Translation Remarks

  • July 2020
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  • Words: 6,567
  • Pages: 24
For a (monopoly) that had its world (turned suddenly upside down)錯 譯 six years ago, Sociedade de Jogos de Macau (SJM) ( has come a long way.) 錯 譯 , 留 意文 本是「轉型」,不是成功 After (fending off ) repeated legal challenges by its founder’s estranged sister since first attempting to go public in January, the company (finally) (started trading its shares) on the (Hong Kong stock exchange) on July 16. Unsurprisingly, amid ( weak market sentiment ) , ( the shares initially sank ) . Nevertheless, the picture for SJM is not that gloomy. ( On a longterm view), in fact, the company (has not looked this good) since (the market was liberalized) in 2002. Over the past six years, the gaming empire of Stanley Ho, who was making billions from the business when Steve Wynn was still a kid, has taken a ( full frontal assault ) by the world’s most aggressive gaming companies—( not to mention ) his sister, Winnie Ho— and remains ( neck-and-neck ) with its ( arch-rival ) , ( Sheldon Adelson’s) LVS, at the top of the market for overall revenues.

Moreover, this market share lead appears to have stabilized in recent months. Despite the ( cutthroat commission pricing war ) among the ( junket operators) launched by Ho’s son, Lawrence Ho, at Crown Macau, SJM’s VIP business appears to have weathered the worst of it. Indeed, with a ( government-imposed cap on commissions imminent ) , ( insiders ) are starting to predict a (gradual shift back) to SJM by junket operators who (fled to) greener pastures in the past four years.

擁有(博彩壟斷權)原文意思欠完整,宜思考的澳門博彩股份有 限公司 (SJM) 六年前(突然下滑),經歷了(很長的路才獲得今天成 功)。與創立人一貫不和的胞妹於1月對該公司首次上市(伸請)發起了 (重覆的法律訴訟)留意網上新聞,不作此解,(但被駁回)原文無此 意,留意fending off。該公司於7月16日在香港證券交易所(請翻查 正確名稱)(應用意譯帶出finally意思)(正式)原文無此意成為(上 市公司及開始發售其股份),上市公司與發售股份意思重疊,宜斟酌。 (在弱勢市場的愁慮下)留意經濟新聞的說法,並weak的意思 ,(股價如其下跌)留意全文旨在吹捧何鴻燊,故應淡化短處,優化長 處。然而,澳博的前景並沒有想象的灰暗。(留意「揚長避短」乃托高本文 格調的要領,可考慮「反譯」)事實上,自2002年的(市場開放後) 甚麼市場,未有說明 , (遠觀看來)錯譯,澳博並不被看好。(可選擇 「漏譯」因與下文不協調,但要留意如何處理下文)但(此字屬敗筆,令 文氣頓挫,原文亦無此意)擁有「賭王」稱譽的何鸿燊在史提芬 · 永利 (Steve Wynn) 還是孩童時便在博彩業上已賺取十億元。撇除了(原文 雖有此意,但同時令何鴻燊「腹背受敵」的意象減弱了)何鸿燊的胞妹何 婉琪對他的法律訴訟外,過去六年(主語未能兼顧此部分)亦被數間世 界進取的博彩公司「嚴勢攻擊」(中文無此字眼),澳博卻仍能在博彩收 益總額上與強大的競爭對手(應用具鬥爭意識的詞語,不是一般陳述) -- 謝爾登·阿德爾森 (Sheldon Adel-son)(留意官方譯名是「蕭登. 艾德森」)的美國拉斯維加斯金沙集團股份有限公司(LVS)並駕齊驅。 (留意neck-and-neck)的意思仍有其他意義,應找與第三段首句相呼 應的意思。

近月市場佔有率的走勢較為穩定。(是地位鞏固之意,非市場穩 定)(欠主語,原文雖無,但應用「補譯策略」) 雖然何鸿燊之子何猷龍 (Lawerence Ho)於澳門皇冠 (Crown Macau) 發起的仲介人(澳門 無此職位,但因屬獨有文化,宜加以解釋)佣金收費爭辨激烈(錯譯, 未能譯出cutthroat神髓),但澳博的貴賓會業務仍能轉危為安。事實上, 澳門政府(所注入的佣金資金)錯譯令過去4年已(逃離至)不宜直譯, 應有其他字眼取代發展較好的地方的仲介人回流(到何處?未有說明), 內部人士(錯譯,留意經濟新聞字眼)因此紛紛預期澳博將會被此影響 而逐漸回升。(原文並無此句之意) Now, with HK$3.85 billion in fresh investment lined up from the (IPO), and (land holdings) that his competitors (can only marvel at), Stanley

Ho is about to ( release ) the new SJM, with Frank McFadden, Adelson’s former chief in Macau, (at the helm). The new SJM has a (game plan) that makes (a lot of sense).

