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  • Words: 6,240
  • Pages: 45

Copyright © 2018 by GROUP2HUMSSMOSELEY

All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.


NOWHERE page……………………………………………8 YOU LOVE ME NOT page……………………………....9 ISOLATED INNERMOST page…………………….…11 BEHIND MY LIE page……………………………..……14 DOSE OF HAPPINESS page……………………..….…15 PHONE CALL page………………………………..…….16 KEEPING IT ALL INSIDE page………………….….18 BABY page ………………………………………………..19 TOO LATE page ……………………………………..….20 OUT OF FOCUS page ……………………………….…21 SHALLOW page ………………………………….…. …22 DRIZZLING SORROW page………………………… ..24 BEAUTIFUL BEYOND DESCRIPTION page………25 PLAY SAFE page………………………………………… .26 ADOPTED SELF page………………………………….. .28 ANXIETY page…………………………………………….30. POSITIVE page……………………………………………31. LOSS ARTEMIS page……………………………………32 BATTLEFIELD OF DEPRESSION page………….. 33 STAMP page………………………………………………..35 SENDING BLANK LETTER page…………………… 36 EMPTY NOTES page…………………………………….37 NEW IBARRA page……………………………………….38


FAITHFULLY page……………………………………..39 POKE page………………………………………………...40 HEALING NEEDS FORGIVENESS page………….41

ANOTHER YOU page………………………………….42 BULGE page………………………………………………43 WINK page……………………………………..………...44

FLIRTING GAME page………………………...……… 49 WHEN YOU SAID HOLD ON page………………… .52 DEATH page……………………………………………….58 PERIOD page……………………………………………...60 DREAM OF MY IDENTITY page…………………... 63 CHECKMATE page…………………………………….. 65

DOORBELL page……………………………………….. 67 FOOLISH HEART page……………………………….. 70 MOMENT OF TRUTH page…………………………...75 DANCING IN THE RAIN page………………… ..…..77 ABILITY UNLEASHED page………………… ………80


Dear reader, You are holding a book that contains all of our hard work and passion. May

you enjoy reading this as much as we enjoyed writing this one.




NOWHERE You were mine, I was yours We were once happy, We were once sad All I could say was,

The right love arrived, But the wrong time thrived I know you’re out there somewhere And you feel better with her And us ends nowhere


You love me not I am walking in the road of December While holding my little flower Thinking that you could be my lover

You love me, You love me not

Each petal I take off the flower It’s you, the one I wonder

You love me, You love not Wondering what outcome I will regret It’s the first one, I did not get.



Urie envies people who are powerful and wields magic. He will do everything to unleash an ability that comes with great responsibility. Using his willpower and desire, he knows that he can do the right thing to grasp an ability. He fights so hard but it is impossible for him due to his state of mind. His friend, Rami, tried to help him. He said that he will help Urie unleash his ability that he didn’t know he had. They went to a magical place where talents shine and abilities can bloom. They explored the place but Urie doesn’t seem he likes it. They went to the top of the place. And there, Rami made Urie realized that he has unhidden abilities. He has knowledge, wisdom, and strong will. He is creative in many different ways that he can do things magically. He loves people and he is

willing to anything for them. He shed a tear and realized all those things. He is also powerful but different way. He sees the beauty in everything . He thanked Rami for everything he did. He realized that all this time he has a lot of great things. And there it was, the things he unleased-his abilities.



Isolated Innermost Everyday, It seems like I'm okay Every night, I can't sleep Everyday, It seems like I'm happy Every night, my anxiety attacking me Everyday, I smile Every night, I cry Everyday, I look I'm not in pain Every night, tears flowed simultaneously from eyes

I feel like I'm walking alone Feeling like I'm walking my last step Feeling like I'm walking without my shadow I feel walking until the end without knowing "where is the end?"

I'm tired of walking like this Walking with no direction Walking without thinking "where to go?"

