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In partial fulfillment with the requirements in practical research

submitted by: Reysun R. Munar

Research questions 1.)Why leaders assigning members in the performance? 2.)How leaders assign members in a certain position for actual performance? 3.)How leaders perceptions being significance on assigning of members on fbs performance?

Scope and delimitation The study coverce perceptions of leaders on assigning members on fbs performance. It coverce selected student grade twelve (12) fbs students for school year 2017-2018 in Canubing National High School. To understand the leaders perceptions on assigning food attendant in fbs performances.

Significance of the study The study leaders perception while assigning food attendant in actual performance will benefits the following:

*To the fbs students Students will know the basis on how they will be picked to assign in a group performance.

*To the teachers The teachers will know how the leaders perform his/her task in a group and strategies on ruling a group, and what will be the possible outcomes of a performance.

*To the parents The parents will know how they're siblings manage a situation in school especially in group performance.

*To the future researcher

The future researcher will have the basis on his/her possible study which related on fbs group performances. It will become source of future researchers, it may helps for the research accomplishments.

Chapter I THE PROBLEM AND ITS SETTING Introduction Accomplishing of requirements for food and beverages servicing courses os the way towards success for this chosen course. There are different requirements needed for students to be able to finished or passed, written reports and actual performance are those examples needed. As Merriam stated that "performances ares the accomplishment of given task measured against present known as standard of accuracy, completeness, cost and speed. In a contract performance is deemed to be the fulfillment of an obligation in a manner that releases the performer from all liabilities and under the contract." Every performance has a given task for each members and obligations to fulfill and finished. Performance in some cases was the agreement that should be accomplish in able to achieve the goals.

In the preparation for the performances instructor grouped the students randomly picked or by means counting. As grouped made the collaborations of each members started and runs to produce on idea of what they will act on time of performances. The instructions given by the mentor will be their guide to come up of their play. As group fixed they we're collaborate to assigned their sets of officers from leaders down to members. In some cases those active and likeable automatically assigned in a position of being a leader, members who trust their leader arise. When a leader proclaimed how leaders having an authority to assigned group mates on their areas.? Forbes (2013) stated that "leader is a person who leads or commands a group, organization or country." In addition Ducker (2013) defines leader as "someone who has followers " literally leaders commands a members and follows. Through mandating of leaders scope, assigning of specific position for members he holds for a particular purpose.

The acting leaders will assign who will act or who's will write through choosing of group mates leaders should be pair, should choose randomly. "Used sticks or a names of members then place in a hat. Write students names on popsicle sticks, shake them up in a cup and pop out the

names you want in a group, you can pull the names from hat in randomly" (Catapano 2010). It was the possible strategy on how leader may assign in their certain position.

In some situation it was happen but others we're not contented the members they have, and as te researcher observed leaders having having rapid choosing or allocating of members in a position. Leaders of every group give a position on their members according to their to perception of once leader. For other members which assigned in low position their participation can't be addressed well on the assessment which results to discourage. There's a situation that leaders perception on assigning food attendant in a certain position have an impact to the performance and or in the member of a group. Therefore the researcher come up to conduct the study .

Review of related literature Every one learn through gradual process of learnings as everyday in their life encountering different things and discoveries. People become educated in different settings and knowledge gaining came from different areas. According to Carmer (1991) "education begins with their setting and from reading and writing " originally the process of education starts with their location and also they learn how to read and write. Furthermore dictionary .com LLC (2016) defines education as "the act or process of imparting or acquiring general knowledge, developing powers of reasoning, judgement and generally preparing oneself intellectually for mature's life". The process of education is that developing overall knowledge in preparation for future, knowledge can be used to see matured intellectually. Once individual mindset for practical matters they are partially ready for future's life. Moreover Gray (2008) states that "in the beginning of hundreds thousands of years children educated their selve's through self directed plays and exploration" they we're learned wth their own in form of self study. He also added that "children learned what they needed to become effective adults through their own play and exploration." Discovering of things surrounding for their own survival and to be more effective and better individuals.