McFadden) 將會把新澳博(放盤)錯譯release。另將「at the helm」 放在適當地方

而(原文無此義)新澳博已制定了一「奪」錯字「全新合適」(留意sense 的不同解法)的博彩方案(錯譯,game plan不作此解)。

In the mass market), the Paul Steelman-designed Oceanus, which involves the (redevelopment) of the New Yaohan development store complex near the (ferry terminal), will whisk (day-trippers) (across an air-conditioned bridge from the terminal). It will be ready by the (third quarter) of next year—(just when) most of the massive new Cotai projects are scheduled to open.

(另外)原文無此字,漏譯(mass market)由建築師保羅.安 德魯(Paul Steelman)(此人名是錯譯,應查英美姓名字典)包辦設計 的大型項目Oceanus 包括(拆卸)位置於澳門 (是多譯 了嗎? ) 港澳 客運碼頭之旁的新八佰伴百貨(未見complex字眼),然後(再重新興 「健」錯字,與「拆卸」只能二取其一),而落船旅客(錯譯daytrippers)亦(無需橫跨碼頭天橋離開)此句全錯。此項目將會在明年冬 季(three quarter 不是冬季),即路氹其他大型項目(如「其」錯字展 開後落成)請理解just when之意。

Together with the (Ponte 16 casino) in the inner harbour and the (Lisbon complex ) , the group will have the most diverse offerings of casinos at the (widest range of geographic points) in Macau. It might not have the sheer size and scale of some of its competitors, but it will certainly have every niche covered.

簡單來說,(原文沒此意)包括座落在內港中心的十六浦座(名 字出錯)(Ponte 16 casino)(不用中英對照,因人盡皆知)與葡京 娛樂場(Lisboa)(與前述相同)在內,該集團將在澳門最龐大的地點 (錯譯widest range of geographic points)提供「最完善的」(錯譯 most diverse offerings of casinos)博彩娛樂場。(欠主語)面積比例或未 及其他競爭對手,但所有所需的工作單位(原文無此意)定必全然包括 妥善(意義生硬,可用四字詞語取代)。

Roka 何鸿燊擁有高達港幣38億5千萬的首次公開募股(IPO)投資, (It is customary in Japan to enjoy sake with family and friends.)( Roka (是資金還是投資?)以及驚人(錯譯)的地控股(錯譯)。他與「前」 ( 此 字 放 位 不 當 ) 金 沙 (Adelson) 营 運 總 裁 麥 輝 霆 ( Frank encourages this by serving bottles of sake—not glasses— ) (at large tables

and bars, along with its tapas-style Japanese menu, which focuses on robatayaki (open charcoal grill) dishes.) (Order a premium bottle of sake at the lounge bar to share as an aperitif before settling in for Roka’s full dining experience.) Born Tokusen Junmai-Daiginjo (MOP 1,900) is a good choice if you want a drink that can be sipped on its own and ( will also stand up to dishes from the grill. ) Roka’s (London-based) owner and founder Rainer Becker is passionate about Japanese food and culture and his dedication to quality cuisine (has made the global restaurant brand one of the (hippest) in London, Arizona and now Macau.) Neutral wooden furniture and rice paper lamps create a (light), modern back-drop to the restaurant’s colorful food.)( To bring out the best in the dishes Becker and his sake sommerlier work closely with brewers in Japan ) ( to create and refine the sake menu. ) ( The list includes only handcrafted sake that is produced in small amounts.) Roka’s (“house”) sake (pictured below) (is a brew made especially for the restaurant. ) ( It is the unfortified ( junmai ) variety in which no alcohol is added during the brewing process. ) Using just rice, yeast, water and koji ( (the enzyme which changes starch into sugar) ) , junmai sake retains its (distinctive) rice flavor. The drink is (rich,) (creamy) and ( medium-dry ) with ( hints of almond-like flavor ) and sweet (chestnut) and honey fragrance (MOP 300 (cold)).

