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Perspective of Education in Pakistan MCQs Set1

1.According to Allama Iqbal Aim of the Education is ________? (A) Development of individual Personality (B) Development of Family (C) getting Jobs (D) None of the above. 2. Allama Iqbal suggested which subjects should be included in the Curriculum? (A) Religious Subjects (B) Social Subjects (C) History and Science (D) All of the above.. 3. Allama Iqbal given stress on which method of teaching? (A) learning by doing (B) learning by technology (C) cooperative learning (D) None of the Above.. 4. System of Education in a country is based on ______? (A) Development of Individual Personality (B) Skill Development (C) Ideology of a Nation (D) None of the above. 5. Aligarh Muslim University was established in which year? (A) 1875 (B) 1921 (C) 1935 (D) None of the Above. 6. Deoband Movement focused more on which type education? (A) Islamic Education (B) English System of Education (C) Both A & B (D) None of the Above.. 7. Deoband Education System ignored what? (A) Scientific Education (B) Religion (C) Philosophy (D) None of the Above.

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8. M.A.O College was established in which year? (A) 1873 (B) 1875 (C) 1877 (D) None of the Above. 9. Scientific Society was Established by Whom? (A) Allama Iqbal (B) Sir Syed Ahmed Khan (C) Moulvi Abdul Lateef Khan (D) None of te Above. 10. Aim of the Scientific Society was to translate ____? (A) Book of English into Urdu and Hindi (B) Book of Urdu into English (C) Both A & B (D) All of the Above

Answers to Perspective of Education in Pakistan Pedagogy MCQs for FPSC SST Set 1 1. A 2. D 3. A 4. C 5. B 6. A 7. A 8. B 9. B 10. A

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Perspective of Education in Pakistan MCQs set 2 1. Policy of Nationalization of Education was first adopted by whom in 1972? (A) General Zia Ul Haq (B) Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto (C) Ayub Khan (D) None of the above. 2. Darul Uloom Deoband was established in which year? (A) 1865 (B) 1866 (C) 1867 (D) All of the above.. 3. Supreme Interest of Sir Syed Ahmed Khan Life was _____? (A) political reforms (B) education (C) independence of Muslim Majority areas (D) None of the Above.. 4. M.A.O College Initially was a ______? (A) School (B) College (C) University (D) None of the above. 5. First Educational Conference held in which city of Pakistan? (A) Karachi (B) Lahore (C) Islamabad (D) None of the Above. 6. First Educational Conference in Pakistan held from _____to_____. (A) 1st November 1947 to 1st December 1947 (B) 10th November 1947 to 1st December 1947 (C) 20th November 1947 to 1st December 1947 (D) None of the Above.. 7. First Educational Conference in Pakistan convened under the supervision of ____? (A) Liaqat Ali Khan (B) Sir Agha Khan (C) Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah (D) None of the Above. 8. Who was the first Education Minister of Pakistan? (A) Fazal Ur Rehman

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(B) Liaqat Ali Khan (C) Moulvi Tameez uddin (D) None of the Above. 9. Education Minister of Pakistan during his speech on the occasion of first education conference in 1947 proposed which dimension of education? (A) Spiritual (B) Social (C) Vocational (D) All of the Above (E) None of te Above. 10. Major recommendations given at the end of First Education Conference on 1st December 1947 were? (A) Free and Compulsory Education in Pakistan (B) Education should be teamed with Islamic Values (C) Emphasis on Science and Technical Education (D) Both A & B (E) All of the Above excluding D

Answers to Perspective of Education in Pakistan Pedagogy MCQs for FPSC SST, TGT and Lecturers Set 2 1. B 2. B 3. B 4. A 5. A 6. C 7. C 8. A 9. B 10. A

