Sadvakya English

  • October 2019
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  • Pages: 14
The only worthwhile precept is one that is practiced. He alone is a true warrior who maintains his integrity, courage, and patience in adversity. May Almighty illuminate our intellect and inspire us towards the righteous path. Don't indulge in self-praise. Your good deeds will speak for themselves. Time is the most precious gift of life. If you love life, do not squander it in indolence. Share all you have with the needy so that no one feels deprived and neglected. As worm eats up the cloth, so does jealousy a human being. He alone lives a worthwhile life, who has a cool head, warm blood, a loving heart, and zest for life. Failure indicates half-hearted effort towards success. Study of inspiring books is like communion with living deities; it gives instant gifts of light and bliss. May Almighty illuminate our intellect and inspire us towards the righteous path. Do not do unto others that, which you would dislike to be done unto you. There are two ways to be happy: minimize your needs; and live in harmony with the circumstances. An aimless person is like the pendulum which merely swings to and fro without any forward movement.

Not riches, but nobility of character and honesty are the true touchstones of greatness. One becomes what one thinks and does. A noble person is humble like the poor in riches and prosperity; and generous like the rich in adversity. End of vanity is the beginning of nobility. May Almighty illuminate our intellect and inspire us towards the righteous path. The secret of longevity is not to eat until one is really hungry. If the elders practice what they preach to their children, this world will become a heaven. A family knit together, by bonds of loving cooperation and mutual understanding, is a living model of heaven on earth. Scriptures and holy books are like teachers who impart lifetransforming teachings without caning or admonition. The fragrance of flowers spreads only in the direction of the wind; the reputation of a noble person spreads in all directions. It is through self-purification and self-introspection that a soul attains God-hood. To be born in human form is effortless; to be a human being needs persistent effort. The education that fosters ego, laziness and immoral behavior; then it's better to remain uneducated. May Almighty illuminate our intellect and inspire us towards the righteous path.

In life two types of people meet failure: one who thinks right and does not follow up with action; the other, who does the actions without thinking." ; In this world the biggest looser is the one who has lost the zeal to live." ; Collect all the experiences in life, and try to digest them by meditating upon them in silence. Do not worry about the harsh criticism of the world, listen to your inner voice and act accordingly. In life when man does everything with love, then he still feels thirsty to do more. Set your own goals so that one day you can reach there; if you rely on someone to help you; then you will meet disappointment only. Think everyday as a new life and use it wisely. Prosperity is not attained by earning money, but by building good character and clean thinking. Do not treat the people, the way you would not like people to treat you. May Almighty illuminate our intellect and inspire us towards the righteous path. The man's real wealth is his thinking and not his money. The proper use of time is the basis of success, so use it wisely. Don't be a dreamer, but be a doer. Man is the master of his own destiny. If one can change his thinking process, he or she can control the circumstances." ; Don't put off till tomorrow what is to be done today.

Keep your viewpoint always pure. Before thinking ill of others, one has to incur sin oneself. If man begins to reform himself, he can reform the world very well. Our own duty is the dearest, most intimate and most useful thing in the world. Live your life smiling and laughing like flowers. Much sin prevails in the world. But is there any lack of virtue either? Why should we not engage our emotions in good thoughts rather than sin, hatred & evil? May Almighty illuminate our intellect and inspire us towards the righteous path. Mind is not made of stone or glass, which cannot be changed. Mind can be reformed as well as changed by making an effort. Anger is a kind of madness which destroys good thoughts. Human values are most valuable. It is the main duty of every conscientious man to protect it. Difficulties come to awaken man's efforts & warn him to advance further more carefully. Honesty & God are man's true friends. Honesty is like a banyan tree, which takes a long time to grow but is permanent. Do not waste your time in hearing others' evils & defects. May Almighty illuminate our intellect and inspire us towards the righteous path.

It is impossible to advance towards achievement of ideals like unity, affinity, equality and affection without destroying the walls of differences. Do not let mind wander aimlessly, it leads to failure & downfall. Rise high, awaken the sleeping ones, follow the great & advance further. To deceive others is to deceive oneself. The inner self recognizes this downfall and constantly rebukes us. Our mind is a fertile field. You can produce what ever you like by doing right. Use it properly- As you sow, so you reap. A sweet speaking lady makes family like heaven. She who speaks harshly, makes it a hell. Your positive thoughts have a unique power of new creation. Man's quick progress takes the direction of his colour, shape, quality & direction, of his predilections respectively. Cultivate the habit of seeing the bright side of people. It will develop the routes of your personality and will preach love, tolerance and good will in the world. Do what is worth doing, think what is worth thinking on those who seem proper. Keep away from what seems improper. The greatest obstacle in the path of spiritual development is man's egoistic thought. It is possible for man to save himself from this evil condition by keeping in mind the transience of the world. The practice of good conduct consists in giving respect to others, gentleman like etiquette and sweet speech. These are the means of increasing respect for one's personality. May Almighty illuminate our intellect and inspire us towards the righteous path.

