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the ridge ridgeonline.wordpress.com

Art Attractions On Campus Music & Concerts Art & Exhibitions Fashion Accessory Musts

MICA (P) 218/01/2008

Live with Leeson

02 desk

contents 01

News space crunch in nus special semester fees cashless payment at the deck tuition centres by nus students

Outspoken singapore not a welfare state cca points

Transmedia the art and war of the wuxia film nus museum open house live with leeson timbrefest music album review

Lifestyle fashion fast forward

Wired spotlight: adobe photoshop express iphone

Sports run nus beijing olympics

Regulars nus snippets commentary photo story borders book review

02 editorial


design VDP\XNWKD


contributors 03

CHIEF EDITOR Hurrairah bin Sohail EXECUTIVE EDITOR (ONLINE) Hannah Yan SECRETARY Sowmya Gopi WEBMASTER Ho Yi Jian NEWS Jason Hau Lynette Lim OUTSPOKEN Kokila Annamalai LIFESTYLE Arzish Baaquie TRANSMEDIA Hurrairah bin Sohail WIRED Gurmesh Singh SPORTS Suhas Bhat CREATIVE DIRECTOR Claryce Lum HEAD OF DESIGN Samyuktha HEAD OF PHOTOGRAPHY Adi Yoga COPYEDITOR Suhas Bhat HEAD OF MARKETING Tan Huiling

Printed by xpoprint photo sxc.hu

04 nus snippets

Energy Carta: Asian Youth Energy Summit 2008 ĎėĘęĎĉĔėĕĘ






NUS Animal Welfare

design VDP\XNWKD



nus snippets 05 Red Cross Humanitarian Network NUS Chapter 2859(5<2:1on-campus blood donation is coming back this September! With the slogan, Give the Gift that cost Nothin’ to GIVE, our blood donation will be held from the 9th-12th September 2008, in MPSH 4 (10am-4pm). As the proud organizers of this event, we, the Red Cross Humanitarian Network – NUS Chapter (RCHNNUS), promise you fascinating and informative activities from 1st of September till the end of blood donation drive itself. This is the best opportunities to save another’s life. It may cost nothing to you; but it will make an impact in another person’s life. Every unit of blood donated makes a remarkable difference. So, are you now overwhelmed by the desire to give the Gift of Life? Come down to visit our recruitment booths and register yourselves as blood donors! Our recruitment booths: FOS (LT26) and Central Library walkway from 1st – 5th September 08 (10am-6pm) For enquiries and registrations, please contact: [email protected] We sincerely hope to see you at our recruitment and the Blood Donation Drive! Share the joy of Life, Give the gift of Life!

฀฀฀฀฀฀฀฀฀฀฀฀ ฀฀฀฀฀ ฀฀฀฀ AT THE RECENTLY concluded Singapore National Othello Competition 2008, Intellectual Games Club Othello section has done NUS proud. Our various achievements include accolades such as the top school in the tertiary segment, Singapore top female player and top tertiary player. Our recreational club plays various types of board games, Weiqi (Go), Othello (Reversi), International Chess and Chinese Chess. We meet every Tuesday 6.30pm at MPSH4. All are welcome to join us for a night of light-hearted fun. &RQJUDWXODWLRQVDJDLQWRWKH1862WKHOORWHDPZKLFKKDVGRQHVRZHOOLQRXU¿UVW representation of NUS. Queries may be directed to Anthony. photo sxc.hu

Email: [email protected]

06 news




news 07

A THOUSAND WORDS text & photo Jason Hau | [email protected]

THE IRONY OF THIS image burns deep into my mind as I spotted this scene right outside the Arts Canteen and in front of LT9. In the foreground, a big banner promoting a celebration of rising environmental awareness; but right behind it, a trail of destruction as felled trees and bare tree trunks poignantly framed the image. $VZHWDNHDPRPHQWWRVWRSDQGUHÀHFWRQRXUHYHU\DFWLRQRQHSHUWLQHQWWKRXJKWVKRXOG always be near the top of our heads – are we doing enough to preserve the environment for our future generation? “The whole of science, and one is tempted to think the whole of the life of any thinking man, is trying to come to terms with the relationship between yourself and the natural world. Why DUH\RXKHUHDQGKRZGR\RX¿WLQDQGZKDW¶VLWDOODERXW´ David Attenborough

08 news

The Search For More W hat? s No seat

a gain?



text Fabius Chen | [email protected], Eileen Poh | [email protected] photo Jason Hau

design Felicia Ong



news 09



Additional reporting by Hoang Thi Minh Ngoc.

10 news

Cost of 1 Module in Special Term: $600 Benefits: Priceless? text Chin Mei Kuan | [email protected]

INSTEAD OF THE 13 WEEKS for a regular semester module, a special term module, taken during the summer break, at the National University of Singapore (NUS) spans only six weeks. Yet a special term module costs nearly the same as it does during normal semesters.

economics major at NUS. He had four lectures per week for his special term module, compared to two lectures per week in the regular semester. Despite the more intensive teaching, competition is still equally stiff during special term.

So, why do people take up special term modules? the ridge speaks to six undergraduates, three from NUS and three from Nanyang Technological University (NTU).

Seet, who was in a class of 20 students said, “People still take lessons seriously since it is an elective.” Yet there were those who felt otherwise.

Seet S.H, who declined to reveal her full name, a second-year marketing major at NTU, was worried that she would not be able to “clear her electives to graduate on time”. Charlie Soon, a third-year electrical electronic engineering student at NTU, wanted to lighten his workload during the normal semester so that he could “relax during the semester.” For a second-year NUS economics major who only wanted to be known as J Lim, the ability to focus on fewer modules was why she chose to take GE1101E during the special term, despite it being offered during the normal semester.

design Felicia Ong images www.deviantart.com

“I felt that I would be able to concentrate better since I would be taking only one module, as compared to 5 modules in the normal semester,” Lim explained. However, a 13-week syllabus taught intensively within six weeks would mean more projects, with assignments also issued at a faster rate. “I had to do three group projects in four weeks,” Lim recalled. Many of the students interviewed saw the frequency of their lectures doubled and durations lengthened.

Liyanah Ali, a second-year business banking and ¿QDQFHPDMRUDW178IHOWWKDWWKHVWXGHQWVZHUH more relaxed as they did not have to think about the other modules. )RU7HRLWZDVQRWRQO\WKHLPPHGLDWHEHQH¿WVRID more relaxed course that mattered. She found that the special term, especially Special Term Part 2, which lasted from Jun. 23 to Aug. 2 in Academic Year 2007/2008, helps in easing one into the regular semester. “The environment is more relaxed, (making it) easier to concentrate on one or two modules. More LPSRUWDQWO\LWUHGXFHVWKHZRUNORDGIRUP\¿QDO year,” Chan added. The students differed on whether it was worth it to pay for a module during special term, which costs almost as much as a normal module during the semester does despite the shorter period of study. Teo felt that the amount should be “high enough to deter people from treating special term modules like those in regular semesters, yet should remain affordable” for those who need to take it. However, Ali felt the price was too steep.

“Perhaps for special terms modules, it is more about the students adapting to the pace of the lecturer, rather than vice versa,” said Teo Zhijia, a fourth-year

“I do not think it is fair to charge us almost the same rate. In fact, I think it should be free,” she said.


For students registered in WKH)DFXOWLHV6FKRROVRI






Design and Environment










Non6XEVLGL]HG Student







12 news

Cashless Dining text Audrey Ng | [email protected]

IMAGINE YOURSELF AS A HUNGRY STUDENT needing food to fuel your brain at the Arts canteen, The Deck. However, what should you do if you dig through your ZDOOHWRQO\WR¿QGWKDW\RXDUHRXWRIFDVK" Starting from this semester, students can pay for food by using their EZ-link cards, saving everyone the hassle of digging through their wallets for small change. “We hope to promote a more hygienic environment by using this method of transaction where no cash is involved,” said Mr. Ong Sock Hwee, the manager of 5HWDLO 'LQLQJ6HUYLFHVIURPWKH2I¿FHRI(VWDWH  Development (OED). She added that the new system would also help ease transactions as it is a “touch and go” operation, where customers can just tap their EZ-link cards to make a purchase. According to Mr. Ong, the reason for using EZ-link cards as the method of payment was that most people carry EZ-link cards with them, especially students. “It is a more convenient option for those who forget their change,” he added.

design LCarol Lim

However, according to the canteen stallholders, it seems that the new system is not very popular among students and themselves, as well. According to Mr. Lee from the popular yong tau foo (literally “stuffed bean curd”) stall, he sees an DYHUDJHRI¿YHWRVL[SHRSOHDGD\ZKRDFWXDOO\XVH the system.


