Report's Remarks

  • July 2020
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Read More, Write More, and Speak More? It never seems an easy task to translate foreign languages to our native writings. The language of English – a knowledge that students have been learning since the first day they went to school – is still a big struggle. (鎗 手用錯字眼,翻譯文章不是一種「鬥爭」)There are five main reasons that I believe causing the difficulties in translation: the fear of English; weak English foundation; lack of basic readings; and no interest of current news. (I thought that all translates presents the difficult reason to come from the student not really to reads English newspaper, I found some information on the homepage to look that English newspaper the statistical table supported my argument Sunday newspaper readership trends—age (1998-2007). The blue line is 2007. Website: 刪除並更換此部分,網 上可找到更多亞太區學生閱讀指數高企的資料

The first challenge students have to overcome when they are doing translation is the fear. Based on my research to most of my schoolmates and classmates, they do not feel excited when they are asked to do translation because they are scared of reading English. Students began stepping into English by learning alphabets, letters, and simple vocabularies. It is a very good start for kids. On the other hand, it would be tedious if students spending their entire school years memorizing English vocabularies and grammar theories. Tediousness largely decreases students’ eagerness to absorb new knowledge outside school. This leads the students to only “swallow” the English but actually not “disgust” it, meaning that they are memorizing everything on the textbook without understanding. Pressures are therefore created; bigger pressures build fear. And as a result, learning English not an enjoyment but a fear to the students. (此段重做,你怕英文與翻譯水準之間無必 然關係) (Fear leads to a weak English foundation. Because of the fear, students do not want to approach anything about English: English movies, books, or newspapers. Lack of reading brings poor foundation of English. Even thought instructors and schools always have exquisite systems for students’ English learning, students did not proceed to learn. They may be good at vocabularies, but understanding English does not required only vocabularies. For examples, most English idioms are not understood words by words individually as if reading Chinese phrases. For some phrases, sometimes it is quite impossible to translate them to the original Chinese sayings. For example the idiom: “Nothing ventured, nothing have.” From, the word venture means “hazard or risk.”( So if we translate this sentence by 1

just translating the words, it probably would be misunderstood as “risk is nothing, and having is nothing.”)就 算直譯也能準確翻譯,你這樣是錯譯,是鎗手功力未夠 However, the true and underlying meaning is actually “How can you catch tiger cubs without entering the tiger's lair”(BaDui This implies that if you don't take risk and try, you will never get what you want. As we can see, to do a good job in translation is necessary with not only vocabularies, but also the ability to understand the completed sentence.) (此段用例錯誤,請全段重做,用 百度查「不入虎入,焉得虎子」,犯了做翻譯的兩個最嚴重錯誤,第一是不應以網上資料為最終權威, 加上大陸網的直譯文化,外國人更難明白。另外如維基百科就常有造假的資料,第二是此句的解釋不止 這一個,犯了以偏概全的毛病) Aside the lack of knowledge of English phrases and terminologies, the difference of the sentence construction and grammar between English and Chinese is a big challenge for students in translation. So when we are reading an English sentence and we have to translate it in a Chinese sentence, we would always be mislead by the English sentence constructions. For instance, “The new SJM has a game plan that makes a lot of sense”; the words highlighted are used to describe the noun: game plan. However, in Chinese language, descriptions should be put in front of the noun within one sentence, unless you explained it separately: (新澳博已制定了一奪全新 合適的博彩方案。) or (新澳博已制定了博彩方案. 而這方案是全新合適的。) When we are translating this sentence, the English grammar would easily lead us to write in unreasonable Chinese sentence, for example (而新澳博已制定了博彩方案全新合適的。). The difference between grammar and sentence construction could bring us to a wrong idea in which seems making sense. (此句根本譯錯,論證全不成立,全段重做) Besides the fear and foundation of English, another element that enlarges the difficulty in translating is the lack of news. The number of students reading newspapers is continually decreasing; the percentage of adults’ age 18 to 24 who read the newspaper on a daily basis has decreased from about 44 percent in 1998 to 34 percent in 2008, according to statistics on the Newspaper Association of America's Web site. With the fact ““A recent study released by Harvard University concerning young people and their daily news consumption revealed that 60 percent of teens are inattentive to daily news as a whole,” and with a weak English foundation, it would be a very hard time for students to understand when they encounter any news in English. And therefore it becomes a big struggle for them to translate the news in a professional writings. Such as the local news about Mr. Ho and the gaming industry in Macau we translated earlier, I had a hard time understand it. There is a lot of specific industry terms that we do not know. Some of the examples are “junket operator,” “government-imposed cap,” etc. Another examples are names and abbreviations that we do not know – because students seldom watch news and the current economy – such as Sociesade de Jogos de Macau (SJM), and IPO, etc. Unless students are willing to research for all the translations of names and abbreviations, those specific terms and names would be a big obstacle for us to estimate the proper meaning of the article. (對時事缺乏認識、對博彩術語不了解都非 藉口,應全段改寫,說明如何解決文章中的困難,何況以你的背景也不難找到呢!)

In short, for my opinion, I think the problems when doing translation are fear of English, poor foundation, unfamiliarity with English Phrases, lack of current news, and also the difference of grammar and sentence constructions. (你說中、英語法不同,何不找有關書看看?可否以本文為例引述一些例子?)So are 2

there any solutions that could improve our abilities to conquer the problems we have? There must be, but I am sure they are not an easy task, and could never do it within a short time. But if we do not begin to do something now, it would be too late until we realize it. 基於上述理由,全段重做,改為如何克服文章中的困難。 (When I am talking about foundation, it must be about education started from the beginning of every student’s school life. To have a better foundation of English, parents and teachers could start with providing an interesting start and environment to the children, such as reading English stories, speaking in English with them. If children could begin with a more motivating start in learning English, the possibility of getting fear would be minimized; instead, they would be more approachable to it. So students would love to watch more English movies, books, news, and even speaks more. However, this kind of learning is necessary to start from the first day of school, and required patience of teachers, and time of parents. If not, it is still not possible to enhance the interest of learning English.)翻譯的質素、基礎是可以自學的,與學校教育無關,改寫此部分。 To have a better foundation of English required years to nurture, so how can we improve the ability to translate in the moment of time? It is never too late for students to change. Read more books, watch more movies, and try to speak more, in order to overcome the fear of English. Once they have overcome the fear, it would be very easy to learn better English and improve their capabilities to read and understand English. When fear disappears, students would be more interested into English. They would approach more English and this could lead them to the next level. For example, they would not try to read an English sentence word by word. They would rather read it as a completed sentence instead of translating the vocabularies individually. So after we have more interest in English, we should read more English books; even it is some English TV show, it helps too. We listen more, we watch more, and so we understand more. Again, as the example idiom we have talked about, “nothing ventured, nothing have,” we would understand it as if the idiom “no pain, no gain,” if we have enough experience of understand English sentences. As we already know the meaning of venture, which means, “taking risks,” then we know what the idiom really represents: if we never take risks, we would never get what we want. (之前已用了相同的例子,請另換一例),重做此段。 (Now, students know how to get over their fear and raise their foundation of English by reading more, watching more, listening and speaking more. The next step would be concentrating to the news. Reading news does not only help students to improve their information of the current events, but also leads them to read and translate in a professional way. Firstly, students must be alert of what is happening outside of the school. That does not only help when we have to read or translate any articles of the current news, but also to communicate with people and the rest of the society. However, if we want to learn writing professionally from reading news, we have to read both the news in both English and Chinese. The news may not be exactly the same but if you look at them with similar topic, then go ahead and read them both. After you read the English version, you probably would understand what it is about; and now go read the Chinese version, you can know all the exact details that you missed or you do not understand in the English version. This learning skill helps students to compare the two languages. And because newspaper reporters always write in a professional and correct way, students also know how to write professionally in both languages.)(此段論證不成立,我曾在傳媒機構工 作,深知即使同一新聞,在不同傳媒報道中也會以不同角度分析,當然讀者可知得更多,但此舉對提 升語文水平無甚幫助,除非該報道是中、英對照吧!重寫此段!) (Reading news in different languages also makes students to get more familiar with some specific or industrial 3

