Science Form Five

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 2,028
  • Pages: 19
Instruction : Choose the best answer for each questions.

1. Diagram 2 shows the steps used in the scientific investigation.

Planning an investigation X


Forming conclusion

D iagram 2

What is X and Y ? X Interpreting data Controlling variables Analysing data

Y Analysing data Interpreting data Interpreting data Making a report

Analysing data

2. The following problem

statement is given in an experiment. What are the factors that cause an object to float or sink in water

What is suitable hypothesis for this problem statement? A A wooden blocks floats in water whereas an iron block sinks in water B The wight of an object determines whether the object floats or sinks in water C An object that is less dense than water will float, whereas an object denser than water will sink D The heavier the object, the denser the object is

3. When recording data in an experiment, a scientist has to... 1

A think openly B be honest and accurate C be patient D be cooperative

4. What is the importance of body of body coordination to humans? A Allows the body to produce suitable reaction towards stimulation B Allows a person to do movement easily C Allows a person move without looking D Allows a person to move faster

5. The information below shows the parts involved in a reflex action. V – effector W – receptor X – relay neurone Y – sensory neurone Z – motor neurone

Which of the following shows the correct pathway of impulse in a reflex action when a person accidentally touches a hot object?

A VWXYZ B WYXZV C VYXZW D WZYVX


6. Which of the following is not the effect of excessive consumption of alcohol? A Delays the reactions of the body B Damages the liver and kidneys C Causes loss in body weight D Causes feotel alcohol syndrome in unborn babies

7. Which of the following pairs is not true? Meiosis


A The parent cell divides twice

The parent cell divide once

B The number of chromosomes in the daughter cell is the half of the parent cell

The number of chromosomes in the daughter cell is same that in the parent cell

C Crossing-over occurs

Crossing-over does not occur

D Happens in the testes and ovaries only

Happens in the somatic cells

8. Which of the following about chromosomes is not true? A Chromosomes exist in pairs in the nucleus B Chromosomes consists of protein and nucleic acid C The number of chromosomes in each body cell of an organism is different D Chromosomes contain genes

9. Diagram shows the blood group of a family.


Which of the following is not true? A Process I is meiosis B the blood group A is dominant C The probability of getting offspring of blood group O is 75% D The ratio of offspring with blood group A to offspring with blood group O is 3:1

10.Identical twins are produced when... A two ova are fertilised by two different sperm B an ovum is fertilised by two different sperms C an ovum is fertilised by a sperm D two ova are fertilised by one sperm


Down’s syndrome is caused by..... A the presence of 45 choromosome in the body cells B the presence of 47 choromosome in the body cells C the recessive gene carried by the X choromosome D the recessive gene carried by the Y choromosome

10 What happens to the temperature of a liquid when it is boiled? A the temperature decreases B the temperature increases C the temperature remains constant D the temperture keep changing


11 Diagram 1 shows the change of the state of matter of a substance

What is the prosess shown in the diagram 1? A boiling B sublimation C melting D condensation

12 What is the example of a substance that undergoes this change? A iodine B iron C ice D mercury

13 Diagram 4 shows a model of an atom.


This model is introduced by A John Dalton B J.J Thomson C Ernest Rutherford D James Chadwick

14 Which of the following is an ionic substance?





15 Whichof the following statements is not true about Haber process? A the ammonia is produced is condensed to liquid ammonia B this process is an endothermic reaction C the ratio of nitrogen to hydrogen is 1:3 D a catalyst of iron powder is used to increase the reaction

16 Diagram shown the arrangement of an experiment. 6

Which of the followingis true about the experiment? A the temperture of water increases B heat energy is absorbed from surroundings C exothermic reaction is took place D heat energy is reeased during the reaction

17 The word equation below shows the decompostion reaction by light energy.

Silver chloride sunlight silver + chlorine

The energy changes take place in the reaction is........ A heat energy  light energy B light energy > chemical energy C heat energy  chemical energy D chemical energy  heat energy

18 What is a radioactive substance? A a substance that has isotopes B a substance that contains an unstable nucleus in its atom C a substsnce that easily decays at any time 7

D a substance that has atoms with electrons and protons only

19 What types of radioactive radiation is used in preserving and sterilising food processing? A nucleon radiation B gamma radiation C beta radiaton D alpha radiaton

20 Which of the following does not need to used radioactive substances in argiculture? A to sterilise pests B to produce new breeds of plants C to study the absorption of phosphate fertilisers in plants D to produce a better quality of fertilisers

21 What types of particle is used in nuclear fission A proton B neutron C electron D nucleus

22 Which of the following is not valid for supporting the building of radioactive power stwtion A this station does not produce air pollutant B this station provides a cheaper electrical energy C the risk of injury from the station is low D the wastes from the station is not dengerous 8

23 Which of the following is the correct ray diagram of light from an object passing through a convex lens?





24 Diagram 1 shows a student standing 2.5 m from a plane mirror. A box is positioned at 0.5 m in front of the student

Diagram 1 A 5m B 4.5m C 4m 9

D 3.5m

25 Which of the following ray diagrams is correct about a concave lens with its focal point, F for a distant object?




26 Which of the following pairs is true?

Eye’s part



Controls the amount of light that enters the eye


Allows light to enter


Maintains the shape of the eye

Ciliary muscle

Change the thicknessof lens 10





27 Which of the following conditions is suitable for the formation of a rainbow? A there are dust particles in the atmosphere B there is water vapour in the atmosphere C hot day D misty atmoshere

28 Steel is used for making a variety of things. Which of the following are the uses of steel? I

for making aeroplanes


for making bridges

III for making buildings A I and II only B I and III only C II and III only D I, II and III

29 Which of the following is not the use of ammonia? A for making synthetic fibre B for making detergent C for making explosive 11

D to coagulate latex

30 Which of the following gases causes the thinning of the ozone layer? A chlorofluorocarbon B sulphur dioxide C carbon dioxide D mercury

31 What is the cause of the greenhouse effect? A the release of radioactive wastes into the environment B the use of excessive pesticides C the burning of fossil fuels D the release of illegal industrial wastes

32 The burning of the fossil fuels will cause........... A acid rain B gene mutation C destruction of aqatic life D eutrophicaion process

33 Which of the following is the importance of protecting our enviroment from being polluted by industral wastes? A protects the flora and fauna from becoming extinct B protects the skyscrapers C increases the production of food D avoids war

34 Diagram 2 shows the classification of microorganisms


Which of the following represents X and Y? X














35 The following shows some characteristics of the of a microorganism ~ it is a unicellular organism ~it contains chloroplast ~it reproduces sexually by conjugation

Which of the following represents the microorganism with the above characteristics?


36 Microorganism can be classified based on...... I

the shape


the size

III ways of the reproduction A I and II only B I and III only C II and III only D I, II and III

37 diagram shows the factors which affect the growth of microorganism The factors that effect thegrowth of microorganism


Temperatu re

pH value


Which of the following represens X? A heat B space C water D humidity



38 The information bellow describes a common types of medicane used for teating various of diseases penicillin is an antibiotic which is widely used to kill bacteria which causes various of diseases

Which of he following microorganisms produces penicillin ? A viruses B bacteria C protozoa D fungi

39 Which of the following microorgansms plays importance role in industry of producing cheese? A algae B bacteria C fungi D virus

40 Which of the following pathogenes is correctly matched with the disease cause by the pathogen? pathogen










Hepatitis A




41 AIDS is caused by pathogenic....... A viruses B fungi 15

C bacteria D protozoa

42 Which of the following statements its true about hepatitis B? A infect to all part of the body B can be traced through breathe test C can be transmitted through the use of contaminated syringe D A disease caused by bacteria

43 The following shows some ways how diseases are spread.

~ through air ~through water ~through vectors ~X

Which of the following can be represented by X? A through heat B through object C trough wind D trough contaminated food

44 One calorie is the total amount of energy needs to...... A raise the temperature of one gram of water by 1 kelvin B raise the temperature of one gram of water by 1˚C C raise the temperature of one gram of food by 1˚C D oxidise one gram of food completely


45 Which of the following factors affect the energy requirements of the human body I

body size

II state of the health III physical activities A I and II only B I and III only C II and III only D I , II and III

46 Amino acid is a basic unit of........ A carbohydrate B fat C mineral salt D protein

47 Table shows the calorific values three classes of food

Class of food

Energy value (KJ g-₁)







How much energy is in a piece of bread containing 100.2 gram of carbohydrates,18.4 gram of proteins and 1.6 gram of fats? A 1 875.2 KJ B 2 078.6 KJ C 2 327.9 KJ 17

D 2 608.3 KJ

48 Which of the following processes decreases the content of nitrates in the soil A Lightning B Nitrifying bacteria C Denitrifying bacteria D Nitrogen-fixing bacteria

49 The main problem of domestic pollution in a city is due to.. A agriculture wastes B the burning of fossil fuel C disposal of toxic and metal wastes D uncollected garbage and sewage

50 The following shows two cause of water pollution.

# Unttreated sewage # Oil spillage Which of the following is due to the causes of water pollution shown above? A May lead to headache B Destroy aquatic habits C Increase the oxygen content in water D Produce favourable conditions for aquatic organisms



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