Roll Through Dune 2000.doc

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  • Pages: 18
Units in Dune 2000 Units[edit | edit source] Light Infantry[edit | edit source] Used by: House Harkonnen, House Ordos, House Atreides Light infantry equipped with short range machineguns. Cheap but weak, they are best used against enemy infantry and to a lesser extent; light vehicles (though it is not cost effective). Useless versus anything armoured.

Trooper[edit | edit source] Used by: House Harkonnen, House Ordos, House Atreides Same attributes as a light infantry except this unit is armed with a powerful rocket launcher. Cheap and excellent at taking out light and heavy vehicles. Useless versus infantry.

Engineer[edit | edit source] Used by: House Harkonnen, House Ordos, House Atreides Weaponless infantry, but far from useless. Engineers are used to capture enemy structures, simply by entering it. By capturing an enemy construction yard you gain access to their special buildings (most notably the palace).

Thumper Infantry[edit | edit source] Used by: House Ordos, House Atreides Weaponless infantry, comes equipped with a jack-hammer like apparatus. Called the "Thumper" due to the rhythmic "thumps" used to attract sandworms away from valuable units or a Harvester.

Special Units[edit | edit source] Fremen[edit | edit source] Owner: Atreides This unit was cloaked and equipped with a powerful rifle, it can outgun units, vehicles and buildings. strong at troops of 5 or more.

Sardaukar[edit | edit source] Owner: Emperor Unlike Fremens, Sardaukars are the special units for the Emperor. It has more firepower as the Fremens have, it can outgun units, vehicles and buildings easily. when it is squished, it inflicts damage. harkonnen can also train them in multiplayer game when the 1.06 patch is downloaded. the sardukar trained by the harkonnen are weaker then the emperors.

Saboteur[edit | edit source] Owner: Ordos This Saboteurs are sneaky and stealthy, when its power is fully charge it can be cloaked when deployed in a short period of time. It can destroy a building instantly but can be detected in any gun and missile can destroy all can cloak for 10 seconds.

Vehicles[edit | edit source] General Vehicles[edit | edit source] Trike[edit | edit source] Owner: Atreides and Harkonnen Trikes are a cheap light vehicle, they are fast, agile and effective at taking out small groups of infantry. Trikes are capable of dealing with other light vehicles to some extent, but are next to useless at dealing with heavy vehicles.

Quad[edit | edit source] Owner: all of the 3 houses Quads are not as fast as the trike but they more than make up for it with their increased armour and twin rocket launchers. Quads are excellent at taking out enemy light vehicles and in sufficient numbers, quads can also cause damage to heavier vehicles. Quads are an excellent and very cost efficient unit to take out small numbers support tanks such as Siege tanks and Missile tanks.

Siege Tank[edit | edit source] Owner: all of the 3 houses Siege Tanks are a fierce threat to infantry, lightly armored vehicles and structures. Armed with a long range artillery piece firing high explosive shells they can cause a large amount of splash damage, even to friendly units. Powerful in defense and attack. Siege Tanks however are rather slow and have weak armor, Siege Tanks should be protected by more sturdier combat tanks. Can outrange gun turrets.

Missile Tank[edit | edit source] Owner: all of the three houses (Ordos cannot build in the Heavy Factory but rather they can buy Missile tanks at the Starport) Missile Tanks are an expensive but excellent support unit, armed with long range antiarmour missiles they can sit behind more heavily armoured vehicles and pound the enemy with potent missiles. Missile Tanks are best used when facing a significant amount of heavy armour such as Combat tanks however small numbers of Missile Tanks are well suited to taking out lighter vehicles as well. Missile tanks are very vulnerable without sufficient protection and are easily taken out by Quads and Troopers.

Harvester[edit | edit source] Owner: all of the 3 houses Harvesters are the collectors of spice, it can carry a large amount of spice and deliver it to Refineries so they can convert the spice in to usable credits. Slow but wel armoured, it can crush harassing infantry but is vulnerable to vehicle attacks. Harvesters benefit greatly from Carryalls due to the slow speed of the Harvester. Carryalls will automatically transport Harvesters to spice fields and back to refineries.