In addition Gray (2008) states that " various reasons some religious sense of education arose gradually and spread and education understood as inculcation." Education evolve and improve through long process, it rich far areas and now spreading was too much broad. Marking an ideas in mind is education in other form it was what remain on mind. Szasc (1998) defines education as "the process of developing abilities, talents and more"once you encounter things which new with the sight of eyes curiosity arise. In addition King Jr. states that "the function of education is to teach individual to think intensively and critically." Furthermore Szacs (1998) explained that " education is important to individual for their future, it plays very important role in your life." It is necessary to become educated as it is the key for future success. Education perform the extreme significant role in one's life. Ortiz (200) also added that "education is the key to success in life and teachers make a lasting impact in the lives of students." Teachers do their part to teach the students and mark in their mind the lesson discuss. Every meeting become an important for students learning and success.

In addition quotes of education emphasize that "education is the passport to the future for tomorrow belong's to those who prepare for it today." Similarly education is passport towards future success one who don't have the passport can't fly to its designated destination. Even there's a lot of hindrance in front it won't be too hard for individual who educated. Einstein known as genius at all time argues that "education is what remains after one has forgotten what one has learned in school." While schooling different information being gained when time passes some of it forgotten. The remaining information or knowledge what education. In fact those eliminated are none sense the remaining is that stock knowledge. Furthermore Hall (2015) also argues that "you are always a student, never be a master, you have to keep moving forward" all throughout our life education always on going it will never be stop as for the reason of constant developing of things. None can can sit in a highest position there's always one can surpass for achievements of another one. According to Einstein "learning is hardwork children must force to do not something that will happen naturally through children's activity." Learnings need different strategy as it is not easy to do and to be best. Its not quick as you wish the result time consuming and patience needed. According to Gray (2008) "Children every where are required by the law to go to school" on the form of law it is mandatory for children for schooling. Obligation of parents is to support their siblings in school it has a consequence once they obey the laws.

For the latest centuries education was now composed of different process and subjects, those in the authority in the position releasing commands and curriculum as guide for the study of students. Through collaboration of Ebert etal (2013) they have provided the descriptions of curriculum it is "the means and materials with which the students will interact for the purpose of achieving identified educational outcomes." It depicts as tools that helps to achieve what needed to learn. It was the guidelines for teachers teaching as manual. In addition "curriculum consist of all the planned experience that the schools offer as part of its educational responsibilities." Additionally Bruner(1960) state that "many curricula originally planned with a guiding ideas, on the other hands curricula are actually executed as they grow and change, they often loose their original form." As a planned ideas curriculum conducted it was change during implementation. They are developing new which better than before in the case of i innovation. Furthermore English Language Learners states that "curriculum was the courses offered by educational institutions." In every school they offered different courses education, business management, marine or food related courses. In addition Wright (2015) and Ender (2000) states that "food and beverage servicing courses deals with the complex and painstaking work the waiter act to serve food rather than materials. Working at food establishment attendant or crew serving food enhancing guest not things being sell. "Working in food service can be invaluable experience, food service job are often available and well paid, additionally they can be opportunity to further develop skills that you can apply to many other setting" (Doyle 2017). It is a great experience that you may dealing with different sections organized authority give the proper salary for every crew. It is also a good experience of service that crew may learn more about this sectors which may applied in other field or areas. Based on the government of Canada (2016) "food and beverage sector comprises establishment primarily engaged in preparing meals, snacks and beverage in order for immediate consumption on and off the premises." Every food attendant are oblige to provide provid their full service to a customer, each serving meals and beverage aa they order for immediate consumption. In addition Kin (2000) explained that "a basic understanding of arts and knowledge if food service management in commercial food service." He emphasize that food and beverage servicing needs basic knowledge of culinary arts and food service management. Having of this basic knowledge food attendant are about able to overcome different problems within the area. It seems every professional starts with basic understanding of it.