This new system started operations in May 2008 and was introduced in phases until July, when the last stall at The Deck started using it.

news 13

g at The Deck He explained that it takes quite a while for the machine to detect the EZ-link card and that it is more troublesome for him as he has to key in numbers to make the transaction. Mr. Chua from the drinks stall also agreed that using the machine would take a much longer time than using cash. He also said that stallholders were more experienced in counting change and handling cash. Mr. Lee also felt that there was no need to pay through EZ-link card when one bowl of yong tau foo costs an average of only about $1.80. For some students, it seems that the cashless system will not be very popular despite the perceived convenience. Third-year Communications and Media student Don Sim thinks that the system is useful for people who do not have enough cash. However, he added that for those who use GIRO to pay for their EZ-link transactions, such as him, the cashless system becomes redundant for them. Chng Ming Li, a third-year Arts student, would not use the system unless she “really runs out of cash.” She added that because she uses bus concession, she does not top up her EZ-link card very often. Using her EZ-link card purely for transportation purposes would also allow her to monitor her transport expenses more easily.

14 news

Tuition Nation text Juliet Huang | [email protected]

THEY MANAGE THEIR studies by day, and manage their teachers by night.

looking for students to match up with potential tutors.

There has been an increasing trend of tertiary students running their own tuition agencies, coordinating deals with their tutors and students while still attending lessons and being students themselves.

Furthermore, the commission obtained from a VHFXUHGDVVLJQPHQWIDUH[FHHGVWKHKRXUO\UDWHRI tutoring.

Most tertiary students are already part-time tutors EHFDXVHRIWKHÀH[LELOLW\DQGWKHDWWUDFWLYHKRXUO\ rate. :LWKWKLVZHDOWKRIH[SHULHQFHXQGHUWKHLUEHOW these students understand the workings of the industry well enough to stop teaching, and to start

7XWRULQJUHTXLUHVD¿[HGWLPLQJEXWEHLQJDQDJHQW is, at “your own time and own target”, according WR7HH:HH.LDWD¿UVW\HDU&RPSXWHU Engineering student from Nanyang Technological University (NTU). “I don’t have to be at a particular place at a given timing,” he added. Tee has plans to setup his own tuition agency in the coming months. Besides the good payoffs, another reason why students are jumping on the tuition bandwagon is that some tuition agencies do not conduct SURIHVVLRQDOFKHFNVOHDGLQJWRFRQÀLFWVEHWZHHQ students and tutors. They choose to advertise for students themselves, selecting the tutors from a pool of their own peers.

photo sprottshaw.com

design Fabian Kong

With the instantaneous contact, they are able to secure assignments fast enough. More importantly, they are able to vouch that their friends meet the parents’ requirements. Jacqueline See, third-year at Visual &RPPXQLFDWLRQVZLWK%XVLQHVVIURPWKH Singapore Institute of Management (SIM), said, “Once, when I went for a tuition assignment the parent was not informed that I was an SIM student.” “Although she was polite enough to allow me to continue, she would have preferred someone from National University of Singapore (NUS) or NTU.”

news 15 “I felt the agent who linked us up was not doing his job,” she added. She added that she felt that agents should conduct these necessary checks beforehand since they earn a substantial amount from each assignment. Ms. See runs a tuition agency, but only selects tutors from her own pool of friends. +RZHYHUGHVSLWHWKHVHEHQH¿WVUXQQLQJRQH¶V own tuition agency has its own risks as well. J. Ho, 22, second-year at Arts and Social Sciences at NUS, set up his own tuition agency in May 2008 with two other friends.

photo face2face-learning.com

He utilizes the online networking website, Facebook, and e-mails as his main point of contact with his tutors. He contacts potential students through other means like newspaper advertisements. “The initial start-up requires low capital. All that is needed is advertisement, or even word of mouth.

But not everyone responds well to this.” he said.

photo www.massgeneral.org

He also added that he has had to cold call homes to source out potential tuition assignments. A concern faced by owners of such tuition agencies is the professionalism of their tutors. ³,DPQRWDEOHWRFRQWUROWKHWXWRUV¶DFWLRQV Sometimes, I have to chalk up almost 20 phone calls before I can match a tutor with a student,” Ho said. “Also, eventually some tutors do not even show up for their classes.”

“Being an agent is more at your ‘own time own target’ in terms of timing.” -Tee Wee Kiat, 20, NTU

16 outspoken


design Samyuktha

IT HAS BEEN forty three years since independence. That is roughly equivalent to one generation of free people. And within this span of time, Singapore KDVJURZQIURPDWKLUGZRUOGFRXQWU\WRD¿UVWZRUOG country. The average Singaporean today has a relatively high standard of living and the country has had consistent economic and social progress. These are head-turning facts about the country that has been criticized time and again by western countries because it is not a welfare state. Most western countries today are welfare states. 7KLVPHDQVWKDWWKH\SURYLGHPDWHULDOEHQH¿WVIRU their citizens who are unable to support themselves ¿QDQFLDOO\6LQJDSRUHKDVQHYHUEHHQDFRXQWU\WR encourage its citizens to depend upon it for their survival. Rather, it has designed its welfare policies and philosophies of living to teach its citizens to climb the social and economic ladder and help them along the way. Regardless of all the critics who think that it needs to extend further help to the underprivileged of the country, the state has managed to juggle looking after citizens’ needs while maintaining an ideal that each citizen is responsible for himself and his well-being.

Contrary to popular belief, there is a lot of aid available for the underprivileged in Singapore. The ComCare Fund, for example, is an initiative by the government which extends various forms of aid to the disadvantaged groups in society. Family Service Centres located in every district in Singapore are supported by the government as well, and these provide services from family counselling and WXLWLRQIRUVORZOHDUQHUVWR¿QDQFLDODLG and food rations for needy families. The Central Provident Fund is a large component of welfare in Singapore. If properly analysed, the brilliance of this self and state-supported welfare system becomes evident. If we stopped questioning why the state thinks of itself as the last resort for help when an individual is in need and instead evaluated the alternative methods of meeting welfare needs that the state has SURSDJDWHGDQGFDUULHGRXWLWVUHPDUNDEOHHI¿FLHQF\ can be noted. Though the government does not hand out cash to its unemployed members on a regular basis like the United States does, it does not neglect them either. The “Many Helping Hands” approach encourages individual, family, community and the state to play a part in helping citizens meet their needs. There are hence various avenues for someone in need to obtain assistance, though it may not be the easiest way of solving the individual’s problem. For example, Singapore would rather retrain an unemployed man with the necessary skills so that he is more marketable rather than give him a thousand dollars a month so he can live in reasonable conditions while continuing to be jobless. It is true that the government is not willing to distribute aid loosely. It has been found to be LQÀH[LEOHDWWLPHVLQUHPRGHOOLQJLWVSROLFLHVWRDOORZ

outspoken 17

State in its Own Right citizens’ needs to be analyzed on a case-by-case basis. For example, some people have unique circumstances that result in their state of need which the government does not consider when handing out aid. This needs to change, and has been changing slowly but surely over time. The strategy used up till 1993 was revamped in 2001 because people felt like the state should offer more help for the underprivileged. Granted that the government could be more relenting based on changing needs and situations of society and the disadvantaged groups, it need not follow that Singapore should be a welfare state. The country lacks a natural resource base that is required to sustain a welfare state system. Also, the government is concerned that the people should not think it is their right to remain dependent on ZHOIDUHEHQH¿WVEXWUDWKHURQO\XVHWKHPDVDERRVW to get back on their feet. The risks a welfare state runs, such as the loss of work ethic amongst the population, are ones that Singapore cannot afford to take as its workforce is the only resource it has. If SHRSOHDUHQRWPRWLYDWHGWR¿QGMREVDQGGHFLGHWR

live off state welfare, Singapore will have nowhere else to turn. Singaporeans have to continue to believe that it is their responsibility to work. Hence, the government emphasizes that any form of aid given has to be enough for survival, but not enough to cancel out the incentive to work. The ethos of meritocracy and rewards for productive contribution to the economy are the ideals on which the government runs the country. This will be compromised if Singapore were to become a welfare state. However, as the corporate life gets tougher and the market gets more competitive, Singapore, with its ageing population might need more safety nets from the government to supplement the ones that are already available. The state should continually work on its policies to make sure that all of its people are given an equal and fair chance to help themselves in today’s society.