MCV[edit | edit source] Owners: all of the 3 houses The MCV is basically a construction yard packed up in to a vehicle. It is heavily armoured and slow. Despite it's heavy armour the MCV has no weapons of its own and thus is vulnerable to any attacking unit. Any damage taken on the MCV will be applied to the construction yard that will be deployed when the MCV is used.

Special Vehicles[edit | edit source] Combat Tank[edit | edit source] Combat Tanks are the core front line units on Dune. Heavily armed and armoured, Combat Tanks are capable of destroying most vehicles and structres with their high caliber guns while being able to crush infantry beneath their treads. Combat Tanks are most effective when backed up with anti infantry units such as Trikes and Siege Tanks. When attacking concentrations of enemy armor use your Comabt Tanks to draw enemy fire while your Quads and Missile Tanks destroy the threat. A combination of Combat and Missile Tanks are one of the most cost efficient and effective ways to deal with large amounts of enemy armour. Atreides Combat Tank

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Atreides Combat Tanks are balanced in terms in armor and speed among the Combat Tanks of the 3 houses. Harkonnen Combat Tank

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Harkonnen Combat Tanks are slow but have the best armor among the Combat Tanks of the 3 houses. Ordos Combat Tank

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Ordos Combat Tanks are fast but have a weakest armor among the Combat Tanks of the 3 houses.

Raider[edit | edit source] Raiders are a superior variant of the Trike, the Raider is faster, has more armour and has bigger guns than the trike. Regardless the Raider is vulnerable to the same units as the trike and should be used only for scouting and dispatching enemy infantry.

Deviator Tank[edit | edit source] Deviator Tanks are only built by Ordos in their Heavy Factories. Fires rockets that scatter a cloud of silicon; any vehicle caught at the time the rocket exploded will be temporarily put under control to the player controlling the Deviator. The Deviator is expensive and weak thus proper support is needed when using Deviators. Deviators can not damage enemy Infantry with their weapons and thus are vulnerable to Troopers. Deviators shine in small scale battles where the difference between victory and defeat can rest upon one unit. They are useful for target firing more powerful tanks such as Devastators or Sonic tanks.

Sonic Tank[edit | edit source] Sonic Tanks can be built by Atreides Heavy Factories only. Equipped with a powerful Sonic Gun they can cause splash damage in a linear line to any unit it faces. Sonic tanks rival siege tanks as anti-infantry as Sonic tanks can quickly lay waste to low health, cheap and numerous units (such as Infantry) however Sonic Tanks are still effective against more armoured targets however they can cause friendly fire splash damage so proper positioning of Sonic Tanks is advised to avoid friendly losses.

Devastator Tank[edit | edit source] Devastator Tanks are only built by Harkonnen. Equipped with dual plasma cannons and extremely thick armour, the Devastator is ideally used as a spearhead tank with its heavy armour and powerful weapons. Despite it's fearsome reputation the Devastator is not without its weaknesses as it is expensive, slow and vulnerable to Deviators, Missile Tanks and Troopers behind walls or on ground which tanks can not drive on top. Devastators can self-destruct causing a large amount of damage in a wide area at the cost of the unit itself. The explosion will take some time to happen thus this ability should be avoided unless you have devastators to spare.

Aircraft[edit | edit source] General Aircrafts[edit | edit source] Carryall[edit | edit source] It transports any vehicle in the field, it can only carry 1 vehicle at a time. It is built from High Tech Factory.can be destroyed by AA weapons.Does not count in the forces that you must destroy .

Starport/Delivery Aircraft[edit | edit source] It delivers your ordered vehicles from the Starport menu and drops it in the Starport. It cannot be killed.

Special Aircrafts[edit | edit source] Ornithopther[edit | edit source] The Ornithopther is a fixed-wing combat aircraft only available to the Atreides. Accessible after upgrading the Atreides High Tech Factory. They fly in a small group of 3's and drops a spinning barrel-shaped bomb called a parabomb at the area selected by the player who owns the ornithopters.(This unit is used by clicking on the "Airstrike" icon that will appear on the units build list, then clicking on a spot on the battlefield to be attacked by the Ornithopters) . Can be destroyed by AA weapons.

