Saving Andy

  • August 2019
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  • Words: 3,493
  • Pages: 12
"aving Andy"S By: Macy Tubman We were driving home the first Monday of school when Andy mumbled out of the blue, "I don't think I'm going to come back to school next year." I slammed down on the brakes and the tires screeched to a halt. "Chill, Lily it's not for sure," she assured me, "I'm just thinking about it. Besides, my parents will completely flip when they hear." I snorted as I got back to my senses, since when does Andy have any regard for what her parents say, or anyone for that matter? I still tried to play it cool. "No, I'm chilled, just what ",would you do? Since you won't be in school and all I don't know, see the world, maybe a bit of modeling. I really want to" move to the city." I bit my lip. Andy would make a great model. She's 5"10', really skinny, with long flowing reddish-blonde hair, and her eyes are like twin swimming pools. Plus she can sit straight for hours. This as far as I can see is probably all a model really has to know how to do. "What happened to our idea of seeing the world together, y'know before college "?next summer I know but I need more than a month for this trip, and you'll be" flitting off to Yale or Harvard or something like that, where as I probably will only get accepted to the stupid community college, so I might as well ".not go ".Andy, your father can get you in anywhere you want" Seriously Lily Moon, you know I would never go anywhere cause my" ".Dad got me in, that is just so… unlike me It's better than not going anywhere, and who may I ask will be" "?paying for that penthouse suite in New York City ".Whatever. We'll see"

.I dropped the subject. I don't like arguing with Andy Andy was quiet as we pulled up in front of her huge suburban home. Just as she was closing the car door behind her, Andy's mother, Renee Echollis stormed out of the front door, with their Hispanic maid Carlie fussing behind her. She was in a particularly nasty rage today. Screaming and spitting in French with a heavy accent (which I happen to know is fake because fact is, she was born and bred in the Bronx.) "ANDREA!" she roared when she spotted Andy. "YOUR SCHOOL CALLED THAT FOR SOME REASON YOU DID NOT FIND IT NECASSSARY TO GO TO YOUR MATH CLASS, IT'S THE SECOND DAY OF THE SCHOOL YEAR FOR GOODNESS SAKE!" Then she spotted me through the open window "You!" she said, her expression poisonous. I waved. Renee Echollis hates me and treats me a way that matches. I find this interesting, without me Andy would've been kicked out of school ages ago "I should've known if Andrea is around people like you there would be trouble." Andy didn't even defend me. She just rolled her eyes and started walking into the house. "Don't you walk away from me, you just wait! When your father hears about this…!" screamed her mother. .I drove away smiling to myself, and put the radio up on top volume Later, I pulled into the driveway at our house in the southern part of Hope, New York a suburban town about an hour outside of New York City. Most of the town are wealthy families, like Andy's, I live in the southern .part where the houses, like most of the people, are shabbier and older I had no sooner slammed the door to Dad's Chevy, (he commutes to work by train) when Mrs. Morlyn, an old black widower who used to baby .sit me waved to me, "Liliana Rose Moon!" she sang .Hi Mrs. Morlyn," I smiled, heading dutifully to her porch"

Don't you have time to come and give an old dyin' lady a kiss?" I " .lightly touched my cheek to hers "?So… how's school" ".Could be better" Could be worse," she corrected" ".That too" You working hard?" she asked. Mrs. Morlyn thinks I'm going to be the" person to find a cure for cancer or something, she is always encouraging me to get good grades in school so I can go to college. She tells me that I should have the chance she never had because when she was young .they'd never accept a black girl to college ?Actually I have a big report due soon," what's a little white lie" ".So go," she said, "be well, Lilliana Rose"

