Safety Regulations

  • May 2020
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  • Words: 2,002
  • Pages: 11
Safety InstructIon

you a all aware, every day day we are dealing and ex!)criencecl high risk of accident, either at the ground or higher places of work. i\S


for those who has subordinates under them niust obsen/c the Safety Regulatios of their workers. Should an accIdents occured on them, it means that the supervisor does riot understand occupational safety and indirectly it will reject on your" reputation as a supervisor. I


SAfElY REGlJI.ATIONS Supervisor/forelllan, Lead hand must be comply with Project Safety Hules and regulations. The Supervisor/Foreman! Lead hands have the responsibility and obligation to provided safe working environment for all employees.

The success of safety health, fire prevention and security pro~lram requires the support and cooperation of everyone in rnanagement and workers. I

The \Jltimate goal is to reduce exposure which causes injuries, that result in human sufferings and excessive cost. l~JI

upervisors/forernan, Lead hand are responsible to report lrnmediately without delay any personnel injury accident, fire all vehicle property damages caused of accident within their area. l\ verbal repoli must be submitted immediately (followed by a \Nritten report within 24 hours after accident has occurred) to Transmission Line Office. The Site Office Management is then responsible to notifying the Site Management of any serious injury or other lncident of significant importance. I

Supervisor/foreman, Lead hand shall designate an adequate number qualified safety representative(s) to implement a safety proCFam which will aid in creating and maintaining a safe workinQ environment. The following general safety rules supply:

ach workman equipment




crew should regulations in written.

'1.2 If a








worker permanently acts against safety regulation, he should be dismissed from the site.


1\11 f~mployeesl visitors and vendors must wear a hard hat wilen on site except in the office. J

14 Shoes must be worn, bare feet or sandals are not permitted.

'1.5 Safety belts & lifelines must be used when other safety guard such as nets or scaffolding cannot be used. Face shield, goggles must be worn when grinding, chipping or when eyes are exposure flying object. Protective lenses must be worn when welding, cutting and burning.

)7 ! ""

Hand gloves must be worn when handling material, or rough objects likely to cause hand injuries. Breathing protection must be worn when to exposed to hazardous dust, fumes, mists or vapors.

'1.9 If the Site Management finds out, that one of the workers in a coarse and permanent way against basic safety regulations, The Site Management will stop the vl/ork and write a warning letter to the worker and leader (Supervisor/Foreman or Lead hand). The work can start imlnediately after safety regulations according to Indonesian law are fulfilled.

Ladders 2.1

Ladders must constructed of sound materials and be in good condition.

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Ladders must constructed of sound material and be in £]ood condition.

2.:3 V\/hen used access, the ladder must be extend 3 feet a bayed landing (resting point). , '2.4 The slope of the ladder must be a 4 to 1 ratio .. 2.5 Precautions must be taken to prevent sidestep.



Ids and Tower Erecting Works

3.1 {"Ii scaffold nlust be erected and ,maintenance to conform with good engineering practice. :3.2 f\!I scaffold must be inspected daily by the responsible person designated to perform this task.

3.3 All scaffold must be inspected by responsible person af1er alternation or moving.

3.4 Scaffold must have solid footing capable of supporting intended load. 3.5 I\ccess ladder to the platform must be provided.

3.6 Both ends of foothold board must be tightened firmly.

3.7 l\lI workers and engineers working under the tower have to use safety hat. 3.8 Hand gloves and safety shoes have to be provided for workers which handle steel. 3.9 Tools have to be checked before use. Tools in bad condition have to be eliminated to avoid accidents.


:3,'1 0, ~:)rnall tools used for tower erection have to be secured with some ropes from plunge down. The space for tower erection in this project area is very small and some workers have to performed the re tasks under the tower during erection. :3.1

Safety belt have to be worn during erecting the tower or stringIng work at up side.

3.13. To erect tower parts in a temporary position sufficient anchors have to be installed to take the loads save to the around. ""'J~

~l ,,) ~

'1 4..1". Ii 1\\1 anchors have to

be inspected carefully by responsible person designated to perform this task.

() Excavation, Foundation Works and Trenches 4.1 All excavation and trenching operation must be conform with established of safety standards.

il.:? Side of trenclles in soft or unsuitable material 4 feet or more in depth shall be shored, braced, sloped, or otherNise supported by means of suitable timbers. 4.3 Ladders are required for getting out of trenches that are more than 4 feet depth.

4.4 J\dequate barricades must be provided on or near trenches, ditches and other excavation. 4.5 Confirmation of cables, pipes, etc., underground must be done before works starts.

5 ";.f; E:xcavation of more than 1,5 depth have to be supported with proper equipment, like planking and strutting to prevent collapse of the soil.

4.7 Laborer inside the excavation always have hats.


use safety

li.e: Excavation have to secured in a safe way with plastic vlIarning bands planking or barbed wire or barricaded to l

avoid that children or adult people fafl into the excavation. V'je expect ground water and there is a danger to get drowned. ~.~;

E.xcavated material should not stored direct on the border of the excavation. The free space should be 1,5 m .