terminologies. For example, if we read a lot of news about the Macau casino, we would immediately found out who is Mr Stanley Ho and Frank McFadden; what is Sociesade de Jogos de Macau (SJM), etc.) (不是語言 問題,是文章背景與信息的問題) 改寫此部分。(But what can students do if they encounter some articles that are relevant to something they really have no idea of. Many students would go for dictionaries when they read some specific terms they do not understand. Dictionaries are good source for vocabularies and sentences, but sometimes they do not include the information we want. What we can do is go to surf the internet for information research. Good sources are “,” ( “Google News,” ( for international and gobal news, or “Yahoo HK News,” ( for local news, “Wikipedia,” (, etc. These sources always contain information that is the latest and unique, which could not be found in usual dictionaries. Aside Internet, we can also go for libraries to look up on books for the specific topic we are working on.)網上資源、電子字典不宜過 分倚賴,你知維基百科又稱為「偽基百科」嗎?目前最可信的仍是印刷本的字典,網上資源只助你在短 時間找答案,仍需找印刷本引證。此段的論證又被否定了! Translation could be very time-consuming, especially when students’ level and standard is not that high and capable to write professionally and read properly. As we have discussed in the above paragraphs, the ways to improve our English is always to read more, write more, and speak more. And I also gave example of good sources for research aside dictionaries. These ways may sound unexciting to most of us because we have been hearing this for my whole life. But I have to admit this is true, and this is always the most powerful and efficient method. Yes, we still have to keep doing this, not only for ourselves, but also for ourselves as a Chinese. This is a proof to other people and other countries that we are able to communicate in different languages, both writing and speaking. (你的翻譯顯示你的中文水平欠佳,為何不提改善中文的方法?應針對文章,說明改善中 文的方法,刪除此段,之前已提過了!)


Translation, is one kind of knowledge. But translated ( 錯 form ) has also separated ( 漏 介 詞 ) many categories, (漏動形容詞)had the written translation, interpretion(串錯字) and so on. Each kind also has the different difficulty ( singular or plural form ) , what this ( 此 字 有 需 要 嗎 ) I translate is the written translation, therefore I will explain some skills. (The English to Chinese two languages in the syntax, the glossary, aspects and so on rhetoric have the very big difference, therefore when will carry on the English to/from Chinese definitely will encounter many difficulties, needs to have certain translation skill to make the instruction. The commonly used translation skill has increases translates the law, the province translates the law, the conversion technique, opens the syntax, the combination method, is translating the law, instead translates the law, the inversion law, Bao Yunfa, the interpolation, the reorganization law and the synthesis method and so on. Not only these skills may utilize in the written translation, may also utilize in the interpretion process, moreover should use skilled, because the interpretion work's characteristic had decided interpreter more time have not carried on the ponder. 1. Increases translates the law: Refers to acts according to the English to Chinese two language different thinking mode, the code of language and the turn of expression, when translation increases some words, the short phrase or the sentence, with the aim of expressing the significance which accurately the original text contains. 2. The province translates the law: This is with increases translates one kind of translator who the law corresponds the method, namely obliterates conforms to the target language thought custom, the code of language and the turn of expression word, avoids the translation burden. 3. Conversion technique: Refers to the translation process to cause the translation to conform to the target language indication way, method and custom, but to the original sentence's part of speech, the sentence pattern and the voice and so on carries on the transformation. 4. Opens the syntax and the combination method: This is the translation method which two kinds correspond. 5. Is translating the law and instead translates the law: These two methods usually use in Chinese to English, occasionally also uses in UK translating the Chinese. 6. Inversion law: In Chinese, before the attribute modifier and the adverbial modifier are often located at by the modifier; In English, after many modifiers are located at frequently by the modifier, therefore translates time often must invert the original text word order. 7. Bao Yunfa: This method uses in UK translating the Chinese much. So-called Bao Yun is refers to when translates into English long verse Chinese, the English postpositioned ingredient places the central word before the Chinese normal word order, causes the beautification ingredient in the Chinese sentence to form the pretage package to be pregnant. 8. Interpolation: Refers to the component parts which processes with difficulty uses the dash, the parenthesis or 5

around the comma insertion translates in the sentence. This method mainly uses in the written translation. 9. Reorganization law: Refers to when carries on UK translates the Chinese, to cause the translation smooth and conforms to Chinese narrative logic custom, in strokes the clear English long verse the structure, understands English original intention in the foundation, gets rid of the original text word order and the sentential shape thoroughly, carries on to the sentence combines. 10. Synthesis method: Is refers to Shan Yongmou to plant when translator the skill is unable to translate, focuses the chapter, take the logic analysis as the foundation, with many kinds of translation skill method.)你的翻譯 理論空談一大堆,但請說明在文章哪部分應用出來,這才是翻譯的技巧與策略,否則只是抄襲! The following is my this translation little the few feelings After completing this translator(form of verb) the article, I thought that this article is probably same to my big report. It was different for always (留意此字的用法) article. I used three day(singular or plural) to be able(字詞搭配錯誤) to complete. This I translate the article (文法有誤) is about Macao's Japanese dining room sake introduction. I meet in many difficult ( 是 different 嗎 ? ) and comprehend some translation attainment, but in the article is composed of three paragraphs, I separate it section (文法有誤) to translate. It was because it can be quite easy and three articles do not chaotic(用錯字眼). First, I probably will explain that first I will translate this article the method. (下文是感受,不是策略, 請改為解決翻譯問題的方法,並舉例說明) First, I think grammar was a problem! It was because it is not the same of Chinese with English. So, I must find the mind point(英文的中心思想不是這個字眼) in the article. When I found the mind point, I must understand what the meaning and what thing is that want(用錯搭配) to talk. For this reason, I had to see the article from beginning to end. I would write down I know the words, and then I found the remainder (你用錯字, 請查字典) on dictionary. Now I can find the mind point, around the mind point to translator the article.(何處 是中心思想,妳未有說明)。 In the first paragraph, I had a problem in the beginning! These were many Japanese sake names. I found that very difficulties(用錯字眼). First, I would find the dictionary, but I could not find in that.(我已教過妳如 何找工具書,請再試) And then I found the restaurant’s internet, but the internet is English language, and it did not introduce the sake. So I must found it in the other way. I went to some introduce Japanese sake internet(文法有誤), there had many sake introduce, so I found that easier. When I render the second paragraph, the second problem was become. The paragraph had a lot restaurant’s sake name, a lot of the words I can not (串錯字) to translator(錯 form) . So I went to the book shop, these(用錯字) have some Japanese dictionary(singular or plural). It can help me used to translator(文法 6

有 誤 ) the Japanese words. When I didn’t know the word, and can not find that, I will decide the word meaning and write it to conform the article. In the last paragraph, I did that very readable. It was because after translator ( 錯 form ) these two paragraph(singular or plural), I can control the translator way. So, I did that quick and accurate. (妳有很多錯 與漏譯,不能說已駕御文章) Many Japanese words I can find that(that 不是這樣用的). Now, I will explain that I have used any method and the attainment.