I trudged into the house and threw my things on the sofa. Than I changed into an old t-shirt and started to wash the dirty dishes from lasts night's supper with the radio on to the news. The phone rang as I was .drying up .Hello," I said" ".Hey Lily, it's me" ".Hi dad" "?How was your day" ".Same old" Lil, I'm in Connecticut looking at a piece of property," said my"" .father I think I'm going to have to stay at the hotel here for the night, do" you mind?" Dad's a real estate lawyer, because of his terribly boring

career choice I've decided that I'm going to go into something a little more .interesting, like knife juggling .No," I said trying to feign a cheery disposition" "?Good, then do you want to stay at a friend" ".Dad, please, I'll be fine" Okay, well I guess there are no instructions to give you, besides to" ".lock up the house ",Kay" .Good night," Dad whispered softly" ".Good night" ".And Lily," My dad said suddenly, "I love you" .I smiled at the phone, "I love you too Daddy." The line went dead There was nothing to do it was only the first week of school so there was no homework. I slumped on the couch and then got up to look in the fridge. Nothing good. I settled back on the couch. Fridge. Couch. Fridge. Couch. I finally ordered a pizza. When the pizza arrived I curled up on the couch and took out Harry Potter to read for the umpteenth time. I was quite immersed in it when the door bell rang. We don't get many house calls besides for the mailman with his complaints and it was 8 o'clock P.M. .I went cautiously towards the door Who is it?" I called" Me" I swung open the door. It was Andy looking a little worse for" wear but alive and healthy, good thing too because with Andy you never .know "What's up? Come in" Not much," she said looking past me, "I'm starved. Is that pizza?" I" closed the door and locked up sighing. When I turned around Andy was

already settled on the couch working on her second slice, pretty amazing .for someone as thin as her "?Andy," I said firmly, "do your parents know you're here" Kind of" she said swallowing hard, and in response to my questioning" look she answered, "I told them I was going away for the night, my Dad ".and I had a little argument .About what?" I inquired helping myself to another slice" The principal called and told my Dad that I probably won't get a" diploma next year because I didn't take the stupid regents last year. Why "?does New York have to be the only stupid state with those stupid tests .They're trying to eliminate stupidity," I joked" Andy settled back comfortably, "Looks like I'm going to spend the "?night, where's your Dad ".Not home"

A few hours later we were lying on the floor of my room staring at the .ceiling. "You're so lucky" Andy said suddenly What?" I asked bewildered" She sat up, "You're smart, charismatic, and everyone likes you Lily. You also have a great relationship with your Dad who is the nicest guy." I was shocked, not just even to hear Andy use the word relationship, but she had never said anything like that to me before. She continued, "I, on the other hand, am stupid. I'll never get into any college, (Ha! I knew she really wanted to go) I'm getting kicked out of school; every solitary person who knows me hates me. They all think of me as Solomon Echollis's spoiled wild daughter. Which reminds me that my father probably wants to

excommunicate me from the family, and my mother is just a self-absorbed "!nasty fake who has no interest in anything but herself Me… Lucky?" I was in shock, "No… You have no idea… None…" I was" shaking my head and muttering to myself. Than the last sentence of her speech finally registered and I became angry. No, livid. Boiling water was pumping through my veins "AT LEAST YOU HAVE A MOTHER!!!!" I screamed, "How dare you say that 'I'm lucky' Andy! You have no idea how it is! You want to know why my father and I have such a great 'relationship'?" I asked sarcastically, "Because I work at it! You choose to turn away from your parents and act like you're the victim of all their issues, but the truth is, the fault is in you, and the way you treat them!" I breathed slowly, calming down, "They were always there for you. They still ".are, but time is running out How did it happen?" Andy asked softly. It took me a few moments to" realize she was talking about my mother. Since Andy and I had become friends we had never discussed my mother's death. I never really told anyone what truly happened. A huge lump rose in my throat, and my eyes .swam with tears, I swallowed and blinked hard I was nine," I said quietly, "It was summer so we went to the beach." She bought me a cherry popsicle, and than asked me if I wanted to go for a swim. I was afraid of the waves so I said no, but I told her I was tired." A few hot tears rolled down my cheeks, "She saw right through me. She told me it was just a quick dip. She went in the water, and I watched her go deeper and deeper and she suddenly started waving at me. I waved back thinking she wanted to say hi, but she was stuck in a whirlpool. Next thing I know she's gone…" I was sobbing now, "Don't you see? I could've stopped it, I could've gotten help, but I didn't." I was beside myself, "She