Remember that you are not small. You are pure and light. Will you not behave in accordance with your nature? If wealth is lost, nothing is lost. If health is last, something is lost. If character is lost, everything is lost. Make your thoughts sublime and auspicious. Refine & purify them. They will take you to the supreme bliss of heaven. One who gives a practical shape to his inner virtues, achieves ultimate victory. Do not remain aloof or you will remain weak. Jute flakes twisted together make a rope which can tether an elephant. Whenever we think of ourselves, we should take ourselves healthy & handsome. We should never hear and see that which diminishes our pride, respect and importance. The follower of truth has the strength of a thousand elephants. The least expensive, most useful and pleasing recreation is the study of literature on truth. The test of anybody's greatness is what he thinks and does for one who is lower than him. May Almighty illuminate our intellect and inspire us towards the righteous path. The only test of the development of intellect is whether one has started controlling uncontrolled desires. Adopt the qualities of those whom you praise and beworthy of praise yourself. Do not listen what people say, only see whether you have been able to do what is worth doing.

Do not jeer at any handicapped person, an orphan or an afflicted person. Who knows when your fate may jeer at you? He who speaks too much and pretends to show his knowledge is not wise. Wise is he who integrates his conduct with his knowledge. Failure in a test lies in misusing powers and doing injustice whereas success in test lies in sticking to your duty in face of numerous afflictions and difficulties. There is no fire like anxiety, there is no poison like hatred, there is no thorn like anger, and there is no net like greed. Do not look for others’ defects and evils. Look towards yourself also. They alone have a right to take others’ defects who are keen to reform themselves. Do not declare anybody a criminal on the basis of guess or a doubt. Give a chance to him to prove his innocence who is spotted of guilt. Do not blame anybody before knowing self-facts. Protect your good name rather than wealth, your becoming wrecked and falling in the eyes of other people. Do not worry if health, glory, clearness, diminish. The cause of worry is any one namely absence of a feeling of self-respect and diminution of spiritual power. A lamp does not speak, it introduces itself through its light. Do not indulge in too much self praise. Give a chance to people to judge yourself purely through your actions. Prosperity creates many friends but a friend in need is a friend indeed. The aim of life is inner purification, courage and doing well to others. The one who sticks to them does not go astray. May Almighty illuminate our intellect and inspire us towards the righteous path.

He who has presented an example of his honesty and truthfulness, has done a great deed of teaching the world. Virtue consists in love, affection and doing well to others in the world. Have good intentions, so that it may be possible to follow the good path. Those who are engaged in God's work, are never losers. True heroes are those who can fight their weaknesses and refuse to accept undesirability. Man's behaviour is the mirror which truly reflects his personality. If God gives pain to somebody, it is only for a good purpose. Knowing the character of anybody, it does not remain difficult to know who are his friends. Practical and behavioural instruction is more effective than (verbal) oral and written teaching. Man falls down a thousand times. He should try to get-up, rise a thousand times, every time higher than from where he had fallen. If you want to become great, first be small. It is not possible to raise a high structure without a deep foundation. If you can't do good to and serve anybody, at least do not do evil to anybody. He who has given up artificiality, deception, and cunningness and has adopted honesty as the policy of his life, is the wisest man of the world.

Imbibing virtue springs from the heart whereas flattery springs from the teeth only. Imbibing virtue is unselfish whereas flattery is selfish. Do not be so harsh that you may lose your feeling of mercy, nor be so simple as to fall a victim to the wicked people. God has himself given eyes, ears, hands, feet and nostrils in pairs, but tongue is only one. Therefore, speak less and do more. May Almighty illuminate our intellect and inspire us towards the righteous path. One can stay in hell as if in heaven with a good book. Do not expect the circumstances to be always favourable. This world has not been created for you alone. He who wants to deceive others, actually deceives himself only. Do not do good with a business like motive. It gives satisfaction only if done as a duty. Good done with the hope of getting good in return can give disappointment and vexation. A conscience is a guide who cannot remain without inflicting punishment for misdeeds. But it has given warning for avoiding misdeed number of times. Keep smiling always in all conditions. Be fearless and free from anxiety. Go on doing your duties and be happy. He alone is the true follower of the path of self-realization who thinks that he should do something to serve others. A smiling face is a kind of flower, seeing which the mind of spectators is automatically attracted towards it. A lie is ultimately a lie, it will be exposed tomorrow, if not today. When falsehood is exposed, it completely destroys man's respect.

