Sample C++ Program On Banking

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  • May 2020
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  • Words: 881
  • Pages: 17
SAMPLE PROGRAM FOR C++ ON BANKING #include #include #include #include<string.h> #include<process.h> #include<stdio.h> #include<dos.h>

void password(void) { int counter=0; char username[20]; char password[15]; char str[20]; fstream user; fstream pass;"username.dat",ios::binary|ios::in|ios::out);"password.dat",ios::binary|ios::in|ios::out); do { clrscr(); cout<<"\n\n\n\n\n\t\t\t USERNAME "; cout<<"\n\n\t\t "; gets(username);*) &str,sizeof(str)); user.close(); if(strcmp(str,username)==0)

{ clrscr(); cout<<"\n\n\n\n\n\t\t\tPASSWORD "; cout<<"\n\n\t\t "; gets(password);*) &str,sizeof(str)); pass.close(); if(strcmp(str,password)==0) {

clrscr(); cout<<"\n\n\n\n\t\t\tACCESS ALLOWED...."; delay(1500); return;

} else { cout<<"\n\n\t\t\tACCESS DENIED!!!!"; delay(2500); continue; } } counter++; }while(counter<3); clrscr(); cout<<"\n\n\n\n\n\n\t\t\t"; char arr[35]={"CLOSING DUE TO SECURITY THREAT"}; for(int i=0;i<35;i++) {

cout<<arr[i]; delay(50);

} cout<<"...."; delay(2500); exit(0); }

class account { char first_name[50],last_name[50],address[100],city[50],state[50]; char phone_number[25],pincode[25]; int accno, acctno; float amount, deposit,rate;

public: account() { amount=0.00; deposit=0.00; rate = 0.0; ifstream fin;"acctno.dat",ios::in); fin>>acctno; fin.close(); }

void addnewrecord();

void viewrecord(); void updaterecord(); void read(); int get_acctno(); void display();


/* This method is for adding a new account record. The details are added in the dat file accountdets.dat. */

void account::addnewrecord() { ofstream outfile;"accountdets.dat",ios::out|ios::binary|ios::app); account person; cout<<endl<<"Enter first name : "; gets(person.first_name); cout<<endl<<"Enter last name : "; gets(person.last_name); cout<<endl<<"Enter address : "; gets(person.address); cout<<endl<<"Enter city : "; gets(; cout<<endl<<"Enter state : "; gets(person.state); cout<<endl<<"Enter pin : ";

gets(person.pincode); cout<<endl<<"Enter phone number : "; gets(person.phone_number); cout<<endl<<"Your PERMANENT ACCOUNT NO: is : "<<(acctno++); cout<<endl<<"\nEnter deposit (min Rs.250) : "; cin>>person.deposit; ofstream fout;"acctno.dat",ios::out); fout<
outfile.write((char*) &person, sizeof(person)); outfile.close(); }

/* This method is used for reading the account number input from the user. */

void account::read() { cout<<"\nEnter the account number : "; cin rel="nofollow">>accno; }

/* This method returns the account number that is input by the user. */

int account::get_acctno() { return accno; }

/* This method is used for viewing the account details from the dat file, given a specific account number as input. */

void account::viewrecord() { ifstream f2; account t2,t02;;"accountdets.dat",ios::binary|ios::in); f2.seekg(0,ios::beg); int j=0; while(!f2.eof()) {*) &t2,sizeof(t2));

if(t2.acctno==t02.get_acctno()) { j=1; t2.display(); break; }

} if(j!=1) cout<<"\nRecord not found..."; f2.close(); cout<<"\n\n\t\t\t(Press any key to return to MAIN MENU..)"; getch(); }

/* This method is used by the viewrecord method to output the specific account record details. */

void account::display() { cout<<"\n"; cout<<"First name : "<
: "<
<<"Phone Number : "<

/* This method is used for updating an account record based on various options. */

void account::updaterecord() { int ch2,debit,credit; do{ clrscr(); cout<<"\n\nPlease"; cout<<"\n\tEnter 1 to debit \n" <<"\tEnter 2 to credit \n" <<"\tEnter 3 to view account balance \n" <<"\tEnter 4 to calculate interest and view balance after the calculations\n" <<"\tEnter 5 to close transactions\n"; cout<<"\nEnter choice : "; cin rel="nofollow">>ch2; clrscr(); switch(ch2) { case 1: { fstream f3; account t3,t03; int j=0, count=0;; cout<<"\nPlease enter the amount to be debited : "; cin>>debit;"accountdets.dat",ios::binary|ios::in|ios::out); f3.seekg(0,ios::beg); while(!f3.eof())