. 10 Parents and their children from the nearby housing area should be informed about the open excavation in the proximity of houses . .0 EIE'elri 5.'; Only authorized person are allo'vved to work on or repair electrical equipment. 5" II pieces on cable must be properly made and insulated to the standard of the original cable. ~.3

Ail energized wire in circuit breaker panels and junction boxes must be corrected at all the times.

5.4 Damage or unsafe electrical cable, cord and plug must be repaired or repiaced immediately. c' 0 \,~

Idi n fJ Bit. C U Uin 9 0 r Grin din 9 c,The \vorker must be provided with proper eye protection, I"land and head protection before welding and ~. I,)

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Welding must not carried out in a hazardous area without proper authorization.


,<\11 gas cylinders must be stored and transported in an upright position with the valve cap in playe.


\/\/hen in use, cylinder must be secured in an upright position.


Fire extinguisher must be available near the cutting and welding operation and soap water cartridges must provided with cylinders for investigating of gas leakage.


l.ll 'Nelding equipment must be properly earthen.

rane & Heavy Duty Equipment Operations "7.1 /1,.11 operators of hoisting equipment must be certitled by authorized. 7.2

Only experienced and authorized personnel are allowed to operate the heavy duty equipment.


The operator must not allowed anyone to ride the

load or hook. 7.4

,A. load must never be carried over person below.






stringing equipment (winch, tensioner, cornpr'ession equipment etc.) should be .operated only by skilled and experienced operators.

tleavy duty equipment's must be inspected

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7. ~i

7 The Operators must not leave their position during loading operation. 1~lgln£1


i\1I slings, wire rope, shackle & chains must be inspected before use, they fT1ust be strong enough to carry the load.


Safety latch must be provided on the hook to prevent the sling from jumping out of the hook.


Oniy competent person shall be signal men, only as rnany signal men as necessary shall be used.

r Vehicle Equipment

Jj 9.'! 9.2


£1./1 9.5

All operator shall inspect his vehicle daily before using. ./\11 operators must be experience and licensed to operate a vehicle, an special driving permit id issued by the author. f\lo personnel shall be permitted to ride in the vehicle unless seated or secured. All speed limits shall be strictly adhered to. In connection of the issuance of the traffic regulation No. "14, 1992 with the effective date of 17 September 1993. companies are obliged to remind to you and those responsible for the company's vehicles the folJov'ing points: "j. To complete and check the eqUipment's of the cars as required as follows: 1.a. P3K Box (First Aid Box) 1.b. Safety reflection Triangle 1 .c. -1"'001 Box. "j ,d. Should always bring 10 Card U

:J. The driver must observe the validity of the STNK and has to report at least 1(one)week before the expiration date to the in charges person to extend the validity. 3. The driver must observe the traffic regulation in force. Should the driver commit a nlistake the driver has to be fully responsible. In case the mistake/fault ",vas caused by the driver himselC the company has the right to take firm action to ware the driver. 4. The userlresponsible person of the vehicle has the right and obliged to provide guidance and warn to the driver. In case the driver does not observe and obey those vilarn[ng r the responsible persons are urged to report and take firm action. 5, Beside of that) due to safety safe the driver must observe the following "13 Don't" bellows: 5.1. Do not over take cars at a cross point.

5.2. Do not force to pass a group of pedestrians at the Zebra Crossing. 5.3. Do not over take an line vehicles from the left. 5.4. Do not over take at a Rail-Road Crossing.

h5 0 . . Do not over take at a curve / corner. J:::.6 ,) . . Do not park the car at the trotoar.

5.7. Do not over take while in the central area is bUsy. 5.8. Do not drive fast and zig - zag on the road (at Tal Road Min. 60 Km Max 100 Km/Hour).

9 5.S).

Do not be trapped at the yellow junction box at the stopped protocol road crossing although the traffic lights are green, while the traffic is very crowded. 5.10. Do not trespass the red traffic light, stop 'til! the green light is on. 5.1 i. Do not over load the passenger and cargo more than

limit allowed. 5.12. Do t stopped where it is forbidden to stop or park. 5.13. Never park a car at the corner of tile road.

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[mergency first aid facilities should be available on the site during the working hours. Report all injured workers must be submitted to the Site Office as soonest as possible.

ouse KeepinfJ 'j'l . 'I

Scrap materials shall be cleaned upon daily basIs. It shall not be lifted to accumulate. 11.2 Nails protruding from used lumber shall be pulled out from lumber or bent over. 11 .3 /\11 walkways passageways shall be kept free from materials] supplies and obstructions at all times. Waste material may not be burned on the site but shall be collected and, disposed at scrap box (container provided ).

ty oleeting /\ safety talk viill be held at one day during every month. The topic wil! be distributed to you on the

viorkday before,

10 12.2 On representative from each supervisor/ foreman or lead hand is required to attend supervisory safety meeting held on the first week of each month, you will be notified of place and time and date.

13.0 Prior Inspection of Equiplnent '13.1 All equipment such as cranes, generator set, welding machine, stringing equipment etc. must be inspected by Field Service Dept. or Mechanic before they are used. 13.2 Defective equipment never be lIsed in this project.

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