Result Oriented Teaching By Abdul Ghaffar Tahir

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  • Words: 758
  • Pages: 35
Result Oriented Teaching

By Rana Muhammad Masaud Asdaque Khan Rana Abdul Ghaffar Tahir Khan

Agenda      

Objective ROCI Teacher Education & Training Needs of learner New Taxonomy

Objective 

qualities and skills in students ,which To enable each teacher to achieve success not only in academic and competitive examination but also to develop those would ensure a ground successful.

After joining ’your school’ a student start working in your guidance his/her whole personality will change dynamically and he/she will feel himself/herself altogether a different person with all the basic ingredient of success deeply embedded in his/her mind.

Result Oriented cycle of Inquiry (ROCI) 

We implement a research based strategic and learning called the Result Oriented cycle of Inquiry ROCI

Adjust Goal




Collect Data







Trainer Enthusiastic Achiever Confidant Honest Evaluator Reader

A good teacher is kind tells you how you are doing is generous allows you to have you say listen to you doesn’t give up on you encourages you cares for your opinion has faith in you makes you feel cleaver keep confidences treats people equally likes teaching children stands up for you likes teaching their subject makes happy takes time to explain things tells the truth helps you when you’re stuck is forgiving Appreciate mutual feedback makes confident

7 teaching skills 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

High expectation Planning Methods and strategies Pupil management, discipline Time and resource management Assessment Homework

Phase of Teacher   

The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires. William Arthur ward

Education and Training 

Education focuses on broader objectives where as training has more narrowly defined objectives Education open up career opportunities where as training helps improve job performance Education mostly deals with cognitive where as training concentrates skill

Objective of Education Successful person

Life skill

Thinking Creativities Communication Information gathering empathy

Educational skill

Reading Writing mathematically

Social skill

Cleanliness Greeting Thanks Punctuality Tolerance Forgiveness

Importance of Education 

Without education and training individuals have higher chance of living in poverty and higher of unemployment

New trend in Education & Training   

Education is a life long process Whole society is a learning society Education is for development

Some Educationist’s views 

Education is what remains, when what has been learned has been forgotten B F Skinner

Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all Aristotle

A good education should leave much to be desired Alan Gregg

Needs of learner    

Cognitive Development Linguistics Development Psychomotor Development Moral/Affective Development


Taxonomy of Education(1956)   

Cognitive Domain Affective Domain Psychomotor Domain

Cognitive Domain      

Knowledge Comprehension Application Analysis Synthesis Evaluation

(Bloom, 1956)

Knowledge Comprehension Application Analysis Synthesis Evaluation

Remembering Understanding Applying Analyzing Creativity Evaluating

Affective Domain (krathowhl,1964)     

Receiving Responding Valuing Organization Value Complex

Psychomotor Domain (simpson,1972)       

Perception Set Guided Response Mechanism Complex Overt Response Adaptation Origination

Learning 

The Best learning happens in real life with real problems & real people and not in classroom 

Charles Handy

Live as if you were to die tomorrow, learn as if you were to live forever. M K Ganadhi

New taxonomy SOLO Taxonomy Structure of Observed Learning Outcome

Level of SOLO     

Pre-Structure Uni-Structure Multi-Structure Relational Extendable

Purposes Of SOLO   

100% course cover Discourage selective study Discourage Rote learning

Uni-Structure Question items   

Completion items Multiple choice items Short answer items

Uni-Structure Question (examples)  

Quaid-e-Azam was born--------SI Unit of length is A. B. C. D.

Meter Kilometer Mile Feet

Uni-Structure Answer   

Identify one thing To give one fact A single name

Multi-Structure Question   

Completion items Multiple choice items Short answer items

Multi-Structure Question (examples)

Point (-6,-8) lies in

    

1st quadrant 2nd quadrant 3rd quadrant 4th quadrant

Relational Question   

Multiple choice items Short answer items Subjective type items

Relational Question 


Daily routine of life 

I get up early in morning. I say my prayer and recite a half chapter of Holy Quran. I take my breakfast. At 7 :45 I go to school.





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