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THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK AND REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE In this research, the researchers sought to achieve its objectives which will be validated with the use of the Social learning theory of Albert Bandura. Social learning theory seems particularly suited for this research, in contrast to most behavioral theories, it is very sensitive to detecting behavior changes as function of changing environments. Bandura’s Social Learning Theory posits that people learn from one another, via observation, imitation, and modeling. Social learning theory explains that People learn through observing others’ behavior, attitudes, and outcomes of those behaviors. As stated by bandura “Most human behavior is learned observationally through modeling: from observing others, one forms an idea of how new behaviors are performed, and on later occasions this coded information serves as a guide for action.” Social learning theory explains human behavior in terms of continuous reciprocal interaction between cognitive, behavioral, and environmental influences. Attention — various factors increase or decrease the amount of attention paid. Includes distinctiveness, affective valence, prevalence, complexity, functional value. One’s characteristics (e.g. sensory capacities, arousal level, and perceptual set, past reinforcement) affect attention. Retention — remembering what you paid attention to. Includes symbolic coding, mental images, cognitive organization, symbolic rehearsal, motor rehearsal. Reproduction — reproducing the image. Including physical capabilities, and self-observation of reproduction. Motivation — having a good reason to imitate. Includes motives such as past (i.e. traditional behaviorism), promised (imagined incentives) and vicarious (seeing and recalling the reinforced model). Bandura believed in “reciprocal determinism”, that is, the world and a person’s behavior cause each other, while behaviorism essentially states that one’s environment causes one’s behavior[2], Bandura, who was studying adolescent aggression, found this too simplistic, and so in addition he suggested that behavior causes environment as well[3]. Later, Bandura soon considered personality as an interaction between three components: the environment, behavior, and one’s psychological processes (one’s ability to entertain images in minds and language). Social learning theory has sometimes been called a bridge between behaviorist and cognitive learning theories because it encompasses attention, memory, and motivation. The theory is related to Vygotsky’s Social Development Theoryand Lave’s Situated Learning, which also emphasize the importance of social learning. In this study, the researchers aim to model, forecast and compare the survival rate of students of the accounting program of Jose Rizal Memorial State University with and without the prevalent factors that greatly affect the number of enrolled and retained students in the program and try to explain these using the behavioral theory. Career choice is a lifelong process of decision-making for those who seek major satisfactions from their work. People make their career decisions which balance their interests and values with the opportunities and talents available, as well as the cost of pursuing the opportunities. There are some theories in relation to career choice, for example, social cognitive theory says that family and relative have influences on students’ career choice. According to the Parsons' theory,

individuals should consider their skills and abilities how they may fit with a particular occupation. In addition, individuals need knowledge of jobs, the labor market and compensation which includes salary and benefits (Bandura, 1986) Social conditions include parent influence, friends and teachers’ influences, social status and economic conditions include job opportunity, salary amount, and the likes have an impact on students’ career choice. ( Venable, 2011) In general, it's important to understand that our choice in enrolling to one specific program is not made based on only one factor. Our choices are subject to many influences – individual, cultural, social, and environmental. The combination and interaction of various influences on individual decision-making are unique to their situation (Venable, 2011). According to bandura’s social learning theory, a person’s behavior may be influenced by environmental factors and other individuals around a person or that so called model. Therefore it is not enough to use data of the past few years in order to come-up with a reliable and accurate forecast of the possible enrollees of the accounting program of Jose Rizal Memorial State University, main campus, Dapian city. Several reasons have been contributed to the increase and decline in the number of accounting students in the accounting program of Jose Rizal memorial state university. According to prior studies, there are factors that affect the number of students taking up Bachelor of Science in accountancy course. According to Rababah, 2016 there are number of factors that affect the number of accountancy students, personal interests, influence, career opportunities and availability of jobs are some of the factors that affect the students’ decision in enrolling in the accounting program. Kim , (2002) conducted a study on business majors (e.g. accounting, finance, general business, et al. management, marketing, MIS/CIS, and double major). They discovered that the top five reasons for choosing a major were: interest in a career associated with the major, good job opportunities, “good fit” with respondents’ abilities, a desire to run a business someday, and projected earnings in the related career. The least selected reasons choosing a major were the reputation of the major at the university, the perceived quality of instruction, the parents’ influence, the amount and type of promotional information, and the influence of friends. Yayla and Cengiz, (2005) determined five factors that play a role in choosing an accounting career. Those factors were “respondents’ own choice”, “family and close environment effect”, “interesting profession”, “earnings expectations”, and “job opportunities”. Dinç (2008) utilized factor analysis and determined the following seven main factors in deciding career choice: high earnings expectations, career expectations, job experience, knowledge and ability, family environment, social status, and education environment. Factors as recounted above about choosing a career in accounting field or not can be divided into two main groups: internal and external factors. Internal factors may include personal abilities, mathematical competency, interest in the field, etc. These factors do not depend on the students’ geographical area. External factors, such as job opportunities, level of earnings a career offers, and the social status provided by the career are variable in various geographical areas. For example, while there are good job opportunities in one geographical area, another geographical area may not offer the same opportunities. The researchers identified 5 prevalent factors that might significantly affect the number of students in the accountancy program of Jose Rizal Memorial State University, main campus, Dapitan city. Demand of accounting profession, free higher education, interest of student in the accountancy program, qualifying exam, and the 83% cut-off grade are the factors that were identified by the researchers.

