Revolution Study Guide With Answers

  • November 2019
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Revolution Study Guide Scientific Revolution: (Pages 91-98 in Workbook, The Scientific Revolution Note-taking Guide Worksheet, Scientist Flipbook, or pages 670-679 in Textbook)

1. What did Ptolemy’s theory state? Geocentric universe 2. Who came up with the idea of a heliocentric universe? What does this mean? Copernicus…..sun centered

3. Was Ptolemy a scientific revolution astronomer? Why or why not? No….lived in Egypt 1000 years before Scientfic Revolution

4. What are the 4 steps to the scientific method? Observe, Hypothesize, Test, Modify

5. What famous mathematician was known for his universal laws of motion and gravity? Isaac Newton

6. What scientist said “I think, therefore I am” and was known as the father of rationalism? Descartes

7. What scientist was charged with heresy, or anti-Church teachings, because of his evidence and support of a heliocentric universe? Galileo French Revolution: (Pages 99-106 in Workbook, Active Reading Section 191 Worksheet, Guided Viewing Sheets from French Revolution video, or pages 714-723) 8. List the three French estates and who made up each estate. 1st (church and clergy), 2nd (Nobles), 3rd common people and peasants.

9. What was the Reign of Terror? Ran by Robespierre where thousands of men, women, and children lost their lives.

10. What was the main cause of the French Revolution? Unequal tax burdens 11. What happened to the class system after the French Revolution? It was eliminated 12. What changes did Napoleon Bonaparte bring to France? Created a new legal system, ended the class system (three estates), required all citizens to pay taxes… Latin American Revolution: (Pages 107-112 in Workbook, Chapter 19-4 Active Reading Guide “Nationalism in Latin America”, Textbook pages 749-751) 13. Define (Using pages 107-110 in your workbook) a. Peninsulares top gov’t officials, born in Spain and Portugal b. Creoles Spanish and Portuguese descendents, born in colonies c. Mestizos laborers and servants who were mixed of Spanish and Native Americans

d. Mulattos mixed African and European descendents, or enslaved e.

Africans Caudillos dictators who ruled by military force

14. What revolutions inspired Latin Americans to form their own movements for freedom? American and French Revolution

15. Where did the first Latin American Revolution take place? Haiti What made this country so ready to rebel? French Revolution From what country did they rebel? France Who led this rebellion? Toussaint-Louverture

16. Who were Miguel Hidalgo and Jose Maria Morelos? Why were they important? Leaders of the Mexican Revolution….executed for the cause. 17. List the countries liberated (freed) by: a. Simon Bolivar Venezuela, Ecuador, Colombia, Panama, Bolivia, Peru

b. Jose San Martin Argentina, Peru 18. What was the Monroe Doctrine? Stated that European countries should stay out of the affairs of Latin American countries (as well as North America) Industrial Revolution (Workbook pages 113-120, Active Reading Worksheet Section 19-2, Industrial Revolution Video Guided Viewing, Textbook Pages 724-730) 19. What were the 3 main reasons the Industrial Revolution began in England? Enclosure movement, more people could work, natural resources

20. What was the enclosure movement? Change in way wealthy nobles land worked their land. Fenced in land and use it to farm or raise sheep. Pushed out many peasants and forced them to go live in the city.

21. What were the large natural resources in England? Coal and iron, rivers 22. What is money invested in a business called? (Top of 114 in your workbook…it it is NOT bolded!) Capital 23. What are : a. Partnerships Two or more entrepreneurs who invest money for profits b. Corporations organization formed by stockholders who buy shares in a

company. united workers who want to improve wages, benefits, and working conditions.

c. Unions

24. What is industrial capitalism?

goods produced more readily, allowing for a larger middle class and the ability to have free enterprise?

25. How did new inventions help to change the cottage industry? Cottage industry was eliminated

26. What is socialism? How does this differ from capitalism?

believed that the means of production should be owned by society as a whole?

27. What was the leading industrial metal during the industrial revolution? Steel What inventions resulted from the use of electricity? Light Thomas Edison, Michael Faraday, Rudolf Diesel, Gottlieb Daimler, Orville and Wilbur Wright, James Hargreaves, Richard Arkwright, Edmund Cartwright, James Watt, Henry Cort, Henry Bessemer, Robert Fulton. 28. bulb, generator, engines 29.Choose 3 of the following inventors. Write a 5 sentence paragraph on EACH inventor explaining what they invented and why what they invented was important. You may use your own opinion here, but you must state facts.

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