photo sxc.hu

18 Outspoken

Juggling for points In halls and residences, CCA points are the currency. Are your earnings worth your effort? text Carina Cassandra L. Calugcug | [email protected]

MUCH has been discussed about the CCA point system since the whole hall admission debacle at the end of the last semester. Tales of current undergraduates not securing campus accommodation have become the rule rather than the exception. One need not look farther than the next freshman to see how big the concern is over earning enough CCA points. With module-bidding and tutorialballoting over, it has become THE primary concern. Needless to say, it is a little disconcerting. After all, these first years are new to the system; they need time to acclimatize. And yet as early as now, this worry is pressed on them. outlet, a break from the rigorous academic schedule. Are CCAs really necessary to a university student’s After all, nobody wants Jack to be a dull boy. life? To a certain extent, yes. Joining clubs and societies encourages interaction among people Moreover, it also fulfills a practical purpose. In an who otherwise wouldn’t meet each other if not for a ideal world, Goldilocks common interest. It allows people would enter the Three to step out of their own faculties Bears’ home and find and studies to intermingle with When you an extra bed. Everyone other students. It also makes ÀQG\RXUVHOI  who needs a place would for a balanced environment, ORVWDPLGVWDOO be accommodated. But providing students with an WKHVHDFWLYLWLHV NUS does not enjoy such \RXPLJKWZDQWWR a luxury. There are many ORRNDW\RXUPDSDQG international students, UHPHPEHUZKHUH\RX exchange and undergrads, ZDQWHGWRJRLQWKH to cater to, as well as locals ÀUVWSODFHµ who live far from campus. It is pretty much impossible to provide on campus residence to every stakeholder. Hence the point system. Nobody gets a free pass. You have to sing for your supper. But where does it all stop? When is enough, enough? As it stands, students who want to stay on campus have to join a diverse bunch of activities. And if you have been in NUS for more than a year, you know

design alexis tihn

Outspoken 19

that takes a superhuman effort (For those who have just arrived, do not worry, the realization will come soon enough). With the maximum points set at 40 for each activity type, one has to pretty much join different types, just to keep abreast with the rest of the competition. This alone introduces pressure, and instead of the student choosing a CCA that interests him, he has to forego one for another for the sake of variety. Doesn’t this then defeat the purpose of providing an outlet for students? When a student stops enjoying the CCA, it becomes another module, another chore. Changing the current system will take months. But you, as a student, can make your own choices. You have to start thinking about what is most important. CCAs may look good in your resume, but do not forget that grades still do matter when looking for a job. You came to university to learn, or so the administration would KRSH,WLV\RXUFKRLFH\RXUSUHURJDWLYH:KHQ\RX¿QG\RXUVHOIORVWDPLGVWDOOWKHVHDFWLYLWLHV\RXPLJKW ZDQWWRORRNDW\RXUPDSDQGUHPHPEHUZKHUH\RXZDQWHGWRJRLQWKH¿UVWSODFH:KHQWKLQJVEHFRPHWRR taxing, maybe it is time to say no. Blah: Carina thinks a CCA that doesn’t present you at least one opportunity to laugh your heart out is not worth it.

Carina thinks a CCA that doesn’t present you at least one opportunity to laugh your heart out is not worth it.

20 transmedia

The Art and War of the Wuxia Film The success of selling the human mind and spirit text Leong Su Zhen | [email protected]

As the Olympics roll in once again, all eyes are reverted to China’s big stepping out party in Beijing. With a spectacular opening ceremony, and strong athletes making inroads in various sporting events, if these eyes have not already turned their attention to China years ago, they must surely be noticing now. “One world one dream” – the theme for the 2008 Olympics is fitting with the gradual acceptance of China as a leading player in the global field. With so much hype emphasizing the human spirit whenever sporting events such as the Olympics come around, one is directed to reflect on the extent

of the kinds of feats that humans are capable of. Hence, while the Olympics may be the dream of the century for China, one should not forget in the excitement, the other achievements of this rising phoenix. Note for instance, the recent plethora of the wuxia pian, a genre that has seen a very stylish revival in recent years. Remember the days when martial arts films meant Bruce Lee? Well, now they’re back, only with more grandiose visual effects and grace. While no one is expected to be able to balance on slender bamboo trees a la Li Mu Bai in Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon,

design alexis tihn

ndeed, whether it is the Olympics or Imankind’s the film industry, the celebration of capabilities remains up till now, a lucrative dream that both producers and audiences have not tired of.

one is at least able to appreciate the scene as being one of the film’s most unforgettable moments. Certainly, while no one is stupid enough to believe that standing on branches of width no thicker than your thumb is feasible in real life, the artfully rendered scene lets one accept these acts with a willing suspension of disbelief. In the mean time, the producers are laughing all the way to the bank, as wuxia pians, even with their considerable budgets, make a yet more sizeable conquest at international box offices. Only consider hits like Zhang Yimou’s Hero, a spectacular affair that earned $53,583,486 (Variety) internationally. With hit after hit hot on the heels of Crouching Tiger (incidentally, not a Chinese film, but is directed by Taiwanese-born Lee Ang) the formula of lavish costumes, sweeping scenery, epic battles and intimate swordfights seem assured, and it is not difficult to see why. Watching the films, it isn’t difficult to believe that the human body is capable of the death defying stunts portrayed in

transmedia 21

them. Ironically, this is rendered possible on the screen only with the aid of state of the art special effects. Paradoxically part of the genre’s original charm was its lack of technology. Instead, its emphasis on the human mind and spirit rendered all forms of technological aides redundant. Featuring international casts and Hollywood-esque production styles, the wuxia pian of the 21st century is a collective effort spanning both the East and West. Red Cliff, which is directed by Chinese born, L.A. based John

Woo, also contains a cast from Taiwan, Hong Kong, Japan and China. However, the movies are not DOZD\VVXUH¿UHVXFFHVVHV/LNH all fair game, the genre has had its share of debacles. Remember the potentially malfunctioning wardrobe of Gong Li as overdressed Empress in Curse of the Golden Flower"$¿QHH[DPSOH of excessive budgeting gone PDGWKH¿OPQDWXUDOO\GLGQRW repeat Crouching Tiger’s success at the Oscars. Although a lot of praise has gone towards the internationalism of

the genre in ‘Western’ markets, it appears that this has been accompanied by a less than H[XEHUDQWUHVSRQVHWRWKHVH¿OPV from their countries of origin. :LQQLQJKLJKO\SXEOLFLVHG¿OP awards has spurred the genre to greater international recognition, but the dream of uniting the world through soft power may have EDFN¿UHG,QVSLWHRIDFFRODGHV overseas, Crouching Tiger drew ÀDNLQ$VLDIRULWVVXSSRVHG emasculation of the genre. However, the high production value, A-list stars and skilful cinematography has nevertheless sweetened the deal for a larger range of audiences. So, whether one is going to catch one’s favourite idol like Andy Lau or Takashi Kaneshiro in House of Flying Daggers or Jet Li exhibit his prowess in wushu in the martial arts biopic, Fearless, there is something for everyone.

photo bsocaratulas.iespana.es

Indeed, whether it is the 2O\PSLFVRUWKH¿OPLQGXVWU\ the celebration of mankind’s capabilities remains up till now, a lucrative dream that both producers and audiences have not tired of.

Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon

22 transmedia Sculpting Life: The Ng Eng Teng Collection Guided Tour, Ng Eng Teng, Red Face, 1986


text Christel Gomes | [email protected] photo Centre For the Arts | Agnes Christina


design Claryce Lum

IT IS SURPRISING how many of us don’t know that NUS has its very own on-campus museum. Even more so that it spans a full three stories, boasting three permanent collections and over 7000 artefacts and pieces.

NUS Chinese Dance

For those of you who are as embarrassingly ignorant as I was, the museum is located in the University Cultural Center, easily found if you make a right from the main entrance. If you don’t know where UCC is, then shame on you!

prints etched in the intricacies of Singaporean history and various portraits and landscape paintings.