After this translator article, I comprehend the following several points in the attainment aspect: Seeks for the article key point; Analysis article significance; The article must be smooth; Must(小草) suit the article with the character the key point; When (小草) meets the expression unclear sentence(文法有誤), wants to judge the article, with the words and expressions which most tallies express; Actually translation time cannot word by word. (文法有誤)

Seeks for the article the key point First, the translation start must find the article the key point, regarding key analyzed the article. But how could only then find the key point? First, watch the article by the head to the tail one time, like this may understand the article the meaning. Afterward, writes down own understanding's unknown character, like this might understand the article the content. When a little understood after article content, may discover the article to want to express anything. (欠例證,否則此段不成立) The article must be smooth After having found the article key point, we may analyze the article. I meet a translation, although after the translation made the article preamble, the principle will not be smooth. But such translator may make itself easier to complete an article. After translating the sentence, it reorganizes. Such article could be smooth. Front Chinese custom subject will put the forefront, English some attachment sentence will put, these I can note can adjust as far as possible let the sentence be smoother (欠例證,否則此段不成立)

Must suit the article with the character the subject, A character is equivocal, the identical righteousness also has translates the law differently, has the different effect (欠例證,否則此段不成立)

In translation time chooses when some unknown characters must be careful. Must suit the article the key point, because the different unknown character will have the different meaning, specially is English. English unknown character may have many explanations, but the same explanation may use in the different environment, therefore we use the character to be most important suit the article the subject.  (欠例證,否 則此段不成立) 7

One judge the article expression unclear place When meets the expression unclear sentence, wants to judge the sentence the meaning. Expresses the sentence with the suitable writing. Moreover can not use the affirmative sentence expression, most importantly must conform to the article key point.  (欠例證,否則此段不成立)

Actually the translation skill one day and one night may train by no means that must depend on the time and the practice only then may train. Makes some article translation, looked that some English books, let the weak language strengthen. Actually middle translation, but learns many English unknown characters and the extra knowledge, is a good matter.  (欠例證,否則此段不成立)

Actually translation time cannot word by word In translation English time, may not word by word. Because like this will become make the article not smooth, moreover Chinese and English will be different. The possibly cause the grammatical error with word by word. Such article has lost the original text meaning. Therefore this simultaneously cannot have the mistake error in the translation.  (欠例證,否則此段不成立)

I encounter many difficulties in this article, the difficulty have these points: Japanese special-purpose writing; not own feeling; Japanese special-purpose writing Difficult one, because I translate the article is introduced about the Japanese dining room clear wine, therefore has the many Japanese special-purpose writing in middle ( 留 意 middle 的 用 法 ) . For example, junmai-daiginjo, roratayaki and so on…These will be in daily will not contact.(文法有誤) Must therefore on-line seek for these writing. But, these dining room's website majority of has not mentioned the clear wine the introduction. Has some not to have the website. (此兩句文法錯得厲害,請改得通順點)Therefore I decide with the second method. Is looks for some to understand that Japanese the friend help(欠 infinitive), they have helped me many busy( 留意 busy 的用法). Finally, I have gone to the bookstore, seeks (第一身要 用 plural 嗎?) for some Japan's dictionary(singular or plural) the Japanese writing which is left over to look up.  Not own feeling Difficult two, is the article is goes to the dining room by author's angle to feel. But I have not gone to these dining rooms, therefore in some special descriptions time, I am unable to translate accurately. This question, I 8

have used my judgment parsing sentence meaning, and then uses own writing to describe the sentence. Attempts the translation only then to know that spells over and translates is the two matters completely, this probably listens to teacher to attend class understands and writes the difference which altogether the pen comes out to enable others also to understand, may also say that is difference which accepts and gives, accepts is quite always easy, so long as because understand well, must let others understanding is not that easy, moreover the different object also had the difference. (是否妳個人的經歷在翻譯而言不重要,做足資料搜集就可以, 故此段不成立) Translation really very time-consuming, but may also learn the dissimilar experience, is likely English individual character, the phrase, article Italy. Translator must turn to is a very complex work, is likely turns the original text the cost place the language is the identical, but in fact in operation use time is also the identical, therefore, begins gradually from two aspects, on the rough draft, all one time turns the first rough draft, then starts to turn head once more review (此段可刪除,因與先前部分重覆,改為如何掀升中文理解能力與 改變思考模式更佳) 請再留意全文的標點與文法,否則下次再扣就不好意思!


I am a Sam Yuk School student. I have read the English translation of the whole Division, this is my Having never been involved in the subject, this is a professional subjects, in this vocational and technical courses, I learned a lot of translation skills to solve the translation some of the problems encountered. (請以文章例子說明如何應用翻譯技 巧) In day-to-day, we have to always watch English programs, listen to more English music, watch more English stories, newspapers, to increase our vocabulary, grammar. To be a successful translator, it is necessary to grasp the time, with the shortest possible time to make the standard answer, after a very long time to accumulate experience, skills constantly proficient, it will become a successful translator. Knowledge is not science, so we also rely on the small helping hand, when we solve the problems of translation, we will use English-Chinese Dictionary, English Electronic Dictionary. If you have country names, place names, and language names, such as proper nouns, we will spend some time on the use of some professional dictionaries, to find the most accurate answer. (以文章例子說明如何使用工具書) As the English and Chinese is a great disparity between two different language system, so in terms of language structure and expression of the way very different from that of, the original text, certain words come out if the literal translation would appear cumbersome, inconsistent with the expression of Chinese habits. In this case, it is necessary to omit a number of articles, pronouns, prepositions or conjunctions, such as eliminating non-translation, but should not affect the meaning of the original expression, which requires us to some of the original words to transform part of speech, asked to make clear. (請以文章例子說明如何解決中、英語法差異問題) Although we have many ways to solve the translation problem, but for a beginner, in the process of translation will always encounter a lot of problems and answers in the search process have a number of benefits, what is the purpose of translation? I think that translation is in order to express the meaning of a language to express accurately the meaning to others. If the translation be able to meet this basic objective, it is a failure. And based on this end, I think the principle of translation should be defined as accurate, all translations from the accurate meaning, the things to a language used to accurately express in another language so that people really understand what it say? Want to tell you what. As for the accuracy of translation, translation of the sense of beauty can only be regarded as the translation should be attention. Of course, I was not referring to these two important, but compared with the accurate term, both relegated to second place. (以文章例子說明如何達致信、達、雅) 10


(The translation learns which in the school really was too many in needs to practice solid shallow from this me every day to understand unceasingly had to sharpen own translation ability, the one day and one night could distinguish by no means. I do every day the matter on is pressing English unknown character which in the dictionary analyzes did not know, analyzes the result according to the dictionary to select a recent symbol meaning Chinese to put together in the translation….)(明白意思,但文法錯誤太多)(How is the academic society having expresses the related translation foundation and the knowledge systematically. Regardless of English translates to Chinese or Chinese translates English, we all frequently practice to raise English proficiency, can occur frequently does not make clear the original text meaning, with this is far from any translation the translation, passed through revises many times had finally all discovered the glossary in the different matching neutral specific about writing coherence, was can have the very obvious difference. For example: ” The official agreement” and” the official statement”, in these two sentences” official” cannot apply mechanically blindly, makes clear first between them the different meaning. First” official” is refers conforms to the stipulation”; Second” official” is the expression has officially authority”, but therefore, the official agreement” may translated work formal agreement the official statement be possible translated work official the statement.) (一大堆 official 所指為何,請用文章例子說明) (example above to show translates some articles to have to have certain specialized knowledge, if is short of this aspect the knowledge, must look up in a dictionary industriously, books, when necessity must consult the senior, after full understanding original text, only then by accurate translation article. )用文章例子說明 (Besides has the specialized knowledge which just mentioned, but also must understand Britain and America and so on said the English-speaking country the history, the geography, the character and style human sentiment, the culture and so on…)以文章例子說明如 何考量外國文化因素.(Otherwise, some English translation although conforms to English grammar, but did not conform to English expression be used to it, only then had certain English-speaking country background knowledge, could translate has the flexibility, could cause the translation to accept easily by the reader, could reduce the translation and reader's distance, caused the translation accurately, to be smooth, to be unmistakable.Shallow also has very many examples from the life reality, for example: E1 welcome drink the cup coffee to the restroom. Very easy wrong to release please go to the restroom t have a cup of coffee. But correct 郤 releases is: please go to the lobby to have a cup of coffee. Therefore after we looked at the example to look the restroom Chinese used wrong, did not express the restroom, but was the washroom meaning, in US restroom bathroom washroom all has the washroom meaning, if the culture did not understand regarding this, did not look up in a dictionary, could have this joke, the restroom might use crush-room drawing room lobby retiring room according to the linguistic environment and so on… The E2 Japan is famous by the hot spring. By mistake releases is easily: Japan boasts warm springs. Correct releases the law is: Japan boasts hot springs. From this I had discovered but warm is takes the warm meaning with greatly has for the hot spring speech does not work as, but said hot spring or thermal spring. This and on the example has the different viewpoint equally, had reflected two languages looked the thing the way E3 ominous dwelling releases by mistake: fearful mansion correct translates the law: haunted in the house Chinese said the ominous dwelling, English needs to say is haunted room, if translates is fearful mansion, the English beautiful women not too can understand. Not merely the translation should be the language transformation, to a certain extent, is the cultural transformation. The 11