Every responsibility lies on soul and man. Do not ignore it, look towards your duty. Do only those things which do not tarnish man's greatness. Every condition of life is auspicious and pleasant for us. Make an effort to keep yourself always happy by adjusting yourself to circumstances. Don't be a dreamer, but be a doer. May Almighty illuminate our intellect and inspire us towards the righteous path. Sadwakya for AJ 5_5 1. Forget the past, be vigilant of the present, and await the bright future. 2. Soar high, you will see great depths. 3. Be busy like a bee, be discriminative like a swan and be patient like a crane. 4. Prayer is a movement fro mastery to mystery. 5. To make another hold his tongue, be you first silent. 6. It is the province of knowledge to speak; and it is the privilege of wisdom to listen. 7. God does not ask for success but for effort. 8. A wise man desires no more than what he gets justly, use soberly, distribute cheerfully and leave contentedly.

9. A wise man’s day is worth a fool’s life. 10.There are three things worth having in the world: Love, courage and fun. 11.Difficulties are opportunities for inner growth. 12.If you want to make friends, you must be friendly. If you want to make peace, you must be peaceful. 13.Unnecessary possessions are only unnecessary burdens. 14.Greatest victory is least noisy. 15.The art of conversation lies in talking briefly and conveying fully. 16.Obsessive contemplation of negative thoughts is like playing with fire. 17.Identifying one’s purpose of life is the biggest fortune. The quest for it starts from within. 18.A wise person is one who neither expects to gain from nor fears the future. 19.Wisdom is the constant effort to be better tomorrow than we are today. 20.One who is truly alive gives light to those in darkness. One who is admired awakens hope in those without it. 21.The full potential of human life is attained by constantly and vigilantly keeping the body and mind away from harmful places, harmful thoughts and harmful mindset.

22.Life is nothing but a continuous measure of our potential, the greater we stretch our capabilities the more we can gain from life. 23.The biggest enemies of happiness are our obsessive desires. 24.Our thoughts hold the power to build, bend or break our circumstances. 25.We have multiplied our possessions; but reduced our values. 26.When we will have begun to place the well-being of others above our own, we will have reached the golden age. 27.Whoever gives priority to truth, love and justice in everyday life is adored by God. 28.Balance between knowledge, judgment and actions is true wisdom. 29.Every aspect in life has two sides - one good and the other bad; we become the one we keep our focus on. 30.Listen to what others say but have the courage to make your own judgment and walk the righteous path. 31.Work for results but don’t preoccupy yourself with the result. With perseverance, anything can be achieved. 32.To be unaware of your own faults is the greatest misfortune. 33.Selfishness, ego and carelessness ultimately lead to downfall. 34.Don’t waste your time waiting for an opportunity. Create one right now. 35.Every sinful act brings sickness, sorrow, downfall and problems. 36.No price is too high to make yourself a better person.

37.Moving away from laziness and wrongdoing brings one closer to God. 38.To sacrifice oneself for an ideal is the highest form of courage. 39.Generosity, empathy, and tenderness are the guidelines of serving others. 40.Everyone, without any discrimination, is entitled to worship Gayatri. 41.True devotion is to see God in everything, to accept that He is the dispenser of justice, and to constantly avoid wrongdoing. 42.To waste time in fruitless pursuits is to hinder one’s own self. 43.Self-improvement is not only to embetter one’s qualities, actions, and nature, but also to employ these virtues in embettering one’s life. 44.He alone is wise who knows how to repair the broken and heal the wounded. 45.Human energies should never be used for the indulgence of greed or desire. 46.To improve oneself to the level at which one can serve others is the only worthy ambition. 47.Those who have achieved harmony in their thoughts, words, and actions attain true awakening. 48.The Sun is our great teacher. Without respite it tirelessly performs its task of serving the world by giving it light. 49.To be great is to possess an extraordinary soul in an ordinary body.

50. There is no greater virtue than to inspire someone to righteous action.

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