爐端居 這是在日本跟家人和朋友享受清酒的習俗。(留意 customary 的解法,全 句的語氣亦要改)爐端居鼓勵這個服務一瓶清酒(應用意譯法),沒有

玻璃,(此句解錯,請留意 bottles 與 glasses 的區別)(在很大的桌子和 酒吧。)此處可用漏譯法,但需顧及文理沿著(along with 不作此解)由 皮布的日本菜單(應以文學字眼作包裝,襯托華麗氣派),(焦點在爐 端燒「打開木炭烤架」碟上。)此句重譯,另外括號的解釋未令人明白(在 沉澱在爐端居的完滿進餐經驗前叫了一瓶優質的清酒在優雅的酒吧去分 享這餐前酒。)請用文學風格重寫此句如果你想飲一杯能夠放在烤架的碟 上大吟釀((澳門幣$1900))全文的銀碼、英文名與數字改用半型 就是最好的選擇,(will also stand up to dishes from the grill. ) 爐端居在倫敦的基地(用意譯)的物主(用漏譯法)和創立人Raine r Becker是熱情於日本食物和文化,(佢(不用俗字)供奉優 良的烹飪法製造令人著迷的球狀餐廳)錯譯,原文太長,應用斷句在倫 敦,美國亞利桑那州和現在的澳門。)hippest 是此句關鍵中式的木製傢俱 和米紙造的燈設計(原文無此字),現代背景幕落在餐廳的彩色食物。 (重譯此句,留意文學氣息,亦漏了 light)為了帶出最好的的(多譯的 字)碟子裡,Becker和他的清酒待者 (用優雅的“師”字)應會在 日本和酒製造者 (用優雅的“師”字)接觸(原文無此字)去設計和提煉 清酒菜單。(重譯此句,用四字詞,菜單不能提鍊)在表中(list 錯譯) 包了生產小數量的手工製作的清酒。(以文學氣息包裝重譯,留意手工製 作是錯譯) 爐端居的『家庭式』清酒(錯譯)(圖所顯示的)(可不用)(是一個 用了特別的製造在餐廰裡。 )錯譯這是在釀造過程的間,沒有加入酒精 (斷句,留意 junmai 解釋)大吟釀(錯譯)用了大米,酵母,水和ko ji(澱粉加入砂糖在酵時更改)(找化學名詞),大吟釀清酒保留了 它特殊的(distinctive 錯解)米的味道。這飲品是有(米味,乳脂)錯譯 和有杏仁製的味道(漏 medium dry 與 hints)和甜粟子(cheesenut 錯解) 和蜜糖香味〔澳門幣300元(冷飲)〕。 After dinner head ( back ) to the bar for Roka’s (signature) “shouchurinhas” (MOP 70), made with shochu (Japanese vodka) and muddled


Tenmasa Tenmasa’s

history spans three generations of Japanese tempura (masters). The restaurant at Crown is Tenmasa’s first brand (extension) outside Japan. (True to its proud tradition,) Tenmasa’s sake menu includes many ( varieties ) that are ( only available in Japan and provided exclusively to the restaurant. ) All Tenmasa’s ingredients are flown in from Japan. Sommelier ( Keith Lam ) explains that Tenmasa’s signature tempura dishes are best complemented by sake that can ( “ cut through” the oil ) and reach the (palate). He suggests the refreshing Sawanoi Tokubetsu-Junmai (MOP 350) which has a ( mild acidity and sweetness, with a hint of fresh apple fragrance. ) Super premium Dassai Migaki 23% Junmai-Daiginjo (MOP 3200) while very “pure” is also a good option as the taste is (mild) and it is (medium-dry) and (medium-bodied.) Tenmasa’s ( dining area is designed ) as a system of intimate ozashiki (traditional tatami rooms), making the environment (suitable) for (smaller groups). (To make sure some accessible at these (gatherings) the wine list contains smaller carafes and bottles of sake.) Lam says a 720ml bottle is often ( too much to drink in one sitting ) because of the drink’s ( more prominent alcohol taste.) 在頭盤之後返回(意譯,直譯反而是錯) 酒吧飲一杯有爐端居(標

誌)錯譯的“shochurinhas”(澳門幣70元),是用sh ochu(日本伏特加)和多種水果製造的。(應用文學字眼結束,收首 尾呼應之效)

天政 天政的歷史橫跨三個世代在日本天婦羅主人(留意 masters 之意)。天 政在皇冠的餐廳是它第一次把品牌(擴大)留意 extension 其他解釋至日 本以外。這是一個驕傲的傳統,(錯譯此句)天政的清酒菜單包含很多變 化(varieties 錯解)同餐廳專門只用日本的。(此句漏譯太多)

所有天政的原料(是食物材料,非物質原料)都由日本運來。清酒待 者橋井良彰(廣東人的姓氏妳不知道嗎?)解釋天政的標誌的天婦羅是 清酒最好的補充物,它能(穿越酒)和達到(味覺)兩者均有錯譯。他建 議清涼sawanoi tokubersu大吟釀 (錯譯)(澳門幣 350元)它是一種酸度溫和,甜美,有少量新鮮蘋果芬香。(譯得優雅 點)超級附加dassai migaki 23%大吟釀 (錯譯) (澳門幣$3200元)它是一個好選擇在非常『純』,味道溫和和不太 甜和不太bodied  。(mild,medium-dry 與 medium-bodied 全部漏 譯)