Chinese-English two languages in the language family, the writing system, the pronunciation, the glossary, the grammar, the chapter, the language with and so on various aspects have the big difference, reflects the different culture, therefore has certain English-speaking country background knowledge to translate time England regarding the Chinese very important. Frequently translates England's time after requested us to understand Chinese original text meaning used English to express again, generally speaking, understood the original text relatively quite easy, in order to guarantee the English translation says English content smoothly, first had to achieve the sentence overall ties the scoop arrangement to be reasonable, then could emphasize the sentence each constituent detail processing. From this mentions, the Chinese translates the English most basic time is I usually rests to English basic sentence pattern grasping and using E4 very much late mistranslates: I usually sleep very late correct translates the law: But i usually go to sleep very late Chinese " late rests the " English to have to say go to sleep late or go to bed late. sleep the late Italy is " sleeps late ", namely get up late. The cultural difference, looked the question the angle of view is different, the expression angle is also different, should understand the foreign land culture. E5 we are 1997 levels of students mistranslate: We are students of the 1997 grade correct translates the law: We are students of the 1997 enrolment expressed several year " level " must use grade. for example: She is second year's students. Should translate is: She is a student in the second the grade. so-called 1997 levels, 1998 levels and so on " and so on " refers to the meaning which registers for school in this year, should translate is enrolment. if must express someone the year graduation. May use to graduate or graduate. For example: We are 1997 sessions of students. We are graduates of the 1997. He is the Oxford University 1998 session of student. He was (has been) graduated from Oxford in the class of 1998 therefore knew by on example: The Chinese translates England's essential condition to have several items one, must have the high Chinese proficiency to have to be skilled in the original work, can start to translate. The familiar original work is does well the translation the premise. Must be skilled in the original work, must learn the language which the original work uses. Translates regarding Chinese-English, must have to grasp Chinese well. Because the original text thoughts and feelings and so on are leisurely cross the language to manifest, therefore, learns Chinese is in the translation one of essential conditions. Two, must have the high English proficiency regardless of England translates the Chinese or the Chinese translates England, all must have the high English proficiency, Chinese-English translates especially so. Translates to Chinese-English, the Chinese the understanding cannot have the question generally to the original work, the main question lies in translator's English proficiency. English proficiency height is the Chinese translates the key which England translates. Must be the real man to translate England, must build the foundation in English aspect. Must learn English each expression method, must widely read, makes English writing frequently the practice, must be familiar with each different expression method which the different literary style uses. (說一大堆世界各國語言差異,還是重返 文章的例子吧!)(Makes Chinese-English to translate can only depend on the dictionary and the grammar in no way. Cannot the complete character antithetical couplet, the word to the word, the sentence antithetical couplet translation. Had understood after original text meaning, must forget Chinese, goes to the thought with English, then expresses with English habitually used law. The translation must be accurate, vivid, but also must be expressive, this needs usually assiduously to study, carries on the Chinese to translate England's training frequently, raises our English proficiency diligently. Three, must have certain specialty to know must do well the translation with the rich cultural knowledge, but also must have the certainly good specialty to know. Did not understand translates the article, involves the specialty, does not clarify Chinese original text the significance. Also is far from the translation. Even if had understood approximately translates Chinese article, 12

but if did not know in English the topical glossary and the custom usage, translate the thing is inaccurate, the reader either cannot understand, either causes the misunderstanding. In carries on in the Chinese-English translation process, sometimes can bump into the many Chinese significance same word, but these words in different matching neutral specific about, have the obvious difference, the translator wants certainly to pay attention to the language the logic, the attendance looks up the specialized reference book.)(以文章例子說 明信、達、雅) For example: “initializes text " and " initializes contract ", in these two terminology " initializes " the meaning is different, the former is refers to the " abbreviation to sign ", when initializes, the litigant only signs its name the first letter (for example: James King initializes is " J.K. “), therefore " initializes text " this terminology to be supposed to translate into, “initialed text”, but the latter " initializes " is refers to the constitution to the contract provision authentication, but still not legally binding, therefore " initializes contract " to be supposed to translate into " referendum contract ". )(Again for example: “official agreement " and " official statement ", in these two terminology " official " cannot apply mechanically blindly, must clarify its clear between meaning. First " official " is refers to " to conform to stipulation "; Second " official " expresses " official authority ", but therefore, “official agreement " should translated work " formal agreement " " official statement " translate into " official statement ". Above example showed translates when some articles has certain specialty to know, if the being short of aspect knowledge, needs to look up in a dictionary industriously, reference book, when necessity also must consult the human who knows the business, after understood fully original text, only then has the possibility by to publish the accurate English translation. Because our student very few opportunities contact when the foreign country the cultural context language expression literary style style translates have certain deviation therefore the students must promote reading, writing ability needs to select much looked book multi-training writing should train has the deep language foundation of basic skills, but also should have the vast cultural knowledge, the cultural knowledge including three concepts, a figure of correlation country cultural context knowledge, involves the history, the geography, the local conditions and social customs, natural style literary arts, cultural tradition, religious belief and so on each aspect. Knew the surface are more general, is bigger to the translation help, two figure of Chinese-English two languages reflected China and the West cultural difference knowledge, translates England and China in the Chinese, the translator wants the literacy difference and cultural transmission consciousness, must consider English reader the Chinese culture receptivity which transmits to the translation, must grasp from has been translating the Chinese-adapted transmission the intention and the principle. Middle finger translation theory as well as with translation research correlation discipline knowledge, including linguistics and various branches, philosophy, literature, psychology, esthetics and so on various domains knowledge. Fang Ba translates the original intention explains fine. Chinese attention overall effect, not too requests in the detail the accuracy; But English then quite mechanical, the logical thinking is strict, request language accuracy. E6 this year productive ratio last year high mistranslation: This year's output is greater than last year. Correct translates the law: This year's output is greater than that of last year. In Chinese may say " this productive ratio last year high ", we may understand the entire sentence the meaning, but does not need to say excruciatingly: “this year productive ratio last year output high”. Might not correspond " output " and " " these two different kind of phrases carries on the comparison last year. But English certainly must indicate accurately, the original text also may translate is: This year's output is greater than last year's. The E7 study foreign language method and the study swimming method is same, must put the practice to the first mistranslation: The way of learning foreign languages is the same as learning swimming. Practice must be put first. Correct translates the law: The way of learning foreign languages is the 13

same as that of learning swimming. Practice must be put first. The original text compares both sides are the method and (study swimming) the method compare (study foreign language), but mistranslates the meaning is actually studies the foreign language the method and the study swimming compares, the English translation does not conform to the grammar rule, the meaning is not clear also has because Chinese does not have the crown language, the Chinese translates England to be very easy in this aspect to appear grammatical error E8 they three people to major in the physics mistranslation: ) 以 文 章 例 子 說 明 official argeement 與 official statement 的分別 Three of them(不明所指?) 全文文法多處失誤,應自行改正,下次逐個扣分!


(I am going to use the last assignment to be the sample. Since I read this "Zen and the art of sake", I realized that while sake varieties have different characteristics they are not as pronounced as those between wine varieties such as merlot and cabernet sauvignon, which can differ enormously depending on the grape variety, where they were grown, and the way in which the wine is produced. Environmental factors and production techniques affect sake but the variations are less obvious, also I am facing lots of problems, such as lost of mystery words and nouns , eventually I recognize that these kind of words actually is Japanese. and I had do many research in internet , through some internet resource to help me find out what is sake, merlot and cabernet Sauvignon, and I think this essay is not enough to explain these culture of alcoholic drink . Sake is a Japanese alcoholic beverage made from rice. This beverage is called sake in English, but in Japanese, sake or o-sake refers to alcoholic drinks in general. The Japanese term for this specific beverage is Nihonshu, meaning "Japanese sake." Sake is also referred to in English as rice wine. However, unlike true wine, in which alcohol is produced by fermenting the sugar naturally present in fruit, sake is made through a brewing process more similar to that of beer. To make beer or sake, the sugar needed to produce alcohol must first be converted from starch. But the brewing process for sake differs from beer brewing as well, notably in that for beer, the conversion of starch to sugar and sugar to alcohol occurs in two discrete steps, but with sake they occur simultaneously. Additionally, alcohol content also differs between sake, wine, and beer. Wine generally contains 9-16% alcohol and most beer is 3-8%, whereas undiluted sake is 18-20% alcohol, although this is often lowered to around 15% by diluting the sake with water prior to bottling. There are two basic types of sake: futsu-shu and tokutei meishu-shu Futsu-shu, "ordinary sake," is the equivalent of table wine and accounts for the majority of sake produced. Tokutei meishu-shu, "special designation sake," refers to premium sakes distinguished by the degree to which the rice is polished and the added percentage of brewer's alcohol or the absence of such additives.

