Science Fair Proposal Q's

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 690
  • Pages: 3
Name: Chen, Emily Period: 2

Proposed Research Questionnaire Type your answer to these questions. You must retype the questions or leave the questions using this document when answering. All questions must be answered or your paper will be returned with no credit. When this assignment has been approved, you may begin your research project. If you want to make changes on the project after this has been approved, you must get permission from your teacher first. 1. Title of the research project The title will be “C the Truth”. 2. Name of the researcher The name of the researcher is Emily Chen. 3. What will be the approximate beginning and end dates for the data collection? The data collection will be through the middle of November to the end of December. 4. Where will you conduct your research? The research will be conducted in the researcher’s home. 5. Does this research involve any animals, hazardous chemicals, bacteria etc? Explain. This project does not have any hazardous materials. 6. What is the overall question you are asking? Do fresh juices contain more vitamin C than concentrates and non-concentrated carton/bottled juices or vice versa? 7. What is your hypothesis? Fresh fruit juices contains more vitamin C than concentrates and non-concentrated carton/bottled juices. 8. Why would anyone care about this project? If you don’t have a good reason for this, pick a new topic or do some more research. People interested in getting the most vitamin C out of what they buy may care. 9. Which category (look at the LA County list) does your project fit into? The project fits into Chemistry Applied. 10. Briefly explain the design of your experiment. What treatments will you have, how many of each etc. For example, plants in natural light, plants in red light, and plants in green light (10 of each). Fresh fruit juices, concentrated and non-concentrated packaged juices (4 different samples/fruits for each category) will be tested with a vitamin C indicator and compared. 11. What is your control (important for comparison purposes)? This is usually the natural or not manipulated scenario, for example, plants in natural light. The natural fresh fruit juice is the control. 12. What materials do you need, how many of each, how much will they cost and where will you get them? Many science companies only ship to a school, plan ahead so we can arrange this.

List of materials (cost of items is relatively payable) • • • • • • • • • • • •

A blender A stove Pots Cornstarch 2% iodine solution Tap water Measuring spoons An eyedropper Test tubes Fresh fruits Packaged Concentrated fruit juice Packaged non-concentrated fruit juice

13. Do you need a random sample? If so, what method will you use to obtain your subjects? Random samples apply to people as well. Random samples will not be needed. 14. Every experiment must have something you can measure (even if it is “on a scale of 1-10”), what will you measure? The color of the indicator will be measured. The indicator is a purple color, the more vitamin C in a sample, the lighter/clearer the indicator will be, if there is little vitamin C, the solution will not change in color very much. 15. Attach a blank data sheet that you intend to use. This must have a spot for everything you will measure. 16. How often will you collect data (all in one day, once a week etc.)? The data will be collected perhaps every weekend during collection time. 17. What factors or variables will need to be kept constant (temp, amount of water, light, order in which people are asked to do something etc)? The same amount of juice and indicator solution will be used in each test. 18. List a minimum of 5 references that relate to your research. These can be books, websites, magazines, or primary journal articles-the dictionary doesn’t count. Use the format for literature cited that has been given to you. arch.html?cat=22,53,EXP.html Fruit Juice: (Fresh, concentrated, non-

Amount of vitamin C (DV/ nutritional facts)

Color change:

(attach samples/photos)


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