天政在設計進餐的地方(欠簡潔)時用了親切的zashiki (傳統塌塌米房間)適合(直譯破壞氣氛,請意譯)四周環境的細小組 群(直譯破壞氣氛,請意譯)。去做清酒多聚集(錯解 gatherings)在酒 表包含細小的玻璃水瓶和瓶裝清酒。(重譯此句,無玻璃字眼)橋井說一 支 7 2 0 m l 時 常 有 很 多 一 個 人 飲 , ( 錯 解 too much to frink in one sitting)因為飲品更突出酒精味道。(錯譯 more prominent alcohol taste)

(Crown’s sake selection is also available at (Kira) (level 10, 18:00— 24:00).) ( An authentic Japanese restaurant in a modern, ) Kira serves favorites such as sushi, ( sukiyaki ) and teppanyaki, as well as specialties like ( kaiseki ) (Japanese haute cuisine) and ( kuchidori moriwase ) (Japanese tapas).

Okada Sachii Imamura believes in balance. She applies this principle to her careful selection of the 27 different sake varieties on Okada’s (wine list), as well as her considered advice to guests about pairing Japan’s famous rice wine with food. (As Macau’s only dedicated sake sommelier,) (Imamura is arguably the city’s chief expert on the drink.) (After years) of training in Japan and working at ( some of New York’s top Japanese restaurants and sake bars ) she is now sharing her (expertise) with guests at Okada. According to Imamura, a complementary pairing is often one in which a contrast exists between the (flavor or aroma, density and intensity) of the sake and food. For example, (dry sake can make an oily, fatty dish taste sweeter.) Imamura’s sake pairings complement the menu’s flavors and (give diners an appreciation of the intricacies of Japanese cuisine. ) ( Her philosophy dictates that the aromas and flavors of sake should support the ingredients and composition od a dish, not overpower them. ) For example, (Dewazakura Omachi Junmai-Ginjo (MOP 600) ) has a ( delicate acidity and sweet flavor) that combines well with the savoriness of Okada’s steamed abalone and (kombu hot pot) (MOP 1,280).

(皇冠的清酒選擇旁邊的櫻10樓(18:00-24:00)。) 理解 is also availble 之意,真正的日本餐廳,(漏譯 An authentic Japanese restaurant in a modern,)櫻有令人喜愛的壽司,雞素燒(找出 sukiyaki 之 意)和鐡板燒,最好的特色好像kaiseki(日本高貴飪法) (找 出 sukiyaki 之意)和kuchidori moriwase(日本桑 樹皮布)(找出 sukiyaki 之意)。 岡田   今村幸以相信平衡。她以這個為原則去仔細選擇27種不同的清酒在 岡田的酒表(餐飲術語無此字,請改),最好的是她考慮過告訴客人關 於日本著名的米酒與食物的配搭。在澳門受專注的清酒待者(應斷句,亦 需重譯)(幸以被認為在這方面是城市的專家。)欠通順,重譯在日本受 了(一年)錯譯的培訓和在紐約最(錯譯)高級的日本餐廳和酒吧工作, 現在她專門和客人分享這些(expertise 漏譯)。 根據幸以說,她一個人補充配對在清酒與食物之間的 (味道或香氣,密 度和強烈)存在的對比。(用意譯與概括方法取代)舉例子,乾的清酒能 製很多油,乳脂的味道甜,(全句錯譯)幸以的清酒配搭補充了菜單的 味 道 和 給 用 餐 人 一 個 鑑 賞 複 習 的 日 本 烹 調 法 。 ( 錯 譯 give diners an appreciation of the intricacies of Japanese cuisine.)無法讓人擊敗的是她的 哲 學 技 巧 使 清 酒 的 味 道 和 香 氣 帶 出 原 料 和 完 美 在 碟 上 。 ( 錯 譯 Her philosophy dictates that the aromas and flavors of sake should support the ingredients and composition od a dish, not overpower them.留意 overpower 是 關鍵字)舉例子,dewazakura omachi大吟釀(澳門 幣$600)(找正確名稱)(有清淡的酸味和甜的味道結合)用四字 詞概括配岡田非常美味的蒸鮑魚和kombu(此食材有中文名稱)熱 鍋(澳門幣$1,280)

Okada’s ( tasting ) menu, which includes sushi and sashimi, tempura, teppanyaki and robatayaki dishes paired with sake, is an ( excellent introduction to the drink’s variations ) and ( subtleties and a lesson in the way it can enhance dishes) ((price varies monthly); around MOP 1,218 (per person)).