According to Retchie (1994) "Kenya Utalii College is a world class hotel and training institution that recognized by world tourism organization aa ine of the sixteen excellence." It become world best

institution for having good service as food attendant by means of room service it was the most recommended school for fbs courses. Furthermore Yeung (2004), Jayawardena (2001) and Chistou (1994) elaborate the "food and beverage management programs must turns out graduates who are more aware of environment" for the improvement and growth of once nation as this waa their contributions. "Students we're willing to joined in food and beverage course's" (Wins 2000). As more students willing to join in fbs courses there's also more possible students who will graduate. It is positive feedback for educational institutions who having fbs courses. Food and beverage course deals with service in form of serving foods and beverages to the customers which being learned from the school. In able to produce more graduate teacher should make sure the learnings of their students. Gaining knowledge about fbs courses needs a gradual process students faced different hindrances, sometimes it comes in decision making. Different situation are being experience by the students in groupings activities etc. In this situations a students should have a good judgement whereby decision making is very significant . According to Boone and Kurtz (1995) "future success of organization will depend on the ability of management ir leader to make a long term decision thorough scanning of internal and external environment." In every institution or group has their own leader or acting leader literally stand as boss who command their members of what they need to do. Depends on the wise decision of a leader for his member the success address. defines leader as "a person who leads or command a group, organization or a country." Leader has a power to command members then everyone are oblige to follow. In addition defines leader as "it is not defines as position instead it is an action." Similarly with the cotes "leadership is not a position it is an action." In the contrary Cole (2009) argues that "a success of a company depends on increasingly on the knowledge and motivation of its workforce." By means of motivating of a worker they may give a hundred percent (100%) of good performance. The actions of a worker will depend the success of an establishment. On the other hand Brand (2006) and Mullins (2007) states that "right service for customer and establishing long term and lasting customer relationship is the key to success." Good communication and relationship with the customer is that important for the success. Having good interaction between the customer is that important key in establishing or achieving success. In the contrary Barry etal (200) and Armstrong (2001) argues that " empowerment requires sincere beliefs and trust in people by management." Having trust from management is important for the workers, having no doubt in over all performance. To trust the worker is to believe on their ability that they can do the task well then may avoid disappointment.

Different position are alloted for a particular person as they are capable o doing that. According to Bren (2005) "in able to be choose in a desire position, worker must have a highest level of performances according to assessment conducted." Food attendant should show a good performances which can be seen in assessment. "Service quality assessment will depends on customer perception of what they have received exceeded expectation" (Karan 2011). On the other hand Jon and Esevier (2004) emphasize that " dissatisfied customer tell more people about their bad experience with company than satisfied customer with good experience." In fact more dissatisfied customer depicts service quality of a worker is not really good. They did not satisfied the customers needs, it reflects for their bad performances. Manager reassigned his worker or changing of them based on the assessment conducted. In the contrary Wayne (2012) argues that "competency standard for tourism and hospitality is necessary to maintain the good performance and feedback." Hospitable manner should always be on mind of worker and performance should be accordance in the Standard Operation Procedure (SOP) of food sector. "The performance standard can be determine by the management and their employee" (Allan 2012). Standard performance that set by the management for the workers as guidelines in performances. "Allow the employee to comment on their opinion on their performance during the counselling" (Allan 2012). As an act of being fair, management should accept the employers opinion on their performance. This was also to know what happen behind the mistake done they are also giving chance for workers improvement about their performance. Alan (2012) give the contrast on his first statement as "when counseling or support staff is successful and poor performance continues you implement disciplinary procedure or terminate the employee." There are strict establishment that if their worker continue to make mistake they immediate fired them. According to Clark in a book acting is believing "it is important to learn how to prepare before the performance" to be ready for the performance and avoiding of mistake. According to Lee (1993) "when tension is localized or when have a little time to prepare you may able to shake the tension out." It was for having balance performance, it is important that your stance is balance in performance must find their comfortable position. Lee also added that "performer must focus all his energy and concentration in every performances."