Other[edit | edit source] Death hand missile[edit | edit source] The Death Hand missile is a nuclear bomb that is only available to the Harkonnen, accessible after building the Harkonnen palace. It's target is chosen by a red circle with a skull in the center and a black border. When the target is chosen it travels off the screen and drops on the designated target in a firestorm of atomic explosions. The enemy will have been notified when a Death Hand has been launched. The Death Hand is best used against clusters of important buildings such as Wind Traps or Turrets. The main drawback of the Death Hand is it's disappointingly low accuracy so aiming for large clustered areas where accuracy is least important is advise


Construction Yard

Type: Production Facility Requirements: MCV Armor: Medium Vulnerabilities: Strong but weaker when attacked in numbers Abilities: This structure needs no power and needs to be protected at all costs as it is the center of your base Concrete Slabs

Type: Foundation Requirements: Construction Yard Armor: Medium Vulnerabilities: Concrete is usually destroyed after being hit so it must be replaced or left as it can't be repaired Abilities: Concrete provides a base for the buildings and if not used the building will start out with half damage. They can be built in groups of six Spice Refinery

Type: Industrial Facility Requirements: Wind Trap Armor: Medium Vulnerabilities: Vulnerable to all types of weapons Abilities: The Refinery is used to convert the harvested spice into credits which are then used to purchase buildings and units. The Refinery can hold 1000 credits and provides you with a harvester when built

Wind Trap

Type: Power Plant Requirements: Construction Yard Armor: Light Vulnerabilities: Vulnerable to most weapons Abilities: Wind Traps will provide power to the base by collecting the wind and converting it with turbines Spice Silo

Type: Storehouse Requirements: Refinery Armor: Light Vulnerabilities: Vulnerable to most weapons Abilities: This is used to store the excess spice and is evenly distributed equally among all silos. All excess spice is lost Infantry Barracks

Type: Production Facility Requirements: Wind Trap Armor: Medium Vulnerabilities: Vulnerable to most weapons Abilities: They provide a place to train your infantry. When upgraded you can train more advanced units

Radar Outpost

Type: Surveillance Structure Requirements: Barracks Armor: Medium Vulnerabilities: Vulnerable to most weapons Abilities: With enough power the Radar Outpost will give you a map of the playing field Light Factory

Type: Production Facility Requirements: Refinery Armor: Medium Vulnerabilities: Vulnerable to most weapons Abilities: Light Factory produces light vehicles like the Trike, when upgraded you can produce more advanced units Heavy Factory

Type: Production Facility Requirements: Refinery Armor: Heavy Vulnerabilities: Vulnerable to most weapons Abilities: You can produce tracked units like tanks and when upgraded you can produce more advanced vehicles

Gun Turret

Type: Ground Based Turret Requirements: Outpost Armor: Medium Vulnerabilities: Resistant to infantry and explosive but vulnerable missiles and tank based weapons Abilities: Provides basic protection against assaults Rocket Turret

Type: Ground Based Requirements: Outpost Armor: Heavy Vulnerabilities: Resistant to infantry and explosive but vulnerable missiles and tank based weapons Abilities: The Rocket Turret has longer range and faster reload than the Gun Turret but it requires power to operate Repair Pad

Type: Repair Facility Requirements: Heavy Factory Armor: Medium Vulnerabilities: Vulnerable to most weapons Abilities: You need this structure in order to repair your damaged vehicles


Type: Production Facility Requirements: Outpost Armor: Heavy Vulnerabilities: Vulnerable to most weapons Abilities: This allows you to trade with CHOAM and purchase units at varying prices which are delivered by a Frigate High Tech Factory

Type: Production Facility Requirements: Outpost Armor: Light Vulnerabilities: Vulnerable to most weapons Abilities: The High Tech Factory is required to produce Carryalls. House Atreides can upgrade to get Ornithopters for an air strike IX Research Center

Type: Tech Facility Requirements: Outpost Armor: Light Vulnerabilities: Vulnerable to most weapons Abilities: The IX Research Center provides you with technology upgrades which entitles you to advanced units and weapons


