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  • Pages: 3
BARKLEY FORUM -- RD 1 -- DIV: PD AFFIRMATIVE Baltimore Urban wc Beacon GB Bronx Science BG Caddo Magnet GB Carrollton ME Carrollton Sch Arts SV Carrollton WD Cathedral Prep HC Cathedral Prep SS Centerville GR Centerville YC Chattahoochee LF Chattahoochee PB Christopher Columbus WC Colleyville Heritage DH Colleyville Heritage MN Coppell KB GACS SR Glenbrook North OZ Glenbrook South LP Glenbrook South QZ Grapevine FM Grapevine GH Greenhill BL Head Royce BZ Highland Park (MN) LJ Highland Park (TX) PY Highland Park (TX) TS Homeland Security FG Homeland Security JA Homewood-Flossmoor RR Iowa City West RI Jesuit College Prep HN Jesuit College Prep OG Joseph Wheeler GP Katy Taylor MM Kempsville PM Kempsville WC Kinkaid nk La Salle College MS Lexington LS Meadows SK Miami CG Montgomery Bell BL Mountain Brook SA New Trier GR Newark Science CB Newburgh Free PB Pace Academy AL Pine Crest MT Princeton SW Saint Paul Central KQ St. Andrew's WG Stuyvesant MG Tampa Preparatory MA Tampa Preparatory RH Univ School Nashville CF Univ School Nashville LF Warner Robins HW Westminster MS

NEGATIVE College Prep KV Manhattan Center DK Woodward PO Saint Ignatius BW St. Mark's KB Marist HM Head Royce ZS Westwood GK Centerville KL St. Andrew's SB Monticello BS Bishop Guertin HS Woodward MN Greenhill HS Georgetown Day CR University High AG Pittsburgh Central SS WDM Valley EV Henry W. Grady JA Homewood-Flossmoor SD Kinkaid sb Westminster SA Pittsburgh Central MS Bishop Guertin PC Chattahoochee KM Saint Paul Central JQ New Trier BR Montgomery Bell AM Marquette Univ FB Saint Ignatius EW Ashland (OR) RK Aspen RZ Grapevine BP Carrollton Sch Arts HS Vestavia Hills VM Lexington ZT Bronx Science MB Greenhill RR Ft. Lauderdale WW Washington Irving CP Calhoun HJ Fullerton Union GS Gulliver Prep MM Fayette County TR Montgomery Bell SH Bellaire VK Cathedral Prep MM Calhoun SB Maine East KK Georgetown Day EL Fayette County JW Rowland Hall-St.Marks BG Highland Park (MN) GO Antioch MP Glenbrook North MS Maine East PH WDM Valley HR Westminster AJ Weston SP Baltimore Urban OJ

Judges: Please turn in your ballots to the ballot table before discussing your decision.

Start: 4:30 p.m. ROOM GCB 631 SPARKS 308 GCB 531 GCB 107 GCB 325 GCB 329 GCB 529 GCB 621 GCB 231 GCB 301 SPARKS 324 GCB 321 GCB 627 SPARKS 302 GCB 127 GCB 517 GCB 601 GCB 401 GCB 527 SPARKS 300 GCB 203 GCB 300 GCB 323 GCB 500 GCB 615 GCB 501 GCB 421 GCB 403 SPARKS 322 GCB 617 GCB 423 GCB 629 GCB 429 SPARKS 306 GCB 603 GCB 427 GCB 320 GCB 523 GCB 303 GCB 623 GCB 318 SPARKS 304 GCB 227 GCB 525 GCB 521 GCB 431 GCB 201 GCB 215 GCB 223 GCB 218 SPARKS 303 SPARKS 301 GCB 515 GCB 503 GCB 331 GCB 625 SPARKS 307 SPARKS 321 GCB 600 GCB 425

JUDGE buzzelli, joseph Rogers, Bruce Batterman, Bill Hill, Luke Grace, Joshua Sun, Chris Gray, Tami Rains III, John Werner, Sebastia Sathian, Tejas Coverstone, Alan Quinn, Robbie Wolmer, Kacy Gagnon, Julian Jacobs, Eli Paul, Jonathan whisenhunt, toby Nikolai, Peter Manuel, Brian Rosecrans, Mike Greenstein, Mich Serrano, Nicole Presenti, Mark Schultz, Jim Phillips, Scott Renzi, Steve Pritchard, Alex Sanchez, Sara Mabrey, Paul Smith, Darren Friedlander, Mat Bearden, Lane Evans, N. Kirk Mahoney, Tim Bryson, Donald mckinney, claire Lingel, Dan Johnson, Blake Tate, Tara Herro, Steve Hester, Mike Burch, Daryl Lewis, Dan Tallungan, Chris Ferguson, Glenda Peterson, Sheila Brown, Josh Koehle, Joe Blank, Thad weston, dave Matheson, Calum Antonucci, Micha Gentile, Michael Tang, Wayne Oddo, Eric Turoff, Corey Pramanik, Predee Dale, Avery Kaczmarek, Shery Mulholand, Rob