Walking without knowing where did I start? Where should I stop?



I tried to find the beauty of my step Follow the beauty of myself But I can't totally find my happiness

He stood up and went outside. He closed his eyes as he imag-

My isolated innermost poked me every second.

ined her in front of him, smiling, like nothing really happened. "Can I have this dance?" He asked. And the cold wind blew. And that was his cue to sway his body with the beat he made up on his mind. Completely ignoring the stares of other people because right now, the only thing that matters is him, Lyka, and the rain. He knew she's still

Do I born to find my direction? To find my destination? To find my way? Is this my fate?

here. He can feel her presence, despite the rain. And he couldn't help but cry. Because the pain was too much. Living without her is too much. And remembering how she fought cancer despite everything was too much. For she fought so hard, and yet, she still left. Everything was just too much. He closed his eyes again as he imagine her with him. Her hands wrapped

Where I am? Who I am? Where is the way? I want to be there kindly please show the way I believe that's the only way

around his neck. His hands around her waist. Their foreheads against each other. Their lips almost touching. Their bodies swaying to the beat of the music. And their hearts beating in synch.



He closed his eyes as he imagine her. When they were still young, Lyka envisioned herself dying. And he remember being mad at her for thinking such things. He remember being adamant about her telling those things. But she was hard headed. "You know people think rain symbolizes sadness" she said "But I think it can be a symbol for a special one whom you want to be with again" Luke furrowed his brows, completely lost. She went on. "You know, the raindrops that falls symbolizes the amount of love that a person has for you. It's like it's saying that even though that person isn't here anymore,

through the rain, you could still feel that person's presence" She smiled "If I die first, I want you to always dance in the rain. For I am dancing with you" she said. Luke opened his eyes and glanced at the window of his unit and smiled as he saw how heavy the rain is



Behind my lie I act like I don't care, So stupid to let their dreams be wasted for she wasn't ready

That I'm okay,

yet to be with him fully. That's why she can't blame him for

Also choose to be unfair,

finding someone else. Someone who can be with him without

And had forced you to go away.

restrictions. Without a doubt. Without....fear. She breathed heavily as the two said their I dos. And she knew that this was it. This was the last she shall ever think of their past.

But the truth is,

For he found a better one, and it's time for her to look for her

I really care,


I am not okay, And I want you to stay.

Everyday I need to look alright, To show that you're not wasted, But with those gorgeous smile, There's a million of tears behind.



Dose of happiness Every single day, Hoping you are still willing to stay Although time goes fast, How I wish to be like this until at last

She nervously tapped her fingers on the table as her hair stylist for today braided her hair. She smiled at the stylist when their eyes met before spacing out again. Breathe in, breathe out. Relax. She felt a pang on her chest when she stood up

Lot of troubles compared for the glee, And now your free

and stared at her beautiful dress. The intricate design of her dress made it even more beautiful. One of the organizers called her and said that it was time to take a picture with the bride.

I can't call you my own,

She faked a smile whenever the photographer would ask her

And one thing to do is to move on

feel different because after all, her friend will be marrying her

to. She is happy for her friend. But she still couldn't help but ex-boyfriend. She gulped as the wedding song plays. Her hand

Memories are part of humans life,

ex-boyfriend's eyes. He smiled at her. She tried to smile back

Heavens' gift with all it's might

before looking away, afraid that he might see the glistening of

Even it's full of sorrow or pleasure,

getting married. She's crying because she was so stupid. So

Yet still kept this as your treasure 15

was on her partner's arms as they grace the altar. She met her

her eyes. And no. She isn't crying because her friend is now stupid to let go of the only man who accepted and loved her the way she wanted to be loved.