Definition of terms Mentor/Instructor It defines by the researcher as the adviser of food attendant or a students in school year 20162017 in Canubing National High School. A person who facilitate all the performance regarding with food service.

Allocating The word defines by the researcher as how the leaders assign his/her members in a position.

Certain position The words defines by the researcher as different areas alloted by the leaders for his/her members for the conducting performances.

Chapter II METHODOLOGY Research design The research design used in the study is qualitative research, it focused on word anlysis were the researcher looks all the data gathered then the researcher organized it into a themes. The data collected in thie study in a form of words rather than numbers or values therefore this study was time consuming. More time should alloted on this research whereby data gathering was in a form of interview, observation, recording and others. The research used case study this typesbof qualitative research usually tales place in a field of social care, nursing, psychology, rehabilitation center, education etc. This involves a long study of a person, group organization or situation. It seeks to find the answer why such things occur to the subject. The sampling used in the study is intensity sampling this type of sampling requires that you have a prior information on the variation of the phenomena under the study. In choosing this sampling strategy researcher should have atleast an experience about the topic. Therefore it was the prepared for the researcher for having an experience about the topic

Instrument/s used The researcher used self made interview question that has been distributed to the selected samples. The question that has been finalize by the researcher answered by the samples whereby it was organized by the researcher starts from easy to complex. The purpose is foe the researcher to come up the data needed in fulfillment of the study which talked about the leaders perception while assigning food attendant in a position in actual performance.

Respondents of the study The respondents of the study are four (4) selected grade -12 fbs students for school year 20172018. It based on the first part of the study which is scope and delimitation whereby the respondents are the selected fbs students. The researcher also based the respondents on prepared sampling which is intensity sampling in such good students or above average are belong to the samples/respondents.

Data gathering procedure The data collected was condected in step by step procedure. First the researcher finalized the interview question from simple to complex for the success of the study. Second the researcher think for what sampling will fit on the study, the sampling that being chosen is intensity sampling. Third the researcher conduct an interview from four (4) selected samples based on intensity sampling used and scope and delimitation. Fourth the researcher list every words come out from the samples even ahhmm and how respondent response. Lastly the researcher come up with the different basis on how leaders assign his/her member in thier position.

Research anlysis 1.) In fbs group performance did you become a leader of a group? how was your experience? Interviewee: #1 Yes, ano sya exciting sa una pero... dumating sa poinx na mahirap na mahirap lalu na yung ka grupo ehh hindi nakikiparticipate. Code1: First it is exciting Ahmm may trill sya ... lalu at gusto ko yung performance na i appreciate para kahit mahirap mapapadali kasi alam mo na exciting kasi. Code 2: hard especially the members Kasi pag wala silang participation mahihirapan akong gawin kung ano man ang dapat gawin, di naman kasi pwede opinion ko lang lagi masusunod, kaya nga group presentation. Analysis: Based on the response of the interviewee, it seems she was answering with high confidence as because respondent always laughing. Respondent used english and tagalog language some words she used sounds jejemon like joinx it means joint. She had been applied that words i think because it was her habit using jejemon or informal language. At first of being

a leader it was exciting for her but it comes in a point that it too hard for her because group mates were not participating. The chosen codes are "first it is exciting" and "hard especially my groupmates" it emplies that there's a time which easy handling a group but also there's an opposite situation comes.

Interviewee #2 Yes, actually it is good of being leader my idea and thoughts are followed by my members ... i think it is good for them. Code 1: actually it is good of being leader By leaderize them to what role to be assign with my members and it is good for mine standing as a leader. Code2: idea and thoughts are followed Because they are, they like my idea for our performance. Analysis: Based on the response of interviewee, it seems he is so serious on answering the question. He is consistent on answering the question which no doubt can be see in his face. Being leader is good for him and also good for his members. The chosen codes are "actually it is good of being leader" and "idea and thoughts are followed" he want to emphasized that he had good experience of being a leader or performances. Accidentally respondent used a "leaderize" but there's nothing words seems like this maybe respondent means is governance.

