Research Paper [part 02]

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 3,454
  • Pages: 29
INTRODUCTION: A sound health helps one to work properly which depends on eating habit. In a private university, students have classes all day long. As a result, they have to take food outside. While eating out side, one should be concerned about his or her eating habit. Cafeteria is the most common place where students like to hang around. Most of the private university has there own cafeteria for their stuff, students, and teachers. UIU also has its own cafeteria. Thus, UIU cafeteria is the most common and nearest place to the students of UIU. Some students come to pass their time between their class breaks, some come to take foods, and some just sit & gossip. Therefore, it is very important to make the place up to the mark. To make that at first we need to know actually what students think about their existing cafeteria, are they satisfied or not. Therefore, we decided to make a research on the student satisfaction on their cafeteria. We have chosen the topic “UIU CAFETERIA: STUDENTS’ PERSPECTIVE”. Then, we made a research paper on it. In our research paper, we putted on trial to show the impression of students about UIU cafeteria. People often say many things without evidence. This research paper is created to show evidence, which was collected by a survey from UIU students.


BACKGROUND: United International University is a private University approved by Government of People’s Republic of Bangladesh and University Grants Commission (UGC). It started its journey in 2003 with the enlightened vision and divine promise of providing an international standard education. (UIU web) Almost every university has their cafeteria to meet up the daily needs of foods. United International University also has its own cafeteria for its students, staffs, and teachers. The journey of UIU cafeteria was started with the open day of United International University. That time, there were multiple owners of the café. Up to now, it has changed its owner 5 times. MR. MIZANUR RAHMAN, who was the supplier of the foods before, is the owner at present. Thirteen employees work within the café for different purposes. The café has 3-kitchen of its own (two in Danmondi-8 and another one is in Shankor). The café has to pay 15% of their total sales to the University. That is the contract with the University. In addition, the café has to pay utilities bill by itself. When we asked MR. RAHMAN (owner of the café) about his future plan for the café, then he only mentioned that he would like to maintain the food quality and if possible then he would increase the quality level too. MR. RAHMAN himself manages things at the café but behind him, MR. HUMAUN KABIR looks after the café. (Personal interview)


RESEARCH AREA: To do a research the main thing to do is survey. For survey, need a research area. As our topic was “UIU CAFETERIA: STUDENTS’ PERSPECTIVE”, our research area was in UIU cafeteria and UIU campus.


RESEARCH QUESTIONS:  Depending on quality of food, are the prices reasonable?  Are the students satisfied with the environment of the cafeteria?  How well the cafeteria is organized and managed?  What are the processes to improve the cafeteria?

HYPOTHESIS: In our hypothesis, we would like to prove, the students of UIU are not satisfied with their cafeteria food and with their management system.


RESEARCH METHODOLOGY: We believed to prove our hypothesis by asking different types of close-ended questions to the students of UIU.

PRIMARY DATA— We prepared a questionnaire to reveal students’ commends. Therefore, observation was our main way to prove out hypothesis.

AS SECONDARY DATA— We also got some useful information from authorized person of the UIU cafeteria and from the admission office.


SURVEY: We surveyed among the students of UIU because UIU students has the best chance to observe the UIU café. There was no age limitation. However, we found students between 18 to 28 years old. Considering the ages, we can make sure that students whom we surveyed were young and maturate. Therefore, it is reliable to consider their responses. There are near about 2300 students in United International University (Telephone interview). It is nearly impossible to collect all of students’ opinion within a short period. For that reason, we took 30 students’ opinion as a sample through a questionnaire among different departments as followings:  10 students from BBA department,  5 students from CSE department,  5 students from EEE department,  5 students from ETE department, and  5 students from MSCE department. One sample of questionnaire is attached in next page.


DATA PRESENTATION AND ANALYSIS: The fractional presentation of the response regarding the questions of the survey is following one by one: QUESTION 01: How is UIU cafeteria decorated?

Offered Answers

Responds’ Percentages



Not planned


Not so bad




Others (specify)



17% 7%

46% 23%

Planned Not planned Not so bad Good Others (specify)

INTERPRETATION: We took opinion from students of UIU about the decoration of UIU café and got responses as following: 46% students answered the decoration is “good”. 23% students replied “not so bad”. 17% students gave their response to “Planned” decoration. Other 7% students went for “not planned”. Moreover, rest of the 7% specified “sitting arrangement is not comfortable & enough”.