Type: Capitol Building Requirements: IX Research Center Armor: Heavy Vulnerabilities: Vulnerable to most weapons Abilities: Palaces are used to provide your house with the special options for your house and become the center of your operations


Light Infantry

Type: Ground Based Infantry House: All Requirements: Barracks Range: Short Speed: 10km/h foot Armor: Light Vulnerabilities: Resistant to missiles and tank based weapons but vulnerable to explosives and other infantry Abilities: Light Infantry are the basic foot soldiers and are mainly effective against other infantry or lightly armored vehicles Thumper Infantry

Type: Ground Based Defense House: All (multiplayer) Requirements: Barracks upgraded Range: N/A Speed: 15km/h foot Armor: Light Vulnerabilities: Vulnerable to explosives and infantry but resistant to tank based weapons Abilities: Thumper Infantry are used to draw a Sandworm towards that location and can only be found in multiplayer Trooper Infantry

Type: Ground Based Infantry House: All Requirements: Barracks upgraded Range: Medium Speed: 6km/h foot Armor: Light Vulnerabilities: Resistant to tanks but vulnerable to explosives and infantry Abilities: Ineffective against other infantry but effective against armored vehicles and buildings


Type: Mechanical/Special Forces House: All Requirements: Barracks upgraded Range: N/A Speed: 10km/h foot Armor: Light Vulnerabilities: Resistant to anti-tank weapons, but very vulnerable to explosives and infantry Abilities: Used to capture enemy buildings and once captured are under your control Trike

Type: Light Recon/Strike Vehicle House: Atreides, Harkonnen Requirements: Light Factory Range: Short Speed: 72km/h Armor: Light Vulnerabilities: Vulnerable to nearly all vehicles Abilities: Three wheeled vehicle with machine guns and is effective against infantry and vehicles without much armor Quad

Type: Light Attack Vehicle House: All Requirements: Upgraded Light Factory Range: Short Speed: 59km/h Armor: Light Vulnerabilities: Resistant to infantry and explosives. Vulnerable to missiles and high caliber weapons Abilities: Slower than Trike, but stronger in both armor and fire power. It is a four wheeled vehicle firing armor piercing rounds and is effective against most vehicles

Combat Tank

Type: Medium Battle Tank House: All Requirements: Heavy Factory Range: Medium Speed: 40km/h Armor: Medium Vulnerabilities: Combat Tanks are resistant to infantry and explosives, but vulnerable to missiles and high caliber weapons Abilities: Effective against most vehicles Siege Tank

Type: Battlefield Support Vehicle House: All Requirements: Upgraded Heavy Factory Range: Long Speed: 32km/h Armor: Heavy Vulnerabilities: Resistant to bullets, and somewhat, high explosives. Vulnerable to missiles and high caliber weapons Abilities: Very effective against infantry and unarmored vehicles but slow, and very weak against anything heavily armored Missile Tank

Type: Battlefield Support Vehicle House: Atreides, Harkonnen, Ordos(through Starport) Requirements: Upgraded Heavy Factory and IX Research Center(Starport) Range: Long Speed: 40km/h Armor: Medium Vulnerabilities: Vulnerable to nearly all weapons Abilities: Faster than battle tanks and can hit targets in the air. Also effective against most vehicles but vulnerable to infantry

MCV (Mobile Construction Vehicle)

Type: Base Deployment Vehicle House: All Requirements: Upgraded Heavy Factory and Repair Pad Range: N/A Speed: 15km/h Armor: Medium Vulnerabilities: Resistant to infantry and some explosives. Vulnerable to missiles and high caliber weapons Abilities: The MCV can be moved to a location of your choice and then deployed to create a new base of operations Carryall

Type: Airborne Unit House: All Requirements: High Tech Factory Range: N/A Speed: 160km/h Armor: Heavy Vulnerabilities: Only can be hit by missiles, like from the Rocket Turret and Missile Launcher Abilities: These units have no weapons but are used to transport vehicles. They will pick up your harvester and return it to the Refinery and then back to the spice fields. Also will deliver damaged units back to the Repair Bay Harvester

