C++ PROGRAM #include #include #include<math.h> #include<process.h> int se,c=0; float hj,vj,h1,h2,x1,x2,u1,u2,d,sam,t1,t2;
void pass(void) { char waste; char a[12]={"ballistics"}; char b[12]; int w=0; for(w=0;w<3;w++) { cout<<"enter password\n"; cin.getline(b,11); c=0; for(int i=0;i<11;i++) { if(a[i]!=b[i]) { cout<<"\nwrong password\n"; c=25; break; } else c++; } if(w==1 && c==25) cout<<"\nlast try\n";
if(c==i) { cout<<"\nWelcome to project BALLISTICS\nThis program enables easy"; cout<<" calculation of\nparameters related to ballistics\n\n"; cout<<"They include following defence categories\n\n"; break; }
if(w==3&&c==25) { cout<<"programme closing due to security threat\n"; E:cout<<"enter any character\n"; cin>>waste; exit(0); } }
void select(void) { cout<<"\t\tAPPLICATION \tCATEGORY NO\n\n"; cout<<"\t\taerial bombing\t\t1\n"; cout<<"\t\tmissile launching\t2\n"; cout<<"\t\tanti-missile \t\t3\n"; cout<<"\t\tshell firing \t\t4\n"; cout<<"\t\texit \t\t5\n"; }
void select1(void) { cout<<endl; cout<<"This enables to calculate the required height or velocity of a jet\n"; cout<<"to hit a target at a given distance from it using a shell\n"; cout<<"The two cases are given below\n\n"; cout<<"CASE NO:S\t\tTO FIND\t\tNEEDED DATA\n\n"; cout<<"case no:1\t\theight \t\tdistance to target,velocity\n"; cout<<"case no:2\t\tvelocity \tdistance to target,height\n\n"; cout<<"case no:3\t\t\t\texit\n"; cout<<"\n(to go to main menu enter 100 as case number)\n"; }
void select2(void) { cout<<endl; cout<<"This enables to find height or velocity of projection of a missile\n"; cout<<"to attain the desired range. The two cases are given below\n"; cout<<"choose the required by giving the case number\n\n"; cout<<"\t\tCASE NO:S\t\tTO FIND\t\tNEEDED DATA\n\n"; cout<<"\t\tcase no:1\t\theight \t\tvelocity,range\n"; cout<<"\t\tcase no:2\t\tvelocity \theight,range\n\n"; cout<<"\t\tcase no:3\t\t\t\texit\n"; cout<<"\n(to go to main menu enter 100 as case number)\n"; }
void select3(void) { cout<<endl; cout<<"This enables to find height of projection of an anti-missile\n"; cout<<"Five cases are given below ,each with different set of input data\n"; cout<<"Please choose the required by entering method no:\n\n";
cout<<"\t\tCASE NO:S\t\tNEEDED DATA\n\n"; cout<<"\t\tcase no:1\t\th2,t1,t2\n"; cout<<"\t\tcase no:2\t\th2,x1,x2,u1,u2\n"; cout<<"\t\tcase no:3\t\th2,x1,s,u1,u2\n"; cout<<"\t\tcase no:4\t\td,x1,s,u1,u2\n"; cout<<"\t\tcase no:5\t\th2,x1,d,u1,s\n\n"; cout<<"\t\tcase no:6\t\t\texit\n"; cout<<"where,\nh2-height of enemies missile (in mts)\n"; cout<<"t2-time taken by enemies missile to reach point of collission (in s)\n"; cout<<"t1-time taken by anti-missile to reach point of collission (in s)\n"; cout<<"u1-velocity of anti-missile (in m/s)\n"; cout<<"u2-velocity of missile (in m/s)\n"; cout<<"x1-distance of point of collission from our launch pad (in mts)\n"; cout<<"x2-distance of point of collission from enemy's launch pad (in mts)\n"; cout<<"s- distance b/w two launch pads (in mts)\n"; cout<<"d-distance of enemy's target from our launch pad\n"; cout<<"\n(to go to main menu enter 100 as case number)\n"; }