ANALYSIS: By observing above, we came to a decision that is Majority said the decoration is good because in spite of shortage sitting arrangement, the café managed to decorate its place nicely.


QUESTION 02: How often do you take food from UIU cafeteria?

Offered Answers

Responds’ Percentages

Once in a week






Others (specify)




23% Once in a week Sometimes Regularly Others (specify)


INTERPRETATION: We surveyed from students of UIU that how often they take food from UIU cafeteria and got various responses. 70% students answered they take “regularly”. 23% students replied “sometimes” which means their eating habit at UIU cafeteria is variable. In addition, rest of the 7% specified “thrice in a week”. Yet, no students gave their response to “once in a week”.

ANALYSIS: By following above, we came to a decision that is Majority said they regularly take food from UIU cafeteria because most of the students attend their classes regularly, and get chance to have something at the café.


QUESTION 03: Normally when do you take food from UIU cafeteria?

Offered Answers

Responds’ Percentages









Multiple times




53% 30%

Morning Noon Afternoon Evening Multiple times


INTERPRETATION: We looked over the students of UIU to facilitate normally when they take food from UIU cafeteria and got different responses. 53% students answered they take the food “multiple times” that means in the morning, at noon, and in the afternoon or evening. 30% students replied they take food only in “afternoon”. 13% students gave their response to “noon” time eating. Other 3% students went for “morning”. However, no students gave their response to only “Evening” time.

ANALYSIS: By monitoring above, we came to a decision that is Majority said they take food multiple times from UIU cafeteria. As most of the students have classes all day long, they have to spend a major time in university and take food multiple times at the UIU cafeteria.


QUESTION 04: What kind of food do you take?

Offered Answers

Responds’ Percentages

Fast food


Rice and others




Cold drinks


Others (specify)



29% Fast food Rice and others Tea-coffee Cold drinks Others (specify)

7% 7% 30%

INTERPRETATION: We evaluated the students of UIU that normally what kind of food they take form the UIU café and got comparative responses. 30% students answered they take “rice and others”. 29% students replied they take “fast food”. 27% students specified that they take all types of food, not only Tea-coffee or fast food or cold drinks but also another types of food like Nodules, Shingra, Somucha, Piyaji. In contrast, 7% students gave their response to “cold drinks”. Then again, another 7% students went for “tea-coffee”.

ANALYSIS: By noticing above, we came to a decision that is Majority said they take rice and other types of foods from UIU cafeteria. The reason is they definitely eat at the lunchtime when rice is available, and they take other kinds of foods in variable times.


QUESTION 05: Are you satisfied with the service of UIU cafeteria?

Offered Answers

Responds’ Percentages



Not satisfied


Need to improve


Others (specify)





Satisfied Not satisfied Need to improve Others (specify)


INTERPRETATION: We scrutinized the students of UIU to find out that are they satisfied with the service of UIU cafeteria and got handful responses. 63% students answered the café “need to improve”. 20% students replied “not satisfied”. However, rest of the 16% students supported the café by giving their response to “satisfied”. Until now, no students marked “others” and specified anything.

ANALYSIS: Go along with above, we came to a decision that is Majority said they believe the service of UIU café need improvement, because most of the students can easily locate poor service in the café.


QUESTION 06: How is the quality of food at UIU cafeteria?

Offered Answers

Responds’ Percentages





Not up to the mark


Others (specify)





Good Medium Not up to the mark Others (specify)


INTERPRETATION: We took opinion from students of UIU about how is the quality of food at UIU cafeteria and got responses as following: 64% students answered the quality is “medium”. 20% students replied “good”. 13% students gave their response to “not up to the mark”. However, rest of the 3% specified the quality as “bad”.

ANALYSIS: By observing above, we came to a decision that is – sometime students find good quality, and sometime they find less than a good quality food as a result, majority said the quality of foods is medium.


QUESTION 07: Do you think that UIU cafeteria should introduce more varieties of food?

Offered Answers

Responds’ Percentages








0% Yes No Neutral


INTERPRETATION: We surveyed from students of UIU about do they think that UIU cafeteria should introduce more varieties of food and got various responses. 83% students answered “yes”. 17% students remained “neutral” which means they hope to get more varieties but not want strongly. Yet, no students gave their response to “no”.

ANALYSIS: By following above, we came to a decision that is Majority said they think UIU cafeteria should introduce more varieties of food because most of the students deem poor varieties at the café.