Interviewee #3 Yes, yeah it so very hard to me, rather for me because my members is not participating in every groupings. Code1: very hard Because in my age it was first time to be a leader in or through performing food service. Code2: members are not participating Analysis: Based on the response of interviewee, being leader was a hard experience for him. He

used "yeah" as means of uncontrolled words, he got mistake as he used "is" in a sentence but it should are because it is in plural form. I think its because he did not considered correct

grammar in anseering tha question. The selected code are "very hard" and "members are not participating" it emplies that he had bad experience of being a leader.

Interviewee #4 Yes, for me it so very hard to become a leader on my group. Code 1: very hard to become a leader its because ahmp all the ah, all task given by the teachers are all pasan in life so that ikaw mag papasya to have goid performance in your group. Analysis: Based on the response of interviewee, it seems he was serious while answering the questions. Being a leader was so hard for him, it was the chosen code. On the explanation of his code uncontrolled repitition of words "all the ahh" it become not really easy for him as teachers give their task he as a leaders decide what should they do for the performance. On his response with the question using of english and tagalog language he can't prevent maybe it was habitual.

Question number 2 2.) How do you handle your group? Interviewee #1 By asking them the opinions that they have ... by looking and finding their participation and observing their feelings thoughts and emotions expressed. Code 1: Finding their participation By observing ... kung ano ba ang ginagawa nila on that time. Analysis: Based on the response of interviewee, joyfulness arise while she was answering the question. On the that time of interview the researcher observe respondent was hyper. She considered the opinion of her members in group decision which is one good characteristic of a leader. On assigning her members she observe their emotions and thoughts in able to choose. Interviewee #2 I handle my group as i giving commands or decide role to them giving them the script and taught them also for the role the they decide to play. Code 1: giving commands I give some guides to them

Code 2: taught them also for the role By explaining to the meaning of their role in tha play. Analysis: Based on the response of interiewee, there are much technicalities when it cpmes in grammar it was not exactly organized. Respondent become kind on his member in running of a group performances. Respondent giving what members position want to own. The chosen code are "giving commands" and "taught them also for the role" respondent emphasize he explained to his members their position.

Interviewee #3 Iam going to be strict .... I'll tell the that if you can't participate i will remove you in a group. Code 1: strict Iam being serious by saying all they want to do and para ipakita sa kanila na wee need to be a serious in every group discussion. Code 2: can't participate Sometimes they ginagawa nila itong joke they didn't know that dito nakasalalay ang aming grade. Analysis: Based on the response of interviewee, it seems seriousness being strict was his strategy on handling of a group there's an agreement that once members did not participate then they will be removed. Even the answered in a question rich almost one sentence researcher observed that respondent have deep examination in his group performance. In the response with the code respondent explained it in english and tagalog language maybe ita waa their comfort zone to ask.

Interviewee #4 Ahhmm nilalagay sila sa, inilalagay ko sila sa kanilang position na kung saan they are fir in that postion to have communication and good collaboration with my group. Code 1: they are fit on that position Everyone have different skills to undergo their ability to engage in different aspect of that position like giving their full attention and gives proper knowledge about or knowledge on how they do their task Code 2: good communication and colaboration on my group With the used of leadership that come up with communication with other possessed good work and maaayos ang kalalabasan.

Analysis: Based on the response of interviewee, it was answered starts with "ahhmm" as symbol thinking deeply. It was also answered with english and tagalog language. RespRespondent putting his members in the position that will fit on their personalities they have also good collaboration in a group. The selected codes are "they are fit in that position" and "good communication and collaboration on my group." He tried to explain that position he gaves on his members are capable to perform the having good communication and collaboration will result good performances together with good leadership.