void select4(void) { cout<<endl; cout<<"This helps to find the time or angle of projection of a shell\n"; cout<<"which can hit a flying object at a specific height moving with\n"; cout<<"a specific average velocity (for specific velocity of projection)\n"; cout<<"The two cases are given below, choose the required case\n\n"; cout<<"\t\tCASE NO:S\tTO FIND\t\t\t\tNEEDED DATA\n\n"; cout<<"\t\tcase no:1\ttime taken to reach target\tv,u,hs\n"; cout<<"\t\tcase no:2\tangle of projection\t \tv,u,hs\n\n"; cout<<"\t\tcase no:3\t\texit\n"; cout<<"where,\n"; cout<<"u-velocity of projection of shell\n"; cout<<"v-velocity of flying object\n"; cout<<"h-height of flying object\n"; cout<<"\n(to go to main menu enter 100 as case number)\n"; }
float ar1(float xar1) { if(se==1) cout<<"enter velocity of jet\n"; if(se==2) cout<<"enter average velocity of projection of missile\n"; cin>>vj; hj=(xar1/vj)*sqrt(9.806/2); return hj;
float ar2(float xar2) { if(se==1) cout<<"enter height of jet\n"; if(se==2) cout<<"enter average heightt of projection of missile\n"; cin>>hj; vj=xar2*sqrt(9.806/(2*hj)); return vj; }
float am1(void) { cout<<"enter h2,t1,t2\n"; cin>>h2>>t1>>t2; h1=h2+((9.806/2)*((pow(t1,2))-(pow(t2,2))));/*(9.806/2)*((t1*t1)-(t2*t2))*/ return h1; } float am2(void) { cout<<"enter h2,x1,x2,u1,u2\n"; cin>>h2>>x1>>x2>>u1>>u2; h1=h2+((9.806/2)*(((x1*x1)/(u1*u1))-((x2*x2)/(u2*u2)))); return h1; }
float am3(void) { cout<<"enter h2,x1,s,u1,u2\n"; cin>>h2>>x1>>sam>>u1>>u2; h1=h2+((9.806/2)*(((x1*x1)/(u1*u1))-(((sam-x1)*(sam-x1))/(u2*u2)))); return h1;
float am4(void) { float j,k; cout<<"enter d,x1,s,u1,u2\n"; cin>>d>>x1>>sam>>u1>>u2; j=d-x1; k=(d+x1)-(2*sam); h1=(9.806/2)*(((x1*x1)/(u1*u1))+((j*k)/(u2*u2))); return h1; }
float am5(void) { float l,p,q,r; cout<<"enter h2,d,s,u1,x1\n"; cin>>h2>>d>>sam>>u1>>x1; p=(9.806/2)*((x1*x1)/(u1*u1)); q=d-x1; r=(d+x1)-(2*sam); l=(sam-d)*(sam-d); h1=p+(h2*q*r/l); return h1; } void sh(int s4s) { float us,uy,vs,hs,disc,t; cout<<"enter u,v & h\n"; cin>>us>>vs>>hs; if(us
{ t=(uy-sqrt(disc))/9.806; if(s4s==1) cout<<"REQUIRED TIME="<>ds; float ssh=vs*t; float xsh=ds+ssh; float q; q=atan((hs/xsh)+((9.086/2)*(xsh/(vs*vs)))); cout<<"REQUIRED ANGLE="<
} }
void main() { clrscr(); int s1,s2,s3,s4; float m,ar,xm,xj,h; char rep,ch; cout<<"do you want to open project ballistics (y/n)\n"; cin>>rep;cin.get(ch); while(rep=='y'||rep=='Y') { pass(); if(c!=25) { m:select(); cout<<"enter the category no:\n"; cin>>se; if(se==1) { select1(); cout<<"enter case number\n"; cin>>s1; if(s1==100)
goto m; if(s1<1 || s1>3) { cout<<"inalid entry\n"; goto l; } if(s1==3) goto l; cout<<"enter distance to target from jet (in mts)\n"; cin>>xj; if(s1==1) { ar=ar1(xj); cout<<"REQUIRED HEIGHT="<<ar<<" mts"<<endl; } if(s1==2) { ar=ar2(xj); cout<<"REQUIRED VELOCITY="<<ar<<" mts/s"<<endl; } } if(se==2) { select2(); cout<<"enter case number\n"; cin>>s2; if(s2==100) goto m; if(s2<1 || s2>3) { cout<<"invalid entry\n"; goto l; } if(s2==3) goto l; cout<<"enter the range\n"; cin>>xm; if(s2==1) { m=ar1(xm); cout<<"REQUIRED HEIGHT="<<m<<" mts"<<endl; } if(s2==2) { m=ar2(xm); cout<<"REQUIRED VELOCITY="<<m<<" mts/s"<<endl;
} } if(se==3) { select3(); cout<<"method number\n"; cin>>s3; if(s3==100) goto m; if(s3==1) h=am1(); if(s3==2) h=am2(); if(s3==3) h=am3(); if(s3==4) h=am4(); if(s3==5) h=am5(); if(s3==6) goto l; if(s3<1 || s3>6) { cout<<"invalid entry\n"; goto l; } cout<<"REQUIRED HEIGHT="<>s4; if(s4==100) goto m; if(s4<1 || s4>3) { cout<<"invalid entry\n"; goto l; } if(s4==3)
goto l; sh(s4); } if(se==5) goto l; if(se<1 || se>5) { cout<<"invalid entry\n"; goto l; } } l:cout<<"do you want to continue (y/n)\n"; cin>>rep; cin.get(ch); } getch(); }