BARKLEY FORUM -- RD 2 -- DIV: PD AFFIRMATIVE Antioch MP Ashland (OR) RK Aspen RZ Baltimore Urban OJ Bellaire VK Bishop Guertin HS Bishop Guertin PC Bronx Science MB Calhoun HJ Calhoun SB Carrollton Sch Arts HS Cathedral Prep MM Centerville KL Chattahoochee KM College Prep KV Fayette County JW Fayette County TR Ft. Lauderdale WW Fullerton Union GS Georgetown Day CR Georgetown Day EL Glenbrook North MS Grapevine BP Greenhill HS Greenhill RR Gulliver Prep MM Head Royce ZS Henry W. Grady JA Highland Park (MN) GO Homewood-Flossmoor SD Kinkaid sb Lexington ZT Maine East KK Maine East PH Manhattan Center DK Marist HM Marquette Univ FB Montgomery Bell AM Montgomery Bell SH Monticello BS New Trier BR Pittsburgh Central MS Pittsburgh Central SS Rowland Hall-St.Marks BG Saint Ignatius BW Saint Ignatius EW Saint Paul Central JQ St. Andrew's SB St. Mark's KB University High AG Vestavia Hills VM WDM Valley EV WDM Valley HR Washington Irving CP Westminster AJ Westminster SA Weston SP Westwood GK Woodward MN Woodward PO

NEGATIVE Highland Park (MN) LJ Highland Park (TX) PY Tampa Preparatory RH Homewood-Flossmoor RR Jesuit College Prep HN Kempsville PM Stuyvesant MG Lexington LS Chattahoochee LF Pine Crest MT Beacon GB Colleyville Heritage DH Pace Academy AL Coppell KB Saint Paul Central KQ Meadows SK Glenbrook North OZ Grapevine FM Christopher Columbus WC Caddo Magnet GB Glenbrook South QZ Highland Park (TX) TS Katy Taylor MM Princeton SW Montgomery Bell BL Cathedral Prep SS Bronx Science BG Kempsville WC Colleyville Heritage MN Baltimore Urban wc Newburgh Free PB New Trier GR Miami CG Chattahoochee PB Univ School Nashville CF Carrollton ME Univ School Nashville LF GACS SR St. Andrew's WG Homeland Security FG Westminster MS Carrollton Sch Arts SV Joseph Wheeler GP Glenbrook South LP Newark Science CB La Salle College MS Greenhill BL Kinkaid nk Grapevine GH Mountain Brook SA Head Royce BZ Tampa Preparatory MA Jesuit College Prep OG Cathedral Prep HC Centerville YC Centerville GR Carrollton WD Homeland Security JA Iowa City West RI Warner Robins HW

Judges: Please turn in your ballots to the ballot table before discussing your decision.

Start: 6:30 p.m. ROOM GCB 501 GCB 421 GCB 625 GCB 423 GCB 429 GCB 320 GCB 503 GCB 318 GCB 321 GCB 218 SPARKS 308 GCB 127 GCB 223 GCB 601 SPARKS 301 SPARKS 304 GCB 527 GCB 300 SPARKS 302 GCB 107 GCB 203 GCB 403 GCB 427 SPARKS 303 GCB 525 GCB 231 GCB 531 GCB 523 GCB 517 GCB 631 GCB 215 GCB 431 GCB 227 GCB 627 SPARKS 307 GCB 325 SPARKS 321 GCB 401 GCB 515 SPARKS 322 GCB 425 GCB 329 GCB 603 SPARKS 300 GCB 201 GCB 623 GCB 500 GCB 303 GCB 323 GCB 521 GCB 615 GCB 331 SPARKS 306 GCB 621 SPARKS 324 GCB 301 GCB 529 GCB 617 GCB 629 GCB 600

JUDGE Nikolai, Peter Mabrey, Paul Wolmer, Kacy Mitchell, Randy Sanchez, Sara Koehle, Joe Phillips, Scott Paul, Jonathan Dale, Avery Sykes, Jason Koo, Bon Pramanik, Predee Rosecrans, Mike Tang, Wayne Elson, John whisenhunt, toby Sun, Chris Rains III, John Carver, Joe weston, dave Batterman, Bill Schultz, Jim Gentile, Michael Herndon, James Mulholand, Rob buzzelli, joseph Jacobs, Eli Mahoney, Tim Johnson, Blake Bearden, Lane Evans, N. Kirk Sathian, Tejas Turoff, Corey Harper, Bret Grace, Joshua Brooks, Angelo Brown, Josh Huang, Michelle Tallungan, Chris Normand, Neill Manuel, Brian Lai, Debbie cherry, erica Serrano, Nicole Alderete, Tim Hill, Luke Antonucci, Micha Presenti, Mark Stevens, Ryan Smith, Darren Greenstein, Mich Gagnon, Julian Hester, Mike Whitmore, Whit Blank, Thad Matheson, Calum Burch, Daryl Willoughby, Lisa Peterson, Sheila Herro, Steve