was so smart and funny and nice and beautiful. Dad says I look like her, blonde hair, dark eyes, petite, but I'm the plain version of her." I hiccupped .quietly Maybe that's why you're always trying to fix me," Andy said" thoughtfully, "Because you need control of a situation, like you didn't have ".of that situation ".What?" I sniffled, "I'm not trying to fix you " ".Andy laughed, "Of course you are. It's okay I need you .I dismissed her words, I didn't even get what she meant I wiped my eyes. "Andy, you are going to apologize to your father tomorrow morning about the fight you had," I declared ".Andy looked taken aback "My father goes to work really early, sorry We'll go to his office in the city and meet him there. I don't really" care when or how we get there, it is absolutely important that you patch "?things up with your father NOW. Am I getting the message through Andy threw a pillow at me, "Yea right, we'll be late to school. You would never miss your bio class." I threw the pillow back at her, "We're not ".even taking Bio this year .I had won .By the time we got to sleep at 2 o'clock I was an emotional wreck

We woke up the next morning at six thirty. We showered and dressed, and I made us coffee. We were on our way at 7 o'clock on the button. We got to Andy's father's workplace at around eight. He worked at the world trade center. When we floated through the door a security guard asked us to fill out a form. "What floor is your father on?" I asked The fifteenth," Andy answered"

"?What's the date" "?September" Thanks," I answered sarcastically" It's the eleventh," said the security guard" I gave in the form, and grabbed Andy towards the elevators "Come ",on, I don't have all day When we got to Andy's office except for a secretary that had just arrived who was helping herself to some coffee, from a machine. "Is Mr. .Echollis in?" I asked her .Who's asking?" She surveyed us" ",His daughter" Well Mr. Echollis doesn't get in until around ten on weekdays," she" said suppressing a smile, "but I'll tell him you dropped by." I glared at .Andy .Woops, my mist-" BANG" She was cut off by a huge crash somewhere in the building. The secretary jumped up spilling coffee all over herself. I ran towards the window. Smoke was mushrooming outside rapidly. "I think the buildings on fire," I said nervously, "They'll probably want us to evacuate, we should go." The secretary looked panicked, "Do you think it's going to collapse? "?Should I get my things Calm down," said Andy, "Do you know how many tons of steel this" building is made of. It's not going anywhere." Andy and I started out the door. The secretary followed half heartedly she was breathing loudly and looked hysterical. When we practically made it to the stairwell she collapsed on the floor holding her chest and choking out short gasping breathes, I started yelling for help like a lunatic. Andy commanded me to

be quiet and then sat down opposite the hysterical woman. "Are you an Asthmatic?" She asked calmly. The woman was sobbing hard and she .nodded her head violently The first thing you have to do is calm down, and focus on your" .breathing," the woman did Lily," Andy said to me not taking her eyes off the secretary, "Go back" into the office and get her pocketbook," I was so terrified I ran to the office like my life (or the secretary's life) depended on it. This was the first time I smelled the smoke, I was surprised I hadn't before it was quite heavy. I found the inhaler not in the pocketbook but in a separate shopping bag next to her chair. I brought it out to Andy. Andy helped the woman with the inhaler, and she breathed slowly, returning to her normal skin tone. We helped the secretary to her feet and supported her out the door leading to the stairwell. The smell of smoke was stronger here. Apparently, we were not the only ones who had decided that leaving the building was a good idea because the place was packed with official looking businessmen and women. Andy asked a middle age man to help the woman down. Then .Andy grabbed my hand and dragged me out of the stairwell What are you doing?" I yelled" "!There can be other people stuck in the building! We have to check" Andy that's crazy, firemen will come and do that we have to go!" by" now the smell of smoke was extremely strong and the window's were hard .to see out of By then it might be to late, and I don't want to have that on my" "?conscience, do you I sighed and Andy was already running down the hall of the fifteenth floor. We raced through the offices on the fifteenth floor checking every

