
  • May 2020
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  • Words: 1,523
  • Pages: 4
P. Introduction to bipolar disorder and Edward During a manic/psychotic episode 1. Bella’s first day at school Meets Alice who seems nice, but sits with Mike at lunch Edward doesn’t answer her when she speaks, just writes in his notebook Seems really down and depressed 2. Talking with her father about Edward Tells her what he knows about his family 3. She sees Mike harassing Edward in the hall Tries again to speak to him in biology (about Mike) “Why do you let him talk to you like that?” Only gets short answers He asks why she won’t leave him alone 4. She asks Alice why they call Edward psychotic They explain he had an anger attack freshman year He beat the shit out of a kid Tells the rumors- he’s on tons of medication Every so often he disappears for days at a time, doesn’t talk to anyone but Jasper 5. Bella decides she’s sick of Mike and his friends During lunch she sits with Alice instead of Mike He confronts her and asks what her problem is Edward defends her, but still won’t really talk to her 6. Things continue that way for a month Bella and Edward make light conversation But she comes in one day and he’s light and talkative, if a little shaky She asks him about his notebook and he tells her- an outlet 7. They talk everyday like that for a five school days One day he comes in and is inexplicably less happy He talks less, and is more internalized Bella tries to ask him what happened, but he won’t say. 8. Bella notices a continuing downslide in Edward’s mood One day she sees him at lunch and he looks terrible and sad He leaves early, walking out to the courtyard, and Bella follows him She finds Edward crying against the side of the school Holds his hand and lets him cry. Bella thinks she’s maybe in love with him. 9. The next day he’s a little better and is more open with Bella Confides in her that he gets depressed sometimes, but it always goes away She gives him her number in case he ever needs to talk She hangs out with Alice after school, (who says she likes Jasper) Gets a call from Edward at 10:00pm. 10. At lunch, Bella asks Edward to sit with her, but he refuses She sits with him instead, feels everyone staring at her In their talk she mentions she cares for him and he frowns In biology, Edward warns her that he’s bad for her, his friendship will only hurt her. Bella freezes up and ignores him for the rest of the class. It’s the weekend

11. The next Monday, Edward is a little more upbeat – 2 months after the crying incident Is talkative, much like in chapter six. He apologizes for treating her poorly in chapter ten, saying “just because I said we shouldn’t be friends doesn’t mean I don’t want to be.” Edward’s attention span is all over the place, but he’s very complimentary He invites Bella over after school and shows her one of his poems. She’s touched and thinks things are finally going her way, even if Edward is acting a little weird. 12. Edward doesn’t show up at school for the next three days, doesn’t answer his phone, nothing. Bella shows up and it’s the prologue again. Wakes up and finds Edward pacing the room, seemingly more normal than before. She asks him what happened, and he says that’s the worst one he’s ever had. He doesn’t know what they are, and he only does coke during them. Bella mentions he should tell his parents or see a therapist and he asks her to leave. 13. Bella looks up his symptoms – type 1 bipolar disorder Talks to Edward about it in bio, he blows her off He shows up at her house and explains how rare bipolar is for kids His started at 14 His birth parents gave him up when he was 5 because he had behavioral problems He’s terrified the adopted parents will send him away. “Bella, I need you. You’re all I have.” “I couldn’t live with myself if I ever hurt you.” She kisses him. 14. They show up to school holding hands and people snicker Mike says something mean to Bella and Edward stands up for her, telling Mike he should be ashamed of insulting such a beautiful and kind person. “Mike, I’ve made my decision.” Edward tells her more about his symptoms, and shows her the portraits from the episode. They’re all of her. He misplaced his notebook. 15. Bella tells Charlie about Edward, makes him promise to be nice. Edward comes to dinner and it goes sort of okay. Charlie is a good guy here. Edward was called to the office during second period, Bella hears during lunch He doesn’t show for the rest of the day. 16. Bella goes to Edward’s to check on him Someone (Mike) had given Edward’s notebook to counselors which contained lots of poems and essays on his thoughts about suicide, and describing in detail his episodes. Edward’s mother tell her he’s getting a psychiatric evaluation right now. Bella goes to Newton’s store and confronts him. He admits to stealing the book. 17. Edward shows up at her house in the middle of the night, frantic and afraid. The shrink mentioned sending him away and he can’t go. Too scared. So many horror stories about ending up a vegetable completely dependent on drugs Bella begs Edward to go back to his parents, for her, to get the help he needs. They talk with his parents- they tell Edward they would never send him away, but

he does need to take the required medication. Edward agrees. Esme thanks Bella. 18. Getting Edward to take the medication. A month later he begins to show familiar signs of mania, and then it fades instead of getting really bad. Edward is thrilled and he and Bella have sex. 19. Epilogue Edward still has his moments from time to time, but works through them with Bella. Ends up working to help foster children. They are in love and happy. 14 – Bella kisses Edward and he pushes her off eventually. Bella leaves crying and rejected. Alice and co were quiet about her and Edward “It was a testament to my friends that the school wasn’t buzzing about our laughter and intimacy at the diner.” Charlie’s not happy with her. 15 – At school, she ignores him. Comes to her house “You can’t just… show up at my house whenever you make a mistake and expect me to forgive you just like that. I can only take so much, Edward.” Tells her about his birth mother – Bella for the first time wonders if Edward is bipolar? Accidentally says he loves her She kisses him again and this time he doesn’t push her away 16 – Show up to school holding hands Confrontation with Mike in the hallway They’re making out on the couch after school and Charlie comes home Doesn’t catch them Edward stays for dinner. Edward misplaced his Moleskine 17 – They meet up before school and walk to homeroom together Edward doesn’t show up at lunch Jasper mentions he got called to the principals during second period Not in biology either. Goes to his house after school and Esme answers the door in tears She mentions Edward’s notebook He’s at a psychiatric evaluation – bipolar is right 18 –

Edward isn’t returning her calls At school Mike asks her about her crazy boyfriend Bella ignores him until Alice mentions she heard him talking Shows up at Newton’s general store Confronts him and he confesses Edward shows up to her house in the middle of the night in the rain

19 – The shrink mentioned sending him away and he can’t go. Too scared. So many horror stories about ending up a vegetable completely dependent on drugs Bella begs Edward to go back to his parents, for her, to get the help he needs. If they have sex, it would be then OR Edward tries to have sex with her and she stops him 20 – They talk with his parents They tell Edward they would never send him away He does need to take the required medication. Edward agrees. Esme thanks Bella. She feels like a horrible mother. Bella finally understands. 21 – Edward doesn’t seem very happy Feels he’s lost his creativity Bella tells him that it was him that was creative Asks him to play her song for her He doesn’t need the mania to be creative. 22 – Edward finally realizes just how much the drugs are helping He feels the symptoms that always precede a manic episode, but then it fades At lunch, he grabs Bella’s hand and sits down at the table with Alice and company. 23 – Edward still has his moments from time to time, but works through them with Bella. Ends up working to help foster children. They are in love and happy.

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