Revolutionary Road...

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Revolutionary Road... WEDNESDAY, JUNE 17, 2009

Re volu t ion Or N ot ?

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saeed valadbaygi Vie w m y com ple te pr ofile

Will Be Continued... Refresh every second ! T I MESONLI NE: 1 7 .3 5 Saeed Valadbaygi, a blogger who writ es Revo lu tio n ar y Ro ad from inside I ran, has post ed a num ber of videos apparent ly from I sfahan Universit y where st udent prot est ers were t arget ed. I f you ask t o be fr ien d s w ith h im o n Faceb o o k you will be able t o see foot age of inj ured st udent s receiving t reat m ent . BBC: Saeed Valadbaygi's "Revo lu tio n ar y Ro ad " blog put s t oget her pict ures and videos which have been post ed on blogs, YouTube and Facebook. Warning: t his websit e m ight cont ain graphic im ages. LE MOND E: Sur les sit es de part age de vidéos ou de phot os, sur des blogs ou sur des sit es I nt ernet publiés depuis l'ét ranger, les I raniens opposés à Mahm oud Ahm adinej ad t ém oignent des m anifest at ions et publient des docum ent s am at eurs. Des docum ent s à considérer avec le recul im posé par l'incert it ude concernant leurs sources.Les blog T eh r an 2 4 ou Revo lu tio n ar y Ro ad collect ent des clichés sur les ém eut es


2 0 0 9 (8 0 ) Ju n e (1 8 ) Re v olu tion Or N ot? A spe cte r is h a u n tin g I r a n : th e spe cte r of Re v e lot... I n te r v ie w w ith k e r e n be tza le l fr om Ch a n n e l 2 N e w s ... A spe cte r is h a u n tin g I r a n : th e spe cte r of Re v e lot... A spe cte r is h a u n tin g I r a n : th e spe cte r of Re v e lot... I n te r v ie w w ith D om a goj Ma r ge tic fr om :w e b m a ga zin e ... I r a n :Riot in te h r a n str e e ts a fte r e le ction da y ( 4 ) ... I r a n :Riot in te h r a n str e e ts a fte r e le ction da y ( 3 ) ... I r a n :Riot in te h r a n str e e ts a fte r e le ction da y ( 2 ) I r a n :Riot in te h r a n str e e ts a fte r e le ction da y " D e a ...

NOT I CE: Go t o t he past post for wat ching all pics and videos ...

AMN ESTY I N TERN ATI ON AL:Tr a de u n ion a ctiv ists sh ou ld...

Unfort unat ely som e of our videos are on t he Facebook and we can't m ove here m ore news over t he Faceb o o k:

On toda y 's pr e side n tia l 'e le ction ' in I r a n : Pr ose c...

La t e st n e w s f r om ir a n > > > Tehran bazaar st rike against killing of prot est ors: Many m erchant s in t he bazaar in Tehran, including t ext ile t raders, on Monday went on st rike, and part s of t he bazaar were closed down.Merchant s had on Monday said in a st at em ent t hey would go on st rike on Tuesday. Since t his m orning large sect ions of t he bazaar have been closed. The m erchant s are on st rike against t he barbaric killing of people who t ook part in t he courageous uprising

9 r e a son s w h y th e 'pr e side n tia l e le ction ' in I r a n ... I RAN :H oly w a r a ga in st th e h u m a n ity in k u r dista n 1 9 ... Colou r - code d ca r toon s pok e fu n a t I r a n 's e le ction ... I r a n : H igh ligh ts fr om I sla m ic Re pu blic' e le ction T... I r a n : H igh ligh ts fr om I sla m ic Re pu blic' e le ction T... W PI pr ote sts a tte n da n ce of th e I r a n ia n r e gim e a t I ... Ma y (9 ) Apr il (5 )


6/17/2009 Revolutionary Road... against t he I slam ic Republic. Sim ult aneously on Tuesday, I ranians in Paris, London, Washingt on DC, Berlin, St ockholm , Got henburg, The Hague, and Trondheim (Norway) will hold prot est s in solidarit y wit h t he I ranian people s nat ionwide uprising.