Question number #3 3.) Did you assign your members in a certain position? how do you assign your members? Interviewee #1 Yes of coarse, ano kunware example eto yung position mo ha yan gagawin mo, o yun naman .... o kaya naman kukunin ko lahat ng medyo mahirap sa kanila tapos ibibigay ko syempre yung madali kasi nagrereklamo sila minsan. thats all thank you. Kasi kapag binigyan ko sila ng posisyon mapapadali ang gagawin namin madali kaming malilinawan sa lahat lahat at most especialy para mapatunayan or to prove that we can handle that situation. Code 1: to make a work easy If there is a cooperation and unityit is not imposible to make the work easier and to finish it clearly. Code 2: to prove that we can Dahil pa natapos namin ng madali ng walang reklamo yung inasaign saamin na output or whatever napatunayan namin na kaya namin na i handle yun mapahirap man o madali. Analysis: Based on the response of interviewee, it seems a hyper respondent encounter by the researcher there's a lot of laughing. Respondent used an english and tagalog language "kunwari" or "example" which can't be seen in a formal coversation even though it was acceptable as thesis adviser stated. As according to the answered of respondent being considerate arise, she own's all she think hard to get by her members then those easy allotted by her members for them to have a good performance. The selected codes are "to make a wokr easy" and "to prove that we can" it seems that cooperation in a group is necessary and having good colaboration between leadersmember and members. He emphasized that they have a goals which is to prove that they can .

Interviewee #2 Yes, by their ability to understand they can easy acknowledge or know my idea. Code 1: ability to understand

Means every person have that ability there are times that ability of one is too low or too poor to catch up the lesson Code 2: acknowledge or know Means prepare to have a connection between two or more people that having conversation and knowing them as individual. Analysis: Based on the response of interviewee, it seems it was easy for him to assign his members. He emphasize through the ability of his members as a basis he can easily assigned them in their position. The chosen code are "ability to understand" and "acknowledge or know." Different level of ability of his members he encountered. Therefore it is important to have a connection between leader and members and most especially members should have the ability to understand the commands form leader .

Interviewee #3 Yes, by their skills and experience through their ability and through their knowledge. Code 1: skills and experience As basis yes because you can assign them and you believe them that their assign position ay kanilang magagampanan. Code 2: through their knowledge As i said its just the same for having an skills so that you ca handle your assigned task. Analysis: Based on the response of interviewee, it seems he is confidence on answering the question even weve got a short time interview for this question. Through the skills experience ability and knowledge of his members he conducted the assigning of members. The selected codes are "skills and experience" and "through their knowledge" which become his basis on assigning on his member. Interviewee #4 Yes, by their level hahaha level of ahahaha ability at and their wants to perform on the task given on my, on my sinabi hahaha. Code 1: by level of ability It is because of my group mates are on having different ability so that i come up to have basis to determine their level of ability as their passed performance the same task given. Code 2: wants to perform on the task

Because some of my group mates as i encountered before there are times that they are not willing to do their task given on the leader specifically me because they are not interested on the topic and they don't want to participate. Analysis: Based on the response of interviewee, it seems an extreme happines while answering the question as he get a lots of laughing. He assigned his members by their ability and willingness to perform. His answer contains with english and tagalog languages whereby his energy also arise. The chosen codes are "by level of ability" and "wants to perform on the task" the given ability and willingness become necessary in assigning of members. Some of members were not partipated therefore those who are willing too are being assigned it means a members assigned are belong to a performance.

Question number 4 1.) what are your basis on assigning your members in their position in actual performance? Interviewee #1 Base sa kakayahan nila madalas dun sa kagrupo ko kilala ko sila kaya alam ko na kung saan ko sila i a asign. Kunware magaling sya umarte mabilis magmemorize or malakas ang boses pag nagsasalita sa unahan. Pag ganun ang kakayahan nila is madali saakin na i assign sila sa kanilang posisyon pero pag mahina sya dun sya sa lower. Code 1: based on their abilities Yun pag basehan sa talento nila, pag meron silang pinakita sa harap ng maraming tao siguro namay malalaman ko kung saan ko nga ba sila dapat ilagay na pwesto. Code 2: if that was their ability it was easy for me to assign them Pag nai observe ko nang maayos ang ugali ng bawat isa este ng aking kagrupo madali kong malalaman kung ano ba yung mga talento kakayahan na meron sila. Like ano madili maka pickup ng script hindi mahiyain at iba pa. Analysis: Based on the response of interviewee, most of her members are friends in other words she was familiar with their attitude. It makes an easy assigning of her members. When her members was good in memorizing, have a high voice in front of crowd automatically they will be assign. Through observation of members about their ability and skills she knows where they should be assigned.