Phone Call We say our goodbyes at 12 am

And it seemed that we cant let go Our past haunts us There is no turning back

I miss you by my side You left me with nothing

Please give me a sign I need to hear your voice

I’m waiting for your phone call Days and weeks passed by I thought there is something between us





Keeping it all inside But another paper broke Leah's heart more. Wedding invitation. Leah looked up to him and saw pity in his eyes, the same

look she has for Simon before. He was getting married. Leah smiled as she watch him dancing with the most beautiful girl tonight. She had signed the divorce papers without any hesita-

Nobody asks her why But she always says she’s fine Nobody asks her how But she always says she alright

tions inside her heart. Because she knows that its for the best. Leah realized that she had missed the way Clark smiles. And now, he wasn't smiling because of her, he was smiling for another girl. And that's okay with her. Leah recalled the day when Clark said something "Let me share your pain" Clark didn't failed. They shared pain. Weakness. Brokenness. They

Nobody tells her she’s loved So she always loves Nobody tells her worth So she always gives worth

shared everything Leah could ever ask for. And now, it's time for him to share all of that to another girl who truly deserves him. Leah stood up quietly from her seat, grabbing her purse

Nobody gives her everything she gives

before leaving the party. She stopped on her tracks when she

And nobody knows what she really feels

saw how beautiful the moon is. Then she smiled as she slowly

One thing she only remembers

remove her rings from her ring finger. "No more dreams about him, my foolish heart" she whispered.


Keeping it all inside makes her alive


We used to be like this We used to be like that We used to be like those

And we used to be like these

She was seeing Clark but he was different. He talks different, his clothes looks different, and his eyes....they screamed happiness. After that coffee talk, Clark and Leah became friends again. There was no awkwardness on Clark,

For the past 3 years that you've been with me I don't felt anything but your love for me I thought you were the only one for me

because she can see that he was okay now. Leah didn't dare to talk about their past. And Clark never mentioned it either. She was scared that they might open unhealed wounds again

Baby how could you be so mean?

I love the way you call me baby But then I figured out that I'm not your only baby I don't know how cause you always call me daily You've cheated on me like it was easy

But until one night, Clark had invited her over dinner. She didn't know why they ended up bringing up the past. On why Leah left, why Clark made her choose, why they ended up separating. They stopped the moment Leah said I love you. Clark looked away. And Leah knew that she won't be getting any I love you from him. She understood why Clark invited her for dinner. For closure. Clark pulled out a enve-

Baby do you remember me? The one that you called baby


lope and gave it to her. Leah opened it and it almost made her cry again. Divorce papers. Their divorce papers.


Too Late They were once in love with each other. Once She was once

Everything is gone and lost,

the center of his universe. She was once the one to hear him

But I’m still holding onto you,

sing at night. She was once the one who heard his promises. She was once married to him. Leah stared at Clark as he danced with the most beautiful girl tonight. Five years had

Loving and protecting you the most, Seeing you in a different kind of view .

past, and everything seems to be in fast pace. One moment, she was mourning for her heart, the next thing, she's here in

Clark's engagement party. Yeah. Engagement party. Three years ago, Clark and Leah met again in the streets of San Francisco. Like the first time they met, they bumped into each other in front of Omni Hotel. Leah didn't know what to do. She's not sure what to say. So Clark did the talking. He asked

Is it too late to get you back? Isn’t now a good timing? I hope we’re on a right track . Let’s see the silver lining.

her to have a coffee and even though she just finished a cup of coffee, she agreed. Clark ordered for her, and he still knew what she wants. She smiled as he talk to her like nothing

If time is running out, We should start working now

happened between them. Like they didn't end up breaking and wrecking each other. She stared at him and saw the differences.



