Revised Contingency Planning Workshop Templates V.3.xlsx

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  • June 2020
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Download & View Revised Contingency Planning Workshop Templates V.3.xlsx as PDF for free.

More details

  • Words: 981
  • Pages: 16
General Instructions

- Complete the pre-work sheets before the workshop. - The content of Workshops 1 to 3 will be filled out during the workshops in the ConPlan - The attachment sheets contain information that schools should already have. It's attached as a reference.

Worksheets Historical Data

Instructions Historical Data - This should be completed as pre-work before the Contingency Planning - Historical Data is taken from RADaR Reports and Past Recorded incidents from Division/LGU Records

Baseline Data

Baseline Data - This should be completed as pre-work before the Contingency Planning - Baseline Data of Schools can be found in EBEIS - Use Hazard Maps taken from other Government Agencies as reference for the "Hazards Present" Column

Workshop 1

Capacities and Vulnerabilities - Existing Capacities and Vulnerabilities in your school - Brainstorm and create a timeline of measures to address the gaps in C & V

Workshop 2

Resource Mapping - Resources are categorized into Human Resources and Equipment - Add rows as necessary

Workshop 3

Action Response - Action Responses are categorized into Rapid Onset and Slow Onset - Indicate only actions that the school will do when the hazard occurs - Add rows as necessary

Attachment 1

School DRRM Teams - Sample format - Existing SDRRMT information, roles and responsibilities may be used

Attachment 2

Partners - Sample format - Existing Partner information and roles may be used

Historical Data

School: _____________________________ Damages Partially Damaged Classrooms Schools affected Name of the DISASTER

Affected Population


School ID

School Name

No. of Learners

No. of Personnel

Totally Damaged Classrooms

No. of Classrooms

Remarks: Data is based on historical RADaR reports

Page 1

Cost of Damages

Classrooms with Major Damages No. of Classrooms

Cost of Damages

Classrooms with Minor Damages No. of Classrooms

Cost of Damages

Total Cost

Other effects/damages

Baseline Data 2017-2018


Number of Classrooms (SY 2017-2018)

School Hazards Exposed To School ID


Number of Learners (SY 2017 – 2018)


Number of Personnel (SY 2017 – 2018)


Remarks (e.g. need riprap, damaged drainage, No. of PWD fencing)

Teaching Personnel

Number of School Buildings (SY 2017-2018) Instructional rooms (Acad/Non-acad)

Non-instructional rooms




Remarks: Data is based on EBEIS (SY 2017-2018)

Page 2

No. of PWD No. of learners Units

Arm Chair



Teacher’ Teacher’ s Table s Chair




Non-Teaching Personnel No. of PWD Teaching Personnel




NonTeaching Personnel

WS 1 - C & V

School: _____________________________

Key Areas for Preparedness Details Risk 1. Understanding of Hazards Understanding 2. Conduct of Risk Assessment


Contingency Plan 1. Contingency Plan and Dissemination 2. IEC Communication



1. Understanding of advisory including warning signals 2. Understanding and implementation of DO 21 s.2015 3. Equipment 1. Division Office 2. P/M/CDRRMC 3. LGUs 4. Partners 5. DepEd CO 1. Monitoring of preparedness/contingency plan of school

Page 3


Monitoring WS 1 - C & V

2. Monitoring of hazard situation, including communicating with school officials, district/division office and LGU 3. Monitoring RADaR completion, validation and submission to Central Office 4. Monitoring of implementation of support for learning continuity Convergence

Support for Learning Continuity


5. Transportation 1. Interface among offices within the school 2. Existence of SDRRM Team 3. Command System 4. Twinning with other schools 1. Implement and monitor Temporary Learning Spaces (TLS) 2. Buffer stocks for learning materials 3. Alternative Delivery Modes 4. Psychosocial Support 5. Emergency School Feeding 6. Learner's Kits 7. Teacher's Kits 8. Hygiengs kits 1. Regular conduct of drills Page 4

WS 1 - C & V


2. Existence of protocols – command system, evacuation route, safe place, family reunification 3. Coordination with and participation of parents, relevant agencies and partners during drills Fund Sources

Page 5

WS 1 - C & V

Measures to strengthen capacities or address gaps/vulnerabilities


Page 6

WS 1 - C & V

Page 7

WS 1 - C & V

Page 8

Workshop 3_1

Workshop 3 Prepositioned Learner Materials Grade/Year Level



Prepositioned Equipment (include transportation; TLS if you have) Equipment



Page 9

WS 2- Resource M&P Workshop 2 - Resource Mapping & Planning School: _____________________________ Hazard: _____________________________ Human Resources

Human Resources


(certifications, skills, etc.)

No. of staff/persons available

Projected Needs

(e.g. training needs) Write N/A if not needed No. of staff needing training

Cost for Training

Possible sources of funding (MOOE, SEF, Local DRRM Fund, Partners, etc)



(e.g. GCs, Teachers, Staff, etc.)

External Resources

(e.g. Partners, PNP, BFA etc.)

Equipment Equipment/Supplies


(e.g. fire extinguishers, body (e.g.fully functional, nearing expiry, board, siren, comms radio) etc.)

Units available

Projected Needs Units Needed

Unit Cost

Page 10

Possible sources of funding (MOOE, SEF, Local DRRM Fund, Partners, etc)


WS 3 - Action Response

Workshop 3 - Action Response Guide 1. Analyze/prioritize top hazards based on your historical and baseline data. 2. Cluster hazards that connect with each other. (e.g. typhoon + flooding + landslides; earthquakes + fires + tsunami) 3. Do this worksheet for each of the clustered hazards, prioritizing the one the school is at most risk of.

Notes on identifying hazard-specific timing

Before -Tropical Storms before entering PAR -When HRW, GFA and/or Yellow Alerts are issued

School: _____________________________ Hazard: _____________________________ Timeline Before During After 0-24 hours 24-48 hours 72 hours 96 hours

Response Actions

Page 11

During -Entrance of Tropical Storms in PAR - When Orange and/or Red Alerts are issued

After -After TS exits PAR - 24 hours after onset of floods

** Ma'am parang nagaalangan ako sa "After TS exits PAR" kasi pwede namang wala na sa area na nasalanta pero nasa PAR pa rin.

Attachment 1 - School DRRM Team

Workshop 4 – School DRRM Team School: _____________________________ Committee/Cluster


Overall Responsibilities

Composition Lead

Page 12


Attachment 2 - Partners



Page 13



Attachment 2 - Partners


Page 14

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