Reviewer Ghsb - Prelims Copy.pdf

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  • June 2020
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  • Words: 599
  • Pages: 4
SKELETAL SYSTEM AXIAL SKELETON SKULL – CRANIAL BONES (8) SUPERIOR VIEW Frontal bone Parietal Bone (2) Occipital Sutures Coronal suture Saggital suture Lambdoid suture Bregma Lambda INFERIOR VIEW (same bones) LATERAL VIEW Frontal bone Parietal bone Temporal bone Occipital bone Ethmoid Sphenoid Sutures Coronal suture Lambdoid suture Pterion – middle meningeal artery; frontal,sphenoid, temporal, parietal Asterion – occipital, temporal, parietal INFERIOR VIEW Sphenoid o Greater wing o Lesser wing Temporal bone o Zygomatic process Parietal bone Occipital bone

FACIAL BONES: 14 ANTERIOR VIEW Nasal bones (2) Maxilla (2) Zygomatic bone (2) Mandible Lacrimal bone-near ethmoid Vomer Inferior Nasal Conchae(2) LATERAL VIEW Lacrimal bone Nasal bone Maxilla Mandible o Ramus o Head of condylar processattach to temporal bone; tip of mandible o Coronoid process-attached to zygomatic bone o Mandibular notch-between coronoid and temporal process Zygomatic bone o Zygomtic arch Foramen ovale Foramen magnum INFERIOR VIEW Zygomatic bone Zygomatic process Palatine Vomer SUPERIOR VIEW Ethmoid o Cribriform plate o Crista galli Sphenoid o Lesser wing o Greater wing o Sella turcica Temporal Parietal Occipital

VERTEBRAE Vertebrae C1 – Atlas C2 – Axis C3-C6 C7 T1- T6 T7-T12 L1-L5

Transverse Transverse Vertebral process foramen foramen X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X

SACRUM & COCCYX – Kayo na bahala haha



X -


Pedicle Spinous Process X X Bifid X One X One X One X One




ANTERIOR Head of the humerus Anatomical Neck Greater tubercle (I): Supraspinatus muscle Lesser tubercle (I): Subscapularis muscle Surgical neck Intertubercular groove (I): Pectoralis major (Lateral lip) Latissimus dorsi (Medial Lip) Teres major (Medial Lip) Medial supracondylar ridge Lateral supracondylar ridge (O): Brachioradialis muscle Extensor carpi radialis longus Coronoid fossa Radial fossa Lateral epicondyle (O) Extensor Carpi Radialis Brevis Extensor Digitorum Extensor digiti minimi Extensor carpi ulnaris Anconeus Capitulum Trochlea of humerus Medial epicondyle (O): Pronator Teres muscle Flexor carpi radialis Palmaris longus Flexor carpi ulnaris Flexor Digitorum Superficialis POSTERIOR Deltoid tuberosity (I): Coracobrachialis Radial groove Olecranon fossa

CLAVICLE Acromial end Superior (I): Trapezius Inferior (O): Deltoid Body Sternal end Superior (O): Sternocleidomastoid Inferior (O): Pectoralis Major HUMERUS AND SCAPULA SCAPULA Glenoid fossa Coracoid process (O): Coracobrachialis and Biceps Brachii Suprascapular notch Superior border (O): Omohyoid muscle Medial border (I) :Serratus anterior Subscapular fossa – surface of the scapula (O): Subscapularis muscle Lateral border Acromion (posterior) Superior (I): Trapezius Inferior (O): Deltoid Spine – connected to the acromion posteriorly Superior (I): Trapezius Inferior (O): Deltoid Superior angle (I): Serratus anterior Inferior angle (I): Serratus anterior

Lower Half of Humerus (O): Brachialis muscle FOREARM (439) RADIUS Head Neck

Radial tuberosity Styloid process of radius ULNA

HANDS CARPAL BONES Proximal: Lateral to Medial

Olecranon Trochlear notch Coronoid process Radial notch of ulna Ulnar tuberosity Styloid process of ulna MUSCLE OF FOREARM ANTERIOR VIEW (Lateral to Medial) SUPERFICIAL FLEXOR Flexor carpi radialis Palmaris longus Flexor carpi ulnaris Pronator teres(cross from medial epicondyle to upper half of radius) Brachioradialis- beside superficial flexor muscle DEEP FLEXOR MUSCLE Pronator quadratus (cross from lower half of ulna to lower half of radius) POSTERIOR VIEW (Ulna to Radius) SUPERFICIAL LAYER Extensor carpi ulnaris Extensor digiti minimi muscle Extensor Digitorium muscle Extensor carpi Radialis brevis Extensor Carpi Radialis longus DEEPER LAYER

Muscle connected to thumb (Medial to lateral) Extensor Pollicis longus Extensor pollicis brevis Abductor pollicis longus

Scaphoid Lunate Triquetrium Pisiform Distal:Lateral to Medial Trapezium Trapezoid Capitate Hamate METACARPALS 1st digit: Thumb 5th digit: Pinky Finger PHALANGES 1st digit: Distal and Proximal Phalangeal bone 2nd to 4th digits: Distal, Middle, Proximal Phalangeal Bone

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