In this world full of wrong You are the only thing that's right In this world full of lies You are the truth that's hard to find

Out of focus, out of way I'll reach you in any way I can't think because of you I believe life is empty without you

Loving you may not be always perfect But my genuine heart know no bound Reaching out to you will be my best choice Being with you will always be my resort

Always spending my time talking with you every night I think this is not right I'm out of focus on the things that actually matter in life Yeah I'm right, this is not right. 21


SHALLOW We continued to watch news, someone pushed the doorbell again. And it’s getting more and more intense because

opportunities come and go

but the stakes are low

they’re continuously pushing the doorbell. After a minute, it

the oceans are deep

stopped. But it knocked so loud like it was so mad. Then it

your path is steep

stopped for a minute. It knocked again. Me and my sister looked at each other. Frightened. I looked at the peephole in our door. And it was him. The strange man on the news. We

you kept on drowning

turned off the television, closed all the doors, windows and

look at your surrounding

turned off all the lights. Cover ourselves in the blanket. And

there is no one for you

it was the most strangest halloween experience that I had.

there is nothing new

it gets harder every day you must find a way you are far from above challenges give you hefty shove



It was November 30th. Something happened that Friday night that feels so real yet so impossible to happen. One night, me and my younger sister were home alone. Our parents will be

home tomorrow morning because of work. So I prepared dinner for us two. After we finished everything we watched late night news. On one news saying that there’s a strange man who are knocking and doorbelling on some houses, the owner of the houses thought that it’s kid for trick or treat, so once they open the door the strange man kill them with a knife. Me and my sister laughed at the news thinking it was a prank or fake news. Then suddenly the doorbell chimed. We stopped for a second, ignored it because we think it was just some kid/s that are asking for candies for trick or treat, and thinking that it’s just some prank of kids.



Drizzling Sorrow The rain pours as I walk by In the street of midnight sky, And nobody hears my sorrowful cry

I tried to be better, I tried to be best I tried to speak everything off my chest

But your words hurt me so real I couldn’t express how I really feel

Lonely, oh so lonely I am tonight Looking above the drizzled starlight And see how beautifully it shines



Beautiful beyond description

The pearl once decided to look up To search for a possible ray of hope As it looks above, appeared the sign cup A cup of power that defeats the mope

Sense of lightheartedness and merriment Purely filled the fascinating pearl's heart

As it realizes joy in present That the world's not filled with pain grief and dark

Brother, you can’t move anymore. You're trapped in here. No one can help you anymore. Scream as loud as you can, no one can hear you. You are alone. Everything

The fine pearl then choose to increase delight That broke the tight cage of desolation Settling to free itself from the worst plight The pearl once dirty moved to elation

about you is useless. You can't escape your faith. Run away as long as you want but just to know that you're wasting your time. You can't move. You cant feel anything anymore. We're fair now. I lost before. But I chose to stand again. You lose. You lost everything. Checkmate, my brother.



Play safe Do you love me wise, or you’re just playing safe? I see it in your eyes I can't help myself but to stand there and look at you. You

You try to hide, my heart is chafed

started to walk away from me while wiping your tears. You stopped and looked at me. Even though I hurt you, you still gave me a lovely smile that make my heart ache. You

I don’t want to be an obligation

continue to walk away from me and then I saw you gradu-

Cause love is more than just a notion

ally vanishes. This is a battle of our relationship and fami-

To love is to step, step on a risk

ly. I'm sorry if I was a defenseless soldier who can't defend

No playing safe on the list

my world. I'm guilty for that but I want you to understand

that our sexuality is the same and not be able to accept our relationship by our family. This is my last text to her. Then I woke up, it's just a strange dream. Thank God!

I see that you want your comfort zone But that’s never love, “ugh!” I groan Don’t make me think I’ve got no tones My heart is never the coldest stone



So I’m turning down your love And don’t think I’ll sob And before I leave I want you to remember Playing safe always ends in disaster. Your beautiful hair that you are flipping when irritated,

How could I give you trust When after all these years your love turned rust?

your shinning eyes, your wonderful smile, your presence, your glance. your walk that I still reminding in my head. Baby until now I'm still searching for you. It's still fresh in

