals, fauna, animals, and human beings etc. Under this paradigm each person is an entity unto itself; there was no concept of collectivism i.e. the formation of capital and labor (of we the people) to maximize beneficial results to all (blessings of liberty). Theological dogma dictates that the essence of blessings is “god” and “not liberty”. Secular Humanism starts with the premise that liberty and freedom exercised within the context of efficient collectivist ethics (division of labor) is the essence of blessings (socioeconomic efficiency). To achieve these goals Secular Humanism evolved the concept of third party contrived entities i.e. corporations, governments, schools and universities, etc. These intangible entities replaced the god-construct. Within the god-construct the prophet (church, mosque, Synagogue etc.) is supported by a god tax, investment in the intangible with the promise of a return on investment that includes eternal life. The Judeo-Christian concept levies a strict ten percent of income plus freewill offerings; bake sales, raffles, building funds, and other forms of taxation gifts or demands to the god-government. Secular humanism taxation is the mobilization of capital and natural resources for the maximization of survival efficiency. Without a god to provide the blessings “we the people” must “invest” in creating, maintaining, and securing for “ourselves and our posterity” that “more perfect union”. The financing of a Secular Humanist State requires an equal and equitable investment from each citizen or participant in the state; i.e. implementation of the “Equality and Equanimity Taxation Doctrine”. This doctrine provides an egalitarian progressive tax system that is fair to all. This process taxes income in such a way that the Billionaire, millionaire, down to the least wage member of the community at equal rates. The concept is fairly simple. Each one thousand dollars ($1000) or any part thereof is taxed on a graduating scale. For example the first one thousand dollars or any part thereof is taxed at 0.01%, the second thousand dollars or any part thereof is taxed at 0.02%, the third thousand dollars is taxed at 0.03% etc. The tax rate is applicable to a billionaire, millionaire, those who make hundreds of thousands of dollars, tens of thousands of dollars thousands of dollars, hundreds of dollars, tens of dollars, $1.00-$9.00. The higher the income the higher the tax rate per thousand dollars. The purpose of taxes is clear and is limited to five specific purposes: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Establish Justice Insure Domestic Tranquility, Provide for the Common Defense, Promote the General Welfare Secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity

The determinant of these specific expenditures is the human survival matrix within the context of the scientific moral law and scientific ethics. These taxing categories should apply to Federal, State, and Local Governments so as to eradicate corporate, sales, property, and all ancillary taxes. Computer modeling based on the “Equality and Equanimity Taxation Doctrine” could be used to maximize

Copyright 2009 by Alfred Sturrup. All rights reserved. 


efficiency in projecting and levying fair taxation. Surplus from budgets can be returned to citizens or used to offset the next year’s budget. The above is an example of applying Taxable income and Tax rates; the appropriate governing body would establish actual numbers. Constitutional Budgetary Matrix (CBM) Establish Justice

Insure Domestic Tranquility

$ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

$ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Provide for the Common Defense $ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Secure the blessings of liberty $ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Acquisition Of Nutriment $ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Promote the General Welfare Acquisition of Acquisition of Comfort Assets $ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

$ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Acquisition of Procreation $ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

National Safety Net, Scientific Research, Education Budget, Healthcare

Testing the Theory The Book “The Secular Humanist State and Scientific Liberalism” assumes that the transition from Mitochondrial DNA Mother Eve (little more than a creature) to a Type 1 Civilization is due to natural forces. The theory relies heavily on the Triune Brain Theory by Dr. Paul MacLean, Origin of the Species Charles Darwin, Theory of Relativity Albert Einstein and many other pass and present giants on whose shoulders we stand. Testing Regime: Test Phase 1 Statistical sampling of various populations using the Sample Personality Matrix to ascertain sampling inference Computer Modeling Using the Cultural Genealogy Paradigm Success would be determined by Input of simple scenarios simple Evaluate Output Results Further Studies Refining Computer Model and Sampling Sets Input of diverse scenarios Test Phase 2 Statistical sampling of various populations using the Refine Sampling using Cultural Segmentation Sample Personality Matrix to ascertain sampling inference Expand Sample Populations to National Coordinates Computer Modeling Refine Modeling by integrating Using the Cultural Genealogy Paradigm The Human Survival Matrix The Human Personality Matrix

Copyright 2009 by Alfred Sturrup. All rights reserved. 


Success is determined by Input of more complex scenarios Output accuracy Further Studies Refining Computer Model To test Strategic and Tactical Command reactions Test Phase 3 Statistical sampling of various populations using the Refine Sampling using Complex Cultural Segmentation Refine Personality Matrix to ascertain sampling inference Expand Sample Populations to International coordinates Computer Modeling Refine Modeling by integrating Refine the Cultural Genealogy Paradigm Refine the Human Survival Matrix Refine the Human Personality Matrix Success would be determined Input of more complex scenarios Output of reaction Further Studies Refining Computer Model to test Political Dynamics

Copyright 2009 by Alfred Sturrup. All rights reserved. 


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