School Excellence Model Datacollect2008_p

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  • Words: 2,487
  • Pages: 20
SCHOOL EXCELLENCE MODEL 2004 ENABLERS Criterion 5: Student Focused Processes 5.1 Student well-being 5.1.1: How the school identifies student needs and expectations. Description What is the Approach? (What the school does and the rationale for it) How is it deployed? (who manages it; duration)

An online suggestion scheme accessible from school and home for year round suggestions from pupils.

Online Suggestion Scheme on School’s website

a committee comprising of a teacher-in-charge and 5 councillors from sec 2 and 3 assess the suggestions at the end of each month. Feedback to the suggestions are made online, giving reasons for acceptance or rejection of suggestions. The winning suggestions are rewarded with tokens or vouchers worth $5. Winning suggestions put up on the Councillors’ Notice Board.

Online Suggestion Scheme on School’s website Councillors’ Notice Board

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How widely is it deployed?

How is the review carried out?

Give examples of improvement (Be able to comment on the impact on Teaching and Learning where available)

Evidence (Where can the evidence be found)

Only pupils feedback obtained.

Above committee conducts half yearly review of the process through a short survey on the effectiveness of the online suggestion scheme.

Pupils were able to post suggestions on the scheme which is no longer password protected. Pupils key in only their names and classes.


from interview with teacher in charge. No formal documentation.

Approach Deployment Assessment and Review

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Criterion 5: Student Focused Processes 5.1 Student well-being 5.1.1 How the school identifies student needs and expectations. Strengths 1. Every semester, the school compiles a record of results from the mid-year and final year examinations which are placed on the online KM (Knowledge Management) accessible to all teachers. 2. Form teachers identify students who need financial assistance and refer them to the Head of Pupil Welfare who will assess the students based on set critieria. Assistance will then be given from the MOE financial assistance scheme, the school’s internal fund, other source of fundings namely the School Advisory Board, the School Pocket-money Fund, the Buddhist Lodge, North West CDC. 3. There is the Students Suggestion Scheme, an easily accessible online avenue on the Knowledge Management, for pupils to make suggestions of their needs. There is a committee comprising of a teacher-in-charge and 5 councillors from sec 2 and 3 that assess the suggestions at the end of each month. Feedback to the suggestions are made online, giving reasons for acceptance or rejection of suggestions. The winning suggestions are rewarded with tokens or vouchers worth $5; they are also pasted up on the Councillors’ Notice Board. 4. The Academic Counselling Form is issued at the start of the year to all pupils by their form teachers to enable their pupils to set their academic targets and reflect on the strategies used to achieve their targets. After the mid-year examinations, the pupils review their targets and strategies putting in place the necessary changes under the guidance of their form teachers. The Academic Counselling Form was reviewed in the middle of the year requiring the pupils to put in specific measurable strategies. 5. The CCA preferences of the Secondary One pupils were identified at the start of the year at the Orientation Camp. Pupils were then allocated a CCA of their choice by the teachers of the PE department. 6. Some teachers used Journal Writing to identify pupils needs. AFIs 1. Little evidence of follow-up programmes developed as a result of the exam results gathered except at the Secondary Four level.



Student Well-Being


The school identifies student needs and expectations


What is the Approach? (What the school does and the rationale for it) How is it deployed? (who manages it; duration)

There is a CCA Option form for all Sec 1 students to indicate their preferred CCA at the beginning of the year.

Students will be informed of all CCAs available and will be explained on how to complete the option form. They will be given 1 week to complete the CCA Option form. There will be CCA carnival for them to view as well. All Sec 1 students.

How widely is it deployed? How is the review carried out?

Give examples of improvement (Be able to comment on the impact on Teaching and Learning where available)


Evidence (Where can the evidence be found)


The school monitors the well-being of the students.


What is the Approach? (What the school does and the rationale for it)

Students height & weight were taken beginning of the year. Their BMI will be monitored and follow up height & weight measurement will be done in Term 3.

During PE Lesson.

How is it deployed? (who manages it; duration) All students

How widely is it deployed? Physical Fitness result.

How is the review carried out?