In love no one wants a mediocre

my mind when you start crying and I just look at you pok-

I love you so much, even my life is over

er face. It kills me inside to see you crying but I need to finish the fantasy as it's right because it will not be right. You hold my hands while crying and sobbing. I don't know what to do but I prefer to stand there and let you cry. Comforting you that time is not an option. When I did it, I may not be able to end this. Until I said to you goodbye this is not right. You hold me tight and said "no please" Minutes past by, you realized this is for the both of us. You tried to kiss me but I refused. I know it hurts a lot but I have to do. You said your last message "I love you keep

the memories we had." I insist to convey you but you re-




Adopted Self I look myself in the mirror Something is missing from what I am before I float in self-pity Self-criticism always there to control me

I adopted myself from pain But why the reality keeps me insane Should I stop from seeking the happiness And be blind in the darkness? Embracing myself is what I need To found the uncertain seed Seed in my blood that will give the confidence to be me To be who I want to be





Anxiety I’m so tired of being here I am being choked by all my fears

I always drown myself in worry It started with hello and ended in goodbye. It’s just one sunny day and just like any other day, I started it with a

Like everything in me will burry

smile. However, unlike usual days, this will be the start of a new friendship with a guy who I met online. Around 5pm, we agreed to meet in a place where I believe in myself, will give great impact in our lives. Everything expected did not happen. Ideal became just a thought of mind. I arrived late at the meeting place where I saw the guy in a blue cap. Mr. tall, dark and handsome, I must say. That time I know he will play a big part in my life.

The pain that I’m feeling is real The wounds inside me won’t heal In my mind, I want to cry, But no tears even fall and try

And he did. From that day, we started hanging out. We started doing things which brings happiness to us everyday until I got tired of being with him with no label. I asked and I heard the saddest words I heard. Every comma turns into period, a period of goodbye. We parted and never talk again.

I can’t take this any longer

I don’t know what to do, to become stronger Please help me find a reason to live more, It hurts so much; my heart is tore




He was someone important to me because he’s my childhood best friend.

A person’s smile is heart warming It’s exciting, filled with warmth

We knew everything about each other since then. Years passed by and I’ve

Even from a far

already gotten used to the idea of

You can still smile in the middle of a war

him not being here by my side. Maybe there will be days when I will think

He left his home when he was a teen


A tall, young man, barely pass his teens


He was brave yet stupid At the end of the day, he still stayed positive

He cried and shouted in the face of danger Yet when he was with his friends, he only felt safer




Every my


once heart

because in





while. time


It see

things that reminds me of him. Then he’ll







memory, a thing to say. “I knew a

In times of hardships and trials

boy that

died.” With

the bonus of

You can only stay positive for yourself, your family and

“And he died because of me. Every-


thing is my fault.”

Because we will never know when our lives will end 31


DEATH Life is so much easier when you are pain,






loneliness, that








alive. I think about death a lot. Well,




Loss Artemis


To my loyal companion Which embraced my imperfections To the one that never leaves You're one of my for keeps But why suddenly you left me

death. I believe that there’s al-

Never thought that this would be a reality

ways a beginning and an end to

Losing you is losing myself too







Where should i find you?

death, but I don’t like the pro-

I just want you to know that

cess of dying. That feeling sucks

If the stars shine so bright

when you feel empty and it feels

You're still my light I need your presence






To gain again the confidence.

times you can’t escape the pain you’re feeling, and you just want to end it all. I knew a boy who died 5 years ago. 58


BATTLEFIELD OF DEPRESSION I wish to be a mermaid, but I didn't know how to swim I wish to be a fairy but I was scared of heights I wish to be an angel but I was scared to die I even wished to be a bagel but it didn't seemed right I wish to be a book, but my words were sharp I wish to be in instrument hoping as beautiful as an harp I wish to be successful but my hands were full Bloods blades and slashes are the only ones visible I have been told to stop, that what I'm doing is stupid Then I looked at the mirror and noticed something ruined I tried caressing it and ended up bleeding For the mirror was broken, and so was the person looking May I find peace, was my mind kept saying As I see the children having fun and playing Then an image of a kid flashed through my mind A kid, looking so helpless because of being left behind 33


They say problems fade, but scars remain And all of those will end up as a stain But as I try to forget the pain The more I see myself tied in chains As I stand and wave the white flag I was holding I realized something; Depression is a never ending battle And it's your choice to live and win As I stand and wave the white flag I was holding I realized something; That cease fire does not mean giving up And there's nothing wrong with taking a break For in every battle a soldier must rest So that after regaining the strength, a stronger one could remain.





