-research Proposal(dasmarinas).docx

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Introduction  This study prevails the supporting study in regarding of the quantitative experimental research entitled: “20watts, 220volts PORTABLE SOLAR BASE POWER GENERATOR”.  Power System from 2006 – 2016 Power system restoration has attracted more attention and made great progress recently. Research progress of the power system restoration from 2006 to 2016 is reviewed in this paper such as: black-start, network reconfiguration and load restoration. Some emerging methods and key techniques are also discussed in the context of the integration of variable renewable energy and development of the smart grid .There is a long way to go to achieve automatic self-healing in the bulk power systems because of its extreme complexity. However, rapidly developing artificial intelligence technology will eventually enable the step-by-step dynamic decision-making based on the situation awareness of supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) and wide area measurement system (WAMS) in the near future. (Liu; Fan; Terzija, 2016).

 Power Supply: Modern Situation  A method to manage energy storage in electricity grids. Starting from the stochastic characterization of electricity generation and demand propose an equation that relative the storages level for every time-step as a function of its previous state, and the realized surplus/deficit of electricity therefrom. We can

obtain the probability that, in the next time-step, there is the generation surplus that cannot be stored or there is a demand need that cannot be supplied by available storage. We expect this simple procedure can be used as the basis of electricity self-management algorithms in micro-level (e.g, households) or in meso-level (e.g, groups of houses).(Pedro; Nardelli; Alves, 2016).

 Generator and other forms of electricity  It was identified the components needed for the realization of the project such as inverters, transformer, electric motor, generator, batteries, controller and wires were the components of the self-sustaining power generator. Materials needed have been also identified for the packaging of the project. The conceptualization of the design has been done by using the selection process of the components and depending also in the needed flow of the project with respect to the concepts behind every components. The researcher has come up with the final design and specifications of the project. (Destreza, 2014).  The development of the project has been recommended. Generation of electricity has many different sources where waterfall is the famous among it have been made. Wind energy was also a source of the electrical energy in other countries that wind is continuously blowing. Solar panels have been also converted solar power to electrical power which is now abundant in many tropical countries. (Destreza, 2014).

 Those sources mentioned the prime movers from natural made sources. Portable generators were made possible with the use of fuel, diesel or gasoline. Moreover, they prove the portable generator is very useful in many ways such as: lessen the noise generated, smoke free, less fuel consumption, portability, etc. The main problem is the rising price of the fuel in the market which is very needed to make the generator operate. Moreover, to help to the other sources electrical energy like waterfall, solar panel and wind turbines to proven also as one the sources of electrical energy to every countries in the world. (Destreza , 2014).

 Generator Components  Permanent magnet machines are well-known and spreading class of rotating and linear electric machines used in both motoring and generating modes. They have been use for many years in applications where its structures are simple and has a low-cost. More recently, they have applied to more in demand applications, which is the result of the availability of low-cost power electronic control devices and the improvement of permanent magnet characteristics. Generally, modern permanent magnet machines are competitive in both performance and cost with many types of machines. Permanent magnet generators form a class of permanent magnet machines. These generators have divided into two groups: geared machines and direct-driven machines. Currently, the tendency to eliminate the gearbox from the permanent magnet generator structure is increasing because the gearbox brings additional weight and costs, demands

regular maintenance, generates noise and incurs losses. (Aleksahkin; Mikkola, 2008).  However, many problems may occur while constructing a new direct-driven permanent magnet generator design. A number of papers deal with the solution of these problems: design features and specialties, generator assembly complexity, dynamics behavior and vibration damping of generator compounds. This literature review covers some of such papers and highlights some efficient ways to solve the above-mentioned problems. Today, the gearbox tends to be eliminated from permanent magnet generators. Although it helps in solving some problems such as overweight of the structure, gearbox compound damage, etc., many other design and manufacturing still difficulties remain. For example, fastening of the magnets is a critical issue; especially as gluing is not a reliable method. In this review, one of the suggested alternative methods is considered – the magnets can be fastened to the core by brass wedges between the magnet poles. (Aleksahkin; Mikkola, 2008).

Statement of the problem This study aimed to answer the following questions: 1. How to construct 20watts, 220volts portable solar base power generator? 2. How to design 20watts, 220volts portable solar base power generator with the capacity to supply the consumers need?

Objectives of the study This study was realized for the following specific objective: 1. To construct 20watts, 220volts portable solar base power generator. 2. To design 20watts, 220volts portable solar base power generator with the capacity to supply the consumers need.