Give examples of improvement (Be able to comment on the impact on Teaching and Learning where available)


Evidence (Where can the evidence be found)


The school builds good relations with students


What is the Approach? (What the school does and the rationale for it)

How is it deployed? (who manages it; duration)

How widely is it deployed?

APEX Day & Cross Country were conducted to promote mass participation as well as building good rapport with students.

Generally, Sec 2 & UG camps were conducted whereby form teachers or CCA teachers build rapport with students by staying out together throughout the camp.

APEX Day, at CCAB, & Cross Country ,in School, were managed by Teachers and student leaders. Sec 2 camp by level 2 teachers and PE dept at Changi Coast Adventure Centre. UG camps by the respective UG Teachers

• •

All students

Sec 2 & UGs students Students Survey

How is the review carried out?

Give examples of improvement (Be able to comment on the impact on Teaching and Learning where available)


Evidence (Where can the evidence be found)


The school provides a caring physical and psychosocial environment and programmes that enhance student well-being.


What is the Approach? (What the school does and the rationale for it) How is it deployed? (who manages it; duration)

Swimming programme for sec 1

Healthy Lifestyle Programme (Sports Week) for Sec 1, 2 & 3

5 x 2hrs sessions over at CCK Swimming Complex.

Healthy Lifestyle Programme (Sports Week) - Sec 1 (kickboxing in school) - Sec 2 (Dragonboat in CCAC) - Sec 3 (Golf, Bowling, inline skating, Tchoukball)

How widely is it deployed? Students Survey

How is the review carried out?

Give examples of improvement (Be able to comment on the impact on Teaching and Learning where available) 6

Evidence (Where can the evidence be found)

5.2 Teaching & Learning 5.2.1: The school integrates students learning Description

What is the Approach? (What the school does and the rationale for it) How is it deployed? (who manages it; duration)

How widely is it deployed? How is the review carried out?

Give examples of improvement (Be able to comment on the impact on Teaching and Learning where available)


Evidence (Where can the evidence be found)

5.2.2 The school’s instructional programmes and the structure to deliver them are innovative and creative and cater to abilitydriven education


What is the Approach? (What the school does and the rationale for it) How is it deployed? (who manages it; duration)

How widely is it deployed? How is the review carried out?

Give examples of improvement (Be able to comment on the impact on Teaching and Learning where available) 8

Evidence (Where can the evidence be found)

5.2.3 Teachers create a classroom environment that is positive for student learning and involvement


What is the Approach? (What the school does and the rationale for it) How is it deployed? (who manages it; duration)

How widely is it deployed? How is the review carried out?

Give examples of improvement (Be able to comment on the impact on Teaching and Learning where available)


Evidence (Where can the evidence be found)

5.2.4 Teachers create a classroom environment that is positive for student learning and involvement


What is the Approach? (What the school does and the rationale for it) How is it deployed? (who manages it; duration)

How widely is it deployed? How is the review carried out?

Give examples of improvement (Be able to comment on the impact on Teaching and Learning where available)


Evidence (Where can the evidence be found)

5.2.5 The school ensures the effectiveness of its teaching and learning processes


What is the Approach? (What the school does and the rationale for it) How is it deployed? (who manages it; duration)

How widely is it deployed? How is the review carried out?

Give examples of improvement (Be able to comment on the impact on Teaching and Learning where available)


Evidence (Where can the evidence be found)


Assessment of Students

5.3.1 The school assesses student performance


What is the Approach? (What the school does and the rationale for it)

How is it deployed? (who manages it; duration)

How widely is it deployed?

Physical Education Grade is in place to assess students’ performance during PE Lesson.

Skills test is conducted on Sec 1 students to assess their suitability for the different CCA.

Using PEAK Rubrics, all students are assessed by their respective PE Teachers.

Skills test is conducted by the PE Teachers/ CCA Teachers to assess their suitability for the Sports CCA.

All students.

Sec 1 students.

How is the review carried out?

Give examples of improvement (Be able to comment on the impact 12

Evidence (Where can the evidence be found)

on Teaching and Learning where available)

5.3.2 The school uses assessment information for improving student performance and school programmes


What is the Approach? (What the school does and the rationale for it)

NAPFA trial test is conducted prior to the actual test to ensure that weaker students are given programs to specifically target their weaker areas.