BARKLEY FORUM -- RD 3 -- DIV: PD AFFIRMATIVE Baltimore Urban wc Beacon GB Bronx Science BG Caddo Magnet GB Carrollton ME Carrollton Sch Arts SV Carrollton WD Cathedral Prep HC Cathedral Prep SS Centerville GR Centerville YC Chattahoochee LF Chattahoochee PB Christopher Columbus WC Colleyville Heritage DH Colleyville Heritage MN Coppell KB GACS SR Glenbrook North OZ Glenbrook South LP Glenbrook South QZ Grapevine FM Grapevine GH Greenhill BL Head Royce BZ Highland Park (MN) LJ Highland Park (TX) PY Highland Park (TX) TS Homeland Security FG Homeland Security JA Homewood-Flossmoor RR Iowa City West RI Jesuit College Prep HN Jesuit College Prep OG Joseph Wheeler GP Katy Taylor MM Kempsville PM Kempsville WC Kinkaid nk La Salle College MS Lexington LS Meadows SK Miami CG Montgomery Bell BL Mountain Brook SA New Trier GR Newark Science CB Newburgh Free PB Pace Academy AL Pine Crest MT Princeton SW Saint Paul Central KQ St. Andrew's WG Stuyvesant MG Tampa Preparatory MA Tampa Preparatory RH Univ School Nashville CF Univ School Nashville LF Warner Robins HW Westminster MS

NEGATIVE Rowland Hall-St.Marks BG WDM Valley HR Weston SP Cathedral Prep MM Pittsburgh Central MS St. Mark's KB Woodward PO Saint Ignatius EW Maine East KK Ft. Lauderdale WW Marquette Univ FB Bronx Science MB Aspen RZ Fayette County JW Saint Ignatius BW Montgomery Bell SH Vestavia Hills VM Glenbrook North MS Greenhill RR College Prep KV Calhoun SB St. Andrew's SB Marist HM Antioch MP Pittsburgh Central SS Bishop Guertin PC Baltimore Urban OJ WDM Valley EV Westminster AJ Washington Irving CP New Trier BR Maine East PH Lexington ZT Manhattan Center DK Chattahoochee KM Bellaire VK Calhoun HJ Fayette County TR Westminster SA Westwood GK Bishop Guertin HS Greenhill HS Centerville KL Henry W. Grady JA Highland Park (MN) GO Grapevine BP Georgetown Day CR Georgetown Day EL Gulliver Prep MM Kinkaid sb Fullerton Union GS Homewood-Flossmoor SD University High AG Saint Paul Central JQ Montgomery Bell AM Woodward MN Carrollton Sch Arts HS Monticello BS Head Royce ZS Ashland (OR) RK

Judges: Please turn in your ballots to the ballot table before discussing your decision.

Start: 8:30 p.m. ROOM SPARKS 300 SPARKS 306 GCB 529 GCB 127 GCB 329 GCB 323 GCB 600 GCB 623 GCB 227 GCB 300 SPARKS 321 GCB 318 GCB 625 SPARKS 304 GCB 201 GCB 515 GCB 615 GCB 403 GCB 525 SPARKS 301 GCB 218 GCB 303 GCB 325 GCB 501 GCB 603 GCB 503 GCB 423 GCB 331 SPARKS 324 GCB 621 GCB 425 GCB 627 GCB 431 SPARKS 307 GCB 601 GCB 429 GCB 321 GCB 527 GCB 301 GCB 617 GCB 320 SPARKS 303 GCB 223 GCB 523 GCB 517 GCB 427 GCB 107 GCB 203 GCB 231 GCB 215 SPARKS 302 GCB 631 GCB 521 GCB 500 GCB 401 GCB 629 SPARKS 308 SPARKS 322 GCB 531 GCB 421

JUDGE mckinney, claire Nikolai, Peter Koehle, Joe Lewis, Dan Werner, Sebastia Hill, Luke Harper, Bret Rosecrans, Mike Mulholand, Rob Blank, Thad Hester, Mike Serrano, Nicole Smith, Darren Burrows, Tom Dale, Avery Matheson, Calum Herro, Steve Sykes, Jason Antonucci, Micha Batterman, Bill Brown, Josh Carver, Joe Rains III, John Alderete, Tim Pramanik, Predee Sanchez, Sara Huang, Michelle Gentile, Michael Tang, Wayne Bearden, Lane Whitmore, Whit Mahoney, Tim Burch, Daryl Elson, John Sathian, Tejas Renzi, Steve Gagnon, Julian Bryson, Donald Stevens, Ryan Gray, Tami Jordan, Shunta Evans, N. Kirk Bates, Alan Presenti, Mark Woodhouse, Cyndy Lai, Debbie Paul, Jonathan Turoff, Corey whisenhunt, toby Koo, Bon Friedlander, Mat Jacobs, Eli Mabrey, Paul Johnson, Blake Schultz, Jim Manuel, Brian Wolmer, Kacy Cowan, John Willoughby, Lisa Peterson, Sheila

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