But now, he's all alone here.

You made a mark,

He stood up and put his hands inside his pockets. Here in my heart, A heart you left in the dark, Still don't know how to start.

You know what hurts most? Everywhere I go, still remember you,

*And I'm giving it my all But I'm not the guy you're taking home I keep dancing on my own* Slowly, he swayed to the beat of the song, remembering the times where he can still hold her hand and sway her to the beat of the music. The times where their hearts were still connected. The times were he was still the one in her heart.

I keep dancing on my own.

Everyone says you're not a lost, But memories bothering me everywhere I go.

A mark you made, Is like a stamp, It is slowly fades,



Sending blank letter *I'm in the corner Watching you kiss him And I'm right over here Why can't you see me?* He can still remember how happy she was after announcing their friends that she's already in a relationship after James. He saw her glow, the radiant that she lost when she loved him. The sparks in her eyes, and how genuine her smile was.

Blank letter

Clear paper No words Just a paper

I can't wrote She was happy. He walked out from the restaurant without telling their friends. He doesn't want to ruin her night. And now, he's back to the same restaurant. Where she brought the man who's making her happy. But it was also the same restaurant where they met, where they became official, and where they broke up. It was so special for them because it was facing the beach, and they both loved going to the beaches. This was her favorite restaurant, their favorite spot. They were always here, sharing memories, secrets, and love. Sharing music while dancing slowly, with their hands and hearts tied around each other.


I can't say my thoughts Just staring at the blank paper And feel the season of winter White and clear paper, Like your purest and pristine character Blank letter I will send to you later


Everything was going well, then one night, they just broke up. Everything was going out of hand. And the break up was the only solution. So he let her be. He let her have the freedom she deserves. He let her go because he wants her to be happy. Even if they once said that they'll hold on. Even if they once shared everything. Even if their dreams includes their future together.

Even if her happiness doesn't include him. His phone beeped. His best friend texted him saying that the wedding ceremony was already done. He slowly let go of his phone. He looked up, preventing his tears from falling. His phone beeped again, but he didn't dare to pick it up. "It's done. She's happy now" he said. *And yeah I know it's stupid But I just gotta see it for myself*

He glanced at the pianist and smiled at him and motioned him to continue playing. He loved that song. And he loves singing that, even through his mind.

He sighed and stared outside. He saw how beautiful the



Must have braces,

He closed his eyes as he swayed his head to the beat of the song. The way the pianist gracefully played the keys makes his heart calm. The midnight air was soothing and he can't help but to smile. He gently tapped his fingers on the table and hummed along the song. *Somebody said you got a new friend But does he love you better than I can? And there's a big black sky over my town I know where you're at I bet he's around*

Slowly, he opened his eyes and felt his heart ache when he saw an empty chair in front of him. Six years. Six years had passed since they broke up. Yet, his wounds are still open. While her stitches are healed, his stitches are still bleeding, while her heart are already happy with someone, his heart is still broken from their past.

To have stunning faces, Need more than two piercing, To be treated like a king.

That's what millennials, right? Trends are nonstop, morning or night, Video chat and online dating, That's how they do for courting.

It's a new generation,

Six years and he wishes nothing but to finally heal. Yet he still can't move on from the past.

We're on modernization,

From their past.

Time for new Ibarra, Which fits for new Maria Clara.