> > > 120 professors resign and j oin sit -in by st udent s in Tehran Universit y: A sit -in by st udent s from t he Tehran Universit y in prot est t o t he brut al suppression of fellow st udent s, in part icular during t he recent dorm it ory raid, cont inues in t he universit y m osque. Farhad Rahbar, an agent who was appoint ed by Mahm oud Ahm adinej ad as dean of t he universit y at t em pt ed t o j oin t he st udent s in order t o prevent any escalat ion of t heir act ions, but his presence was m et wit h furt her prot est s. Agent s of t he Revolut ionary Guards lat e on Sunday raided t he universit y dorm it ory and assault ed and arrest ed m any of t he st udent s. I n anot her developm ent , m ore t han 120 universit y professors collect ively resigned in prot est t o t he killings of st udent s by suppressive forces, and t hey j oined t he prot est ers. > > > Thousands of prot est ors arrest ed in I ran: The widespread arrest of young prot est ors and opponent s of t he regim e in Tehran and m ost ot her cit ies which began on Sat urday has gained new dim ensions. Thousands have so far been arrest ed. About 900 of t he det ainees have been t ransferred t o Tehran s not orious Evin Prison. Som e 350 have been put in solit ary confinem ent in Evin and t he ot hers are being held in Ward 240 of t he prison. A num ber of t he det ained have been t aken t o safe-houses of t he Minist ry of I nt elligence and Securit y (MOI S). Those arrest ed in I sfahan have been t ransferred t o wards A-I of t he cit y s cent ral prison, which are run by t he MOI S, and t he det ainees in Mashhad have been t ransferred t o VakilAbad Prison. Ant i-riot forces at t acked prot est s by hundreds of relat ives of t hose arrest ed who were dem onst rat ing out side t he regim e s Just ice Depart m ent office in Tehran. I n recent days, dozens of prot est ors have been killed and hundreds inj ured. > > > Uprising in Babol, Babolsar, Am ol, Qazvin, Ahwaz and Bandar Abbas: Som e 3,000 st udent s and locals prot est ed in Babol lat e on Monday. The prot est began at 9: 00 pm and cont inued unt il aft er t he m idnight . Many banks and governm ent buildings were seriously dam aged. Agent s of t he St at e Securit y Force (SSF) and special ant i-riot forces, and plainclot hes agent s at t acked t he dem onst rat ors and arrest ed a num ber of t he st udent s. Suppressive forces used wat er cannons t o disperse t he crowd. A num ber of m ot orcycles belonging t o t he

Apr il (5 ) Ma r ch (1 5 ) Fe br u a r y (3 1 ) Ja n u a r y (2 ) 2 0 0 8 (2 4 ) 2 0 0 7 (1 1 ) My Blog List

H ou za n Ma h m ou d Re ligiou s su pe r stition s, la w s a n d cu stom s a r e a disgr a ce of th e 2 1 st ce n tu r y - Religiou s su perst it ion s, law s an d cu st om s are a disgrace of t h e 2 1 st cen t u ry I n t h e m em ory of Du a Kh alil Asw ad an d in con dem n at ion of t h e floggin g in pu bl... 2 m onths ago

Ma r y a m N a m a zie I r a n : At le a st 2 1 k ille d a n d h u n dr e ds w ou n de d - From t h e WPI Press Cen t re: Last n igh t professors of Teh ran Un iversit y st art ed a sit -in at t h e u n iversit y in prot est t o t h e at t acks of secu rit y agen t s on Su ... 2 hour s ago

Mou v e m e n t socia liste m on dia l Bu lle tin de v ote or igin a l Trou vé dan s u n e u rn e lors des récen t es élect ion s eu ropéen n es. « Mon ch er et vieu x pays, n ou s voici don c » (les m ou t on s du t rou peau qu i élison s n os bergers ... 3 day s ago

SB n e w s Ma r y a m N a m a zie a n d H a m id Ta qv a e e ( W PI ) 13 hour s ago

Sy n dica lism e de lu tte Ra sse m ble m e n t le 1 0 j u in a u TGI de Ly on - Solidarit é avec Alexan dre et Tayeb, Syn dicalist es FSE pou rsu ivis pou r des fait s don t ils n e son t pas les au t eu rs! Le lu n di 2 7 avril, 5 ét u dian t s de l'Un i... 2 week s ago

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6/17/2009 Revolutionary t he crowd. A num ber of m ot orcycles belonging t o t Road... he suppressive forces were set on fire. At least 100 people have in recent days been arrest ed in Babol, Am ol and Babolsar. St udent s of Qazvin Universit y and ot her young people prot est ed in various st reet s in Qazvin, chant ing "deat h t o t he dict at or". Suppressive securit y forces at t acked t he dem onst rat ors but encount ered resist ance. A num ber of banks and st at e owned aut om obiles were seriously dam aged in t hese confront at ions. Ahwaz also wit nessed day-long prot est s and confront at ions bet ween st udent s and yout hs and t he suppressive forces. Som e 10,000 people rallied in Bandar Abbas in t he aft ernoon on Monday. Despit e t he presence of securit y forces, Resalat Avenue was crowded wit h dem onst rat ors who were chant ing ant i-governm ent slogans. They chant ed "deat h t o t he dict at or, be it Shah or t he doct or (a reference t o Ahm adinej ad)". > > > St udent s st age sit -ins, chant deat h t o collaborat or in prot est t o Moussavi's st at em ent : On t he t hird day of a sit -in by st udent s in Sharif Universit y of Technology, t he St at e Securit y Force prevent ed over 1,000 st udent s from ent ering t he cam pus. At noon, st udent s broke t he m ain gat e and ent ered t he universit y. Meanwhile, in t he Universit y of Tehran st udent s react ed st rongly t o a st at em ent on Tuesday by Mir-Hossein Moussavi calling on people not t o t ake part in a rally lat er in t he day. Angry st udent s chant ed deat h t o collaborat or, No com prom ise, No surrender, Fight t he dict at or, They are shedding blood.