Cabernet Sauvignon is one of the world's most widely recognized red wine grape varieties. It is grown in nearly every major wine producing country among a diverse spectrum of climates from Canada's Okanagan Valley to Lebanon's Beqaa Valley. Cabernet Sauvignon became internationally recognized through its prominence in Bordeaux wines where it is often blended with Merlot and Cabernet franc. From France, the grape spread across Europe and to the New World where it found new homes in places like California's Napa Valley, Australia's Coonawarra region and Chile's Maipo Valley. For most of the 20th century, it was the world's most widely planted premium red wine grape until it was surpassed by Merlot in the 1990s. Merlot is a red wine grape that is used as both a blending grape and for varietal wines. Merlot-based wines 15

usually have medium body with hints of berry, plum, and currant. Its softness and "fleshiness", combined with its earlier ripening, makes Merlot a popular grape for blending with the sterner, later-ripening Cabernet Sauvignon, which tends to be higher in tannin. Along with Cabernet Sauvignon, Cabernet Franc, Malbec and Petit Verdot, Merlot is one of the primary grapes in Bordeaux wine where it is the most widely planted grape. Merlot is also one of the most popular red wine varietals in many markets. This flexibility has helped to make it one of the world's most planted grape varieties. The origins of sake are unclear; however, the earliest written reference to use of alcohol in Japan is recorded in the Book of Wei, of the Records of Three Kingdoms. This 3rd century Chinese text speaks of the Japanese drinking and dancing. Sake is also mentioned several times in the Kojiki, Japan's first written history, compiled in 712. The first alcoholic drink in Japan may have been kuchikami no sake ("mouth-chewed sake"), which is made by chewing nuts or grains and spitting them into a pot. The enzymes from the saliva allow the starches to saccharify (convert to sugar), and then ferment. This method was also used by Native Americans (see cauim, chicha and pulque), and inscriptions from the 14th century BCE mention Chinese millet wine being made the same way. Regardless, by the Asuka period, true sake - made from rice, water, and k?ji mold (, Aspergillus oryzae) - was the dominant alcohol. Sake production was a government monopoly for a long time, but in the 10th century, temples and shrines began to brew sake, and they became the main centers of production for the next 500 years. The Tamon-in Diary, written by abbots of Tamon-in temple from 1478 to 1618, records many details of brewing in the temple. The diary shows that pasteurization and the process of adding ingredients to the main fermentation mash in three stages were established practices by this time. In the 18th century, Engelbert Kaempfer and Isaac Titsingh published accounts of sake brewing in Japan. The work of both writers was widely disseminated throughout Europe at the beginning of the 19th century. During the Meiji Restoration, laws were written that allowed anybody with the money and know-how to construct and operate their own sake breweries. Around 30,000 breweries sprang up around the country within a year. However, as the years went by, the government levied more and more taxes on the sake industry and slowly the number of breweries dwindled to 8,000. Most of the breweries that grew and survived this period were set up by wealthy landowners. Landowners who grew rice crops would have rice left over at the end of the season and, rather than letting this stash of rice go to waste, would ship it to their breweries. The most successful of these family breweries still operate today. During the 20th century, sake-brewing technology grew by leaps and bounds. The government opened the sakebrewing research institute in 1904 and, in 1907 the very first government-run sake tasting/competition was held. Yeast strains specifically selected for their brewing properties were isolated and enamel-coated steel tanks arrived. The government started hailing the use of enamel tanks as easy to clean, lasting forever, and being 16

devoid of bacterial problems. (The government considered wooden barrels to be unhygienic because of the potential bacteria living in the wood.) Although these things are true, the government also wanted more tax money from breweries, as using wooden barrels means that a significant amount of sake is lost to evaporation (somewhere around 3%), which could have otherwise been taxed. This was the end of the wooden-barrel age of sake and the use of wooden barrels in brewing was completely eliminated.

In Japan, sake has long been taxed by the federal government. In 1898 this tax brought in about 55 million yen out of a total of about 120 million yen, so about 46% of the government's total direct tax income During the Russo-Japanese War in 1904–1905, the government banned the home brewing of sake. At the time, sake made up an astonishing 30% of Japan's tax revenue. Since home brewed sake is tax-free sake, the logic was that by banning the home brewing of sake, sales would go up, and more tax money would be collected. This was the end of homebrewed sake, and the law remains in effect today even though sake sales now make up only 2% of government income. When World War II brought rice shortages, the sake-brewing industry was dealt a hefty blow as the government clamped down on the use of rice for brewing. As early as the late 17th century, it had been discovered that small amounts of alcohol could be added to sake before pressing to extract aromas and flavors from the rice solids, but during the war, pure alcohol and glucose were added to small quantities of rice mash, increasing the yield by as much as four times. 75% of today's sake is made using this technique, left over from the war years. There were even a few breweries producing "sake" that contained no rice at all. Naturally, the quality of sake during this time suffered greatly. After the war, breweries slowly began to recover, and the quality of sake gradually went up. However, new players on the scene — beer, wine, and spirits — became very popular in Japan, and in the 1960s beer consumption surpassed sake for the first time. Sake consumption continued to go down while, in contrast, the quality of sake steadily improved. Recent increases in the popularity of shochu also bode ill for the future of sake in its native country. Today, sake has become a world beverage with a few breweries springing up in China, Southeast Asia, South America, North America, and Australia. More breweries are also turning to older methods of production. While the rest of the world may be drinking more sake and the quality of sake has been increasing, sake production in Japan has been declining since the mid 1970s.)不要在網上狂抄清酒的歷史、種類來敷洐老師 (In my point of view, actually I think this essay is not so complicated for me to do the translation,)真的沒困 難嗎?( I find many new vocabularies and lot of knowledge about wines, especially the different between SAKE culture and other wines, after this assignment effect me and makes me interested in the wines culture.) 按報告要求重寫全篇!(I realized that internet is a very amazing tool for me to get knowledge and solution, it also helps me to finish this assignment,)是指網上抄襲嗎? and I had got more experience to do the translation. 17

(Eventually), Macao is a (variation city in Asian), even Japan’s sake culture can be able to develop.即使 抄襲亦應留意全文的文法失誤!

