Spec Doc 11-recreation Culture, And Parks Advisory Committee

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RECREATION, CULTURE, and PARKS ADVISORY COMMITTEE Wednesday, June 10, 2009, commencing at 7:07 p.m. Salmon River Committee Room th 4 Floor, 20338 – 65 Avenue, Langley, BC


Present: Acting Chair: Suzan Guest Gail Aitken, Remi Camparmo, Kristen Charlesworth, Hattie Hogeterp, James Michael Jack and Artur Moeller Municipal Representative: Councillor Grant Ward Staff: David Leavers, Tab Buckner, Bev Herman, Al Neufeld and Sylvia Carneiro In attendance: Gloria Doubleday and Brian Thomasson A.


Recreation, Culture, and Parks Advisory Committee June 10, 2009 Moved by H. Hogeterp, Seconded by K. Charlesworth, That the Recreation, Culture and Parks Advisory Committee approve the Agenda of June 10, 2009 meeting. CARRIED



Recreation, Culture, and Parks Advisory Committee May 13, 2009 Moved by J. Jack, Seconded by G. Aitken, That the Recreation, Culture, and Parks Advisory Committee adopt the Minutes of the May 13, 2009 meeting. CARRIED



June 10, 2009 Recreation, Culture, and Parks Advisory Committee Minutes D.



BCRPA Symposium Councillor Ward and S. Guest attended the BCRPA Symposium in Whistler along with staff. It was very well organized. The following are the highlights of the meeting:


The BC Recreations and Parks Association will be supporting the Canadian Parks and Recreation Association alliance.

Over 100 youth have registered for the SOGO program.

A number of Federal grants are available through the BC Recreation Parks Association

The 2009 Awards recognized outstanding programs and innovative facilities. There was a suggestion that the LEC be entered next year.

“A Time for Renewal” handout was distributed with the agenda package. This document assesses the state of recreation facilities in British Columbia. There is a $5.2 billion dollar gap that is needed for the rehabilitation of existing indoor facilities and to proportionately accommodate the population growth. The position paper challenges the Federal and Provincial governments to recognize this gap and step up to the plate.

2002 Parks and Recreation Master Plan - 2008 Review A copy of the 2008 Master Plan summary of strategic directions was distributed at the meeting. D. Leavers reported that the Master Plan developed in 2002 was intended as a ten year document that provides a vision for the Division over this period. Last year the plan went through a significant review process and a number of members of the Advisory Committee were involved. They reviewed the mission, role, function of the Division, the time line and the progress to date; and provided a revised listing of strategic directions for what we want to achieve over the next few years. In 2013, a new Master Plan will create a vision for the next era of Recreation, Culture, and Parks services.



Chairman’s Report No report

June 10, 2009 Recreation, Culture, and Parks Advisory Committee Minutes E.



Director, Recreation, Culture, and Parks Report D. Leavers reported that Jim Marvel has been hired as the new Manager Recreation Facilities and Services. He brings 25 years of professional experience in the recreation and sports field of BC. His starting date is June 22, 2009. The official opening of the Langley Events Centre will be held on June 13, 2009. Willoughby Community Park including spray park and playground opened last month and has been used extensively.







Fees and Charges Bylaw Amendment B. Herman presented the draft 2009-2010 Fees and Charges bylaw. She reported that last year Council approved a 2.5 % general fee increase. Finance Division will be bringing forward Fees and Charges Bylaw to Council in the coming month. Bylaw will amend current Recreation, Culture, and Parks fees. The following are the highlights of the proposed Bylaw amendment: •

A 2.5% General fee increase

A seasonal parks concession rental rate will be implemented

A beer garden permit fee is being recommended to be implemented in April 2010 at a fee of $50 per day

A new rental fee for the Township’s Spirit Stage will be incorporated in the amendment Bylaw

Cemeteries have been included in the Fees and Charges bylaw. Fee increase for burial of non residents is recommended. The Cemetery Bylaw will need to be amended to remove references to Fees and Charges.

There were discussions with the Museum Advisory Committee regarding the implementation of admissions fees instead of visitor donations; however, no change in direction was recommended at this time. A new membership category will be available to museum visitors to provide additional value for those who purchase an annual pass. Moved by G. Aitken, Seconded by H. Hogeterp, That the Recreation, Culture, and Parks Advisory Committee endorse the Fees and Charges Bylaw Amendment as presented. CARRIED

June 10, 2009 Recreation, Culture, and Parks Advisory Committee Minutes H.



Official Opening Celebrations – Langley Events Centre D. Leavers “walked” the committee through the itinerary of the opening of the Langley Events Centre scheduled to take place on June 13, 2009.


Aldergrove Athletic Park Trail Widening & Playground A. Neufeld gave an update on the conceptual planning of the Aldergrove Athletic Park Trail Widening. Currently the parkway joins the north and south complexes of the park. To enable the trail widening, several cottonwoods and alders will need to be removed however, 11 Douglas Fir trees will be retained and will be incorporated in the final area design. The preliminary concept was presented under item M.1.


Parks Tour Aldergrove / South Langley Date: June 19, 2009 Location: Meet at Aldergrove Kinsmen Community Centre 26770 – 29 Avenue Time: 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. T. Buckner informed the members of the itinerary for the evening that will include Aldergrove Athletic Park, Jackman Park, Jackman Wetlands, South Langley Regional Trail, High Point development.