Under the purview of CFA (NUS Center for the Arts) the museum commits itself to enhancing the experience of Asian art and culture.

With batik as the backdrop, ears tingle from the sounds of devotional music on sitar and tabla played live by Mr Jatinder Singh Bedi – an ex-NUS music instructor – and Mr Sharafat Khan, who were invited to make the experience of Asian art wholesome.

The permanent collections are divided thus – the Lee Kong Chiang Collection is devoted to all things Chinese, with the South and Southeast Asian Collection (SSAC) housing paintings, ceramics, bronze sculptures and textiles, and the Ng Eng Teng collection displays ‘Sculpting Life’. The SSAC is an interesting collection, housing a batik murul spanning the length of a wall, woodblock

For the same reason, an avant-garde ethnic fusion band – Travellators – then took their turn, immersing themselves in rhythms that stir the soul - Indian ÀXWH6XGDQHVHGUXPVSLSD-DYDQHVHJDPODQ and electric guitar melded together in a unique and eclectic composition providing a surreal listening experience.

transmedia 23

still shots of silent screams and people tearing at their hair.

7KHWRSÀRRUZLWKLWVSULVWLQHSDUTXHWÀRRULQJDQG immaculate white walls currently houses the Ng Eng Teng sculpture collection. Here, I was only marginally impressed with the comparatively fewer pieces, some of which looked hastily constructed. The consistent absence of artist statements through the museum was a disappointment, for what is art without background and context? On the same level is ‘Montage 2008,’ a collection of conceptual photography from students ranging from VHFRQGDU\WHUWLDU\DQG¿QHDUWVFROOHJHV7KHWKHPH ‘tension’ was portrayed impressively with highly sophisticated use of contrast, lighting, movement and focus. To my intense disappointment, photography was not a permanent display at the museum. On the night of the open house, the same space was made into a makeshift performance area. Dancers from NAFA staged a performance titled The Shamans Cat – a tale of possession and ritualistic exorcism. Eerie lighting, the permeating smell of burning Chinese joss sticks \with dancers decked in bloodred and luminous white, the performance was riveting indeed. It helped that we were surrounded by framed photographs of men with pierced bodies,

When interviewed, the choreographer Edwin Wee spoke of his inspiration – “It was something that happened to my great grandaunt. She was a Bomoh (Malaysian Shaman) with 10 years experience H[SHOOLQJVSLULWV,WKLQNVKHEHFDPHRYHUFRQ¿GHQW and one day, tried to do a ritual…” He breaks off, his eyes wide. After some prompting and a friendly pat on the back, he continues, “Well, I suppose she wasn’t strong enough and just like that, she passed away. That’s why my Shaman dies at the end of the dance. The point is, the supernatural world is unpredictable,” he ¿QLVKHVVLPSO\$WDVWHRI6RXWKHDVW$VLDLQGHHG $OWRJHWKHUDUWORYHUVZRXOG¿QGWKHPXVHXPZRUWK a trip. However, those hoping to be wowed by contemporary art with more abstract dimensions will be sorely disappointed.

Enthusiasts, look forward to upcoming collections. Archives and Desires: Selections from the Mohammad Din Mohammad Collection explores Malayan art. This is open through September till the 23rd of November.

Ventura: Recent Works includes hyperrealist Filipino paintings with the main medium of graphite on canvas.

Bound for Glory opens 12th September to 30th November – works displayed are by one of Southeast Asia’s most LQÀXHQWLDOFRQWHPSRUDU\DUWLVW¶V:RQJ+R\&KHRQJ

24 transmedia

L ive ,


eeson L text Hurrairah bin Sohail | [email protected] photo Emon Mitra

A banker, a plumber, a public relations manager, a student and an Englishman who says he has come back to colonize Singapore…

design Hurrairah bin Sohail

J ()

B ()

AS THE COUNTDOWN TO GO on air progressed … 4 … 3 … 2 …1 … Jamie Michael shouted “Happy New Year!!! Happy 2009 Everybody!” Highly apt considering the gig was in August. This wit, enthusiasm, playfulness and toetapping tunes were on display at Leeson’s live performance on RadioPulze: Live Lounge. Leeson is Gerald Teo and Thomas Wu on guitars, Brian Koh on bass, Mark Cheng on drums and Jamie Michael handling vocalist duties. Named after Nick Leeson, who was responsible in part for the crash of Barings Bank (the oldest merchant bank in London), the band describes their peculiar choice. “We thought it was interesting. Interesting because it brought a bit of infamy and notoriety to squeaky, clean Singapore. And we thought as a band we would

M ()

like to make some waves as well. Maybe not in such a negative way, though.” With a sound that they themselves described as “melodic, catchy pop” and LQÀXHQFHVDVYDULHGDQGGLYHUVH as Extreme to The Smiths, Leeson play a brand of indie pop with infectious hooks and alternative rock sensibilities. “From the get go, we all had very GLIIHUHQWLQÀXHQFHVFRPLQJLQWR this. In a very nice way, it just all comes together when we jam.” “It really is a case of 1+1=3.” And nowhere was this cohesion, DORQJZLWKWKHLU¿QHVHQVH of musicianship and their ability, more evident than on their single ‘Some Girls’. With autobiographical lyrics (Jamie refused to divulge any further details) and a funky guitar rhythm that propels the song, ‘Some Girls’ had the entire crowd moving. Having just released Speed Dating, (“For some reason we always record in the month of

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LEESON the Hungry Ghosts Festival.”) with Leonard Soosay and Kamal Mahtani, Leeson described their new recording as “Three songs, two producers, one magical EP.” Most of their music can also be found on their MySpace (www. myspace.com/leesonsg) page and is also available for free download. “It has been and interesting experience putting up stuff on MySpace, and using more of the new media tools to reach the people.”

“We are not signed (by a record label), we don’t owe anyone anything, we only owe ourselves, so go ahead.” And what does the future hold for Leeson? They intend to record a full length album, but like every unsigned band seemed to have hit a few road blocks. “We’ll record an album when the record labels decide to pay for recording ... Or when people start buying CDs again I suppose.”

“I think the whole pace of it suits us more as well … how often we play and how often we write.”

Before they left, Leeson had a few words of wisdom for all aspiring musicians.

As a band, Leeson actually advocate sharing their music online and bootlegging their gigs.

“Don’t take yourself too seriously. Have fun. Be yourself. Don’t worry about what other people are playing or what other people are telling you to play or what is popular. Just play what you want to play.”

³:HDFWLYHO\HQFRXUDJHLW ¿OH sharing). We put our songs up online for free. They are there to be listened to.”

“And no matter what age you are, always tune your guitars!”

T ()

G ()

26 26 transmedia transmedia


imbre e s t F

design Claryce Lum

TIMBRE, THE MUSIC BARS at The Art House and The Substation, recently held a MusicFest at our University Cultural Centre, and the turnout was unbelievable.

text Lee Meixian | [email protected] photo Emon Mitra

All 400 seats and their accompanying goodie bags ZHUHVQDSSHGXSZLWKLQWKH¿UVWKRXUDQGWKRVH who came afterwards, undeterred by the crowd, proceeded to swarm the courtyard steps or simply lingered behind, choosing instead to mingle with beer and friends.

To forget to mention Rene’s guitar solos would be a sin in itself, because they were phenomenal, and ¿UVWZRZHGWKHFURZGWRDVLOHQFHEHIRUHGULYLQJ them crazy in applause and in respect.

Held just three weeks into the semester, it was meant to serve as a treat for all freshmen and returning undergraduates this new academic year. It was a joint effort by the NUS Centre For the Arts and Exxon Mobil with the purpose of showcasing various talents and to promote performing arts on campus.

The lead singer wasn’t so bad himself, taking Jon Bon Jovi’s I’ll Be There For You an octave higher WKDQWKHPDQKLPVHOIDQGPDNLQJDÀDZOHVV rendition out of it nonetheless. It wouldn’t be an exaggeration to say that his vocals rocked the whole place, in both senses of the word.

The music event got into gear with a rock collaboration between local band Reverie, and Rene, an amazing guitarist from the top Singapore band, The UnXpected. Together, they wasted no time in bringing the tempo up by belting out popular rock ‘n’ roll tunes from the 60’s and 80’s – The Beatles, Bon Jovi and the likes.

