Rome Study Guide With Answers

  • May 2020
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Rome Study Guide 1. 2. 3. 4.

What is Rome? City What country is Rome in? Italy What continent is Rome in? Europe How does Rome compare to other civilizations we have studied this year? It contains a major river 5. How does Rome compare to Greece? Depends on the sea 6. What are two MAIN differences Rome has with all the other civilizations we studied this year? It is not a country and it has both a river and sea 7. Can you identify one Sea located by Rome? Mediterranean Sea, Tyrrhenian Sea 8. Can you identify one major River of Rome? Tiber River 9. What does the country of Italy “look like”? Boot 10. Why is Rome considered to be in the “perfect location”? (Provide three reasons) Along a river, near a sea, hills to protect from attack 11. Can you explain the story of Romulus and Remus? Should have this in your notes 12. Who were the Etruscans? Group of people who occupied Rome for a short period of time and influenced their language and government 13. Identify and explain the two types of people in the Roman Republic.(both start with “p”) Patricians are rich and plebeians are the common people 14. What are the leaders of the Roman Republic called? Representatives 15. Who controlled the Republic? Patricians 16. What did the tribune do? Protect rights of plebeians 17. How did the tribune stop the actions of the Senate? Yelled “VETO” 18. List one significant thing about each of the following five emperors a. Caesar Augustus – stabilized economy, creates fire and police depart b. Caligula – mentally unstable, horse on Senate, killed by bodyguard c. Claudius – improved conditions, laws, and granted citizenship d. Nero – poisoned step-brother, kills wife and mother, civil war after death e. Marcus Aurilius – lowered taxes, helped the poor, founded hospitals and orphanages 19. What can we learn from the Punic Wars? Rome is close to being unstoppable and have more of everything than everyone else 20. What did you learn about Carthage that the textbook did not provide? Hannibal was a fearless leader that changed the playing field of military tactics 21. What would people do for fun in Ancient Rome? Watch plays, celebrate, sports 22. What is the most famous athletic arena in Rome? Coliseum 23. Who were professional fighters? Gladiators

24. How did somebody become a gladiator? Slave, criminal, poor 25. What types of Gladiator games were there? (3 types) man vs. man, man vs. animal, animal vs. animal 26. Why was the Pantheon built? Honor the gods(Hadrian built it!!!) 27. What was the focal point of Ancient Rome?(people went to wash themselves) Public Bath 28. What was the city covered with ash AND the name of the volcano? Pompeii and Mt. Vesuvius 29. Who was Julius Caesar? Leader of Rome, declared dictator, helped the poor 30. How and why did he die? Assassinated by Senate for fear of not returning Rome to Republic

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