Faithf ully I’ m yours faithfully Whether lustfully or lovingly

Whether randomly or willingly Whether you like it or not Let me be lost in your length So you can be lost in my breath Let my bubbles take your troubles

Basti caressed her hand carefully, as if he was afraid she could break by his touch. His touch sent shiver down her spine and it made her realize one thing; she'll never ever get tired of loving Basti. That's for sure. The night ended with them trying really hard to still go on with their flirting game. It was one of those nights wherein they don't need any extravagant facades just to be happy. All they need is each other, and all is well.

Let your desire transplant into me like fire I’m yours faithfully So let that milky gush Rush, rush and make spiky rockets of jabs And get wild and ready to stab.



Poke Poke at my iris, Basti stared at her eyes and his smile grew wider. He then held her cheeks and caressed it slowly.

And I’ll go blind

"You have such beautiful eyes" Iris laughed that made the sides of her eyes wrinkled. Basti just kept on staring at her, as if she was the most beautiful art in the whole world.

Everything in the world

"You're not bad yourself" she giggled. Basti laughed and leaned his forehead against her. He puckered his lips and was about to kiss her when she put a finger on his lips.


But then I will never be able to see,

Poke at the corners of my mind, There’s sadness and joy But be careful of the darkness,

"We just met, Basti" she said. Basti shook his head. She really is adorable. "Sorry. I tried"

The secrets, and lies

They kept on talking that night, completely getting in character. But it seems like it was Basti who lost in their game. He just can't help but get affectionate with her. Especially that it still haven't sank in to him that the girl of his dreams is now his wife. The girl who used to hate him is now sharing a life with him. He held her hand and kissed it, which made her stopped talking. Iris stared at her husband and her heart swelled with so much love seeing how genuine and happy her husband is. Because for her, as long as he's happy, she's happy too.

Poke at my heart, And you’ll find the hurt But with patience and kindness, You might also find love


Heeling needs forgetting Everything's normal, everyone's normal, and also you I chose to love you, you chose it too I hurt you, but you forgive me. I hurt you many times, but still you forgive me.

You're forgetting everything I've done, when all I do is hurt you You're the strongest person I've ever met. You said that you're forgetting everything because you want me to learn what I’m saying You're forgetting everything I’m doing for you to heal.

"Let's act as if we don't know each other" Iris raised a brow and laughed at her husband's silliness. It had been a year since they got married and yet, Basti's affection still hasn't changed. "It's like this, we're in a bar and I'm going to hit on you" He laughed at his own suggestion "So now go to the restroom, I'll wait for you there" She rolled her eyes playfully "Do I really need to do this?" she said as she stood up. Basti only laughed.

Iris went to the restroom and fixed herself. She put on her signature lipstick that her husband loves and removed her ponytail, letting her long ash blonde hair. She looked at herself in the mirror one last time before going out. And there he was. Holding a bottle of beer. Their eyes met and she looked away, as if she just made an eye contact with just a mere stranger. Iris sat back to their chair and pulled out her phone from her purse. Minutes later, a stranger sat in front of her, smiling mischievously. "Hey" he smiled "I'm Basti" he said and held out his hand. She politely smiled back and shook his hand. "Iris" she said. "You come here often?" he asked. Iris nodded "Yes I do"



everything seems so unreal, like I’m in a deep sleep everything's unusual, like i’m just a stranger to everyone and everything. i’ll never be genuinely fine when i don’t have my love, no one can be like you. there's no can love me like you do


BULGE there is only sudden horror the wrench of being torn nothing is absolutely permanent not the things that revolve around us eyes bulge and heart wide open together, we stand tall if divided, we will fall bleeding in unison of empathy pain and suffering are lessons lost and silent in the trees happiness comes only in daylight everything hits you at night



WINK Faster than a blink, I'd loved you easily Not just faster like a wink, It fulfills my heart completely

Half of a second, Change my entire life A short period of time, But means a lot

With just a wink, Everything has change Faster than blink, Everything has gone



“because some stories are worth to be remembered.”



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