What I learnt from the article… When I translated this report, I found the attraction of the mahjong very great. The participant has to pay the registration fee first and participate in the competition in order to get the abundant bonus. -----This is obviously the method of doing business in the gambling field. I think a lot of businesses are to attract customers through this kind of method too. The development of poker is becoming commercial business it attracts a lot of supporters. And mahjong hold a lot of tournaments, which reach different countries(分清國家或城市?) such as Taipei, Vancouver, Melbourne and Tokyo, etc. through direct broadcasting satellite, through the propaganda of the TV. They attract the abundant and bonus gamble guests. The mahjong can be run so successfully because most of Chinese are fond of playing with it. And the mahjong is the important culture of Chinese. The mahjong can make participants excited and make much experience. (談及文章感受,並非照抄, 但檢查全段文法) When I translated the article, I found that I have learnt the grammar a lot. For example, if there was a preposition before a verb, the whole meaning would not be completely same as the verb’s meaning. The group of the verb and the preposition would have another meaning which made the entire sentence sense. I found the words in the passage like this such as “beat off” in line 3 of the fifth paragraph also meaning “drive away”, “lived in” in line 10 of the paragraph sixth, “for decades” in line 11 of the sixth paragraph, “shelling out” in line 11 of the fifth paragraph, “as long as” in line 3 of the seventh paragraph, “In other words” in line 5 of the ninth paragraph, “goes beyond” in line 2 of the fourteenth paragraph, “As such” in line 6 of the sixteenth paragraph, “end up” in line 7 of the sixteenth paragraph, “Faced in” in line 11 of the sixth paragraph, “figured it out” in line 7 of the eighteenth paragraph, “were used to” in line 5 of the nineteenth paragraph and so on. Let me say, “as long as” in line 3 of the seventh paragraph which did not mean the length, but the condition “provided that”. I give one more example, “shelling out” meant “pay off money” instead of meaning “hard outer cover”. Another example is “were used to” meaning of “were accustomed or habituated to”. (以文章為例,談翻譯困難與 解決方法,將此段改寫!) (Furthermore, I learnt the passive voice to emphasize the importance. For example, “and is probably played by more people in the world today” in line 5 of the first paragraph. Other examples were from the line 6 of the fifth paragraph “it will be hosting more than 400 aspiring champions” and the line 4 of the eleventh paragraph “Poker is still mostly played by young male adults, but in the Chinese community, everyone plays.” Other grammar usage I learnt from preparing the translation is the noun clause. As in the previous example of the same paragraph, “people who want to make a name for themselves in the world of mahjong by competing for US$1 million in prize money”, “who” was described to express more information about the people. Other noun clause examples were in the beginning of the fifth paragraph “Last year’s title was won by Hui Chung-Lai from Hong Kong, who beat off a determined field over three grueling days of intense competition.” and in the ninth paragraph “Although this would require a mindset-shift among casino executives who fear losing highstakes baccarat players (who play against the house) to mahjong (where they play their peers), it does seem inevitable”. I also learnt how to use the conjunction of “Indeed”, “Although”, “When” and “As such” to connect the sentences. They would make the sentences more meaningful.) (評語與前相同,說來說去都是連詞、人稱代 詞運用,如何見翻譯特色?) (In addition not to be familiar to the information of “mahjong”, then I had to access the internet to search the related items and knowledge as well as the mahjong game greatly. It is rapid in developing on-line knowledge searching systems and it makes me know the world more quickly and more accurately. Moreover, it makes my judgment widen much more. Firstly, I depended on looking up in a dictionary. I accessed the internet to look for the materials regarding the content of the passage. I was embarrassed to consult my 18

teachers, the friends and classmates in the early time. However, in order to finish the translation, I had to go to ask my teachers. Then, it made me to understand that it is not necessary to get the knowledge in the books, but also from the people, such as teachers, parents, classmates.)舉例說出用字典、上網與找人查問的實例 This article also made me engage in introspection of the lottery industry. The lottery industry has developed very much in Macao rapidly. As a result of the convenient transportation, the lottery industry has been also prosperous in many countries. Many people from the different countries for the bonus do not hesitate to come from far away. Thus, it causes the prosperous tourism. Macao's economy is also maintained by the lottery industry. If Macao did not have the lottery industry, what can Macao also depend on? The lottery industry in this article was only the description for “the mahjong big game and competition”. This article has not said the lottery industry in negative ways. For example, if a person addicted in gambling, he would possibly give up his studies, enterprise, the family. Even his life would be ruined and shamed upon oneself. But an article had not mentioned the studies of loss. If therefore the people did not know the negative effects of the lottery games, they would try their luck, attend the mahjong game and try to win the competition! (姑且保留道德說教部 分!)

Difficulties Just started to read this article I was afraid very much. The reason is that the length of the article is quite long and there were many new words. Although I got the reference books, the friends, the consultants, I'm not sure that affirm the examination of the text carefully again. I then discovered that I’ve myself studied insufficiency in the past. During my translation, looked up the unknown words and also needed to know more about English grammar, the sentence structure, the reorganization sentences, and so on. (好的引子!) The ' Word Series of Mahjong ' in the third paragraph is abbreviated as WSOM. Firstly, I didn’t understand what the meaning of WSOM is. Then I look it up to the dictionary. I can’t find the word. Later I asked my teacher, she told me that the word is the short form. By the way I understood the meaning of the word. It is the proper noun of ' Word Series of Mahjong '. Another word is “Wynn” in the sentence of which holds its second annual champion-ship round at Wynn Macau on September 19-21. (始終未說如何找到?) (When I translated this passage, I didn’t understand the content what it said. Therefore I had to read an entire article first. And I understood its content after reading. I had the first impression to it. Then I started to translate. It would take me so much time to check the meanings in the dictionary. By the way, I wrote down the sentences, and tried to translate them by the computer. Then I understood their Chinese meanings. For example some specialized words and expressions,” involving hundreds of millions of dollars of prize money and sophisticated television coverage that has created a generation of poker celebrities.” in the second paragraph.) (查電子字典翻譯的問題如何處理?) (Sometimes when I met the difficult unknown words, I also looked for the reference book. In the reference book I found the meanings of the specialized unknown characters and phrases. When I knew the meanings, I used the skill of sentence reorganization, fragmentary characters, synthesis meaning to coherent the translated sentences.)(詳細舉例說明) (At that time when I had the more difficult words, I also consulted my teacher. Then my translation skill was improved. When I translated the passage and met the difficulties, I had many questions to solve. In ordinary days I don’t practice translation so much. I found that it is too difficult for me to translate. My English foundation is too bad. First I looked up the sentences, words by words and put them together. The meanings didn’t make sense. Therefore I asked my friend to help. The friend said that it was no need to look up all unknown words into Chinese. Each unknown word had the different meaning. I had to guess its meaning approximately first. Then I composed a complete sentence to translate into Chinese. If I did so, it would save a lot of time.) (舉例說明) (When I translated the second section of the article, I discovered that it was difficult for me to understand its Chinese meaning. I tried to understand the meanings, but actually there were too long contents in the second section of the sentence. It was hard to fully understand the passage in the short time. My friend taught me that I had not thought the way of English translation was the same of Chinese translation. Sometimes I translated and 19

cannot depend upon computer's translation program. The translation by the computer completely translated sentences literally into Chinese according to the words. The translation was not too smooth. For example, “Every person shelling out the US$5,000 entry fee will be walking through the door convinced that they have what it takes to be the world champion of mahjong and pocket US$500,000, no doubt.” There were many easy and short words together, but the meaning was totally different and difficult.)(與前段談及電子子典翻譯部 分合併)

The ways to solve the difficulties ( If I improve the translation's skill, I shall have to consult the teacher. Under teacher's guidance, my translation skill will improve. In the ordinary day, I must read English newspapers and to enhance English new vocabulary. I also read some extracurricular books. I may also study English grammar books. In the translation, the grammar is so important and I cannot miss it. When I practice more and more translation, put more and more efforts, my English translation skill must be improved. I will not meet the difficulties if the time is passed. English grammar is also very important even if I translate very well. If there were many faults with the grammar when I translated, the meaning of the article would totally be changed. By now we might use the computer's Word program to revise the wrong words. When I translated into the wrong words or the grammar with mistakes, Word will then underline the words and show the wrong place. Then I must correct the wrong ones. The translation will be perfect.)(舉文章例子說明) ( Although my English is not good, sometimes I have to depend on the computer and English dictionary machine to help me to translate. They can solve my difficulties in English. However, sometimes English dictionary machine can not translate into Chinese without the correct meanings. )舉例 Translation is really very time-consuming. However, I can learn the different experience. (I can learn more English new words, the phrases, grammar and articles.)舉例 (The translation is a very complex work. On one hand, the original text is translated. On the other hand, it will take time to overview the translated text and I must understand the whole meanings. If there were some differences, I would have to rewrite it and make it frequent.)舉例 When translating this article, I got some barriers. First, I was compelled to understand its Chinese meaning incompletely. Second the writing order mixed me up, I was confused to understand the happened time which led me misunderstand the content.(舉例) During the English translation, I should study each sentence carefully. I distinguish each sentence thoroughly well the whole article. I have to familiar the patterns or expressions of English. (Actually, Chinese expression is totally different from English. To the translation, logic is also very important. If the logic is clear and the usage of the grammar is correct, the translation will be excellent. ) ( 不 一 定 , 是 與 非 舉 例 說 明 ) (Therefore obviously, if the person has clear logical thinking, no matter who writes English or writes Chinese will have certain good standard.)(不一定,是與非舉例說明) (In addition, I also need to get some English articles to practice my translation skills. If I read the unclear sentences during the translation, I can consult my teachers or friends. I have to put more effort and work hard to increase my abilities of expression. Then, I have the good impression of the article. That is the true method of studying. )改此部分,多做練習 不如多看譯作! In conclusion, I learnt a lot from preparing the translation and know more how to solve the difficulties.