Interviewee #2 By the ability to learned fast to understand thoughts and have my thrust as a leader. If my if i choose members that didn't or can't perform well iam very sure that my whole idea will be rude.

Code 1: ability to learned fast It is ability that you can understand fast that you can really have the learnings easily by understanding the whole topic Code 2: idea will be rude in terms that they can perform well that they can they are not following the script the roles that assigned to them. Analysis: Based on the response of interviewee, he emphasize through the level of ability to learned fast and those who thrust on him as a leader being assigned. There is also mistakes when it comes to a grammar repetition of word like "if my, if i" he used both didn't and can't without other words between this two words. The chosen codes are "ability to learned fast" and "idea will be rude" those who has the ability to learned fast become assigned quick in a position. Means he was favor with those having an ability to learned fast.

Interviewee #3 Through their learnings i beliave that (no man is an island charot...) their assigned position is magagampanan nila ng well and they can perform good. Code 1: assign position Being a waiter because as i can see on how he/she talk in the costumers he/she has full of confidence. Code 2: they can perform good Because of the skills and learnings and knowledge i assure that they can be a good performer in food service that's all thank you. Analysis: Based on the response of interviewee, it seems he's confidence or hyper while answering the question. Which proves by the included sayings which is "no man is an island" whereby literally means he's joking. The basis he used is their learnings therefore they can do their task well. Means he's having trust with his members, the selected codes are "assigned position" and "they can perform good" on his observation with his members he had given trust with his members as they can perform well. Interviewee #4 As i said before as an example their performance and ability to give their willingness to do their task and fulfill the responsibility. Code 1: ability to give their willingness Because some of my group mates are not intersted and some of them want to do the given task to have additional points and cooperation or participation for output.

Code 2: fulfill the ability It is because as i experience on giving a responsibility to my groupmates is not competitive enough to fulfill their work and and give their full support for their performance. Analysis: Based on the response of interviewee, on that moment it seems to be serious in answering the last question. I think because it was inter related with his first answer. His basis pn assigning his members in a position is that the ability and act of responsibility. The selected codes are "ability to give their willingness" and "fulfill their ability" he emphasize the importance of ability to be choose in assigning members in their position for the success of performance. Results and findings Summary table for number (1) Question for summary table number (1) in fbs group performance did you become a leader of a group? how was you're experience? Interviewee


Reycie Teves

•first it is exciting

12 TVL student

•hard especially the group mates

Marvin Delgado

•actually it is good for being a leader

12 TVL student

•idea and thoughts are followed

Jhun Ryan Almoneda

•very hard

12 TVL student

•members are not participating

Reymart Afable

•hard to become a leader

12 TVL student

Summary table for number (2) Question for summary tble number (2) how do you handle you're group? Interviewee


Reycie Teves

•finding their participation

12 TVL student

Marvin Delgado

•giving commands

12 TVL student

•taught them also for the role

Jhun Ryan Almoneda

•to be strict

12 TVL student

•can't participate

Reymart Afable

•they are fit on that position

12 TVL student

•good communication and collaboration

Summary table for number (3) Question for summary table number (3) did you assigned your members in certain position? how do you assign your members? Interviewee


Reycie Teves

•to make their work easy

12 TVL student

•to prove that we can

Marvin Delgado

•ability to understand

12 TVL student

•acknowledge or know

Jhun Ryan Almoneda

•skills and experience

12 TVL student

•through their knowledge

Reymart Afable

•by level of ability

12 TVL student

•wants to perform on task

Summary table for number four (4) Question for summary table number four (4) what is your basis on assigning your members in their position in performance? interviewee


Reycie Teves

•based on their ability

12 TVL student

•easy if that was their ability

Marvin Delgado

•ability to learn fast

12 TVL student

•Idea will be rude

Jhun Ryan Almoneda

•assign position

12 TVL student

•they can perform good

Reymart Afable


12 TVL student

•fulfill the ability

Over all table Questions


1.) in fbs group performance did you become a leader of a group? how was you're experience?

first it is exciting, hard especially the group mates, good for being a leader, idea and thoughts are followed, very hard, members are not participating, hard to become a leader.