Another band worthy of mention, hailing all the way from Western Australia and all decked out in cowboy checks and rugged jeans, is Blue Shaddy. This band plays the blues and roots music and currently stands at number one on the Perth Indie Charts.

It wasn’t long before the audience was grooving, swaying, clapping, singing along and cheering – an altogether heartening sight, and why not? The emcee had so teasingly reminded beforehand: “Let us not be Singaporeans tonight!”

One cannot help but take an instant liking to them at ¿UVWVLJKWEHFDXVHWKHLUHQHUJ\DQGH[XEHUDQFHDUH so raw and infectious. Take the rhythmic harmonica player, Graham McClelland, for instance. Never before have I seen anyone play the harmonica so passionately and vehemently like he did in his headbobbing, arm-jerking, hair-tossing trance.

transmedia 27 passionately and vehemently like he did in his headbobbing, arm-jerking, hair-tossing trance. And then, Jim McClelland, who wrote the songs and played both the acoustic and lap slide guitars, and the stomp box, was another absolutely vivacious musician showcasing his talent. At the audience’s urgent, accelerating clapping, his ¿QJHUVIROORZHGVXLWSOD\LQJWKHVDPHWXQHRYHU again with incremental speed, until his guitar was reverberating with a single rhythm strummed so rapidly it blurred out the melody in a most inhuman IDVKLRQ:KHQWKHGUDPDWLF¿QDOVWUXPJULQGHGWKH song to an end, he raised his arms in victory to the cheering crowd. “YEAAA! SHARE THE LOVE!” Other bands that played that night included: 53A, a IRXUSLHFHHOHFWULFEDQGWKDWHQWHUWDLQVDXGLHQFHVDW 7LPEUHHYHU\)ULGD\QLJKWZLWKWKHLUUHSHUWRLUHRISRS and rock tunes, Ublues, Singapore’s leading blues EDQGUHFRJQL]HGIRUWKHLUHIIRUWVLQUHMXYHQDWLQJWKH EOXHVVZLQJIXQNDQGVRXODQG7KH6RXOIHOODVD SURMHFWEDQGE\7KH*RRGIHOODVDQG'DQQ\/RRQJ EDQGOHDGHURI8EOXHVZLWKWKHLUVRXOIXOYRFDOVDQG FRORXUIXOSHUIRUPDQFH±TXLWHOLWHUDOO\FRQVLGHULQJ how the members each wore a satin shirt one colour RIWKHUDLQERZDQGWKHLUPLJKW,DGGLPSUHVVLYH synchronized dancing.

Upcoming shows you should watch out for! Guitar Sentimientos by NUS Guitar Ensemble (GENUS) :HGQHVGD\6HSWHPEHUSP UCC Theatre Free admission

Impression 2008 by NUS Harmonica Orchestra :HGQHVGD\6HSWHPEHUSP UCC Theatre Free admission

Tapestry by NUS Piano Ensemble Friday, 3 October, 8pm UCC Theatre Free admission


26 27.indd 3

9/2/2008 10:46:56 PM

28 transmedia

electric flavour

Journeying through a soundscape darker and more mysterious than before, Electrico’s all grown up. text Claryce Lum | [email protected] photo http://www.myspace.com/electricomusic

ABOUT THE ARTIST ONE OF THE BEST known acts from our sunny little island, Electrico has come a long way from the days starting out practicing in a construction container. 2ULJLQDOO\ (OHFWULF &RPSDQ\ WKH EDQG ZDV ¿UVW formed in 1996 by David Tan, Desmond Goh, Keith Colaco and William Lim Jr to play at a church funfair. Electric Company didn’t last very long, and with the transformation of the band and their music, Electrico was born. Melding keyboard synth with guitar rock and a healthy dose of pop appeal, the golden boys (and girl) of the local music scene is now comprised of David Tan (vocals, guitar), Desmond Goh (bass), William Lim Jr (drums, backing vocals) and Amanda Ling (keyboards). Electrico released its debut album So Much More Inside in 2004 and achieved cult success following WKHUHOHDVHRIWKHLU¿UVWVLQJOH³,:DQW
design lee wanyu

7KHLU VHFRQG DOEXP D UHÀHFWLRQ RI 6LQJDSRUH¶V music scene, was released in 2006 to resounding acclaim. Hip City shot to the top spot on local radio as well as bestselling charts.

“Five words – Melodic, Moving, SemiDark, Fresh and Dance.” – William Lim Jr

Electrico has been credited with reviving the local PXVLF VFHQH DFTXLULQJ VLJQL¿FDQW SRSXODULW\ DQG UHFRJQLWLRQZLWKVXEVHTXHQWKLWVLQJOHV³5XQDZD\´ ³*RRG 7LPH´ DQG ³:H¶UH 1RW 0DGH LQ WKH 86$´ which featured a guitar solo mimicking the refrain from a primary school racial harmony anthem, “Semoga Bahagia”. Attaining substantial radio and MTV airplay and adding accolade after accolade to their belt, (OHFWULFRKDVFRQWLQXDOO\UHGH¿QHGWKHLUVRXQGDQG transformed the taste of the local music scene, one that was hungry and long deprived of a band that H[XGHGDORFDOÀDYRXUZLWKVW\OHDQGSDQDFKH

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wE satellites 7UDQVPHGLD5DWLQJ

THE ELECTRICO OF today has now gone into their latest reinvention, and the brand new quartet (sans 'DQLHO 6DVVRRQ H[ OHDG JXLWDULVW RI  \HDUV ZKR left in April this year) have brought their sound to a brand new wavelength. 7KHLU ODWHVW DOEXP :H 6DWHOOLWHV LV D SURXG display of their development as artistes, exploring a sound that is richer and far more experimental, progressive, and urgent. The result of an intensive collaboration with 6LQJDSRUH¶VPRVWUHVSHFWHGDQGEULOOLDQWSURGXFHU /HRQDUG6RRVD\:H6DWHOOLWHVFRQVLVWVRIWUDFNV by an Electrico more complex and accomplished in style and technique. Boasting a grand piano and a live horn section, the album is a fusion of subtle synth harmonies, compact beats, stronger keyboard tones and grandiose guitar rifts. 7KH RSHQLQJ WUDFN ³=HUR´ LV D VKRUW HOHFWURQLF experiment that edges in the new musical trajectory RI WKH DOEXP OHDGLQJ LQWR ³6DYH 2XU 6RXOV´ DQ appeal for salvation and a moody amalgamation of mellow keyboard tones, buzzing guitar grooves and tight drum beats.

The poetry, lyrics and style of the album are more exploratory and layered this time around as well. 7KH WLWOH VRQJ ³:H $UH 6DWHOOLWHV´ VSHDNV RI contemplations on learning and living. ³6RPXFKWROHDUQIURPWKHFHOOZH¶UHLQ%HWZHHQ WKHVHSULVRQZDOOV(YROXWLRQ,KDYHOHDUQW:HDUH VDWHOOLWHV´ A metaphor for the position all of us face in our RUELWWKURXJKWKHFRVPLFVSDFHRIOLIH:H6DWHOOLWHV stays true to the sound of Electrico that has brought them this far, adding to it the mellow maturity of the band progressing and evolving with time. :LWKWKHH[LWRI6DVVRRQ$PDQGD¶VSUHVHQFHLQWKH PXVLFZLWKKHUNH\ERDUGVKDVEHHQPDJQL¿HG7KH tones and sounds of her keyboard are full-bodied and steal the spotlight on multiple tracks, which is DGH¿QLQJFKDUDFWHULVWLFDQGLQWHJUDOWRWKHVW\OHRI the album. Electrico’s natural love for melodious tunes gives We 6DWHOOLWHVDQDXUDOVRXQGVFDSHWKDWLVHIIRUWOHVVWR enjoy like its predecessors, but covers new ground LQIRUPDQGDSSURDFK±DGH¿QLWHGHSDUWXUHLQWRWKH wilderness of progressive music production.

The themes of the album have also been taken a notch up. A sense of melancholy and ennui start the journey, providing a tense counterpoint to the soaring melodies of the proceeding songs. The album never descends to despair, instead lifting off into the positive stratosphere in true Electrico spirit. ³7KH 6ODYHV DQG 7KH 'LJLWV´ PDUNV D GHSDUWXUH from the sound of the album, reminiscent of reggae funk, droning guitar riffs, crazy bass lines and the loud swing style of Franz Ferdinand … perhaps indicative of things to come?