office and room. Most of them had their doors ajar from people who had probably left already. When I thought we were finally through, Andy yelled at me from a different room "Lily get in here!" she yelled, I ran in to a sight that on most days I would find funny, but due to to certain circumstances it was thoroughly frightening. It was a custodian with headphones on his ears, asleep on the job, snoring steadily. Andy shook him firmly "Get up!" "!she yelled at him, "Get up .Who are you?" he said frightened looking up at Andy" She grinned, "Your guardian angel. This building is on fire, if I were .you I'd be heading to the stairs." He got up and left in awe The smoke was getting thicker, but Andy was beaming. "Lily do you realized that we just saved two people's lives! Let's check the last few .doors," she said .Andy, I can't really breathe," I coughed" ".It will take two seconds, I promise" .I wasn't reassured, but I checked the last two offices with her quickly There was another loud crash from outside. Andy suddenly cried, "Here Lily," She was pointing at an exit sign and had pulled back a door to reveal another empty stairwell, "Come on," the air was thick with smoke now, we started running down the stairs, On the 12th floor a realization hit me. What Andy had said the night before about me trying to fix her had been true! Not about me, but her! I had never seen her so happy before, that was because this is what she had been missing! This was what she needed! For people to need her. The second we get back to school I was going to sign her up for those after school programs to help out at the hospital or something- That's when I saw it happening as if in slow motion, Andy who was a stairwell ahead of me missing the top step of the 5th floors

set of stairs she tumbled down almost gracefully and her head made .contact with a wall with a sickening crack she slumped to the floor ANDY!" I yelled, and jumped the last few steps to her I fell down" beside her and turned her face towards me. Blood poured from her head forming a little pool around us. I shook her shoulders "Andy wake up! I need you! Remember? I do!" I was bawling the smoke was so thick I could hardly see. "HELP!" I yelled, "Please, Help!" I couldn't control myself. I was shaking so hard. I put Andy's bleeding head against my chest and hugged .her. Her body was limp in my hands Then I felt it. A pulse, weak, but definitely there. I was going to have to take her down the stairs. She was so much bigger than me it was hard, I dragged her carefully down the steps with a strength I did not know that I possessed. I opened the door on the last floor hoping against all hope someone could still save her. In the lobby there were hundred's of people heading towards the exits frantically, firemen and paramedics were assisting, and police were .moving traffic .Help!" I yelled. A fireman was upon me" .My friend… help her please..." I was bawling again" ".Run kid, your friend will be fine, but you have to go" I ran out of the building with him and watched him bring her in an ambulance that roared away. I felt blind, my shirt was blood soaked and my eyes were like streams. I ran ten blocks before daring to turn around just in time to see the first tower crumble mercilessly to the ground. I continued running knowing that I had done what I was meant to do I had .finally saved Andy

I willed the traffic lights to go faster, and I was only a block away .when my cell phone rang. "Hello," I said impatiently Dr. Moon! It's a good thing you picked up the insurance agency " .refuses to cover Jacob Flinch's transplant!" said my secretary Dora Tell them that Dr. Echollis and I reveiewed the case and have come " ".to the conclusion that this is the only alternative for now "I did! They seem to think it's not in his best interests " ".Is dying?" I said furiously, "I have to go I'll get back to you Dora " I sped into the driveway, flew passed the open door, and raced up the stairs. I knocked quietly on the door. "Come in," said a small voice. I walked into Andy's room in anticipation. There was a scent of lilacs in the "?air. She turned around to face me nervously, "What do you think .She looked so beautiful I almost cried She wore a simple, long, fresh, white gown and a matching veil. Her hair flowed down her back and in the light streaming through the window it hinted with summer time gold. Her make-up was natural and flawless, .and her crystal blue eyes twinkled with happiness .I…I have no words, Andy you look like…a princess." I stammered " Andy laughed, even her laugh sounded regal. Someone knocked on .the door. "It's time!" they called Go," I whispered urgently opening the door for her. She turned and I " ".saw tears glistening in her pretty eyes. "Thank you Lily Moon

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