2.) how do you handle you're group?

finding their participation, giving commands, taught them also for the role, strict, can't participate, they are fit on that position, good communication and collaboration.

3.) did you assigned your members in certain position? how do you assign your members?

make their work easy, to prove that we can, ability to understand, acknowledge or know, skills and experience, knowledge, level of ability, wants to perform on task.

4.) what is your basis on assigning your members in their position in performance?

ability, easy if that was their ability, ability to learn fast, Idea will be rude, assign position, they can perform good, willingness, fulfill the ability

Over all discussion All the selected samples have their own response on the given sets of interview questions. Every samples which are the leaders correspondse as the source of significant answers to support the study. Based on the data gathered there's a leader who's considerate with their members, think of what will benefits on their performances. In a group performance there's

always a difficult and manageable or easy task for them to be able to come up with a good performance, difficult scenarios assigned for leaders then those easy task was aloted for group mates. Through this kind of stretegy a group got good performances bit not equal in terms of individual performance grades. One out four respondents become strict althrough out the performance and from assignig of members for actual performances which provide good performance. In every groups composed of leading and low learners or not punctual members. It was the basis of leaders on assigning members in a certain position, depends on tgeir ability, skills, knowledge and experience where they are compromise. There are some instances that leaders looking in assigning of members, those who has trusth on their leaders in his/her governance being favored by leaders. Another one is that willingness of members to participate in a performance become the basis of leaders on assigning their members.

Chapter III Summary, conclusion and recomendation Summary The table number one (1) showed the leaders excitement of being a leaders of a certain group. In the contrast other leaders argues it was not easy to become a leader, there are members whose not paticipated in the group performances. The table number one (1) depicts that half of the respondents were capable on doing leaders task while other leaders difficulties being manifested.

As you can see table number two (2) showed how samples being handle their group's they observed members actions in groupings. As they have been observed behaviors of their members they come up the given roles and commands. For those who are not participate in grouping's leaders become strict on ruling the group's.

Table number three (3) showed the leaders strategies on assigning members in a

certain position. This purpose is for an easy work on performance. The ability, wants of members on the task skills and having good interaction between leader and members are included in the table. The are the basis of leaders in assigning of members in certain position for the actual perfoemances.

As you can see the table number four (4) showed the most fundamental basis on how leaders asaigned members in a group performance. The members who have the ability to learned fast is the primary reason why members being assigned quick as it was being abserved. Different position in fbs actual performance members who like the position performed good. It emphasized that by the ability members become chosen or assigned in good position that fit on them.

Conclusion The study focused om the perceptions of leader to their members on assigning for actual performance, based on the data gathered that has been summarize the concluded the following: 1.) There's a leaders who labored when it comes in leadership. 2.) Group mates ignored or not participated in performances, it emphasized they are not interested. 3.) There's a leaders enjoyed being a leader of a group. 4.) Leaders become strict on their members and throughout the groupings. 5.) Leaders assigned their members based on their skills, ability, experienced, willingness, trusth of members based on leaders observation on their members.

Recomendation Based on thw conclusion the researcher fully recomended the following: 1.) Guidelines for students performances which cath their attention to participate. 2.) An article for teachers as an encouragement for students in group performances for them not to ignore but to appreciate. 3.) Miani books or compilation containing of different characteristics that student should possess especially it was enligned in food industry. 4.) Group assessment as part of improving ability and maintaining good performances, shared of ideas about each performance.

5.) Parental motivation to support teachers encouragement for students to arise willingness of students in fbs actual performnces.



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