(My English skills are not good all the time, I can even use ‘poor’ this word to describe my English skills. In fact, I think there are many factors leading me cannot learn English better. First of all, the primary school and secondary school that I have studied did not use English for teaching most time. Then, I am not easy to get in touch with English in my daily lives. All people around me do speak Cantonese only. The last factor is that I think I do not have talent in learning English. In my point of view, having good English skills is quite incredible. To make it not become true, I must catch on all possible opportunities, pay much more effort than everyone does and try my best to learn English. Now, I have succeeded and I am going to share some feelings of mine throughout learning English and studying the course of full text translation. Full text translation can be said to be a very difficult course. The term "translation" is becoming widely used in research to address the transfer of information from one context to another.)不是說自己英文差,而是如何解決翻譯難題 (Be honest, I was not interested in ‘English’ this subject since I was at primary school. However, it was so sadly that English is a core subject in every school. Since then, I always muddled through the English tasks, including tests and examinations. I did not request myself to get a high mark, but just request myself to get adequate marks to continue my studies. Until I repeated same class at secondary school, I was awake and realized that I could not only aim at getting adequate marks, my true purpose is to learn English. During my secondary life, I was hit by several shocks. The first time I repeated, the first time I failed my test… It was not surprised; they had the same reason— because of my poor English skills. Therefore, I promised myself I had to take a change, a big change. I must not be embarrassed because I could not speak English fluently. I must try my best to improve my English skills. Although I had this idea, I did not know how to get a start. Learning English cannot only use few days, it needs few months, few years or even your whole life. How can I get a start? Speaking fluently, pronouncing accurately, using correct grammar while writing… Obviously I still have room to be improved.) At Form three, I repeated the second time because I failed in English again. I was afraid the same scene would occur because I could not cope with the English subject, so I had ever thought that I should work instead of studying and I would not waste my time anymore. However, during that summer holiday, I got a job which was a full-time salesperson. I thought I had excess ability to work on this job. On the contrary, I was totally failed. I could not serve the foreign customers. I could not communicate with a customer even with simple English conversation. I was so ashamed. At this moment, I gave myself a big change—leaving my mother school and went to Sam Yuk Middle School. Sam Yuk Middle School is different from other school. It is a vocational training school. The classifications between classes are according to different courses based on different careers rather than Science, Commerce and Arts. Sam Yuk Middle School makes efforts to raise the level of labour participation in Macau in the future through their programmes. Perhaps as I was growing up and started to absorb working experience, I understood the importance of learning other languages, especially English. As a result, I chose the course of full text 21

translation when I knew that Sam Yuk Middle School provided this course. With time flies, I am Form Six now. I have been studying the course of full text translation for nearly three years. The first year was very tough for me. It was because I spent much time to get used to the course. Aside from the general English Reading and Grammar, I began to get touch with English Conversation, Eng-chi Translation, English Proverb, Listening and etc. Using the English Conversation as an example, the so-called conversation was talking between an English teacher and us. The aim is to encourage us to speak more English. In addition, the teacher does not know any Chinese words and my English skills were limited, I was scared having his classes. However, with the help of requesting us to translate the dialogues of English Conversation which we listened at the computers at the audio room, my listening skills really improved a lot. The next practice was reading and translating English newspaper. Not only Eng-Chi translation, we were also asked to do Chi-Eng translation. In the progress of translating articles from newspaper, I met many difficulties as my English vocabularies were not abundant. For example, I did not know how to spell the names of people and companies, and even knowing some terminologies. The worst situation that I have met was I drew a passage which was talking about medical care. I could not interpret the proper name of medicine and medical treatment. I gave up at last and of course, I could not get a passing mark. The more arduous problem I got, the more pessimistic I was. I finally admitted the course of full text translation was not an easily job. The course needs a great deal of effort, time and confidence from the learner. It was no doubt that the knowledge teaching at Form Four would be more complicated than at Form Five. I was really exhausted because I have been using the whole year trying to learn the new subjects. I practiced with reading English newspaper and books, watching TV with English Channel, writing more articles and etc. Any time could be wasted. At the last school year-- Form Six, Sam Yuk Middle School will arrange the students to do an internship. I was distributed to work at a travel agency, CN Travel. This job was really fresh to me. I could widen my sight and get some experience that I could not experience from school and learnt from books. Because of working at travel agency, I met many foreigners that most of them spoke English. In addition, my working position was an operator; I had to use different languages more than often. On the same hand, I became a guide leader bringing visitors to scroll around our lovely home—Macau. Although I am a Macaunese, I did not even know the name of the historical significances in English. I felt shame because why I could not handle these simple works.)個 人成長經歷與翻譯無關! (Finished the internship, I have been studying the full text translation course for more than two years. With this experience, I got much knowledge about full text translation. Compare to the past and this moment, from I only knew the alphabets until I can use words to construct sentences, I could only speak and listen Cantonese until I can use English to communicate with others, although I have not known it very well. I really feel proud of myself from the heart now. My life is full of colours today. Nevertheless, I will not stop strengthening my English skills, especially in my writing skills. Writing a passage with correct grammar always is a tough question for me. A good passage must not have any grammatical mistakes; if not, the passage will not be 22

perfect. The most difficult part may be using the correct grammar. Compared to Chinese sentences structures, we must use the correct tenses in the sentences. Once we have used the wrong tenses, the expressions will has disparity. As a result, having right grammar in the sentences structure will give a great help to your expressions. For example, in the sentences of ‘Tom always swims after school’ and ‘Tom always swam after school’, the meaning of the former one is that swimming is Tom’s habit after school at present and the latter one gives a meaning that swimming after school was the habit of Tom in the past. This simple example shows that a correct tense gives different idea of concept to the listeners or readers. In general, tenses have present tense, past tense, present continuous tense, past continuous tense, future tense, future continuous tense and maybe etc. To be well interpreted each tenses, the most efficient method is to read more and write more. If you want to study this programme, you will discover that the idiom, ‘knowledge is unlimited’ is extremely true. It is because you cannot remember all the vocabularies, adverbs, prepositions, adjectives and etc. However, it does not defeat my decision to learn English.)還是說回文章例子吧! (Realizing that following the development of the society, having the level of secondary school will not be sufficient. However, with poor educational background applying for admission to universities will have some level of difficulties. The only solution is that trying the best effort, then having the maximum status at anytime. Studying abroad is said to be ideal too. It is implied that we are forced to speak foreign language under the pressure of the local people cannot speak Cantonese. Despite from that, you can also experience the local culture and widen my sight. English is the world’s language. It is an inseparable language in our daily lives no matter in the past and future. It has the power to change our life and change our world. The most incredible of English is that it can be a ‘trading bridge’ for each country. Although it was hit by a financial crisis last year, the world’s economy will not stop booming. No matter in the internet world or in the reality, English is so important to human. As a result, we need much hard-working, upgrading and well-equipped ourselves. Anyone will be eliminated from this society if he falls behind. Learning English is an invincible weapon, so studying the full text translation course is one of the steps getting into the world.)非品評英語,而是以文章實例檢討自己的得與失! (As I am growing up, I understand the importance of learning English can help me to get a position in the society. In conclusion, learning English should be started from childhood, and getting more practices from daily lives. We should listen, read, write and speak more. I am an example of failure. I was so lazy to remember all the things that I was taught and forgot them after the tests and examinations. An English teacher has encouraged me to learn English using an analogy and hoped that I could learn from the metaphor. The story was about a man who was afraid to see the Eiffel Tower. However, the Eiffel Tower has the total height of 324 meters and thus people can see the sight of the tower wherever in Paris. As time passed by, the man realized that he could not keep away from the occurrence of the Eiffel Tower. Therefore, he thought out a solution. The man then stood at the centre of the Eiffel Tower and looked around. The Eiffel Tower disappeared 23

just as expected. Although this story has some flaws, the meaning from it affected me a lot. My teacher wanted to bring out that, ‘if you want to enhance your English skills, just keep yourself inside the heart of English, the difficulties will then disappear’. I can understand it but can you? Failure is the mother of success. In the progress of learning English, we must go through many barriers, so we must have patience and cannot give up halfway. Succeed is straight in front of us.)妳說的 metaphor 教的是做人道理,亦與翻譯無關!