Videos and more at www.wesatellites.com & www.myspace.com/electricomusic.

30 transmedia


GDUD3 HPL7 HKW Time travel, fairies, pixies, demons, dwarves and much more … text Suhas Bhat | [email protected]

‘ARTEMIS FOWL: THE TIME PARADOX’ is the sixth instalment in Colfer’s series and it follows a rehearsed formula involving the criminal boy genius’ brushes with a magical underworld. The plot is unusually complex due to the time-travel involved but despite its positives, it fails to impress and you have to wonder whether the series has continued past its expiry date. The premise basically tests the age old time paradox: If you go back in time, do your actions change your present? To summarise, Artemis Fowl realises that he needs to go back to get a cure that will save his mother from a fatal disease. The cure, however, comes from an animal whose last existing specimen was killed by Artemis himself. The chase after this lemur takes Artemis and his fairy friend Holly, across countries, time zones and realms with Artemis using his ingenuity to bring things to a predictable happy ending.

This gamble to inject some freshness has been risky as Colfer has had to ensure not leaving any ORRVHHQGVZKLFKZRXOGDIIHFWWKHSORWRIWKH¿UVW book. It is ultimately pointless as the characters show nothing new and it is just like viewing the same old tv show but from a different angle. On the whole, nothing really changes. Artemis appears to be a boy with a plan for any moment and the polar personalities involved provide the same all-too-familiar form of comic entertainment. A romance blossoms (and fails) which causes ambiguity but the characters, on the whole, stay consistent to their original blueprint and none depart from it. Colfer takes the safe way by employing the Novikov self-consistency principle with the plot (Artemis’ meddling ultimately causes his present) and so even that fails to shock or surprise anyone. Maybe it is time for Colfer to wrap the series and bring it to a close? Transmedia rating: 3/5

design lee wanyu

The rejection of traditional portrayals of elves, dwarves and other creatures suggests that fantasy, as a genre, is evolving and becoming modern even though its readership is generally on the decline (especially in the post-HP world). The supporting characters such as Butler (Artemis’ bodyguard), Mulch Diggums (a dwarf) et al are portrayed differently in the book because they are seen as how they “were” in the “past” ZKHUHLQWKHHYHQWVRIWKH¿UVWERRNKDGQRW\HW happened.

photo www.eoincolfer.com

Interesting to note is that the magical characters are depicted differently from the traditional stereotypes associated with them, providing an amusing look reminding one of Terry Pratchett and other quirky writers in the modern literary scene.

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Bright Shiny Morning Welcome to the city of Los Angeles – home to the movie stars and the down-and-outs, shopping sprees and gun sprees, palm lined beaches and gridlock. text Shahirah Mohamed Ansari| [email protected]

photo Borders

image issues and the handicap of being poor, she takes a job as a cleaner for a bigoted old lady who treats her like dirt.

BRIGHT SHINY MORNING UHDGV OLNH DQ XQRI¿FLDO guidebook to Los Angeles, as unconventional as the city itself. 7KHERRNLV¿OOHGZLWKQXPHURXVFKDUDFWHUVNHWFKHV representing the varied denizens of the City of Angels, from the ridiculously rich to the homeless and destitute—such is the paradox of L.A. Los Angeles, the city of dreams, sees thousands ÀRFNLQJ WR LWV VKRUHV IURP DOO RYHU WKH 8QLWHG States, and even the world. Most seek fame and fortune. Few actually make it. The author takes stereotypes often associated with the L.A.-bound and gives them depth and dimension. :H¿UVWPHHW'\ODQDQG0DGGLHD\RXQJFRXSOH from Ohio trying to escape their small-town lives and make a new beginning for themselves. Old Man Joe is a middle-aged man who calls a public toilet along the Venice Beach boardwalk home. He bides his time in the day begging tourists for money, which he spends mostly on cheap wine. Every morning, he lies on the beach facing the 3DFL¿F2FHDQZDLWLQJIRUVRPHWKLQJWRKDSSHQ Born on American soil to illegal Mexican immigrants, intelligent Esperanza has a shot at achieving the American Dream. However, blighted by body-

Amberton epitomizes L.A. He is the typical Hollywood celebrity, with the mandatory combination of successful movie career, actress wife, multi-million-dollar homes, and collection of luxury cars. However, the one thing that would make him happiest is the very thing that could destroy everything he has built for himself. 7KH ERRN DOWHUQDWHV EHWZHHQ ¿FWLRQ DQG IDFW PRVWO\XQYHUL¿DEOHELWVRIWULYLDDERXWWKHFLW\WKDW ZDUUDQWV WKH ¿UP GLVFODLPHU WKDW SUHFHGHV WKH story: “Nothing in this book should be considered accurate or reliable”. Nonetheless, these quirky bits of information that punctuate the story add to the overarching social commentary. What is refreshing and somewhat controversial about this book is the author’s no-holds-barred approach to life in Los Angeles; he scratches deep beyond the glittering surface of Hollywood to reveal the ugly underbelly of L.A. The crime. The drugs. 7KHOHJHQGDU\WUDI¿FMDPV7KHKRPHOHVVQHVV No stranger to controversy, James Frey shot to infamy when his vaunted memoir, A Million Little Pieces, was discovered to be partly fabricated. Bright Shiny Morning is his third literary effort. Reading this book requires some measure reorientation on the reader’s part, as Frey eschews traditional conventions such as punctuation and indentation. This makes dialogues, in particular, UDWKHU GLI¿FXOW WR IROORZ DW WLPHV )UH\¶V VWUHDP of-consciousness style of writing too takes some getting used to, but is effective in bringing across his message. Bright Shiny Morning is an interesting look at one of the world’s most enigmatic and enchanting cities and can be appreciated especially by readers who have been to and experienced much of what Frey loves and hates about L.A.

32 lifestyle

FashionFastForward Lifestyle gives you a few simple tips to bring out your inner fashionista text 6DP\XNWKD_SDVDVVH]MROLH#JPDLOFRP

photo Emon Mitra


design VDP\XNWKD

lifestyle 33 Bags The one thing that has always awed me is how guys manage to walk around for most of the time sans need for a bag. For girls, you will be more than aware that this is a close to impossible feat to achieve. So how do we ensure that this highly functional and almost indispensable accessory does QRWGHVWUR\WKHFRKHUHQFHRIRXUFKRVHQRXW¿W")LUVWO\GRWDNHQRWHWKDWZKLOH\RXPD\VZHDUE\ WKHLUIXQFWLRQDOLW\EDFNSDFNVDUHDQRJR*RGIRUELGWKDW\RXSDLUDÀLUW\ÀRUDOWRSZLWKDQH\HVRUH of a grey lump strapped to your back. The classic tote bag has yet to go out of style, so do wait for that to happen before you bring the rucksack back. Colours like black or brown are safe bets for a big bag – they are unlikely to FODVKZLWK\RXURXW¿W,I\RX ZDQWWRJRIRUDELWPRUHÀDLU either in terms of colours or patterns, do ensure the rest of \RXURXW¿WLVWRQHGGRZQ

Gladiator Sandals An emerging trend these days is the gladiator sandals. Typically, these are worn with short skirts. Although best when paired with a miniskirt, they can also look good with shorts. Alternatively, we also show you how these can be worn with your jeans. The trick is to skip the high leg variety. Wear the sort that ends at the ankles and skinny jeans that end slightly above them. While we’re on the subject of IRRWZHDU,KDYHDQRWKHUWLSWR share: wearing track shoes is a sure shot way of demonstrating that you are uninitiated into the world of fashion. So unless you’re going to hit the gym, there really is no good reason for you to turn up anywhere in track shoes in sunny Singapore.