岡田的嚐味菜單(餐飲術語錯誤)裡,包含壽司,生魚片,天婦羅,鐵 板燒和爐端燒配清酒,這是一個能(提高品質的傑出介紹的飲品嘗定) 錯譯價每月更變一次(換個說法,有趕客之嫌),大約澳門幣$1,2 18每位)(更改此字眼位置)

The beauty of the park is best experienced just after (sunrise), when local residents (arrive with birdcages and flasks of tea to chat and play wei qi or Chinese chess.) Every day, tai chi enthusiasts can also be seen (carrying) (swords) or fans and gracefully moving in unison through the steps of this ancient martial art. (Although) the park is filled with ( beautiful shrubs and flowering trees ), often (very fragrant in summer time ), (its stone slabs bearing the bust of Camoes) and (inscriptions from his epic works are among its most noticeable features.) ( Closer to ) the city center lies the ( Sao Francisco Garden. ) ( Located ) near the handsome Military Club, this park has some of the largest and most interesting trees on the peninsula. (It’s also a favored haunt of photographers, who come to capture the odd shapes and textures, ) and (the way in which the roots have altered to accommodate the buildings that surround the park.)   On Taipa and ( Coloane ) ( islands ) , where nature is in greater abundance, parks offer a nearby getaway for locals ( and ) visitors alike. (Carmel Park) and (Taipa Praia) are located at the edge of Taipa village, (the former on a hill beside the grounds of Our lady of Carmel Church and Carmel Library.) This scenic spot offers excellent views of Taipa, especially the exquisite Casas-Museus da Taipa or Taipa Houses Museum. (The houses line a cobblestone path and overlook a picturesque pond ) that’s ( usually covered in lotus flowers during summer ) , while beyond lie The Venetian Macao-Resort-Hotel and (Cotai Strip).

日出之後(用專有名詞)最(漏了一些中文字)體驗到這個公園的美, (將所有中文標點改用全型)當本地的居民帶着鳥籠和水瓶的茶(應用 詞語概括)到遠(錯字)公園聊天或去玩圍棋和中國象棋(請留意 or 的 用法)每天,太極的愛好者都會攜帶(此詞語欠優雅)刀劍(swords 錯 譯)或扇子來做出優美的遠古武術和步驟,(應用意譯,涉及中國文化) (雖然)勿用歐化語句譯旅游文章這公園(充滿美麗的灌木和一些有花 的樹,)直譯得太突兀,用四字詞包裝在夏天時經常充滿芬芳,(直譯得太 突兀,用四字詞包裝)有一個用石頭切成的賈梅士羊(錯字)身石像 (此句譯錯)和一些刻印的文字由他的史詩造成一些重要部分的告示。 (重譯,去過該處就不會亂譯)(留意全文標點安排,不要亂來,下次 逐個扣分) 比較接近于(重譯 closer to)城(多譯)市中心的有宋玉生花園,(錯 名)本地(錯解 located)接近帥氣的軍方俱樂部,(這個公園里有這個島 上最大和最獨特的樹,)是何樹應實地考察也是攝影師最(鍾意去影)口 語,用文學包裝的地方,因為來到這個公園可以影到樹木的獨特和結构, (與前句濃縮在一起)這些根是為了適應公園周圍的建築物而改變的。 (直譯得太突兀,用四字詞與文學字句包裝) 在氹仔和路灣(錯字)半島(錯譯)其實有更多豐富的自然环境,公園提 供本地人(漏譯 and)遊客渡假,(Carmel Park 和 Taipa Praia)為何不找 中 文 名 ? 是 座 落 於 氹 仔 村 莊 的 舊 城 區 , ( 以 前 山 側 邊 的 地 有 Lady of Carmal Church 和 Carmel 圖書 館 ,) 錯 譯( the former on a hill beside the grounds of Our lady of Carmel Church and Carmel Library.)這個景點提高 (原文無此意)可以觀看整個氹仔的美景,尤其是精緻的(Casas-Museus da Taipa or Taipa House museum)為何不找中文名?。屋群在鵝卵石路和

看到這個生動的池塘,(簡潔地譯,亦錯解此句)池塘在夏天的時通常佈 滿荷花,後邊以靠著(錯譯 beyond lie)威尼斯渡假村的(多譯)酒店和 銀河酒店。(這個中文名不應錯!)

and hear little more than the (twittering of birds and the rasp of cicadas). Then, just as quickly, you’re (back in the thick of the action, rested and ready to enjoy all that this amazing city offers.)

Coloane (boasts) some of Macao’s most scenic views and can be reached in about 20-25 minutes from the city center. ( Seac Pai Van Park ) is a (favorite) for families with children, (who love to run along the unpaved pathways and play in the many open spaces. ) (The (terraced gardens) and shrubbery are meticulously cared for by the staff of the nearby Museum of Nature. ) ( The playground, a small zoo and ponds with various turtles in habitat enclosures and an impressive walk-in aviary are also very popular, especially with toddlers.)

