R.siqueira Mario Bentley

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  • June 2020
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  • Words: 716
  • Pages: 3
serial entrepreneurs technological mages balanced careers eccletic lifestyles masters of Knowledge

Sergei Brin Anne Wojcicki Mark Zuckerberg

Angelina Jolie Ricardo “Kaká”

One of the reasons for the changing definition of luxury is the invisible force that drives the commoditization of products which formerly carried a premium value. The Millenial generation - understanding this trend - realizes that the real value of objects lays in its function and the experience it can provide.

experience-centered humanistic ecological aware friends & family first


“the millenials” Persons from the “millenial” generation have several traits in common: they are not impressed by “things” as they grew up having (or expecting) lots of. They care about the experience they get from objects and how those objects help their interaction with friends and family. This is a less materialistic generation because it witnessed miniturization and dematerialization. from Esquire UK Nov’08

from UNHCR @ flickr.com

The OLED lighting panels can be set to react intelligently to the driving-style or can be manually activated. The whole surface of each panel is multitouch and pressure sensitive, allowing the passenger to decide not only what panel to light-up but large and intense the light should be.

The panels can be set to display animated patterns such as water. The animation would change according to the data provided by the on-board sensors. The water can react to the driving and thus provide a relaxing and fun environment for passengers. Other patterns can be chosen (including static ones) such as leopard pattern, sand, wood(!), etc. The OLED display technology provides one of the best image and colour quality.

the enlightening immersion 2015

the enlightening immersion is a ever-changing cockpit environment for the next-generation Bentley’s Continental range. The traditional wood veneer is replaced with flexible, energy-efficient OLED interactive lighting panels. These panels enhance the in-car environment by generating intelligent mood lighting, interactable motion patterns, decentralized entertainment and extra visual indicators for weather, car performance or information from customizable sources.

Renderings on this page were based on Robin Page’s renderings of the Continental GT’s interior

For safety reasons the panels near the driver are dimmed-out under most circumstances. The driver will always be able to override the on-board computer and dim-down all light sources to its pleasure.

GE Research announced in 2008 a breakthrough in manufacturing OLED lighting panels using a roll-to-roll process which is planned to reach the market in 2010. At current state of technology multi-colour OLED panels are already available for mood-lighting purpose or basic visual indicators. Higher resolution OLED for display purpose also exist (mostly in cell-phones and smaller electronics) and soon those will also be built to wallpaper size.

Jonas Samson

The Mock-up of LED wallpaper by Jonas Samson shows some of the potential use for this OLED panels

PCB, processor This is a simplified schematic of the panel components. The pressure-sensing polymer captures the pressure data whereas the position-sensing determines the position of the finger. This data is transferred to the processor. Each panel has its own independent processor but all panel in the car can be centrally controlled

The panels are not only touch sensitive but also pressure sensitive. Applying increasing pressure to the panel increases the light output. Release the pressure and apply it again will dim-out the light. Multiple light sources (with different shapes) can thus be summoned at will.

pressure-sensing polymer position-sensing layer OLED layer


the enlightening immersion 2015

The current touch and pressure sensing technology (such as the one seen in devices like the iPhone, T-mobile G1, and Palm Pre) is already advanced enough to integrate the “enlightening immersion” experience and as mentioned, GE Research is ready to commercialize the first generation of paper-thin OLED for lighting. In Europe the project OLLA started 2004 and will be running for 45 months to advance the next generation of lighting solutions. Companies such as Sony, Sharp are already experimenting with small flexible high-dpi OLED displays. Hence, I believe it is realistic to predict this product for 2015.

Possible features for this immersive environment include: adaptive mood-lighting tied to driving style, external temperature indicator (ie, on low temperature panel displays cold colours, as temperature increase the colours become warmer), decentralize in-car entertainment control (ie, music controls can be summoned to any of the panels), personal pictures/ video display, headline feeds, etc.

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