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Planning and Management in Educations MCQs Set 1 1. Educational Administration is the process of ? (A) Utilizing appropriate resources for development of Human qualities (B) Manage Activities of educational institutions (C) planning, organizing, directing and controlling human resources in educational setting (D) None of the above. 2. In Educational Management function of planning is ____? (A) Preparing for future for desired goals (B) Financial planning (C) to appoint staff (D) All of the Above (E) None of the above.. 3. In Educational Management function of reporting is/are ___ ? (A) Documentation (B) Record Keeping (C) Inspection (D) All of the Above.. 4. In Educational Management function of Coordinating is ______? (A) Record Keeping (B) relationship between stack holder (C) to appoint staff (D) None of the above. 5. In Educational Management function of Budgeting is _____? (A) Financial Planning (B) accounting (C) control and expenditure (D) All of the Above (E) None of the Above. 6. Types of Educational Administration are _____. (A) 2 types (B) 3 types (C) 4 types (D) None of the Above.. 7. In Educational Administration Autocratic Administration _____? (A) one person is responsible for running affairs of institution (B) two persons are responsible for running affairs of institution (C) Both A & B (D) None of the Above.

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8. Modern Concept in Educational Administration is ? (A) Autocratic Administration (B) Democratic Administration (C) Laissez Fair Administration (D) None of the Above. 9. In Educational Administration Laissez Fair Administration ____? (A) complete freedom to the group or individual (B) opinions of all the staff honored (C) power lye with single person (D) All of the Above (E) None of te Above. 10. Education Supervision Means _____? (A) assistance in development of teaching learning process (B) that discipline through which we control affairs of others (C) Both A & B (D) None of the above

Answers to Planning and Management in Education Pedagogy MCQs for FPSC SST, TGT and Lecturers Set 1 1. B 2. A 3. D 4. B 5. D 6. B 7. A 8. B 9. A 10. C

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Educational Psychology MCQs Set1 1. Classical Conditions was presented by Whom? (A) B. F. Skinner (B) Pavlov (C) Plato (D) None of the above. 2. Which Method is used to Study Behavior or Event ? (A) Experimental Method (B) Observation Method (C) Psychological Method (D) All of the above.. 3. Who is the founder of Behaviorism? (A) J. B. Watson (B) Aristotle (C) Maslow (D) None of the Above.. 4. Behaviorism is the systematic approach to understand the behavior of _____? (A) Human Beings (B) Animals (C) Both A & B (D) None of the above. 5. Inwhich Method we study the step by step growth of a Child? (A) Experimental Methods (B) Development Method (C) Both A & B (D) None of the Above. 6. Cognitive Development deals with_____. (A) Body Parts (B) Brain Development (C) Emotions (D) None of the Above.. 7. The most well known and influential theory of cognitive development was presented by Whom? (A) Jeans Piaget (B) Maslow (C) B.F. Skinner (D) None of the Above.

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8. According to Piaget Cognitive Development occurs in how many universal stages? (A) 3 (B) 4 (C) 5 (D) None of the Above. 9. Cognition Means____? (A) Act of Knowing or perceiving (B) Act of doing some thing (C) Act of running or walking (D) None of te Above. 10. Which thing bring the permanent change in the behavior as a result of experience ? (A) Education (B) learning (C) Both A & B (D) All of the Above

Answers to Educational Psychology Pedagogy MCQs for FPSC SST Set 1 1. B 2. B 3. A 4. C 5. B 6. B 7. A 8. B 9. A 10. B

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Curriculum Development and Assessment MCQs Set 1 1. Important Factor of Curriculum is to achieve the ? (A) values (B) Education (C) Objectives (D) None of the above. 2. What is meant by Curriculum? (A) Course Outline (B) Syllabus of the subject (C) Overall activities in the institution (D) All of the above.. 3. Nature of the Curriculum is ______? (A) Creative (B) Critical (C) Conservative (D) All of the Above.. 4. Who is responsible for Curriculum Planning and Development in Pakistan? (A) Federal Education Ministry (B) Curriculum Wing (C) Text Book Boards (D) None of the above. 5. What is meant by Mini culture? (A) Classroom (B) Education Department (C) University (D) None of the Above. 6. Syllabus is the part of what? (A) Book (B) Curriculum (C) School (D) None of the Above.. 7. Outline of the content is ______? (A) Syllabus (B) Course Outline (C) Curriculum (D) None of the Above. 8. Scope of Curriculum includes ? (A) All the Program of Activities