(路環船是一個澳門最優美的景點,)錯譯 boasts 令全句皆錯可以由 市中心 20 至 25 分鐘到達 Seac Pai Van Park(找出中文名)是一家人 遊玩的好處(漏譯),一定人喜歡沒有鋪石磚的地方行和好喜歡在空礦的 地方遊玩, (錯譯 who love to run along the unpaved pathways and play in the many open spaces.)這個(梯形公園)terraced 錯解和灌木林的是由

The famous Coloane (Trail) begins here and leads up to the highest point on the island, the 170-meter-high (Alto de Coloane), which is also Macao’s (biggest green area), (comprising multiple parks and gardens, as well as monuments and picnic spots.) Within its (confines) is the Alto de Coloane Park and the statue of A-Ma, among other interesting attractions. The park is filled with flora from around the region and as far away as Europe—all (growing in close proximity ). The A-Ma Temple, at exactly 19.99 meters high, symbolizes the year Macao returned to China. ( This immaculate structure with its serene expression is a stirring sight on reaching the summit of Coloane peak.)

The (wonder) of Macao’s green spaces is how close they are to many of the city’s busiest areas. In just a few minutes you can leave the concrete behind

一些附近自然生態博物館的工作人員很細心打理(欠通順,重譯,亦欠 博物館名稱)遊樂場,小型動物園有幾隻烏龜棲息的池塘圍繞著給人刻印 像的烏舍也是十分受歡迎的,尤其欥初學走路的嬰兒。(此段太多錯字, 而受嬰兒歡迎欠邏輯,用語欠精簡) 著名的路瓖(錯字)小徑(是車路還是人行道?)是由這裡開始伸延 到這個島的最高點,有 170 米高的 Alto de Coloane(中文名)也是全澳門 最大的綠色地方(中文不這樣說),那裡包含數個公園和花園,還有紀念碑 和野餐的地方,(欠優雅與簡潔)在這個範圍里有勝於其他有獨特吸引的 (漏字)Alto de Coloane Park(中文名)和媽祖像,這個公園里是個佈滿 了國外引入的植物,有些是歐洲遠道而來的,它們都長得很荗密,(用四字 詞語,不宜直譯)媽祖廟是剛好 19 點 99 米,代表著澳門回歸的年份,(這 個清幽的結構 with its serene expression 是在路環海旁頂是十分耀眼的。) 應意譯 summit 並全句

在澳門的這块綠色地方很奇蹟(不要直譯 wonder)城市的繁忙地區,緊 緊(錯字)分鐘數分鐘,你就可能難開石市(錯字)森林和聽到多一些小 鳥的叫聱(錯字)和 the rasp of cicadas,(漏譯)然後只要很快地你就可

以拋底所有的煩惱休息和享受這個令人驚異城市帶給你奇異的東西。(欠 優雅,亦要錯譯 back in the thick of the action, rested and ready to enjoy all that this amazing city offers.) (Situated on the Macao peninsula is a Suzhou-style garden that’s one of a kind in the city.) (Sublime in design and wonderfully tranquil,) Lou Lim Ieoc is named for the ( historic ) Lou family, who acquired the land as a (vegetable patch) and later transformed it into an (ornamental garden) in the ( 1870s ) . Since 1974 it has been designated a cultural landmark that offers a window to the ( aesthetic pleasures of the outdoors ) and encompasses Chinese bonsai, flora and fauna within stone gardens whose (inspiration dates back as far as) the Ming dynasty. Suzhou gardens are noted for ( adhering to ) essential elements that comprise not only physical attributes, but also the feng shui components of wind and water, (to determine placement of structures or even plants.) Lou Lim Ieoc symbolizes both ancient traditions and modern (existence), and local residents can be found sitting in one of the ( pavilions overlooking a quaint pond filled with water lilies and Macao’s emblematic lotus flower. ) ( Other greenery conceals park benches ) and the ( occasional couple ) sharing a quiet moment. (Chinese terraced roofs blend comfortably with the compound walls) (that block out the noise of the nearby street.) What can be heard and felt is the ( resonant chirping of birds ) and the ( gentle breezes) that blow in summer, wafting the (occasional whiff of sandalwood incense.)