DEMAND OF THE ACCOUNTING PROFESSION In a report by the BusinessMirror, there is a shortage of Filipino certified public accountants (CPAs) against an increasing demand for more of these professionals. Only 7,500 to 8,000 accountants are getting certified each year in the Philippines, and a majority of them look for work abroad. Demand for accountants will increase as the globalization of business related to international trade and mergers and acquisitions grows. In the wake of recent corporate financial scandals, businesses will face more scrutiny and stricter regulations. As these tighter standards become commonplace, accountant services will be expected to increase in order to help them comply with the new laws. Human resource consulting firm Robert Half International, reports that employers are shifting their hiring focus toward core accounting positions that support business growth, and that experienced accountants who can help companies manage business expansion opportunities will be invaluable. The BLS states that the employment of accountants is expected to grow 10 percent through 2026, which is faster than average for all occupations. Accounting related jobs are needed in many industries from corporation sector to health sector, because they are integral to an organizations operations. There are many in demand positions, ranging from analysts to clerks. U.S. bureau of labor and statistics (BLS) 2018 showed and forecasted the Median Salary and job growth of accounting profession from year 2014 to 2024. BLS forecasted that financial analyst, auditors and accountants, budget analyst financial clerk and financial managers will have a median salary of $81,760, $68,150, $73,840, $38,080, $121,750 respectively and job growth of 12%, 11%, 3%, 6%, and 7% respectively. Rea Cu 2016 states that, The Board of Accountancy (BOA) of the Professional Regulatory Commission recognizes the need for an increase in the number of Filipinos who take up accountancy, in line with the increase in the demand for the profession not only in the Philippines, but also in other countries. According to Joel L. Tan-Torres, chairman of BOA, there is a shortage in Filipino certified public accountants (CPAs) given the local and overseas demand for more of these professionals. He explained only 7,500 to 8,000 accountants are certified each year in the Philippines, with a majority of the CPAs finding work abroad, including the Middle East and Singapore among others. In the Asean Tan-Torres said Singapore alone needs at least 20,000 CPAs, while Malaysia needs 30,000 accountants who are fluent in the use of the English language. He added that Filipino accountants possess such skills as to meet the requirements easily.

As stated by Dibabe 2015, the finding of Ahinful, Paintsil, & Danquah, (2012), Uyar, & Kuzey, (2011), Britt, (2012), U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (2012), and Gabriel,, (2012) show that job opportunity has a significant positive effect on choosing accounting as a career. Students are choosing accounting as a profession due to its high job opportunity. In addition to these according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, accountants are expected to experience much faster than average employment growth through 2018.

FREE HIGHER EDUCATION The funding of free higher education may just be one of the most important decision that the democratic government has taken effecting the higher education transformation. Its impact will be far reaching not only for the sectors but for the skills development and overall economic transformation in our country (Buku 2018). Higher education leads to a more educated and productive workforce and it does offer some external benefits to society Also, everybody will get an equal chance to pursue higher studies, independent of their economic background and enabling merit to become the sole criteria. If the education is given free to all then admission will be given wholly on merit basis. This will result in increase in level of competition. It will be certainly beneficial to everybody those who could get admissions. Brilliant students will build a strong nation (Study Moose, 2018). A growing number of private schools, colleges and universities are experiencing a decline in their enrollment and “facing the threat of closure” due to the implementation of the Free Higher Education (Malipot, 2018) According to Josephson 2018, Because the current college education system leaves many students with high amounts of debt, students’ choices are constrained. They may choose a major they don’t really love simply because it promises a higher future salary. They might go to a college that’s not the best one they could get in to because it’s cheaper. They might take fewer risks later in life because of their debt. High levels of debt discourage people from starting businesses, moving to another city in search of better job opportunities or changing jobs. If you eliminate student loan debt you eliminate these problems, with benefits for students and for the overall economy. Some opponents of free college argue that the government shouldn’t be subsidizing people’s degrees in majors that aren’t likely to lead to a good job. They might be okay with subsidizing STEM degrees but not, say, theater degrees. These critics would prefer a more targeted program that would give students fewer choices (Josephson 2018).

INTEREST OF STUDENTS IN THE ACCOUNTING PROGRAM According to Vergara, (2015) Most of the students from the school of accountancy possess high interest in learning and doing schoolwork independently. They usually utilize their time in school to outmost possible way. They preferably very optimistic in achieving their goals to meet expectations from their parents and teachers.