During PE Lesson.

How is it deployed? (who manages it; duration) All students.

How widely is it deployed? How is the review carried out?

Give examples of improvement (Be able to comment on the impact on Teaching and Learning where available) 13

Evidence (Where can the evidence be found)

5.3.3 The school uses assessment information for improving student performance and school programmes


What is the Approach? (What the school does and the rationale for it) How is it deployed? (who manages it; duration)

How widely is it deployed? How is the review carried out?

Give examples of improvement (Be able to comment on the impact on Teaching and Learning where available)


Evidence (Where can the evidence be found)


Development in Co-Curricular Areas


The school’s co-curricular programme supports the holistic development of students. Description

What is the Approach? (What the school does and the rationale for it)

The school has a range of co-curricular activities (CCA) offered in the school which includes sports and games, uniformed groups and performing arts. Each CCA is guided by a 30-week plan. The school has in place outdoor activities such as Sec 1 Camp, swimming programme, Sec 2 camp, Combined UGs Camp that provide students with life-long skills. Other activities are also in place such Healthy Lifestyle Programme, Sports Week,(to provide pupils with exposure to diferrent type of healthy lifestyle activities), Sports Skill Module(Floorball, Frisbee, Volleyball, Touch Rugby & Handball), The school has events and activities to promote mass participation like APEX Day, Cross-Country, Sports Week.

How is it deployed? (who manages it; duration)

How widely is it deployed?


Evidence (Where can the evidence be found)

How is the review carried out?

Give examples of improvement (Be able to comment on the impact on Teaching and Learning where available)


The school coordinates and integrates its co-curricular programme to complement its teaching and learning process and ensure effective delivery.


What is the Approach? (What the school does and the rationale for it)

Ensuring that the range of core enrichment activities planned and integrated into co-curricular programme is balanced and caters to the needs and interest of pupils. List of Enrichment Activities such as ARTS programme, Swimming Programme, Leadership Programmes (collaboration with primary school to conduct camps), Health & Sexual Education, Nutrition Talk, Track & Field Components, Games skills module, IT Courses, and Healthy Lifestyle programme.

How is it deployed? (who manages it; duration)


Evidence (Where can the evidence be found)

How widely is it deployed? How is the review carried out?

Give examples of improvement (Be able to comment on the impact on Teaching and Learning where available)


The school ensures the effectiveness of its co-curricular programme.


What is the Approach? (What the school does and the rationale for it)

Students are allowed to participate in internal & external competitions to expand their views and knowledge of other environments. (D&T Toy design, Sudoku, IceCream Making, Teck Whye Superstar, Intra School Games, Green Building Design Competition).

Every CCA will have 30 week Programme and proper allocation of CCA day/time. □ Pupils’ interest in CCAs are sustained through CCA Days, External camps, external competitions and CIPs. □ SC updating done is termly. □


Evidence (Where can the evidence be found)

□ □

CCA survey for teachers will be done The school provides opportunities for the performing arts pupils to perform during Public Concert, CCA Fair, celebrations of ethnic festivals and Teachers Day.

How is it deployed? (who manages it; duration)

How widely is it deployed? How is the review carried out?

Give examples of improvement (Be able to comment on the impact on Teaching and Learning where available)


Leadership Development

5.5.1 The school nurtures the leadership potential of its students 18


What is the Approach? (What the school does and the rationale for it)

The school nurtures the leadership potentials through of the students through various leadership camps for the student councilors, OBS and CCA leadership programme.

Leadership opportunities are given to all pupils through the various class committees, subject representatives, inter-class competitions, class representations for Apex Day and Games week.

How is it deployed? (who manages it; duration)

How widely is it deployed? How is the review carried out?

Give examples of improvement (Be able to comment on the impact on Teaching and Learning where available)

5.5.2 The school ensures the effectiveness of its student leadership programme. 19

Evidence (Where can the evidence be found)


What is the Approach? (What the school does and the rationale for it) How is it deployed? (who manages it; duration)

How widely is it deployed? How is the review carried out?

Give examples of improvement (Be able to comment on the impact on Teaching and Learning where available)


Evidence (Where can the evidence be found)

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