位於澳門半島的是是(多字)在設計過程中.(原文無此意)(是偉 大的城市的一類,)錯譯 a kind in the city 和奇異平靜的一個蘇州式花園 (錯譯 Sublime in design and wonderfully tranquil,),Lou Lim Ieoc(欠中 文名)取(錯字)有歷史意義(錯譯 historic),它佔有土地當時是小園 林(vegetable patch)並且之後把它轉變成在 1870 年(錯譯 1870s)內的 一個裝飾的花園(應作文學解釋)從 1974 年起已經被(指定)(中文沒 有此說法)為一個文化標誌的建築物,那給戶外活動的審美快樂 (欠通 順)提供一扇窗子和圍繞中國盆景,植物群和動物群就要追溯到到明朝 的石頭花園內。(是明朝意象,非明朝歷史) 蘇州花園因為黏附(不宜直譯,找字典其他解釋)不可缺少的元素 那裡包含的不只是外形,因為也構成風水一部分,確定位置甚至植物的 放置。(欠優雅,重譯)Lou Lim Ieoc 象徵古老的傳統和現代的存在(不 宜直譯 existence,可漏譯) , 而且當地居民(可能被發現)錯譯 can be found 坐在一邊 觀賞(一個充滿綠色植物)(原文無此意)的古色古香 的池塘和象徵澳門的荷花.其他的亭子(隱蔽公園的長凳)錯譯 Other greenery conceals park benches 和偶然的夫婦(錯譯 occasional couple)(分 享安靜的時刻)。(中國平台屋頂用化合物牆)錯譯(Chinese terraced roofs blend comfortably with the compound walls)(恰度好處地調和,) 原文無此意 (那畫出附近街道.什麼的噪音可以聽說)原全錯解 that block out the noise of the nearby street. 並且感到(共振鳥)resonant 不宜直譯 chirping of birds,亦無此種雀鳥和刮(微風就不會「刮」)在夏季的微風的 ( 尖 聲 地 說 ) , ( 意 象 不 統 一 ) 使檀香熏香的偶然的一陣飄蕩。 (occasional 不只解偶然,全句應重譯)

We never tired of looking at each other— Only the mountain and I.)

(Nestling in the northern part of the peninsula ) is the Montanha Russa Park, a diamond in the ( rough ) , as ( it’s entrance is obscured by buildings.) It’s behind the (Yun Iam Temple) on (Estrada de Ferreira do Amaral) and accessed by a small spiral path that (winds to the top of the hill). (It is full of (splendid) old trees, many of European origin.) This (secluded park) is also close to the New Protestant Cemetery. ( Offering views ) over the northern part of Macao, ( Mong Ha Hill Municipal Park ) ( is situated about 60 meters above sea level ) ( and provides a 360-degree prospective over one of the oldest areas of the city.)( Although difficult to imagine, the park was planned in the shape of a lotus flower and has numerous historical buildings and other facilities within its compound.) Originally the site with a (fortress), (Mong Ha is now home to the Macao Institute for Tourism Studies,) (which (turns out) graduates who may soon lead the city’s ( vibrant ) hospitality industry. ) It’s also known for two distinctive temples—(Lin Fong Temple on the southern foothill and Kun Iam Temple to the north)—both popular attractions for tourists. (Combining a park, temples, history and nature, Mong Ha becomes even more beautiful at sunset when it recalls the Tang-dynasty poem:)

(All the birds have flown up and gone, A lonely cloud floats leisurely by.

部 分 是 montanha russa ( 中 文 名 ) 公園 ( 漏 譯 Nestling in the northern part of the peninsula), (粗略的)錯譯一顆鑽石, 是入口大樓 遮蔽在雲(可與前句融合)南廟(中文名)在(埃絲特勒達 de Ferreira) 找中文名上後面當時做並且在一條小的螺旋形(的道路以前問)錯譯 winds to the top of the hill , 那風給(錯字)最高(原文無此意).這小山 充滿光彩(不宜直譯 splendid)樹, 大多數歐洲起源與他人隔離(留意 secluded park 之意)巴基斯坦(原文無 Pakistan)也接近於新教徒公墓。 舒適地安定下來(錯譯 Offering views)在半島的北方的部分是 (Montanha 拉薩公園)錯譯中文名, 粗略的一顆鑽石(多譯,並漏譯 is situated about 60 meters above sea level) , (是入口大樓遮蔽在 Yun Iam 鐡制的枱子上後面當時做並且在一條小的螺旋形的道路以前訪問,風吹 山頂。)多譯,並漏譯 and provides a 360-degree prospective over one of the oldest areas of the city.(也接近使公園隔離的精彩古樹於新教公墓真充分 使公園隔離的精彩古樹,歐洲起源之中許多人。)多譯,並漏譯 Although difficult to imagine, the park was planned in the shape of a lotus flower and has numerous historical buildings and other facilities within its compound.

最 初 , ( 哈 的 一 要 塞 ) 錯 譯 fortress ( Mong 的 站 點 現 下 是 在 Macau 研究所給旅遊研究)錯譯院校與山名 , (開動(turns out 不作此 解)我們的畢業生, 領導這城市震動(vibrant 不作此解)不久能開旅遊 業.)它也以兩特別廟(lin fong)由這南山麓(Kun Iam)找廟名去北方 都的廟開出的廟而聞名)重譯 Lin Fong Temple on the southern foothill and

Kun Iam Temple to the north 受歡迎對哈的一(錯譯 both popular attractions for tourists.)公園,廟,(歷史和自然,Mong 變得更美麗在傍晚記得唐 朝詩的的吸引力遊客:)以文學角度重譯此句 (全部鳥向上飛並且通向; 從容地的一孤單的雲浮標透過。 我們從未厭倦看彼此僅用於山和我。)請上網找「全唐詩英譯」 Traveling from the city center from the north, a must-visit pot is the (Luis de Camoes Garden and grotto.) Named for Portugal’s greatest poet, Luis de Camoes, who held (an official position) in Macao for several years, (and is immortalized in this compound that dates back to 1849. ) ( Some 300 years earlier, Camoes is said to have written his epic work The Lusiads in the same grotto.) (The poem depicts the exploits of the great navigator Vasco de Gama and campaigns against the Moors.)