Type: Base Support Vehicle House: All Requirements: Refinery Range: N/A Speed: 45km/h Armor: Medium Vulnerabilities: Resistant to infantry and some explosives but are vulnerable to missiles and high caliber weapons Abilities: This unit is the most important unit in the game, it provides you with your cash flow. When it returns to the Refinery the harvested spice is converted to credits Site created Já

Special Units Raider Trike

Type: Quick Strike/Recon House: Ordos Requirements: Light Vehicle Factory Range: Short Speed: 90km/h Armor: Light Vulnerabilities: Vulnerable to almost everything but better than the Trike Abilities: The Raider Trike has better weapons, speed, and armor then a Trike. Effective against infantry in hit and run missions Deviator

Type: Battlefield Support House: Ordos Requirements: IX Research Center and Heavy Factory Range: Medium Speed: 30km/h Armor: Medium Vulnerabilities: Vulnerable to nearly all types of weapons Abilities: This unit will cause no actual damage to the units. It fires a warhead which changes the allegiance of the vehicle for a time but does not effect infantry units Saboteur

Type: Special Forces House: Ordos Requirements: Ordos Palace Range: N/A Speed: 15km/h foot Armor: Light Vulnerabilities: Resistant to anti-tank weapons but vulnerable to explosive and infantry Abilities: The Saboteur can enter a building, immediatly destroy it


Type: Attack Aircraft House: Atreides Requirements: High Tech Factory upgraded Range: N/A Speed: 340km/h Armor: Light Vulnerabilities: Vulnerable to only missiles Abilities: Fastest unit on Dune and drops bombs on the targets below. Effective against infantry but once given the command to strike it immediatly heads to that location Sonic Tank

Type: Advanced Battle Tank House: Atreides Requirements: IX Research Center and Heavy Factory Range: Medium Speed: 44km/h Armor: Medium Vulnerabilities: Resistant to infantry and explosives but vulnerable to missiles and tanks Abilities: It fires a sound wave in a form of a sonic wave which is very effective against infantry and lightly armored vehicles. All units in the path of the sonic wave will be damaged Fremen

Type: Ground Based Military House: Atreides Requirements: Atreides Palace Range: Medium Speed: 17km/h foot Armor: Medium Vulnerabilities: Resistant to anti-tank weapons but vulnerable to other infantry and explosives Abilities: Fremen are the warriors of Dune, they know the planet and are effective against any targets. Fremen are stealth units and can only be seen once they come within range of other infantry units


Type: Advanced Battle Tank House: Harkonnen Requirements: IX Research Center and Heavy Factory Range: Medium Speed: 30km/h Armor: Heavy Vulnerabilities: Resistant to nearly everything, but is somewhat vulnerable to missiles and high caliber weapons Abilities: The most powerful tank on the planet but slow to move and reload. It uses atomic power and fires dual plasma charges but can become unstable when greatly damaged. Also can be set to self-destruct causeing damage to the surrounding area Death Hand

Type: Battlefield Support Missile House: Harkonnen Requirements: Harkonnen Palace Range: N/A Speed: 700km/h Armor: Light Abilities: Carries multiple warheads of atomic power which causes damage to wide areas but innacurate at times Sardaukar

Type: Ground Based Infantry House: Emperor Requirements: Barracks Range: Medium Speed: 15km/h foot Armor: Medium Vulnerabilities: Vulnerable to explosives and infantry but resistant to anti-tank weapons Abilities: The Sardaukar are elite troops that will fire missiles against armored units and machine guns against other infantry


Type: Interstellar Shuttle House: All (through CHOAM) Requirements: Starport Range: N/A Speed: 250km/h Abilities: The Frigate will deliver the units ordered from the Starport but is not controllable Sand Worm

Type: Indigenous to Dune House: N/A Range: N/A Speed: 30km/h Armor: Heavy Vulnerabilities: Vulnerable to missiles and tanks but resistant to infantry and explosives, difficult to destroy Abilities: The Sand Worm is attracted by vibrations in the sand, it will eat units whole and has a large appetite

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