Joint Committee Meeting City of Langley Date: June 24, 2009 Location: Willoughby Community Centre, Room 2 7888 – 200 Street Time: 7:00 p.m. The meeting is hosted by the Township of Langley and will be attended by the Langley Parks, Environment, Recreation and Culture Committee. The members were requested to send items to be included for the meeting agenda to D. Leavers. The City of Langley is interested in partnering with the Township of Langley for the bid on the 2011 or 2012 Senior Games.

June 10, 2009 Recreation, Culture, and Parks Advisory Committee Minutes




The following resolution was adopted at the June 1, 2009 Special Council Meeting: Recreation, Culture, and Parks 2009 Work Plan That Council endorse the 2009 Work Plan of the Recreation, Culture, and Parks Advisory Committee. CARRIED


The following resolution was adopted at the May 25, 2009 Special Council Meeting: Bedford Rowing Society Support Minutes of the Economic Advisory Committee – May 6, 2009 Bedford Rowing Society Support That Council support and encourage the 2010 Commonwealth Rowing Championships to be held at the Bedford Channel; and further That staff be assigned to assist J. Leith in looking at other sources of sponsors and help with Bid Package preparation. REFERRAL That the matter be referred to staff and the Recreation, Culture, and Parks Advisory Committee. CARRIED That Council provide its support to any Township of Langley sports groups that will help the economy of Langley. REFERRAL That the motion be referred to staff and the Recreation, Culture, and Parks Advisory Committee. CARRIED COUNCIL Moved by G. Aitken, Seconded by J. Jack, Recommendation that Council receive the recommendation of the RCPA Committee that Council continue to provide its support to any Township of Langley sports group through its Sports Langley initiative. CARRIED

June 10, 2009 Recreation, Culture, and Parks Advisory Committee Minutes I.


COUNCIL RESOLUTIONS AND REFERRALS COUNCIL Moved by H. Hogeterp Seconded by K. Charlesworth Recommendation that Council receive the recommendation of the RCPA Committee to support and encourage the 2010 Commonwealth Rowing Championships to be held at the Bedford Channel. CARRIED


COMMUNITY LIAISON/TASK FORCE UPDATES D. Leavers informed the members that at the last meeting members volunteered to sit on the various Liaison Committees. Each liaison will be asked to report every 2nd meeting. At the September meeting the other 6 liaison groups will report. 1.

Arts and Culture J. Jack/S. Guest – no report


Aquatics K. Charlesworth, P. Wang/G. Aitken/D. Sheel – no report


Community Sports R. Camparmo/D. Sheel/G. Aitken – no report


Sport Tourism J. Paterson/David Leavers – no report


Parks and Trails A. Moeller – no report



Parks and Trails Guide – Tourism Langley The new Tourism Langley Parks and Trails guide was distributed at the meeting. D. Leavers reported that Tourism Langley received a grant to prepare tourism guides for the community. Tourism Langley produced four guides for the community: • • • •

Parks and Trails Guide Wine and Artisan Foods History Guide Tourism Attraction Guide

June 10, 2009 Recreation, Culture, and Parks Advisory Committee Minutes K.


ITEMS FOR INFORMATION The members recommended that a website link be put on the trail guide. It was also suggested that at the joint meeting with Ridge Meadows a link to the website be discussed.





Western Economic Diversification Program grant application(s) Canada’s Economic Action Plan News Release was also circulated at the last meeting and there were discussions regarding various federal grant initiatives regarding a new recreational infrastructure Canada program accessible to British Columbia communities. The members were informed that the federal government will fund up to 1/3 of eligible costs and the remaining funding has to be sources from provincial or municipal governments. The maximum federal contribution to any one project under this program is $1 million and the project has to be completed by March 2011. The Recreation, Culture, and Parks Division have recommended to Council to support grant applications for the following projects under this program: • •

Willoughby Community Park - synthetic turf soccer/softball fields Aldergrove Athletic Park – bike park, children’s play area and batting cage

A. Neufeld showed the members a conceptual plan for the Aldergrove Athletic Park. (see Attachment A) He advised that the plan will be vetted with Council in the coming weeks before taking the plan out to the community for input / feedback. It was suggested that an opportunity may be provided for public viewing of the plan at Aldergrove Festival Days in July. B. Thomasson, Aldergrove Rotary Club was in attendance and expressed disappointment with the absence of an artificial turf field from the Aldergrove Athletic Park grant application. Moved by H. Hogeterp, Seconded by J. Jack, That the Recreation, Culture, and Parks Advisory Committee endorse the conceptual plan for the Aldergrove Athletic Park. CARRIED N.


Councillor Ward reported that the Fraser Valley Regional Library has organized a summer reading club where readers receive awards.

June 10, 2009 Recreation, Culture, and Parks Advisory Committee Minutes




Joint Committee Meeting – City of Langley Date: June 24,2009 Location: Willoughby Community Centre, Room 2 7888 – 200 Street Time: 7:00 p.m.


Recreation, Culture, and Parks Advisory Committee Date: September 9, 2009 Location: Salmon River Committee Room 4th Floor, 20338 – 65 Avenue Time: 7:00 p.m. TERMINATE Moved by J. Jack, Seconded by C. Charlesworth, That the meeting terminate at 9:27 p.m. CARRIED CERTIFIED CORRECT:

_____________________ Acting Chair, Susan Guest


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