Programming Languages

  • November 2019
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1252 B.E. 4th Semester (CSE) Examination, December-2006 PROGRAMMING LANGUAGES Paper-CSE-204-E Maximum marks: ]00

Time allowed: 3 hours Note: Attempt any five questions.

1. (a) What is the use of studying a no. of programming languages '1 Briefly explain.


(b) What are advantages and disadvantages of a language supporting type equivalen~e as


(i) name equivalence, (ii) structural equivalence. 2. (a) If a reference parameter behaves like a global variable, what advantages are there in passing by reference instead of using global variables ? 10 (b) What are the features that should be there in an object oriented language ? 10 3. (a) What do you mean by sequential file '1 What are. the operations which can be performed in sequential fIles ? 10 (b) What is difference b/w structured data object and data type? What are major attributes for specifying data structures ? 10


Discuss briefly the following:

(i) (ii) 5.

Recursive subprogram call and its implementation 10 Encapsulation and information hiding .. 10 (a) Write a few ron time elements which require storage. 10 (b) Discuss stack based storage management in detail. 10

6. (a) What do you mean by scope of a variable ? Discuss static and dynamic scope. 15 (b) What do you mean by epilogue and prologue '1 Briefly explain. 7.

(a) Differentiate between procedural and non-procedural language. (b) Compare the features of C.and C++ language.


Write short notes on : (a)

Exception and exception handlers



Pointer data type


(c )

Explicit sequence control

1252-P-2-Q-8 (06)



5 10

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