Respiratory System: Xu Jin

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  • Words: 416
  • Pages: 19
Respiratory System Xu Jin Department of Anatomy Chongqing Medical University

Overview Function to

supply the body with oxygen to get rid of the excess carbon dioxide upper respiratory tract: lung nose; pharynx; larynx


Respiratory tract

lower respiratory tract: trachea; bronchi and their branches

The respiratory tract The nose Function: smell and phonation; a part of respiratory passage Formation: External nose  Nasal cavity: the nasal cavity is entirely lined by nasal mucous membrane. The parts of mucous membrane: olfactory region and respiratory region.  Paranasal sinuses (already studied) 

The pharynx (already studied)

The larynx Function: a part of respiratory passage; an organ of phonation

Formation Laryngeal

cartilages Ligaments Membranes Joints

The laryngeal cartilages thyroid cartilage cricoid cartilage arytenoid cartilage (one pair) epiglottic cartilage

The laryngeal articulation a. The laryngeal ligaments and membranes

thyrohyoid membrane conus elasticus: it’s a tent-shaped structures which attched to cricoid, thyroid and arytenoid cartilages. The superior border is free, and called vocal ligment.

qudarangular membrane

b. The laryngeal joints

cricothyroid joint cricoarytenoid joint

The laryngeal muscles crocothyroid m . thyroarytenoid m. (tense the vocal cord) ( relax the vocal cord) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------posterior cricoarytenoid m. lateral cricoarytenoid m. (open the glottis) ( close the glottis)

The laryngeal cavity vestibular folds laryngeal vestibule vocal folds intermedial cavity of larynx ( laryngeal ventricle) infraglottic cavity

The trachea

what is carina of trchea or bifurcation of trachea?

The bronchi

The lungs 1apex ,1 base 3 surfaces 3 borders

3 surfaces diaphragmatic surface (base of lung) costal surface mediastinal surface (medial surface) hilum of lung ( the depression on the med. Surface) root of lung: the structures entering and leaving from the hilum

3 borders anterior border-----thin and sharp only in left lung( cardiac notch & lingual of left lung ) posterior border-----rounded inferior border-----sharp **notice: the differences between right lung and left lung

Summary 1.The laryngeal muscles and their functions

Post. cricoarytenoid

Lat. cricoarytenoid

2.The pleura The concept of the pleura ⑴ Definition: pleura is a layer of serous membrane lining the inner surface of chest cavity and the surface of lung. The parietal pleura and visceral pleura are continuous membranes. The parietal pleura is reflected from the mediastinum to the lung. ⑵ Divisions (Parts)


parietal pleura: cupula of pleura costal pleura diaphragmatic pleura mediastinal pleura visceral pleura

The pleura cavity and recesses ⑴ Definition: it’s a potential cavity between visceral pleura and parietal pleura ⑵ The recesses: costodiaphragmatic recess costomediastinal recess

3.The mediastinum Definition: all the structures between the bilateral mediastinal pleura Division

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