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(B) All the Program of Studies (C) All the Program of Guidance (D) All of the Above. 9. Important Components of the curriculum ? (A) intended outcomes (B) manner of implementation (C) what is taught (D) All of the Above (E) None of the Above. 10. Type of Curriculum? (A) Explicit (Stated Curriculum (B) Hidden (Unofficial Curriculum) (C) Absent or Null (Excluded Curriculum) (D) All of the Above

Answers to Curriculum Development and Assessment Pedagogy MCQs for FPSC SST Set 1 1. C 2. C 3. D 4. B 5. A 6. B 7. A 8. D 9. D 10. D

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Curriculum Development and Assessment MCQs Set 2 1. Components of a curriculum is /are ___? (A) Teaching Strategy (B) Objectives (C) Evaluation (D) All of the Above (E) None of the above. 2. Name the committee which is responsible for finalization Curriculum for Secondary Level? (A) Provincial Curriculum Wing Committee (B) National Curriculum Committee (C) Both A & B (D) None of the above.. 3. Number of the basic components of a Curriculum are ____? (A) 4 (B) 12 (C) 24 (D) All of the Above.. 4. How the Effectiveness of the Curriculum is determined? (A) Objectives (B) Evaluation (C) Economics (D) None of the above. 5. From the given options which one is the component of a curriculum? (A) Design (B) Evaluation (C) Implementation (D) None of the Above. 6. An Educational System depends on What to systematize and execute the process of Education? (A) Syllabus (B) Curriculum (C) Course (D) None of the Above.. 7. A plan of action for preparing a curriculum is _________? (A) Elements of Curriculum (B) Curriculum Design (C) Both A & B (D) None of the Above.

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8. The problem being faced in Curriculum Development in Pakistan is ? (A) Less no of trained teachers (B) insufficient financial resources (C) Lack of buildings (D) All of the Above. 9. Major functions of all Text Book Boards in Pakistan ? (A) Printing Curriculum (B) Printing Books (C) Both A & B (D) None of the Above. 10. West Pakistan Text Book Board was established in ? (A) July 1961 (B) July 1962 (C) July 1963 (D) All of the Above

Answers to Curriculum Development and Assessment MCQs for FPSC SST Set 2 1. D 2. B 3. A 4. B 5. B 6. B 7. B 8. D 9. B 10. B

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Educational Guidance and Counseling MCQs Set 1 1. Guidance refers to ___. (A) An advice provided by superior to resolve problem (B) A professional advice provided by Counselor in overcoming from personal or Psychological problems (C) Both A & B (D) None of the above. 2. Counseling refers to ___ . (A) A Professional advice by Counselor (B) An Advice by Elder (C) Both A & B (D) All of the above.. 3. Which of the following is not the type of counseling? (A) Marriage and Family Counseling (B) Mental Health Counseling (C) Substance Abuse Counseling (D) Above All are types of Counselling (E) None of the Above.. 4. What does a school Counselor do? (A) helping students in their academic goals (B) helping students in social and personal development (C) helping students in their career development (D) All of the Above (E) None of the above. 5. Guidance is a process of _____. (A) to give advice to the child (B) teaching English to the Child (C) Both A & B (D) None of the Above. 6. In Probing or Questioning from the Counselor enables what? (A) to help students to move forward in helping process (B) investigate other parts of his or her story (C) Counselor can be with students physically or psychologically (D) None of the Above.. 7. The main aim of educational guidance is________. (A) Pupil Development (B) To Solve the Problems (C) Improvement of Curriculum (D) None of the Above.

