S3pm7_february 11, 2009 Recreation, Culture, And Parks Meeting Notes

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RECREATION, CULTURE, and PARKS ADVISORY COMMITTEE Wednesday, February 11, 2009, commencing at 7:02 p.m. Salmon River Committee Room th 4 Floor, 20338 – 65 Avenue, Langley, BC


PRESENT: Acting Chair, Jamey Paterson Gail Aitken, Dan Sheel STAFF REPRESENTATIVES: David Leavers, Director, Recreation, Culture, and Parks Tab Buckner, Parks Operations Manager Al Neufeld, Manager, Parks Design Development Sylvia Carneiro, Recording Secretary IN ATTENDANCE: Councillor Grant Ward, Suzan Guest and Hattie Hogeterp APPROVAL OF AGENDA 1.

Recreation, Culture, and Parks Advisory Committee February 11, 2009 The Recreation, Culture and Parks Advisory Committee Agenda of February 11, 2009 meeting was approved as distributed.





February 11, 2009 Recreation, Culture, and Parks Advisory Committee Meeting Notes




Review of 2008 Recreation, Culture, and Parks Successes D. Leavers reported that the 2008 successes of the Recreation, Culture, and Parks Division were discussed at the November 2008 meeting; hence it was not discussed at this meeting, and instead had a DVD presentation on the history of the parks and recreations in the Lower Mainland. This DVD was produced on the 50th Anniversary of the British Columbia Recreation and Parks Association. He pointed out that the future plans of the Association are consistent with the Township’s Sustainability Charter.



RCP Advisory Committee – Update D. Leavers reported that the process to fill Committee vacancies is pending Council’s approval and it is expected to be completed by March 2009.


Langley Events Centre / Willoughby Community Centre / Willoughby Community Park – Updates D. Leavers reported that the first event to be held at the Langley Events Centre is the 2009 BC Gymnastics Championship, April 17-19. Construction is proceeding on schedule, on budget. Recreation, Culture, and Parks staff are preparing for the operation of the Willoughby Community Centre. Al Neufeld reported that the Willoughby Community Park’s first contract was to build the fields. Currently, the contractor is working on tidying up the small deficiencies and is of the opinion that it will be completed in a month’s time. The pedestrian walkway has been completed and it will be opened to the public as soon as the access to the parking lot is completed.


2009 Budget Process D. Leavers reported that the Standing Finance Committee have commenced discussions regarding the 2009 budget. The Mayor has appointed a Finance Standing Committee which includes 3 members of council and 3 members from the community. Once this process has been completed, the members of the committee will make recommendations to Council. Recreation, Culture, and Parks have identified potential operating budget savings opportunities however, on the capital side, one of the major projects that requires immediate attention is the resurfacing of the McLeod Athletic Park track.

February 11, 2009 Recreation, Culture, and Parks Advisory Committee Meeting Notes D.


REPORTS (VERBAL) A detailed report will be provided to the members as soon as the budget is finalized.


Museum Transition John Robertson has been hired as the Museum Services Manager and brings to the Township considerable experience in the museum field.


2010 BC Summer Games Planning – Update J. Patterson reported that the 2010 BC Summer Games Nominating Committee has held three meetings and have gone through a process of short listing names for the position of a President. The potential candidate has been invited to the meeting on the February 19, 2009. The immediate role of the President is to assist the Nominating Committee to put together a Board of Directors by the end of March.


RCP Staffing D. Leavers reported that the Recreation, Culture, and Parks Division is going through a restructuring process. One of the key vacancies to be filled in is that of a Manager, Recreation Facilities and Services. This person must have a strong facilities and program management background and will replace the vacancy created by the departure of K. Player.







D. Leavers had an informal discussion regarding the Work Plan for the year. A draft copy of the 2009 Work Program was distributed at the meeting, However, D. Leavers pointed out that a formal discussion regarding the 2009 Work Plan will take place at the March meeting. He noted that the first order of business at the March meeting will be to elect a Chair and Vice Chair. The new bylaw replaces the earlier bylaw and if sub-committees have to be established, they will require Council’s approval.



February 11, 2009 Recreation, Culture, and Parks Advisory Committee Meeting Notes H.



Township Awards Committee The Advisory Committee will appoint member(s) to sit on a committee responsible for inviting nominations, developing a selection criteria and selecting the recipients of the Pete Swensson, Eric Flowerdew and Arnason Awards.


Langley Field Sports Association T. Buckner reported that the Langley Field Sports Association is in the process of revising its terms of reference to reflect annual election of a Chair and Vice-chair. Geoff Shaw has been elected Chair and Peter Zeller Vice Chair for 2009. This meeting was also attended by Mayor Green. There have also been discussions regarding modifying the name of the association so that it is not restricted to field sports but rather should be opened to outdoor sports groups. The name change will take place at their AGM in October.


Langley Arts Council S. Guest reported that the Langley Arts Council has a new Board of Directors. She requested clarification regarding the role of the Township’s representatives at the Langley Arts Council. The members suggested that the Langley Arts Council be invited to make a presentation to the Recreation, Cultural, and Parks Advisory Committee.


Pool Advisory Group There was no report.


Langley Walk Committee There was no report.


Sports Langley Advisory Committee T. Buckner reported that the committee meets once a year in November at its Annual General Meeting.





February 11, 2009 Recreation, Culture, and Parks Advisory Committee Meeting Notes K.




G. Aitkin requested clarification on the status of the Aldergrove Indoor Pool project. He also noted that Christmas in Williams Park was a good event. He pointed out that the ice arenas are booked by other skater groups, leaving the public with very little skating time. NEXT MEETING Date: March 11,2009 CANCELLED Location: Salmon River Committee Room 4th Floor, 20338 – 65 Avenue Time: 7:00 p.m.


TERMINATE The meeting terminated at 9:08 p.m. CERTIFIED CORRECT:

___________________ Chair, Jamey Paterson NOTE: Since the February meeting, it has become apparent that the Council appointments of the Committee’s seven vacant positions will not occur soon enough for us to proceed with the March meeting. Next meeting is therefore expected to be held on April 8, 2009.

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