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by : saeed v aladbay gi at 6 :4 7 AM

Revolutionary Road...

2 co m m e n t s

lin k t h is p o st

TUESDAY, JUNE 16, 2009

A spe ct e r is h a u n t in g I ra n : t h e spe ct e r of Re ve lot ion !



Revolutionary Road...

+ + + BBC

Unfort unat ely som e of our videos are on t he Facebook and we can't m ove here m ore news over t he Facebook: See Pat t y Debonit as int erview wit h Fariborz Pooya Par t 1 Par t 2 Par t 3 Below is som e of t he news received by t he WPI Press Cent re and New Channel TV: This m orning nurses and doct ors from Rasoul Akram Hospit al in west Tehran m arched in prot est against t he t reat m ent of t he 28 wounded and 8 dead who had been brought t o t heir hospit al. Securit y forces denied t he wounded any cont act wit h t heir fam ilies. Medical personnel used t he m obile phones of t he wounded and dead t o inform t heir relat ives. Lat er t his m orning t hey walked out in prot est . Universit y lect urers in t hree universit ies in Shiraz and Sharif Technical Universit y in Tehran have resigned in prot est t o t he regim e s securit y forces violent at t acks on st udent s yest erday. Mashad Ferdousi Universit y in Mashad was at t acked by securit y forces. There were clashes bet ween prot est ors and t he regim e s securit y forces in Bahonar St reet and Vakilabad in Tehran. I n t he cit y of Babol t here are current ly clashes bet ween dem onst rat ors and t he regim e s securit y forces and Babol Universit y has been surrounded by t he securit y forces; I n I sfahan, t here were dem onst rat ions and clashes in Sham sabadi, Touhid, Sheikh Bahaie, Nik-bakht , Darvazeh Shiraz and Ghasr st reet s. Furt herm ore, t he clashes cont inued int o t he universit y and t he m eet ing hall was burnt down.



Revolutionary Road...

I n Shiraz t here were clashes in Mola Sadra St reet bet ween prot est ors and securit y forces; t he prot est ors chased t he securit y forces away and t he localit y is under people s cont rol. The chancellor of Shiraz Universit y resigned in prot est following t he brut al at t ack on t he universit y by t he securit y forces. Last night , dem onst rat ions cont inued in Tehran, Karaj and m any ot her cit ies unt il 2 3.00 am Taj rish police st at ion was t aken over by t he prot est ors for over an hour last night .



Revolutionary Road...



Revolutionary Road...



Revolutionary Road...

Red Barricades in I sfahan!



Revolutionary Road...



Revolutionary Road...



Revolutionary Road...



by : saeed v aladbay gi at 9 :2 6 PM

Revolutionary Road...

4 co m m e n t s

lin k t h is p o st

I n t e rvie w w it h k e re n be t za le l from Ch a n n e l 2 N e w s " isra e l" !

1) we would like t o t ell a lit t le about you and your blog:

My nam e is Saeed Valadbeygi and I was a st udent at t he poly t echnique universit y in Tehran. I t s been m any years t hat I have been involved in t he workers, wom en and st udent m ovem ent s. I have been arrest ed and im prisoned several t im es because of m y polit ical act ivit ies. I have also been pursued and harm ed m any t im es. I t s been a num ber of years t hat I have st art ed t o writ e blogs, however I have been


6/17/2009 Road... years t hat I have st art ed t o writ e blogs,Revolutionary however I have been facing filt ering problem s from t he sovereignt y. The blog revolut ionary road is organized and writ t en I n order t o bring out t he news of I ran and it s com plaint s t o t he int ernat ional societ ies, however people living in I ran do not have access t o t his blog.

