Rules Outline

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  • May 2020
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  • Words: 1,897
  • Pages: 16
Rules Outline Deck Creation • No less than 60 cards • No more than 4 of each card – Except for ”˜type˜ Temple”, which is unlimited – A card is identical if the name is exactly the same – Cards in different languages count as the same card – Cards with different art are considered the same card – Cards with different statistics and effects, but the same name are considered the same card 1

• Cards with non-identical backs must be in sleeves • Cards with no backs must also be in sleeves • Cards printed on paper not thick enough to conceal the front faces must also be in sleeves

Beginning Play • Players must sufficiently randomize their decks – Any player may randomize any other player’s deck • All players must decide on a number of Faith Points to play to – If an agreement cannot be reached, players must flip a coin. If heads, play ends at 15. If tails, play ends at 30. • Players must decide on who goes first, and order of play. – The official way is for each player to roll a twentysided die. – The player with the highest roll may opt to go first or last. 2

– The player with the highest roll may then choose a direction for play to continue, either to the player left of them or the player to the right of them. – Play continues in that direction for the duration of the game. – The player who takes the game’s very first turn does not draw a card at the beginning of his turn – Other ways are flipping coins and cutting decks ∗ None of which are ”legal”

Turns • Gain Spirit – Any temples in play generate their Spirit for this turn • Draw a card – The current player draws 1 (one) card • Do Things (May be done in any order and as many times as wanted)


– Play Cards ∗ The current player may play no more than one (1) Base Temple (”˜type˜ Temple”) ∗ Temples automatically produce their Spirit when they are put into play • The current player may play an unlimited number of ”Thing”s and ”Action”s – Provided he has the Spirit to pay for them – Followers may be played directly into Temples • Use Cards – Followers may be moved into or out of Temples if they have not already been moved once this turn, attacked, or just came into play. – Things that have a missing box (NUL) or ”0” for Spirit may not be placed inside temples • Combat – The current player may select any number of Things to participate in combat ∗ Things that have a missing box (NUL) for either Offense or Health may not participate in combat 4

– Things that are inside temples may not participate in combat – Things that have already moved from inside a temple to outside may not participate – Things that were played this turn may not participate – The current player decides which Things will attack which player – The attacked player may choose any number of things to defend against the attacking Things – Any number of defenders may be assigned to one attacker – Each defending Thing in combat takes damage (a temporary minus to it’s health) equal to it’s assigned attacker’s Offense. – And each attacking Thing takes damage equal to the defender’s offense – If the attacked player has no Things to defend against the attacking Things, the attacking player may choose one Follower inside a temple of the attacked player’s to kill – That Follower must be inside a Temple. – When a Follower is inside a temple and is dealt damage, it is discarded. 5

– If the attacked player has no Followers in play or inside Temples The attacking player gains one permanent Faith Point • Discard – The current player discards cards from his hand to his discard pile until the number of cards in his hand is exactly 5 (five) • End of Turn – All damage to Things is undone ∗ Unless prevented by a card effect – Permanent penalties to Health remain in effect. – The current player ends his turn and the next player in the order may take his turn. ∗ If the current player has 30 or more Faith Points at the end of their turn, they win the game.

Card Creation • Each card must have the following elements – Creator 6

∗ The original card creator’s name or pseudonym. ∗ Is not directly printed on the card, but is contained in the .SVG source and in spoilertext. ∗ More than one person can be credited – Name ∗ An original name, completely unique from other cards in the game, and preferably unique from cards in other games. ∗ The name may only be the same as a unique card if the text is being changed, or is otherwise being ”reprinted” ∗ All words in the name should be capitalized subject to ”Title Case” – Spirit Type ∗ One of the seven spirit types (Light, Shadow, Earth, Air, Water, Fire, Metal), or ”Any” ∗ Must follow the Card Name and must be in Parentheses. ∗ Must be capitalized. – Card Type ∗ The text of the card, may be one of the following in the following order (Subject to Revision.) 7

· Thing (May be omitted) · Relic · Human · Follower · Animal · Bird · Feline · Demon · Assassin · Paladin · Machine · Defender · Evangelist · Armament · Jewelry · Terrain · Temple · Action ∗ ”Unique” must be added (if applicable) after the second level of descriptors, preceded by a dash (Relic Unique, Follower Unique, etc.) ∗ Each word must be capitalized. 8