QUESTION 08: How is the environment of the UIU cafeteria?

Offered Answers

Responds’ Percentages

Clean and quiet






Others (specify)


10% 37%

Clean and quiet Noisy Dirty Others (specify) 50%


INTERPRETATION: We evaluated the students of UIU that how is the environment of the UIU cafeteria and got comparative responses. 50% students answered the environment is “noisy”. 37% students specified that, the environment is clean but noisy, sometime crowd, and sometime dirty. They also specified that sometime they found tables are not clean. 10% students replied “clean and quiet”. In contrast, 3% students gave their response to “Dirty”.

ANALYSIS: By noticing above, we came to a decision that is Majority said the environment of UIU cafeteria is noisy. Comparing the students, cafeteria is congested. This crowd makes the café “noisy”.


QUESTION 09: Depending on food, how are the prices of foods at UIU cafeteria?

Offered Answers

Responds’ Percentages

High price


Reasonable price


Low price


0% 10%

High price Reasonable price Low price


INTERPRETATION: We evaluated the students of UIU that Depending on food, how are the prices of foods at UIU café and got non-comparative responses. 90% students answered they think the price is “reasonable”. 10% students replied they think about the price is “high”. However, no students gave their response to “low price”.

ANALYSIS: Price of foods at UIU cafeteria is reasonable. We came to the decision by observing answers of Majority students.


QUESTION 10: What is the main problem of UIU cafeteria from your perspective?

Offered Answers

Responds’ Percentages

Food quality








Others (specify)




Food quality Service


Environment Decoration 17%

33% Others (specify)

INTERPRETATION: We scrutinized the students of UIU to find out what is the main problem of UIU cafeteria from their perspective and got handful responses. 33% students answered the “service” is the main problem. 23% students replied “Decoration Accommodations”. Rest of the 20% students responded “food quality”. In contrast, 17% students gave their response to “environment”. Last, 7% students specified that UIU cafeteria has not only food quality, service, environment, decoration problem but also foods are not enough for students.

ANALYSIS: To go along with above, we came to a decision that is Majority said they believe the service of UIU café need improvement, because most of the students can easily locate poor service in the café.


QUESTION 11: Are you satisfied with the existing UIU cafeteria?

Offered Answers

Responds’ Percentages



Partially satisfied


Not satisfied



13% Satisfied Partially satisfied Not satisfied


INTERPRETATION: We took opinion from students of UIU that are they satisfied with the existing UIU cafeteria and got responses as following: 77% students answered that they are “partially satisfied”. 13% students replied “satisfied”. Moreover, rest of the 10% responded, “not satisfied”.

ANALYSIS: By observing above, we came to a decision that is Majority said they are partially satisfied with the existing UIU café because in spite of some limitations, the café managed to satisfy its target partially.


QUESTION 12: Do you think the behavior, cleanness, and consciousness of the employees of UIU cafeteria is up to the mark?

Offered Answers

Responds’ Percentages







Other (specify)


7% 43% Yes No Neutral Other (specify) 33% 17%

INTERPRETATION: We surveyed from students of UIU that do they think the behavior, cleanness, and consciousness of the employees of UIU cafeteria is up to the mark and got various responses. 43% students answered they think “yes”. 33% students remained “neutral”. In addition, 17% of the total students’ replied “no”, and rest of the 7% specified, “consciousness is not up to the mark”.

ANALYSIS: By following above, we came to a decision that is Majority said they think the behavior, cleanness, and consciousness of the employees of UIU cafeteria is up to the mark because they do not have any attitude problem also they treat their customers.


QUESTION 13: Should UIU cafeteria increase the sitting arrangement?

Offered Answers

Responds’ Percentages







Other (specify)


0% 7%

0% Yes No Neutral Other (specify) 93%

INTERPRETATION: We looked over to facilitate what the students of UIU think should UIU cafeteria increase the sitting arrangement and got different responses. 93% students answered “yes” they should increase the sitting arrangement. Other 7% students replied “no”. However, no students gave their response to “neutral” and “others”.

ANALYSIS: By monitoring above, we came to a decision that is Majority said UIU cafeteria should increase their sitting arrangement because students face a lack of accommodation in the café.


QUESTION 14: Do you think you are getting hygienic foods from UIU cafeteria?

