CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _
Communication is the most important tools in determining the successful in an organization. It is also used skill in almost every job in this world. In an organization, communication takes many forms such as oral, written and electronic. With the emergence of new technologies, other medium of communication such as instant messaging, text messaging, e-mail, letters and reports are fast replacing the traditional ways of communicating.
According Andrews and Bread, 1992, communication is a process involving the transmission and reception of symbols having meaning in the mind of the participants. Communication is not merely an important activity in an organizations, rather, it is a ‘lifeblood’ that allows the organization to exist. No human relationship could be maintained, no organizational objective achieved, no activities coordinated and no decisions reached without communication.
As what has been stated above has give a significant role of communication in RMP if they want to become a world class police department. Without communication, RMP can never achieve their vision, mission and objectives. Before we go further to the mood of communication that has always being practices in RMP, let me list down the vision, mission and objectives.
CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _
Royal Malaysia Police (RMP) currently has 93,348 police personnel. Royal Malaysia Police has been in Malaysia for 202 years. The establishment is very well known throughout the world. This works out to one policeman for every 385 people compared with the Interpol (International Police) ratio of 1: 250. They also plan to recruit 60,000 police personnel over the next five years (2007-2011). They will be striving for 150,000-strong police force. Furthermore, they also offer the ex-servicemen to join the force and contribute to the peaceful of the country.
The core purpose of this study is to focus on auditing the communication problems in the Royal Malaysia Police Force (RMP) by concentrating on a few issue which normally being critics by the media and by me while servicing in RMP after 6 years in various department. It will focus based on the following objectives: To clarify the number of channel of communication in RMP. To identify the internal and external communication of RMP. The current challenges faced by the RMP. To suggest the appropriate way of communication in ensuring the effective and strategic communication skills and method can be implemented in RMP.
CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _
1.3.1 MISSION: A leading enforcement agency of integrity, competent a committed to work with the community.
1.3.2 VISION: The Royal Malaysia Police Force is committed to serve and protect the nation and to work in partnership with the community in maintaining law and order. 1.3.3 OBJECTIVES: •
To minimize the crime rate at the lowest possible rate ;
To increase efficiency and the effectiveness of human resource development;
To increase the crime rate and prevent organize ;
To minimize the demand and supply of drug;
To increase the efficiency of finance management and the optimum logistic needs in determine the achievement of RMP;
To increase the effectiveness of law enforcement, public and national security and
CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _
To increase the level of efficiency and effectiveness of acquiring and
analyzing the security intelligence to prevent any kind of treatment on the national security public peaceful. 1.4
Communication is concerned with interacting and sharing information to all stakeholders, that is, to those who are inside an organization and who direct and control its operations. So the internal and external stakeholder will be the area that I am looking into. Even though there is no empirical study or interview will be conducted, but I will only use my experience and grab all the relevant data or information that I can gather in order to write up this report.
An effective communication in RMP is vital in order to achieve the organizational GOAL that has been highlighted by the top brass. Without communication, none of the goal can be achieved.
If we log in the website of RPM at, we can get a lot of information of RMP from tip to toe. So, this is also one way of how the RMP is ‘communicating’ with the public. It is not just that the RMP only providing the public with all the information that relevant to the public and than wait for the public to give back their feedback through complaint and suggestion through the internet but also to make them understand the work of a policeman.
CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _