Sci-lesson Planning (2)

  • November 2019
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LESSON PLANNING General particulars Day

: Thursday


: 13th November 2008


: 10.30a.m. – 11.30a.m. (1 hour)


: Sekolah Rendah Bengkurong


: 5A

No of pupils

: 20 pupils


: None


: 5.0 Systems


: Living Systems of Plants


: Flowers

Previous Knowledge: Basically, most of the pupils have seen different kinds of flowers because flowers can be found almost everywhere specifically in the garden. Moreover, from their recent previous Science lesson which had been held the previous week, pupils have come across the word ‘flower’ through the topic ‘the Shoot System of Plants’.

Materials:  Realia objects (hibiscus flowers)  Pictures of hibiscus flower  Scissors  Selotape  Pieces of papers  Internet games  Worksheets (Classwork and homework exercises)

Aims:  To provide pupils with enjoyable science experiences which build on their natural interest and curiosity in their environment  To provide pupils with the basic knowledge and understanding of science concepts to help them understand the environment they live in.

Objectives: At the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to: 1) Label different parts of flower correctly during group work activities. 2) Examine the parts of real flower when they do the experiment. 3) List down the functions of each part of a flower in their classwork. 4) Appreciate the beauty of nature Procedure:

Pre-activity Discussion (Set induction) (5 minutes)

Teacher attracts the pupils’ attention and starts the lesson by standing quietly in front of the classroom for few seconds.

Then, the teacher puts up his/her hand and shows the hibiscus flower to the pupils. The teacher will then ask a few questions regarding the flower such as the size, colour, and the name of the flower. For instance: Have you seen this flower before? Can anyone tell me the name of the flower? What colour is it?

Teacher expects the pupils to answer orally what they can observe on the flower.

Lesson Development (50 minutes) Stage 1

First, the teacher puts a big and clear picture of a hibiscus flower on the whiteboard. Then, the teacher points to the petal on the picture and ask the pupils to name the part of the flower.

The pupils are not expected to know the answers. So the teacher will introduce the name of the flower part for them.

Right after, the teacher tells the function of the flower part to the pupils for instance: petals are usually large with bright colours. It is to attract insects.

Then the teacher repeats the same process of naming the parts of the flower and explaining to the class about the functions of the parts.

When doing this, the teacher draws a table to show them the name and the function of the parts of the flower. For example: Part of the flower Petal

Function(s) Usually large with bright colours to attract insects.

Stamen Anther Pistil Stigma Style Ovary Ovule Flower stalk Sepal

Consist of anthers and filament. Produces pollen. Consists of stigma, style and ovary. Receives pollen grain to reproduce. A long stalk that the stigma ‘sits’ on top of. Contains ovule. Part of the ovary that becomes the seeds. Joins the flower to the stem of the plants. Protects the flower in the bud stage

Stage 2

After the explanation, the teacher instructs the pupils to divide themselves into groups of 4. Then the teacher gives each group a real hibiscus flower, scissors, sticky tapes, piece of papers and worksheets. Before doing the activities, teacher gives the pupils instruction on how to do the activities. For instance: •

Firstly, using scissors the pupils have to dissect (cut) each parts of the flower; stamen, petal, stigma, style, ovary, ovules, sepal and flower stalk.

Then, teacher instructs each group to attach using the sticky tape on the paper given by the teacher earlier.

After that, each group are instructed to name each part that they have dissected and attached on the paper given.

Stage 3

After the pupils finished doing the activity of dissecting the flower, the teacher then tells the pupils that they are going to do internet games. Here, pupils are instructed to work in pairs or groups of three. In this game, the pupils are to do two activities; labelling activities and multiple choice questions.

In labelling activity, the pupils have to use the mouse of the computer to drag the name of the parts listed to the correct position of the parts of the flower. Refer to http://www.bbd.UK/schools/ks2bitesize/science to see the activity

Stage 4

In this stage the teacher will distribute three different exercises in line with the ability of the children such that; easier class works are for the low ability studentand the more challenging one are for the fast learner.

Slow learner

For the low ability student, the teacher will provide an easy task for them. All they have to do is to match the picture with the parts of the slower. (Refer to appendix A)

Average learner

As for the average learner, the activity that they do is to match and name the parts of the flower labelled A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H and I to the following descriptions. (Refer to appendix B)

Fast learner

For the high ability students, the children will have to solve the crossword puzzle. Clues are given in the exercise and the pupils will have to find the answers in the crosswords. (Refer to appendix C).

If the pupils are not able to complete the exercise, they can bring the exercise home and complete it. The pupils are to submit the exercise the next time they had science lessons

Closure (5 minutes)

In conclusion, the teacher will wrap up by reviewing the names of the flower parts and reminds them the functions of the parts. For the closure, the teacher will let the pupils to watch a video from to enrich their knowledge. They are not going to watch the full video but the teacher will only show the key points of the lesson for the day.

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