{*) &t3,sizeof(t3));

if(t3.acctno==t03.get_acctno()) { j++; break; } count++; } if(j!=0) { if(debit<=t3.deposit) { t3.deposit-=debit; f3.seekp(count*sizeof(t3),ios::beg); f3.write((char*) &t3 ,sizeof(t3)); } if(t3.deposit>=250) cout<<"Your account balance is Rs"<
f3.close(); cout<<"\n\n\n\n\t\t(Press any key to return to previous menu..)"; getch(); break;

}//case 1

case 2: { fstream f4; account t4,t04; int j=0, count=0,credit;; cout<<"\nPleaseenter the amount to be credited "; cin>>credit;"accountdets.dat",ios::binary|ios::in|ios::out); f4.seekg(0,ios::beg);

while(!f4.eof()) {*) &t4,sizeof(t4)); if(t4.acctno==t04.get_acctno()) { j++; break; } count++; }

if(j!=0) { t4.deposit+=credit; f4.seekp(count*sizeof(t4),ios::beg); f4.write((char*) &t4 ,sizeof(t4)); } else { cout<<"\nRecord NOT found"; }

cout<<"Your account balance is Rs "<
}//case 2

case 3: { fstream f6; account t6,t06; int j=0;;"accountdets.dat",ios::binary|ios::in|ios::out); f6.seekg(0,ios::beg); while(!f6.eof())

{*) &t6,sizeof(t6)); if(t6.acctno==t06.get_acctno()) { j++; break; } } if(j!=0) { cout<<"\n\nTheACCOUNT BALANCE is Rs "<
case 4: { fstream f5; account t5,t05; int timeperiod, j=0;

float interest;;"accountdets.dat",ios::binary|ios::in|ios::out); f5.seekg(0,ios::beg); while(!f5.eof()) {*) &t5,sizeof(t5)); if(t5.acctno==t05.get_acctno()) { cout<<"\nPlease enter the time period : "; cin>>timeperiod; rate=1.5*timeperiod;

interest=t5.deposit*timeperiod*(rate/100.0); cout<<"\nInterest is Rs "<
if(amount==0) cout<<"Sorry!The interest rate for the time period you have entered is not specified"; j=1; break; } } if(j==0) cout<<"\nRecord not found"; cout<<"\n\n\n\n\t\t(Press any key to return to previous menu..)";

getch(); break; }//case 4

case 5:cout<<"\n\n\n\n\n\t\tModifications are SAVED to your account..... "; cout<<"\n\n\t\t\t(Press any key..)"; getch(); ch2=6; break; default:cout<<"\n\n\t\t\tinvalid entry!!!!"; cout<<"\n\n\n\n\t\t(Press any key to return to previous menu..)"; getch(); break; }//switch ch2



void main() { password(); char crep,cstr[20]; int irep; l:clrscr(); cout<<"\nDo you want to change the USERNAME or PASSWORD (y/n) : ";

cin rel="nofollow">>crep; if(crep=='y' || crep=='Y') { ofstream of; cout<<"\nEnter 1 to change username or 2 to change password\n"; cin>>irep; switch(irep) { case 1:"username.dat",ios::binary|ios::out); cout<<"\nEnter new Username : "; gets(cstr); of.write((char*) &cstr,sizeof(cstr)); of.close(); break;

case 2:"password.dat",ios::binary|ios::out); cout<<"\nEnter new password : "; gets(cstr); of.write((char*) &cstr,sizeof(cstr)); of.close(); break;

default: goto l; } }

account obj; int ch; do { clrscr(); cout<<"\n\t\t\t =========================="; cout<<"\n\t\t\t\t MAIN MENU"; cout<<"\n\t\t\t ==========================\n"; cout<<"\t1. Add record\n"; cout<<"\t2. View record\n"; cout<<"\t3. Update record / Transactions\n"; cout<<"\t4. Exit\n"; cout<<"\tEnter your choice: "; cin>>ch; clrscr();

int in=0;

switch(ch) { case 1: obj.addnewrecord(); break; case 2: obj.viewrecord(); break; case 3: obj.updaterecord();

break; case 4: clrscr(); cout<<"\n\n\n\n\n\t\t\tSaving Your Settings"; for(in=0;in<6;in++) {cout<<'.';delay(1500);} clrscr(); cout<<"\n\n\n\n\n\t\t\t....Terminating...."; delay(2500); exit(0); default: cout<<"\n\t\t\tinvalid entry!!!!"; cout<<"\n\n\t\t\t(Press any key..)"; getch(); break; } }while(ch<10);


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