Sankeymexiconews 1 2009

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Mexico News Update January 2009

U Uppccoom miinngg eevveennttss::

~ Revival in Saltillo – February 9 – 15. ~ Oaxaca Trip with Missions Leadership – February 16 25 ~ Church Anniversary Celebration in Oaxaca City – Feb. 24 – 26 ~ Revival in Rio Bravo – March 13 – 15; Evangelist – Marc Sankey ~ Bible Institute Classes in Saltillo – April 13 – 17. Professor: Dale Redman (TX); other professor to be announced.

Sankey Share Support Thank you so much to those of you who are faithfully sending in your share support each month. Please give through your local Bible Meth. Church or Treasurer Monte Stetler P.O.Box 18128 Elsmere, KY 41018

SSaannkkeeyyF Faam miillyyH Hiigghhlliigghhttss:: ~ Melodie had a birthday recently – thanks to everyone for the birthday wishes. Logan is next: he turns 10 on February 8. ~ The boys are back in home school and working hard; they’re loving making new Mexican friends here in Saltillo.

Marc & Melodie Sankey Jordan, Cameron and Logan

Dear Friends and Family, Hello to all of you on this chilly morning in Saltillo. I think I saw 32 degrees on the online thermometer. When you live in a house with no central heat, that’s pretty chilly! Thank the Lord for 2 good heaters and lots of blankets and jackets. During the day it normally warms up into the 60s and 70s, so don’t feel too sorry for us! We’re loving living in Saltillo and so much enjoying being back “in the saddle” and the privilege of working with and being with our dear Bible Methodist people. Speaking of that, let me bring you up to date on several recent happenings here in Mexico. Our visit with our entire Sankey Family was such a highlight for us – we had a wonderful time spending the Christmas holidays together. Thank you, family, for coming to be with us.

Our Bible Methodist Youth Congress in December was a wonderful success. Please see our

Bible Methodist Missionaries in Mexico family/ministry blog for more details and pictures. It consisted of 3 days of anointed preaching, interaction with our young people, playing games and praying together and more! Marc speaking at the Youth Congress

Some of the young people singing during the open air service in the mountains

Thank the Lord for the spiritual help our young people received. Please pray for our young people. Pray for Perla, Jose Luis, Karrla, Nohemi, Ervin, Deisy, Melisa, Daniel, Cesia, Cynthia, Eric and many others!

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Our Stateside Address: 2112 W University Dr. #1122 Edinburg, TX 78539 Phone: (956) 566.3929 Our Family Blog: Missions Blog: mexicobiblemethodist E-Mail: [email protected] [email protected]

Pastor Refugio’s daughter, Marisa – isn’t she a sweetheart? She calls Marc "Tio Marcos" - Uncle Marc - and always looks forward to his visits

PPrraayyeerr R Reeqquueessttss ~ Upcoming spring revivals in

several of our churches ~ Bible Institute classes taking place in April and for the professors and students: pastors, young and lay people. ~ Conference President Dolores Hernandez and family ~ Bible Institute President Eli Balderas and family ~ that lost souls would be reached with the Gospel through the new missions many of our pastors are opening.

Mexico News Update Revival and 7th Church Anniversary Celebration in Cuchicuato In early January, Marc traveled down to the Central Mexican village of Cuchicuato to minister in and attend the 7th anniversary celebration and revival at our Bible Methodist Church there. 7 years ago God helped Pastor Refugio overcome personal stonings and opposition to the Gospel in that village and plant a Bible Methodist Church. 7 years later, we are celebrating the coming of the Gospel to Cuchicuato and the lives that have been changed in this village and surrounding areas. Pictured below is a family of new converts in the church in Cuchicuato.

Visit to the Bible Methodist Missions in Zacatecas. Last Saturday Marc, Steve, and Pastor Dolores and his family went to visit the missions in Zacatecas: Sabana Grande and San Antonio. This was Marc's 3rd time to visit the people there and as always, he came home with his heart touched with their poverty and their hunger for the Gospel. It is about a 3 hour drive from Saltillo, so as you can imagine, it was an all day affair. They preached, sang, gave out Bibles and Christmas gifts, used clothing and other items. The boys and I weren't able to go this time because of trying to make up for lost time with home school, but the next time, we want to go!

Pastor Dolores and his family have a great ministry here in these desert villages. It was encouraging to watch them minister to their own people - they have an obvious burden for the people here in this region. Here are some of the people receiving their Bibles

Thank you! Thank you to everyone who took time to send us Christmas cards and gifts during this past holiday season. Your love and faithful support means more to us than we can say. We pray God’s blessings on you! We also say thank you to President Walt Hedstrom and the Alabama Conference for their contribution of the 3 volume set of Exploring Christian Holiness in Spanish for our pastors!

We’d like to make you aware of an exciting opportunity for you as a church or individual to make a real difference in the life of our Bible Methodist pastors and families. Most of them do not have health insurance, or means to pay the costs of emergency medical needs. Through the generous donation of the Alabama Conference, we have been able to set up a Pastors’ Emergency Medical Fund here in Mexico. It has already been a great blessing to our pastors and families in the past few months. If you would like to give toward this fund, please mark your gift Mexican Pastors’ Medical Fund and give through your local Bible Methodist Church or Missions Treasurer Monte Stetler. Until next time – God bless you all! The Sankey Family

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