Offered Answers

Responds’ Percentages





43% Yes No 57%

INTERPRETATION: We evaluated the students of UIU that do they think that they are getting hygienic foods from UIU cafeteria and got comparative responses. 57% students answered “yes”. In contrast, 43% students responded “no”.

ANALYSIS: By noticing above, we came to a decision that is Majority said that they think they are getting hygienic foods from UIU cafeteria.


QUESTION 15: What should UIU cafeteria do for their improvement, at your perspective?

Offered Answers

Responds’ Percentages

Increase their accommodation


Increase their food quality


Give better service


Food should be more hygienic


All of these




0% 10%

Increase their accommodation 13% Increase their food quality Give better service 17%

53% 7%

All of these Food should be more hygienic Other

INTERPRETATION: We scrutinized the students of UIU to find out what UIU cafeteria should do for their improvement and got handful responses. 13% students answered the café should “increase their accommodation”. 17% students replied the café should “increase their food quality”. In addition, 7% students supported the café should “give better service”. Rests of the 10% students give their response to “food should be more hygienic”. Similarly, 53% students think “all of these” should be done for their improvement. Until now, no students marked “others” and specified anything.

ANALYSIS: Go along with above, we came to a decision that is Majority said they believe that UIU cafeteria has “all of these” problem and they can improve them by improving these problem. 21

SUMMARY OF RESEARCH FINDINGS: According to our research question’s answers, we found several opinions of UIU students. Conducting the answers and secondary data, we reached the following summary. 70% students regularly take foods from UIU cafeteria. Again, 53% students have foods multiple times with 30% time rice and 29% time fast food. Moreover, 57% students think they are getting hygienic foods from the café and 90% of the students replied prices are reasonable. However, students are not completely satisfied because 64% of students mentioned, the quality of food is medium and 83% students strongly feel limitation on food variation. Not only the environment of cafeteria is noisy to 50% of the students, but also the cafeteria is very crowdie to and sometimes it becomes dirty. On the other hand, 10% students find the cafeteria clean and quite. For this reason, students are partially satisfied with the existing café. As 46% students’ opinion, UIU cafeteria is nicely decorated, but according to 93% students, the accommodation is not enough for them. Besides, 43% of the students think the behavior, cleanness, and consciousness of the employees of the cafeteria are up to the mark. Therefore, they are partially satisfied with the service. Finally, from the view of 53% students, cafeteria should develop their accommodation, increase their food quality, give better service, and provide more verities of hygienic food. All these will help the café to improve its level. After examined all the information we found that UIU students are not completely satisfied with their cafeteria. As they are not completely satisfied, so it proved our hypothesis.


LIMITATIONS: The research work was very pleasant for us, and we tried our best to conclude the research successfully. However, we had some limitation to complete the research paper as followings:  This paper was our first experience of a research paper.  We did not find any information about cafeteria from the internet or either from the library.  The research started and ended with a short period.  Our survey area and sample 30 students’ opinion is too narrow when near about 2300 student studies at UIU (Telephone interview).


RECOMMENDATIONS AND SUGGESTIONS: To make the cafeteria perfect for the student, it should take these steps. •

Make it quite and clean.

Increase its accommodation.

Increase its quality of foods.

Food should be more hygienic.

Give better service.

These changes must make student satisfied on the UIU cafeteria and able to meet up the future demands.


CONCLUSION: Food is very important thing to lead a life. Therefore, not only it is very important to take fresh and hygienic food, but also the place also should be clean where we will seat and take food. Moreover, the environment should be nice. A good cafeteria is that where we can get fresh and hygienic food with clean and nice environment. They give nice service. Their food quality should be good and price reasonable. Through the analysis, we determine that the improvement of UIU cafeteria is required in short future. To meet up the increasing demands of the University, UIU cafeteria has to improve its present functionalities and service.


BIBLIOGRAPHY: Garfield, Donald. “Warhol’s Starship Enterprise.” Museum News May/June 1994: 44-67. Art Index. Online. OCLC First Search. 6 may 1995. Rahman, Mizanur. “UIU Cafeteria.” Interview. By Abul Kalam Azad Shahin. Dhaka 22 Aug. 2006. Ahmed, Shegupta. Telephone interview. 29 Aug. 2006.


APPENDIX – 01: 30 questionnaires filled by UIU Students are attached in appendix one.


APPENDIX – 02: Ralf works of the group and research proposal are joined in appendix two.







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