Significance of the study The result of this study will be beneficial and significant to every person who is affected of rotating brown out. It will also help the engineering students to apply their knowledge in constructing portable solar base power generator. The study is also significant to the researcher for the additional knowledge on portable solar base power generator it can give and the concept of it.

Sun Light as a component to generator  I evaluated the Son Light to become the source to supply the generator. Everything that can provide a light is qualified to drive the solar component, but

the light of the sun is must required because this form of light is visible everywhere.  evaluated the chemical and physical properties of sun light. These studies pointed out that the sun light have very differently from light of the devices. Because it change, the behavior was attributed to the sun light’ high viscosity. Engine tests and showed that carbon deposits in the engine were reduced it if the sun light was heated prior to combustion. In addition, It was noted that light deposit levels differed for sun light with similar viscosities, and indicate that the composition of light was also an important factor.

Direct solar energy The word “direct” solar energy refers to the energy base for those renewable energy source technologies that draw on the Sun’s energy directly. Some renewable technologies, such as wind and ocean thermal, use solar energy after it has been absorbed on the earth and converted to the other forms. Solar energy technology is obtained from solar irradiance to generate electricity using photovoltaic (PV) (AsumaduSarkodie&Owusu, 2016.)

Declination Angle The declination angle, denoted by δ, varies seasonally due to the tilt of the Earth on its axis of rotation and the rotation of the Earth around the sun. If the Earth were not tilted

on its axis of rotation, the declination would always be 0°. However, the Earth is tilted by 23.45° with respect to the plane of the earth's orbit around the sun and the declination angle varies plus or minus this amount. Only at the spring and fall equinoxes is the declination angle equal to 0°. The declination of the sun is the angle between the equator and a line drawn from the center of the Earth to the center c of the sun.(Cooper, 2017)

Figure 1. Declination Angle Hour Angle The angle formed at the pole, or its arc on the celestial equator, between the hour circle of a celestial object and the observer's celestial meridian measured in hours, minutes, it represents the elapsed time since the object passed directly over the observer. (Anonymous, 2010) Solar Altitude The solar altitude is the vertical angle between the horizontal and the line connecting to the sun. At sunrise the altitude is 90° while at sunset the altitude is 0°

when the sun is at the zenith. The altitude relates to the latitude using the declination angle and the hour angle. (Mormson, 2008)

Figure 2. Solar Altitude Solar Azimuth

The azimuth is the compass direction from which the sunlight is coming. The solar azimuth angle is the azimuth angle of the sun. It defines in which direction the sun is, whereas the solar zenith angle or its complementary angle solar elevation defines how high the sun is. There are several conventions for the solar azimuth, however it is traditionally defined as the angle between a line due south and the shadow cast by a vertical rod on Earth. This convention states the angle is positive if the line is east of south and negative if it is west of south. (Sukhatme, 2008)

Solar Power Made Easy In a significant step forward for photovoltaic technology, advance energy system and technology have independently introduced PV panels that feature built-in micro inverters. The small 250 watts micro inverters allow the panels to act as AC generators,

thus eliminating the need for direct-current wiring and an in-home inverter to convert DC current. In addition, because the micro inverters are built into each panel, homeowners can start with a small system and add on. According to Tim (1999) Chairman of the UF chemical energy Department “They have a more complex structure and require more complicated processing. Our role is to better understand the processing and transfer the technology, to industry.  (Schoeder, 1981) was using a rapeseed oil as a diesel fuel replacement in Germany with mixed results. The Short-term of engine tests indicate and rapeseed light had a similar as an energy outputs when compared it to the diesel fuel. As the initial, the long-term engine tests and showed that difficulties arose in engine operation after 100 hours due to deposits on piston rings, valves, and injectors. Moreover, the investigator indicated that the long-term tested that we needed to determine if these difficulties could be adverted.  (Auld, 1982) indicated that undergo long-term testing was needed to use rapeseed oil to study the effect of using an alternative fuel in diesel engines. In addition, analysis the rapeseed oil showed a relationship between viscosity and fatty acid chain length. The engine power and torque results using rapeseed oil were the similar to the diesel fuel. Results of the short-term tests its indicated further long-term testing was needed to evaluate engine durability when rapeseed oil was used.  (Pryor, 1983) conducted the short and long-term engine performance tests using 100% soybean oil in a small diesel engine. Short-term test results indicated the

soybean performance was equivalent to that of diesel fuel. However, long-term engine testing was aborted due to power loss and carbon buildup on the injectors.