34 lifestyle text Arzish Baaquie | [email protected]

For Him... For the lads out there, the addition of a simple accessory can be the difference between looking like a run-of-the-mill member of the student population and one that stands out for sheer sense of style. The trick with accessories is to not go over the top. Understated fashion statements, DODDSXOORYHURUDSDLURIORDIHUVMD]]XS\RXURXW¿WZLWKRXWPDNLQJLWVHHPWKDW\RX¶UHWU\LQJ ZD\WRRKDUG5HPHPEHULW¶VDOODERXWZKDWPDNHV\RXIHHOFRQ¿GHQWDQGVQD]]\VRNHHS H[SHULPHQWLQJDQGPRGLI\LQJ\RXUVW\OHVDQGHYHQWXDOO\\RX¶OOVWXPEOHXSRQWKHSHUIHFW combination. Enjoy!

design samyuktha

Skinny ties An accessory that can spruce up even the most ERULQJRIRXW¿WVQHYHUXQGHUHVWLPDWHWKHHIIHFWLYHQHVVRID good skinny tie. Having made a comeback in recent years, the VNLQQ\WLHFRPSOHPHQWVWKHZHDUHU¶VRXW¿WDQGJLYHVLWVRPH extra pizzazz. Pair your light-coloured shirts with a skinny tie of a darker shade (i.e. grey/black) to get a good contrast. Tie the tie relatively loosely to give off a casual, fashionably laid-back look. Alternatively, button up that collar and wear the tie in a formal manner to exude style and panache. With so many variations, WKHVNLQQ\WLHLVDPXVWKDYH-XVWGRQ¶WLQVLVWRQZHDULQJDUHG skinny tie with a black tie; the ‘I-am-morose-and-perennially-in-aVWDWHRIHPRWLRQDOGLVDUUD\DQGWXUPRLO¶ORRNZHQWRXWRIIDVKLRQ a while back.

lifestyle 35 Pullovers In the winter wonderlands disguised as NUS lecture theatres, wearing a pullover is more of a survival tactic than a fashion statement. However, who says you can’t survive sub-zero temperatures in style? A pullover is one of the most ÀH[LEOHDQGDGDSWDEOHDFFHVVRULHV a guy can own. You can pair it with formal wear for that preppy look. Pair it with jeans for that semi-casual look. And pair it with a smart pair of shorts WRGLVSOD\VXPPHUÀDLU7KHFKHTXHUHG patterns of yester-year have made a big comeback on the catwalks across the world, symbolizing the chic-prep look. Alternatively, a plain pullover works just as well. Avoid pullovers with gaudy patterns and loud wordings (you’re not in secondary school anymore); go for the understated sombre look to make the pullover work.

Loafers The importance of good footwear cannot be mentioned enough. In the midday heat, most students resort to slippers and sandals. If you’re looking to stand out from the crowd without the hassle of wearing formal shoes in the sweltering heat, loafers are the way to go. Usually worn with a pair of semiformal shorts (not the ultra-baggy three-quarters with twenty pockets on each side), a pair of loafers serves as both a practical solution to the quandary of footwear while simultaneously upping your style quotient several notches. Pair light coloured loafers (i.e. white or khaki) with similarly coloured shorts. Go sock-less to highlight the loafers; wearing long socks ZLWKORDIHUVDQGVKRUWVLVDGH¿QLWHQRQRXQOHVV\RXU name is Napoleon Dynamite.

36 wired

Adobe Photoshop Express text Gurmesh Singh | [email protected] photo sxc.hu

PHOTOSHOP HAS BEEN around for ages and is one of the most widely used image editing software around. One of the drawbacks however, is the price you have to pay for the software. In fact, there are now other image editing software like GIMP and Paint. Net that are able to match and maybe even surpass the editing power available in Photoshop. The best thing is that they do not cost a cent.

design Hurrairah bin Sohail

It may be for this reason that the venerable Photoshop application now has a new free, webbased version, dubbed the Adobe Photoshop Express. Since it is an online based application, there is no need to download the application before you can start using it. Adobe offers users the ability to test drive Photoshop Express before you sign up for the service. Users who sign up are given 2GB of storage space. Currently, Express only works with JPEG SKRWRVDV$GREHIHHOVWKDWUDZ7,))DQG36'¿OHV are often too big to be comfortably uploaded. According to the FAQ, images larger than 10MB and 4000 pixels in height and width cannot be uploaded. This restriction, however, is unlikely to affect majority of users as JPEG images, typically those taken with

digital cameras, will not exceed the 10MB limit. The service is currently aimed at users from the United States, although users from elsewhere are still able to use it, albeit at slower speeds as all data has to travel to and fro their US-based servers. One of the interesting features of Photoshop Express is the ability to import pictures directly from other web services like Facebook, Flickr, Photobucket or Picasa and allowing users to edit them. Users will also have the ability to send edited pictures via email as well as embed them into personal websites using html links. The user interface of Express is very easy to use. Photos can easily be organized into albums and you will be able to view all your photos in one huge gallery as well. Express also has a 3D slideshow feature which can be used to show off your pictures to friends and family. Editing an image is also quite simple enough. Selecting ‘Edit Photo’ on the drop down menu which appears when you place your pointer over the picture brings you to the editing page. The editing PHQXLVVSOLWLQWRVHYHUDOVXEVHFWLRQV7KH¿UVW Basics, includes tools like red-eye removal, crop and

wired 37

touchup. Tuning includes options such as highlight, white balance as well as soft focus. The last, Effects, includes options such as pop color, hue and distort. All options work well, with those under Effects The good news though, is that Photoshop Express is still in its beta stage. Adobe is therefore, likely to introduce more editing options and features should there be a large number of similar requests. Editing the images in Express is therefore made very simple and anyone will be able to get going within minutes. However, if you have been using the standalone version of Photoshop or any other powerful image editing software, the somewhat

limited options are certainly cause for disappointment. The good news though, is that Photoshop Express is still in its beta stage. Adobe is therefore, likely to introduce more editing options and features should there be a large number of similar requests. Adobe’s Photoshop Express is by no means a solid image editing application. Still, the ability for anyone anywhere in the world with an Internet access to be able to upload and edit pictures on the go, will be the very thing that will allow this application to gain popularity.

38 wired

No iPhone? No worries text Gurmesh Singh | [email protected]


photo blog.tmcnet.com

design Toan

The Touch Diamond is HTC’s latest offering with a touch screen. It features a 4GB internal storage, ZL¿*DVZHOODVDPHJDSL[HO FDPHUD ,W KDV D VOHHN H[WHULRU which is matched by the smooth TouchFLO 3D interface. There are however, a few drawbacks. For one, it does not feature an H[SDQVLRQVORWIRUDPHPRU\FDUGWR add to the 4GB of internal storage. Battery life is also rather average. These drawbacks therefore tend to take the gloss away from what LV RWKHUZLVH D UDWKHU H[FHOOHQW phone.


SAMSUNG OMNIA The Samsung Omnia announced on the same day as the iPhone 3G, comes with 16GB of internal VWRUDJH ZL¿ * FRQQHFWLYLW\ DV ZHOODVDPHJDSL[HOFDPHUD7KH Omnia does come with a microSD slot for additional memory. Using the microSD slot however, requires the removal of the battery as well, which can become a chore. Battery life is rather good. Overall, this is another good looking phone with plenty of features and does well to justify its price tag.

The Nokia N95(8GB) has been out for quite a while now. It is probably one of the top of the line phones from Nokia that is out at WKHPRPHQW,WKDVH[FHOOHQWEXLOW quality, 8GB in-built memory, a PHJDSL[HO FDPHUD DQG JRRG battery life. Pictures taken with WKH 1 DUH H[FHOOHQW WKDQNV LQ part to the Carl Zeiss optics that is used in the phone. As good as its features may be, the phone itself is rather bulky and not among the best looking of phones. However, if you prefer substance over style, WKH 1 ZRXOG EH DQ H[FHOOHQW choice.

SAMSUNG OMINA Dimensions (W/ D/ H)




Screen Size


Internal Memory


Camera Resolution


HTC TOUCH DIAMOND Dimensions (W/ D/ H)




Screen Size


Internal Memory


Camera Resolution


photo phonemag.com

SO YOU HAVE decided not to splurge on Apple’s latest sensation, the iPhone 3G. What now? Well, we sift through some of the current as well as upcoming phones to see if it really is the end of the world now that everyone else has the iPhone while you don’t.

