Rr310505-principles Of Programming Languages

  • May 2020
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  • Words: 257
  • Pages: 1

Code No: RR310505

III B.Tech. I Semester(RR) Supplementary Examinations, May 2009 PRINCIPLES OF PROGRAMMING LANGUAGES (Common for Computer Science & Engineering, Computer Science & System Engineering)

Time: 3 hours

Max Marks: 80 Answer any FIVE questions All questions carry equal marks ?????

1. (a) Why is it useful for a programmer to have some knowledge in the language design? (b) Write in detail about syntax and semantics. (c) How does operational semantics differ from denotational semantics? 2. (a) What are variables and constants? Describe the rules for declaring variables and constants in programming languages. (b) What is meant by type checking? Explain the need and significance of type checking. (c) Describe the significance of type conversion. 3. (a) How are expressions evaluated using short circuit operation? (b) What are the design issues of subprograms? (c) Write a short notes on corontines. 4. (a) What is a binary semaphore and a counting semaphore? (b) Write about threads in java. (c) Write the language design issues of an abstract data type? 5. (a) Write the differences between a C++ throw specification and Java throws clause. (b) Write about the application of functional languages. (c) What are CAR,CDR operations in LISP? 6. (a) Describe the features of logic programming languages. (b) Explain the syntactic forms and usage of ‘fact’ and ‘rule’ statements in prolog. 7. (a) Explain static and dynamic scoping rules by taking an example. (b) Explain different parameter passing techniques. 8. Write a short notes on the following: (a) Referential transparency. (b) Monitors. (c) Virtual machines. ?????

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