My name is XXX in Macau Sam Yuk Secondary School third-grade high school students. Are three-year high school students the whole translation. After graduating from middle school. (留意全文文法,下次 逐個扣 分 ! ) Or one high school grade, the beginning of change. Because, like other subjects, such as: Science , biological and physics do not need these, because these subjects have been transformed into Translations Branch. One of these courses by high school grade, third grade until high school, which over the past three years have also learned a lot of translation skills. One year of high school I came into contact with the entire translation of this subject, but it is not so easy in my mind, the beginning of the holding that a dictionary can be, but this is not the case now, because to become a complete sentence is a need to think about many aspects the problem, not a word found out on the line, high school, when one started to have some common vocabulary study, the teachers usually give us little more vocabulary and some relatively simple when the type of article, to the foundation and we have adaptation, one of the high school classroom will be able to pass a good translation, but now need to spend a long time to realize a good lesson Translate texts, or even bring it home to complete careful study, because these articles have become very difficult This can be reflected in our growth. By the second grade high school, we have a solid foundation of a lot, but this is not enough, because the foundation is not good, the only contact with the English of the iceberg. because the whole branch of Translation Section very extensive, have idioms, translation, listening, speech, etc. These parts, which respectively have different difficulties, however, we have the pressure to make progress, but the pressure becomes too hard, or even become obstacles, some of the pressure also instead of reading here, so we have to deal with these pressures appropriate. 翻譯與其他學科相比,與本文何干?此段文法錯誤亦太多! I think that translation is in order to express the meaning of a language to express accurately the meaning to others. If the translation be able to meet this basic objective, it is a failure. And based on this end, I think the principle of translation should be defined as accurate, all translations from the accurate meaning, the things to a language used to accurately express in another language so that people really understand what it is talking about, want to tell you what. As for the accuracy of translation, translation of the sense of beauty can only be regarded as the translation should be attention. Of course, I am not pointing to two important, but compared with the accurate term, both relegated to second place(你說的信、達、雅應以文章實例說明!) (Learn foreign languages and Chinese is a good translation for the most basic conditions, many people have a misunderstanding to think abroad do not have to study a foreign language easily, foreign languages will enhance the level of naturally In fact, the work of a foreign language abroad environment is much better than at home, but do not have a conscious learning and the accumulation of foreign language proficiency will not improve a lot.)說的是在外國學外語,但意思完全不通! (Read newspapers, watch TV, listen to the radio should become a compulsory course Translate daily, found that some lively, fresh expressions should immediately use a pen to record, time when children often come up with these accumulated material to read back back 1; wait for the translation, if just encountered a similar scene on 信手拈来, often to receive the finishing touch effect.)尚未到「信手拈來」地步,就不要此段好了! Literal translation or basic news headlines Translate words add notes 25

Try to reproduce the original rhetorical features (English and Chinese languages in syntax, vocabulary, rhetoric, etc. there are significant differences, so in Translation will definitely encounter many difficulties, has required a certain degree of translation skills for guidance. Translate techniques commonly used by translation has, provincial translation, conversion method, split sentence, the merger law, is translation, anti translation, inversion method, 包 孕 law, insertion, recombination and comprehensive law. These techniques can be used not only in translation can also be applied to the interpretation process, but should be more skilled, because the characteristics of the work of the interpreters translators decided that no more time for reflection.)以實例說明你在文章如何用了上述技巧! (Translate former preparation: 1. Relevant professional dictionaries, as far as possible to find the most suitable dictionary. 2. As far as possible to understand many things by the background knowledge Translate. Translation note: Attention to the collection and are familiar with some commonly used acronyms and abbreviations 1. Accurate expression of meaning. 2. Do not stuck in a sentence is not the former. In case 难句, first write the basic sentence, paragraph and then translated back integrity to carry out the collation 难句. 3. Analysis of many grammar and rhetoric. Note consistent with the original style. 4. We should pay attention to the mind rest. Translations are a very cost-minded things, in their minds should not be confused when strong language. 5. Be revised at this time should pay attention to the readability and beauty)以實例說明你在文章如何用了 上述技巧,並得有關結論!

( During these three years have received a variety of translation skills, not with a dictionary to explain a single word can be, because the full text of the translation we have to consider many aspects, to the former sentence and post sentence should mean fluent. Is a complete sentence, before sentence after sentence and not in line to write out the sentence may have changed the meaning, so the translation to the attention of many aspects, since a single word can have many interpretations, it is necessary to they are linked together, when coupled with the type of co-ordinated in order that the sentence to write it down. Teacher in the classroom to give us the translation of basic knowledge, to use a dictionary or vocabulary more computer applications to cope with, the sentence will be explained by the relatively smooth-riding, a long accumulation of these skills, teachers will be easy-to-digest, the beginning of by a very small article, the newspaper still have to translate, but one picked up on the obvious, no need to use the dictionary, there is still a long time, and now the convenience Translate Although a lot, but must go through the human brain thinking.)如找到文章 10 個實例討論,亦不用寫此段 個人感受! I think the difficulties in translation: 26

( 1. Can the original understanding of a very accurate, this translation is particularly important. Want to translate the original text must be good to conduct a comprehensive analysis and understanding, even if required a longer time and more energy, otherwise lost Translations.)以實例說明 ( 2. Two languages can be switched between cultures. Some things, in a culture may be very easy to understand, but in another culture is difficult to accept. Encountered such a situation, the need to find points of difference, direct it to the reader to accept the things; really do need to explain two types of inter-cultural differences in understanding by the readers to judge. Translation Section-wide experience has a lot of difficult times, because we are not a full-time translation of the division, because of their relatively poor English, so a lot of vocabulary to be found out, one should not look to be written out, so take a long time to translation. The beginning, I have translated the word means, If you do not know how to write it down, it can only rely on the help of teachers and students, because the whole translation is not done will be able to write down a word, so write them down, may be the meaning of the sentence on the many have become strange, this sentence may be how to say it makes no sense, so we have to go through thinking and organization of vocabulary in order to write them down, not this way, we have to match before and after the sentence, it is very difficult, there is a need to use more so that you can Practice makes perfect, and now there may be many difficulties, but we must not give up.)以實例說明中、英語法差異如何影響你的作品,並如何解決! (English society is now to become an international language, English words in the world are very important, if there is no foundation in English, it is difficult enough in society, Lord, English has become the world get through the channels, even if you have smart, out to the other the place, it will become zero, have less time to feel that they are very useless in the society, because I never saw a very common construction workers can also say that some very fluent in English, so why only now redouble their efforts to learn their own English, now the Secretary has a lot of workers have basic English, as Macau has become the international market, therefore increasing degree, to work to compete with them, English has been turned into a first condition, many companies must self-introduction in English , there is no basic English will be difficult to reach, if want to enter the international society, we should redouble our English study.)英語是否重要與你的翻譯表現無關! ( Three high school this year, but also to the most important time, that is, we look into how much time. Three of the first half of high school, I went to the company's internship, also received a lot of experience, although this work is also very tough, but the community can see a wide range of things, these problems may appear to be ordinary people and inconspicuous, but more and more serious, Macao, more and more elderly people living alone, because of population aging, and my job is for these services for the elderly living alone, every day has some of my colleagues go out for the elderly, home visits, home visits, the often seen day-to-day do not see things, the rapid development of Macao's economy, but these appear to elderly people living alone is not good, and some should not have food and clothing or the perfect home, and some a life of disease, and no one at home to detect it. These problem before, but their own will not be able to change what for them is really a very sad thing, three years after a lot of things, these things still have good and bad, which has been quite a number of years life experience, people only wake up to feel the pain. These life experiences not found in books, books only increased knowledge of life and can not find a life experience, both in the social life of knowledge should be enough to live.)實習經歷與翻譯表現無關!


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