Through out history, many people were .subjected to cruel and ruthless occupations It is interesting and inspiring to study the many different occupations and the journey .of the occupied to freedom The tale of the Palestinian people to free theirhomeland from the Israeli occupations . stands out at mile Their un-finished journey to freedom is. interesting and inspiring Their struggle is inspiring to those seeking .freedom around the world
There are three different aspects of their story Their inspiring struggle to liberate their homeland Their tremendous suffering Their optimistic future
**The struggle of the Palestinian people to achieve freedom is remarkable.
-They resisted British government in 1920s and 1930 to settle European Jewish in their land. -This struggle has been going in for the past 85 years
In 1965, the PLO was established and lead the struggle against the Jewish state .The people of Palestine launched 2 intifadasSeveral new organizations such as Hamas.continue to resist the occupation The political struggle to educate the world about.the Palestinian cause continues
The suffering of Palestinians people*** .is tremendous
Through out years, many were died in defending.Palestine An estimated 34 massacres were committed.within a few months Today, millions of Palestinian refugees arescattered around the world without a place to . call home .The financial suffering was tremendous The killing of Palestinians was not limit to.Palestine The historical hero of Palestine Yasser Arafat. was Surrounded by the enemy
The future of Palestinian people**** . is an optimistic one .Pervious occupations had always failedThe sacrifice of the Palestinian people will. result in an end to the occupation Millions of Palestinians keep their hopes. to return to Palestine alive The support of people around the worldcontributes to the high spirit enjoyed by .the Palestinians all over the world
Conclusion***** ***** The Palestinian people have struggled andcontinue to struggle by giving their lives for their .country They did not stop them their desire to free.Palestine Like many other oppressed and occupiednations, the future is a bright and an optimistic