Scene Description Justin,kelly

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  • October 2019
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Justin Kelly 26/09/07 Dr. Greenfield (Sorry for the Spelling Errors in Advance, Dont have MS WORD atm)


Backround music: Jesper Kyd - Hitman 2 Theme Location is a desert like city located in a barrens similar to modren day iraq. Weather is fair but it's starting to darken.

00:00 00:12 00:17

Camera fly down over hills and lands to a city (shurrupak). As the Camera gets closer the city grows in size, not only due to the zooming but also physicaly although its not to noticeable. As the Camera increases the city noise gets louder. City noise consists of market babble, carts and crime noises as well as yelling, taunts and just general converstaion.

00:17 00:19

Voices are heard comming for the city overtop the noise: “The uproar of mankind is intolerable” “Sleep is no longer possible”


“We must exterminate mankind”


Lights fly from the city in all directions but one remains hovering at the city.


Camera starts in a mans house made of reeds, the camera pans to a man dreaming and muffled voices from a god sounding person cry out to tear down the house and build a boat over and over.

00:32 00:34 00:37

Camera now starts to fade in and out in 3 second bursts. Camera shows a exodus of people from a building Camera shows workers adding pitch and building parts of a large ark like boat.

00:40 00:45


People Carring supplys, and planking and wedges being drove into the ship. Cross fade, ship is being placed in the water. Camera Quick Pan up and to the right to see the sky instantly darken from the ark building area, a horse and a man is vistable in the middle of the now massive and exspanding cloud. Camera to wide shot of ark working area. Everyone is entering the boat the man and horse pass overhead, the earth is ingulfed in a torrent of rain. All visible people enter the boat.


Camera pan to over the boats stern - A Large Gods Rip from the earth and appears. Rain is starting to accumilate.


Seven gods raise torches All the land is lit, and with a switft motion.


The land is smashed 'like a cup'

01:01 to 01:23

The Storm Rages the boat is being rocked, and pushed the water level is now drowning the earth.


Lights are seen accending higher in the sky as the water gets higher and higher. No land is visible but water level is rising.


A Voice from the heavens says “I Commanded evil, Why did I command this evil. I Commanded wars to destroy the people, but are they not my people as I brought them forth?”


The Chattering in the heavens goes slient and the lights seperate and desperce.


Winds blow and batter the ship. Its at a state where its almost like a armed conflict acted out with water. 7 days pass. This scene is 6 seconds of cuts of people and objects of on the boat interacting and the storm.


Camera Pans out to see the sun rise on the 7th day, the waters clam and the world is a flat sea, and all people are turned to clay.


A man is shown weaping, at the sight of such death. It looks around franticly for some signs of land, he spots a moutian top Zoom with Camera over the actors shoulder*


The boat is shown Ramming the moutian and being grounded.


Fade in from black, show Birds are being released (dove, swallow then raven)


Camera Spins around Utnapishtium stopping at his face, he looks up and the camera wips behind him showing the bit of mountan and recediing flood. Leaves the viewer with the impression that he survied and the world is his to conqure. Song and video ends abruptly.

SCENE DESCRIPTION #2 Backround music is Andrea Bocelli - "In Canto". Song Volume Varies. This Scene covers the ending of the flood. Camera pans over top of Utnapishtim's boat comes to rest on the top of Mount Nimush. The boat stuck firmly into the mountain peak. Camera Panning the deck of the boat comes over Utnapishtim. Camera then repans this time at a very close distance so his sholder fills the frame. Utnapishtim stands up from kneeling and raises his hands in the air

*camera jolts back to fill the frame with Utnapishtim, from a back lower shot* and all the living things (other then the human passangers flee from the boat in every direction. The camera flys around the fleeing chaos and then flys back to its orginal position and zooms over Utnapishtim shoulder and shows him sacrifing a sheep on the moutian. Camera Pans wide and shows lights comming in all directions and surrounding the boat. Camera locks on to to a key orange light that slightly bigger then the other and it speaks. (Enlil) The light starts shaking and says “Not one was durvie the destrution!”. The light Pans to the left to a blue light and the light shakes and a voice says “Who can devise without Ea? It is Ea alone that knows all things? (Ninurta). Camera Quickly pops to Utnapishtim whom is panicing but holding his ground on the boat top. Camera Swings back up and locks on to a green light. The Green Light (Ea) speaks saying “Enlil how could you so senselessy call down the flood?, it was not I whom revealed the secret of the gods; the wise man learned it in a dream. Now be done with you and descide his fate” Enlil takes human form and brings Utnapishtim and his wife together *top down camera* and blesses them saying: “At one time Utnapishtim was mortal. At this time let him be a god and immortal; Let him live in the far away at the source of all the rivers” Camera tilts to the sky and fades to black. Song fades out.

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