– Text ∗ Text describing what the card should do. ∗ In spoiler text, the card text should be placed on one line. There should not be any newlines or carriage returns. · Any place where a block of text should go on it’s own line, a ˜n˜ should be placed in lieu of a carriage return or newline. ∗ Text should never refer to anything as a card except when it is referring to a card whose name would be unknown at the time. · Such as ”A card in target player’s deck”, or ”a card in target player’s hand” · Not ”A card in play”, or ”a card in a discard pile.” – Offense ∗ Should be either a 1 or 2 digit number or ”NUL” if the card would not ever have any Offense. ∗ A Zombie would have an Offense of 1. ∗ An Elder God of the Outer Planes would have an Offense of 99. A single life-size Ant would have an Offense of 0. 9

∗ A suit of armor would have an Offense of NUL. – Health ∗ Should be either a 1 or 2 digit number or ”NUL” if the card would not ever have any Health. ∗ A Follower that has a Health of 0 is discarded when all card effects have completed. ∗ A Zombie would have a Health of 1. ∗ An Elder God of the Outer Planes would have a Health of 99. ∗ A suit of armor would have a Health of NUL. ∗ A Follower of Health 0 is discarded when it comes into play · Unless a card effect or itself states otherwise. – Cost ∗ Should be either a 1 or 2 digit number or ”NUL” if the card would not ever have a cost. ∗ A Zombie would have a Cost of 1 ∗ An Elder God of the Outer Planes would have a cost of 99 10

∗ A Temple has a Cost of NUL ∗ A life-size Ant has a cost of 0. – Faith ∗ Should be either a 1 or 2 digit number or ”NUL” if the card would not ever have any Faith ∗ A Peasant would have a Faith of 1 ∗ An Elder God of the Outer Planes would have a Faith of 99 ∗ A Temple has a Cost of NUL ∗ A life-size Ant has a cost of 0. – Art ∗ A URL to a publicly accessible image file, preferably in png, jpeg, or gif. In that order. – Artist ∗ The creator/copyright holder of the Art for this card. ∗ Works in public domain are to be attributed as if the work was still under copyright. · Example: ”Artist: Leonardo DaVinci” • Keywords – Keywords in card text are used to represent large blocks of text. 11

– Should only be used with full Explanation text on 75% of the set it is introduced in. ∗ Every set thereafter should only put the explanation text after the keyword on 50% of cards in the set. – Keywords should be in Alphabetical order, or in order of precedence. – Keywords should also be on their own line. ∗ Unless the card has a lot of additional text so as to make individual lines impractical. ∗ Keywords may be separated on a single line by a semicolon and a space. • Keyword list – Invisibility ∗ ˜this˜ may not be targeted by an opponent’s Follower during combat. – Recycle ∗ When the Follower ˜this˜ is attached to is discarded, return ˜this˜ to it’s owner’s hand. – Flight


∗ ˜this˜ may not be defended against by Followers without Flight. – Preemption ∗ ˜this˜ deals damage before other Followers without Preemption. – Permanency # ∗ Each turn ˜this˜ is in play, pay # to keep it in play. – Necromancy ∗ If ˜this˜ deals enough damage to discard a Follower, you may instead take control of that Follower. – Stealth ∗ ˜this˜ may attack Followers inside temples directly. – Devout ∗ ˜this˜ may not be converted. – Healing # ∗ ˜this˜ may prevent # damage to a Follower instead of participating in combat. You may not use this ability if ˜this˜ is inside a Temple. 13

– Archery # ∗ ˜this˜ may deal # damage to a Follower instead of participating in combat. This ability may not be used if the attached Follower is inside a Temple. – Guerrilla ∗ ˜this˜ takes no damage during combat. – Fury ∗ ˜this˜ must attack each turn, otherwise discard ˜this˜. ∗ Suggested Ability Cost: -0.5 – Cowardice ∗ ˜this˜ may not Defend when participating in Combat. ∗ Suggested Ability Cost: -0.5 • Capitalization – Just a few words that should be Capitalized Every Time ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗

Follower Type Spirit Offense 14

∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗

Health Cost Faith Player Temple Faith Points Spirit Cost Sub-Type Combat

– Some groups of words that should always be in Title Caps. ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗

All the Elements. All Type Text All Keywords All Name Text All information delimiters in Spoilertext (”Creator:”, ”Name:”, etc.) ∗ All type text inside Card Text. • Calculating Card Cost (Suggestion, not required) – Followers ∗ Add the card’s Offense, Health, and Faith · Divide that number by 3. 15

∗ Add any Keyword costs. · If an ability doesn’t have a cost, improvise a reasonable one. ∗ If the card is Unique, reduce the cost by 1.


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