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8. A school Counselor works in_____ (A) Primary , Middle and High Schools (B) In Colleges (C) In Universities (D) None of the Above. 9. Main objective of educational guidance is to bring what change in the pupil____. (A) Psychological Development of the child (B) responsibility of self direction (C) Both A & B (D) None of te Above. 10. Name the person who is credited with Guidance Movement ? (A) Einstein (B) George Washington (C) Frank Parsons (D) All of the Above

Answers to Educational Guidance and Counseling Pedagogy MCQs for FPSC SST Set 1 1. A 2. A 3. D 4. D 5. A 6. A 7. A 8. A 9. B 10. C

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Planning and Management in Education MCQs Set 2 1. Systematic way of Doing Things is known as_______ ? (A) Management (B) Planning (C) planning, organizing, directing and controlling (D) None of the above. 2. Major responsibility of School Management lies on Whom. (A) Science Teacher (B) Vice Principal (C) Principal (D) All of the Above (E) None of the above.. 3. Management is concerned with the administration of _____. (A) Physical Assets (B) Financial Resources (C) Human Resoruces (D) All of the Above.. 4. From the given options which is lowest level of Management? (A) Managers (B) Technicians (C) Supervisors (D) None of the above. 5. Management is social as well as ______ process? (A) technical (B) educational (C) thinking (D) All of the Above (E) None of the Above. 6. From the given options which represent heart of management process. (A) to look into the problem (B) communication (C) Organizing (D) None of the Above.. 7. Which of the following is main source of innovations? (A) Technology (B) Research in Education (C) Human Mind (D) None of the Above.

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8. Planning for the Institution should be based on _______ ? (A) Syllabus (B) Aims and Needs (C) Both A & B (D) None of the Above. 9. Goals of the Organization Should be _____? (A) Clearly defined (B) Achievable (C) Random (D) All of the Above (E) None of te Above. 10. Key to discipline and Control is _______? (A) Punishment (B) Motivation (C) Effective Teaching (D) Both B & C

Answers to Planning and Management in Education Pedagogy MCQs for FPSC SST, TGT and Lecturers Set 2 1. A 2. C 3. D 4. C 5. A 6. B 7. C 8. B 9. B 10. D

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Pedagogy MCQs Set 1. What is meant by performance test? (A) Special Ability Test (B) Online MCQs Test (C) Written Descriptive Test (D) None of the above. 2. Army Alpha test is known as _____? (A) group test (B) group study (C) individual test (D) None of the above.. 3. Army Beta test is known as _______? (A) individual test (B) individual mcqs test (C) group test (D) None of the Above.. 4. Standardized Test are commonly known as _______? (A) Criterion referenced (B) Norm-referenced (C) Norm-Criterion referenced (D) None of the above. 5. Important characteristics of standardized test are ? (A) reliability and Accuracy (B) reliability and practicality (C) Accuracy and practicality (D) None of the Above. 6. Reliability is _______? (A) quality of test results (B) consistency of test results (C) Hypothetical estimation (D) None of the Above.. 7. Best methods of the evaluation of the personality is _________? (A) Survey Test (B) Inventory Test (C) Both A & B (D) None of the Above. 8. Last National Educational Policy of Pakistan was implemented in ________? (A) 1971

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(B) 2009 (C) 2017 (D) None of the Above. 9. In which year United Nations Organization Proclaimed "the right to learn" for children? (A) 20 November 1959 (B) 20 November 1960 (C) 20 November 1961 (D) None of te Above. 10. Evidence of Validity can be related to _________ ? (A) Construct (B) Content (C) Criterion (D) All of the Above

Answers to Pedagogy MCQs Set 1 1. A 2. C 3. A 4. B 5. A 6. B 7. B 8. C 9. C 10. D

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