Block Diagram of the Circuit Figure 1 shows the components of the completed 20watts, 220vols portable solar base power generator. This is how electricity produces and flows through an 20watts, 220vols portable solar base power generator. It consists of its major components and how electricity travels to make those components in function. It includes the Sunrays, PV solar panel, motor converter and battery. As the sunray hits the solar panel, the solar panel send a charge to the battery, a battery will send the charge to the motor converter. The motor will adjust the solar panels position in the sun's location. The electricity that produced as an output of the solar panel will pass through a diode so that it will directly stored to a battery, even at night time the portable solar base power generator still usable. Electricity from the battery will pass through a 15A fuse for over-current protection and then the 220V supply will be fed to the coin slot and voltage regulator. The voltage regulator will be set into 220V, and then this supply will be used to power the light display. The generator now will send the load into a circuits breaker, and then sends to the electrical components.














Fig. 1. Block diagram of the completed arduino-based solar-powered vending machine loading station.

Conceptual Framework Figure 2 reflects the purposes to expose how the study came with three representations, the input, throughout, and the output. The goal isn’t possible, without any reference, materials and most of all motivation. Throughout it is more on the effort exerted to do so, to make the project possible and have the 20watts, 220volts portable solar base power generator.

Input 1. Goals 2. References 3. Supplies

Throughout 1. Planning 2. Designing 3. Programming

Output 20watts, 220volts portable solar

Fig. 2. Conceptual Model of the Study

1 Design Computation The following are the formulas that should be considered: Design computations are attached at Appendix D. 1.5 Power values for the solar panel. P = EI Where: P = The power generated from the solar panel (Watts) E = Voltage (Volts) I = Current (Amperes) 1.6 Average Power output for the solar panel. x=

∑𝑥 𝑛

x = Average power output ∑ 𝑥 = Power output N = Number of Power output from different trials

2 Procedure of Construction

The following are the construction procedure to consider in making the circuit, program and the standee. 1. Circuit 1.1 Gather the materials and all electronic equipments. 1.2

Follow the circuit diagram then connect all the modules in the breadboard.

1.3 Insert all the electronics and module pins to the breadboard and slowly press it to avoid damage of the pins or the thin legs of the electronic component. 2. Program 2.1 Solar panel with its defined functions and procedures. 2.2 Upload solar panel to perform the expected output and observed its operations and performance to the generator. 3. Standee 3.1 Collect all the needed materials. 3.2 Follow the structure planned and join the metal bars by welding.

Safety Precautions

These are the safety precautions that should be followed in constructing the project: 1. Make sure all the connections are tightened properly. 2. Never touch any part of the circuit while in operation. 3. Avoid placing electronic equipment to the bread board while the source is on.

Troubleshooting When the vending machine is malfunctioning, troubleshooting to the parts should be done. The following are as follows; 1. Check the supply of electricity in the circuit and make sure it is powered consistently. 2. Check the component connection for a possible loss contact. 3. Check the components of solar if functional.

Testing and Revising

This section discussed the defects and adjustments, testing procedures and revising method of the project. For testing, the designer realized that the project must be tested. Table 1 shows how the defects are being adjusted to avoid error and malfunctioning of electronic components. Table 1. Defects and Adjustments Defects Defects 1.

Loose contacts

Adjustments Adjustments Check each wire and reconnect detached wires.

2. Display

motor converter must be functional

Maintenance In maintaining should be followed: 3. GSM Module the project, Connectthese the solar panel in generator source.. 1. Check the connections with a slight pull in the wire to ensure a tight

Unit Testing The designers checked if all electronic components were properly inserted. Also, the program functions were observed if it really match to the hardware interfaced. Project testing

The designers tested if all the objectives of the project were attained accordingly.

Revising The designers applied revision from the unit testing procedure for the program code that did not match the expected output. Also the electronic components were checked and replaced the disconnected wires and malfunctioned parts.

Construction Framework Table 2 reflects the construction framework that consists of the schedule and number of days of planning, designing and construction of the portable solar base power generator. It took 4 weeks for research, 6 weeks for canvassing and ordering, 2 weeks for installing and 4 weeks to connect and construct all its parts.

Table 2. Construction Framework


Canvassing and ordering


Constructing and connecting






Number of weeks




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