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104/ 49/ 18 mm



Screen Size

2.4 inch



Camera Resolution

8.1 megapixels photo blog.se-nse.net

The C905 is an industry leading phone equipped with an 8.1megapixel camera as well as a xenon ÀDVK,WVSRUWVDVOLGHUGHVLJQDQGFRPHVZLWKD memory stick micro expansion slot to improve on the 160MB internal memory. Aside from the impressive camera, it also features a GPS UHFHLYHU IRU QDYLJDWLRQ DQG KDV ZL¿ FRQQHFWLYLW\ as well. The only gripe is the fact that for quite an advanced camera phone, there is still no optical zoom. The C905 is shaping up to be a good phone which hopefully does not disappoint.

photo gsm.ir



99/ 53/ 21 mm



Screen Size

2.8 inch



Camera Resolution

5 megapixels

The nuvifone features a 3.5 inch screen which incidentally is the same size as that of the iPhone. Just like the iPhone, the screen is meant to be used ZLWK\RXU¿QJHUVUDWKHUWKDQDVW\OXV+RZHYHUWKH nuviphone is unfortunately much thicker than the L3KRQHDQGWKXVPD\QRWEHDVÀDWWHULQJLQWHUPV of looks. Seeing as how Garmin is known for their GPS products, it is no surprise that the nuvifone is rather GPS oriented. That said, it still features FRQQHFWLYLW\ RSWLRQV OLNH * ZL¿ D  PHJDSL[HO camera and contains 2GB of internal storage capacity. Thankfully, it does feature a memory expansion slot, especially if the paltry 2GB is XQDEOHWR¿OO\RXUQHHGV7KHQXYLIRQHORRNVOLNHD VROLGFRPSHWLWRUWRWKHL3KRQH+RSHIXOO\WKHZDLW until its release next year will be worth it.

photo tweakers.net


110/ 58/ 14.6 mm

Screen Size

3.5 inch



Camera Resolution

3 megapixels

40 sports

RunNUS The number of participants more than doubled this year to about 1100 people text suhas Bhat | [email protected] photo RunNUS

AS I TOOK THE BUS around 10 am on Sunday, 17th August, I was mindful of the fact that I had never really seen a marathon. I was also mindful of the fact that I was two hours late and that I may not see much. I did see a lot (luckily for the purpose of this article!) and I left the SRC running track with a feeling of mild joy at having been a witness to not MXVWP\¿UVWPDUDWKRQEXWDQHYHQWWKDWZDVKHOGLQ an excellent spirit of sporting enthusiasm. 5HHERNZDVWKHRI¿FLDOVSRQVRUDQGZDVWKHUH offering promotions on sales of their shoes. Asked about why they chose to sponsor, Sarah Tan, a sales & marketing manager for Reebok, responded, “Running is not just localized to NUS. It’s a normal human sport activity and it should be encouraged everywhere.” This is the second time that RunNUS has been held building upon the success of the event last year. The number of participants had more than doubled this year to about 1100 people taking part. This assembly of runners included staff, students, alumni, outsiders and basically anyone who wished to run.

national focus with a variety of people competing. Sailors from the US Navy were present and their representative, Lt. Commander Rob Gallagher said, “We had heard about this event the last time we came and so we asked to join. It was fun, competitive and a long race”. Even a marathon winner from Thailand was rumoured to have ÀRZQLQ 7KHSDUWLFLSDWLRQZDVQRWMXVWFRQ¿QHGWRXQLYHUVLW\ undergraduates or young people as even veterans and children came. Jeff Koh Yongzhi, a 13 year old boy from Commonwealth school, ran as did Tony Sseakins, a British expatriate of 55 years old who said that the marathon at RunNUS made “the one in KL look easy”. The path was really not easy. Kevin Wong, Engineering Year 3 and marketing director explained that “the route was slope-y and windy so the runners had to overcome WKHPHQWDOWRXJKQHVVDORQJVLGHWKHSK\VLFDOGLI¿FXOW\,W ZDVGLI¿FXOWWRMXGJHWKHGLVWDQFHVRUXQQHUVFRXOGQRW pace themselves also. Many were stuck at the climb at Bukit Chandu.” The path took runners through various NUS landmarks and even beyond the campus. The entire path spanned 10 kilometres.

The event has expanded from a regional to a

design Suhas Bhat

While the runners had a tough time, things had not been simple for the organizers either. The executive committee comprised of 23 people (led by Edwin Tan, SoC) from various faculties and this group had been working on the project since November 2007. They faced problems with funding as there was no clear allocation from NUSSU and instead found 37 sponsors for the event.

Charlene Tan receiving 2nd prize for the Ladies’ Open from Edwin Tan

The day was hectic for the various road marshalls, medical supervisors and race coordinators also and even a “doctor on wheels” was there in case of a medical emergency. A massive recruitment drive was carried out beforehand to obtain helpers and thus precise instructions and communication apparatus was also prepared.

Mass runners during the Fun Run


Visit www.runnus.com for UHVXOWVDQG¿QDOVWDQGLQJV

Map of the competetive circuit

photo dailylife.com

42 sport

illustration wikipedia.ord


All First


text See Jie Yi | [email protected]

2008 Beijing Olympics was a first for many. For the Chinese, it was the first time that this massive sporting event came to the soils of the Middle Kingdom. On 8th of August 2008 at 8 pm, Beijing welcomed the world with a thunderous roar as 2,008 drums were hit in unison for the opening ceremony. After a decade of waiting and eighty four months of preparation, the Chinese were finally able to show the world what they were capable of. And indeed, they have lived up to the expectations. China took the top spot in the gold medal tally count pulling well ahead of the United States, whom they had lost to by a mere four gold medals in Athens. And the Chinese also gained a foothold in those sports that were never their traditional stronghold.

Being touted as the best-prepared team, high hopes were pinned upon them to deliver Singapore’s first silverware after a wait of forty eight years and our medal drought ended with a dramatic finish by the women’s table tennis team who had a fantastic showdown with the world’s best. Eventually, Singapore could only bag the silver medal but it was still a gargantuan leap for the minuscule island nation. For the world, it was the first time that everyone had witnessed such an avalanche of world records being broken in a short span of sixteen days. The most prominent ones were the swimming records where twenty five new ones were set in the ‘Water Cube’, not mentioning those that were broken only minutes after being set.

design Adi Yoga Sidi Prabawa

Liu Zige won China’s first swimming gold while the women’s quadruple sculls crew won their first ever rowing gold medal. The People’s Republic’s success can largely be accrued to the financial input into sports and human resource, something that Singapore should consider emulating.

For Singaporeans, it was the first time that we were able to catch one of our own swimmers in an Olympic final on television. Eighteen year-old Tao Li qualified for the women’s 100 metre butterfly finals with a new Asian record time of 57.54 seconds. Singapore also fielded its largest contingency of athletes since the Melbourne Games in 1956.

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8/27/2008 9:10:14 PM

photo epochtimes.com

sport 43

Michael Phelps

Out of the twenty five, seven were solely contributed by a 23 year-old American, Michael Phelps, who is arguably the world’s greatest Olympian today. Phelps did the unthinkable by winning eight gold medals in a single sport, topping the individual charts by pocketing fourteen gold medals securing him a place in the Olympic Hall of Fame. In the track events, Usain “Lighting” Bolt from Jamaica struck the ‘Bird’s Nest Stadium’ with such astonishing speed, becoming the first man after Carl Lewis to win in the 100 and 200 metre races (the races defining human speed), while also setting world record timings in the process. These two men clearly defined the Olympic spirit with their Herculean achievements. All athletes worked their hardest to demonstrate the ferocious determination that humanity is capable of and this resonated well with the theme of one people, one dream as outlined at the start of the games. The Chinese were supportive to all of the athletes, be they debutantes like Montenegro and the Marshall Islands or fierce rivals like the US. There

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is a real sense of pressure on the Londoners now to outdo the Chinese in 2012 and this reflects well on Asia, seeing that such a good performance has occurred on a continent where the games have rarely been held. The Olympics were not free of any controversy, however, as a number of incidents occurred that marred the otherwise ecstatic nature of the games. As of writing, a number of Chinese gymnasts are being questioned as being under-age (and thus, at an advantage) which could seriously jeopardise China’s sporting reputation. China’s political issues such as Tibetan freedom, China’s lack of action on the Darfur crisis, humans rights in China, press censorship have been muddled with the sports news. However, from an entirely sporting viewpoint, China has worked exceedingly hard on staging the Olympics and that should also not be forgotten. It is still China’s moment of glory and so the ending of the games on August 24 will likely be anticipated with much joy and appreciation.

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