A study conducted by Hujra,, (2010) shows that the difficulty of the course has a significant negative effect on students’ choice of accounting. Due to accounting and finance courses are the combination of heavily theoretical and quantitative, most students is believed that these courses are difficult. As a result, most students have withdrawn from the course because their quality does not match with the skills which are required by these courses. But Study conducted by Uyar, & Kuzey, (2011) shows that the difficulty of the course has no significant effect on students’ choice of accounting. The results indicated that non-accounting majors may choose a major other than accounting because they believe accounting to be too number-oriented and boring. The students’ choice of a major was consistent with their referenced opinions about majors. Success in introductory courses, skills and a background in math, as well as the workload in accounting courses were also identified as factors that facilitated or hindered choosing accounting as a major. According to the finding of Tan and Laswad, (2009), the need for dynamic and challenging environment has a positive significant effect on students’ choice accounting. But the finding of Wells and Fieger, (2005) contradict Tan and Laswad finding who found that need for dynamic and challenging environment has a significant negative effect on students' choice of accounting. Because the society viewed that accounting is not an excellent career for honors students who needs challenging work environment. The study conducted by Jones and Wright, (2011) shows on their study that those students taken accounting in high school had a significant positive effect on the initial decision to major in accounting. Byrne, Willis, &Burke, (2012) also shows that students begin to make their career choices during their secondary education and for many their educational and occupational aspirations are quite fixed by the time they enter their final school year. According to the finding of Azevedo, & Sugahara, (2012) creativity has a significant negative effect on students’ choice of accounting. It shows that students who have strong creativity are not willing to join the accounting profession because they are looking that accounting is less creative than other professions, however, the finding of Britt, (2012) shows that creativity has a significant positive effect on students’ choice of accounting as a career. Cohen and Hanno (1993) conducted a survey with 287 students who had either declared or intended to declare themselves as accounting majors and those who had either declared or intended to declare themselves as majors in a business field other than accounting (e.g. marketing, finance, general management, hotel management The finding of McDowall & Jackling, (2010) shows that workload has a significant negative effect on students’ choice of accounting as a career. Therefore, the workload in accounting profession could hinder students to shift into other professions. US based studies on the perceptiyttons of tertiary students identified that many perceive accounting has high workload, a focus on numbers and precision. Cohen and Harno (1993) conducted a survey on the factors influencing career choice and found that non-accounting student regards accounting as boring and number oriented.

QUALIFYING EXAM ALMOST half of Accountancy sophomores failed their retention exams, following a stricter screening process to improve UST’s showing in the certified public accountant (CPA) board exams. Out of 764 second-year students, 315 students were removed from the program. A total of 476 took the retention exam, with 211 students or 44.33 percent failing. This was lower than last year’s 47.58 percent, wherein 265 out of 557 failed the test. Accountancy Dean Minerva Cruz said the retention exam was implemented to screen students who were “really fit” for the program. While UST wants Accountancy to be a “quota course,” Cruz said there was still need for a retention exam. (Santos 2013) For Quesada (1999), students are not the only one to blame. Schools who implement unjust retention policy should also be blame for the failure. They did not evaluate the corresponding consequences of this policy to students.

83% CUT-OFF GRADE In the School of Accountancy, it has been a fact that students experience academic failures. Based from the records of the dean of the department, an average of six (6) sections consisting of forty five (45) students each enroll annually in the first year and only one (1) or two (2) sections are able to graduate after five (5) years with a degree of Bachelor of Science in Accountancy. The immediate primary reason for this is because they are not able to meet the retention or cut-off policy grade of eighty four (84). Consequently, these students are advised to shift to Bachelor of Science in Management Accounting if they still want to stay in the same department (Vergara,2015) According to the findings of Vergara, (2015) Most of the accountancy students have high grades in business law and taxation. However, their grades in accounting fall in the cut-off or near the cut-off percentage of 84. Cut-off grade aims to heighten the standard of the course syllabus of the accountancy program. This was approved in order to challenge and improve the performance of the accountancy student. The retention policy has been implemented for several years now, and the retention grade was 2. 75 equivalents to 73-75 but it was changed and was increase into 2. 5 equivalents to 76-78 just the recent year. This was implemented in order to prove how effective the retention policy in the performance of the accountancy students in Accountancy program.

The research of Adamson University concluded in their research that Visiting the library may or may not be able to help BSA students to comply with the Retention Policy. Thus, complying with the retention policy depends on the student himself/herself. Retention Policy may or may not affect a BSA student’s social life. Complying with the Retention Policy and having social life depends on the student himself. Retention Policy motivates the students to study hard to be maintained in the BSA Program. Retention Policy may or may not be a hindrance to be retained in the BSA Program and that it is not the reason why students retake their subjects. Retention Policy causes competition within a student himself rather than with his classmates or other people in the BSA Program. Retention Policy causes too much stress, physically and mentally, to the students who undergo the BSA Program.

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