2) what is t he sit uat ion in Tehran ? Tehran is t he st age of harsh m iscellany bet ween people and t he I slam ic republic. I n t he past five days I ran has been facing difficult sit uat ions. At t he beginning people had com plaint s about t he result s of t he elect ions and also com plaint s about t he fact t hat Ahm adinej ad was going t o t ake over again, however not long aft er t hese people st art ed t o com plain about t he I slam ic republic s sovereignt y. People, who for m any years have lived under t he inhum an and fascist regim e of t he I slam ic republic and have been punished, are no longer willing t o have t he I slam ic republic sovereignt y. At t he m om ent t he com plaint s are against Ahm adinej ad, however t hese com plaint s and disagreem ent s are act ually against t he I slam ic republic. The police and t he m ilit ary guards are out on st reet s and t hey are at t acking people wit h warm and cold weapons. Buses and t rains are on fire and t he public t ransport is facing a serious problem . Banks and governm ent aut horit ies are being dem olished by people and t he cit y is alm ost st andst ill. At night s when it st art s t o get dark, t he cit y is light ed up wit h m assive fires and t he voices which say down wit h dict at or is heard from all t he houses. I n som e of t he cit ies, people have t aken over som e of t he governm ent aut horit ies and also t hey have put t he m ilit ary service st at ions on fire. However t he arm ed forces and t he m ilit ary guards have killed several people in different cit ies of I ran. 3) can you describe how it was or if you were not t here what did you hear?

The rally t oday was t aken place against t he result s of t he elect ions was locat ed at t he azadi square in Tehran. The obj ect ing candidat es such as Mirhussein Mousavi and Mehdi Karoubi were also present at t oday s rally and all t he t im e during t he rally t hey were t rying t o calm people down and were persuading people t hat t hey will t ake legal act ions in order t o sort out t he upcom ing problem s in I ran. I t is im port ant t o m ent ion t hat t he obj ect ing candidat es had visit ed t he suprem e leader, hours before arriving at t he rally. They were t old by t he leader t hat t hey should inform people t hat t hey should st op t heir prot est s as soon as possible. I n t oday s rally t housands of people were present and t here were giving slogans against Ahm adinej ad and also against


6/17/2009 Revolutionary Road... were giving slogans against Ahm adinej ad and also against t he syst em in which t he count ry works. Aft er t he rally and j ust when people were heading back hom e, t hey were harshly at t acked by t he Basij forces in t he azadi square. There were also report s of guns against people and at least one person has been killed and m any have been inj ured and t aken t o hospit als. People s com plaint s and put t ing t he governm ent al aut horit ies on fire was cont inued unt il t he end of t he night .

4) how do you t hink it will end, will t here be a recount of t he vot es or president ahm adinej ad will st ay in power?

This sit uat ion and peoples com plaint s m ight at first was t o have t he vot es count ed again or have Ahm adinej ad rem oved from presidency, however t hese days because of people being killed and at t acked t hey act ually want som et hing m ore t han j ust rem oving Ahm adinej ad or count ing t he vot es. We doubt t hat anyt hing will happen or t here will be a change in t he sovereignt y of t he I slam ic republic, even if t he vot e were count ed again. All t he official com posit ions and also I ran s suprem e leader have congrat ulat ed Ahm adinej ad becom ing a president again and t hey know t his as a hist orical epic. Even t oday ayat ollah Shahrodi, has also congrat ulat ed Ahm adinej ad in his m essage, t herefore any act ion t hat would put an end t o Ahm adinej ads presidency is a loss and a back out in general for t he I slam ic republic and t herefore t his com m and is possible. 5) can you expline our viewers what is it in Moussawi t hat represent a big change for I ran? cn he bring for a change wit h us?

All t oget her Mousavi is not supposed t o be doing a lot . The only reason people have decided t o support him is because t hey do not want Ahm adinej ad t o rule using I slam ic fascist and Hezbollah forces. Bet ween all t he candidat es, it was only m ousavi who knew how t o t reat Ahm adinej ad in a serious way. I n t he previous years when Mousavi was I ran s president , he has also announced Ahm adinej ds subj ect s about I srael and also relat ionship wit h it s governm ent and in general he is keen about t he inhum an polit ical issues in t he I slam ic republic on t his ground. Also he was involved in t he execut ion of t he polit ical prisoners and because of t his m at t er people know him as a crim inal. No one of t he select ed candidat es can t ake t he m essage of peace t o I srael on behalf of t he I ranian people and t his is because we can see in t he previous years t hat t heir opinions do not m at ch t he opinion of t he I ranian com m unit y. I t s only t heir religious and inhum an views which is announced in t he


6/17/2009 Revolutionary religious and inhum an views which is announced in Road... t he int ernat ional com m unit ies and it s known as t he accept able polit ics. I on behalf of all t he people in I ran and wit h full confidence will announce t hat we do not have any problem s wit h t he people in I srael and we believe t hat religious belief is a personal right and has no place in t oday s cent ury and at last we expect t he sam e t hing from I srael.

Channel 2 News : h ttp :/ / w w w .m ako .co .il

by : saeed v aladbay gi at 3 :3 7 PM

9 co m m e n t s

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