從北方向市中心旅行, 必須訪問(斑點 luis de 迷彩圖案花園)找中 文名和洞.(named 給 portugal 的巨大的詩人, luis de 迷彩圖案)請理解 Named for Portugal’s greatest poet, Luis de Camoes,,在 macau 拿一個正式 的位置幾年,(錯譯 an official position) 並且在更早追溯到 1849.(錯譯 and is immortalized in this compound that dates back to 1849.)(some 300years 的這院子不朽, comoes 被說 對寫他敘事詩工作在這 sam grotto.)錯譯 Some 300 years earlier, Camoes is said to have written his epic work The Lusiads in the same grotto.the (詩內的 lusiads 描繪巨大領航員 vasco de gama 和戰役反對曠野(原文無此意)的功績。)重譯 The poem depicts the exploits of the great navigator Vasco de Gama and campaigns against the Moors.

help people pair the perfect sake with their meal.

Japanese (cuisine) has a (growing fan base in Macau) and as the range and quality of Japanese restaurants ( improves ) so too is the city’s appreciation of sake. Patience is a virtue that ( Japanese possess in abundance) and a quality that sake brewing demands. (Only percent grains of rice are used to make the drink,) ( with each is polished and refined to enhance its flawlessness before brewing can even begin.) Like grape wine, sake has ( subtle layers of flavor and fragrance. ) ( There may be a hint of sweet peach, or a citrus perfume; one sake may taste sweet, another dry.) To truly (appreciate) its (intricacies sommeliers) suggest high-quality sake chilled. In some cases, heating destroys the drink’s taste and scent. (Sake is in its element when accompanying the Japanese food, to enhance flavors and balance palates. ) Giselle Mastrosanti, general manager of Japanese restaurant Roka, says that ( a chilled glass of premium sake can balance a spicy dish,) much like a cold glass of (riesling) does. Roka is ( one of the many premium Japanese restaurants ) that have opened in Macau, expanding the range and quality of sake served here. ( Okada at Wynn, Tenmasa at Crown ) and other luxury eateries are ( enhancing the authentic Japanese dining experience and elevating sake appreciation to another level.) Okada even employs (a) dedicated “sake sommelier” Sachii Imamura who relies on her vast knowledge of the drink to

日(本烹調)留意正確中文的(發展是因為一班鍾意日本食物既澳 門人)錯解 a growing fan base,因為日本餐廳質量得到(改善),此 解令消費意欲低所以澳門也越來越欣賞 sake(將全文此字改為「清酒」)。 耐心是日語(錯譯 Japanese possess in abundance)擁有釀造有質 量 Sake 的要求。 使用米完善的五穀或做飲料,(錯譯 Only percent grains of rice are used to make the drink,)(與其中每一樣都是優 美的,并且提煉在釀造之前提高它的無瑕可能甚而開始。)重譯此句,將 全文標點改全型

像葡萄酒, Sake(有甜桃子微妙的層數或者柑橘香水;)將兩句分譯 一個 Sake 也許品嘗甜另一乾燥(留意 dry 的解法)。真實地讚賞它的 (複雜斟酒服務員建議啜飲)(變冷的優質 SAKE)重譯此句。在某些情 況下,加熱毀壞飲料的口味(改「味」字)和氣味。

(Sake 在它的元素,當優良伴隨日本食物,提昇味道和平衡味道。) 重譯此句 Giselle Mastrosanti,日本餐館的 Roka 總經理(把人名與職位相 連),說(冷的杯和優質 sake 可以平衡辛辣料理),很像蕾斯霖(找正確 譯名)冷玻璃杯。(不用譯 a cold glass of)

Roka 在 澳 門 開 了 店 , 漏 譯 ( one of the many premium Japanese restaurants)sake 擴展了這裡服務範圍和質量的(許多優質 日本餐館的之一)此部分重譯並搬向前句。 (岡田在 Wynn, Tenmasa 在 皇冠)找中文名(和其他豪華小餐館豐富地道日本用餐的經驗 ,並且把

sake 欣賞作為一個高水平。) 用中文重寫此句岡田甚而(多字)至使用 一(不譯 a)熱忱的" Sake 酒侍" 依靠她廣大的飲料知識幫助人與他們的 膳食配對完善的(緣故的)原文無此意 sachiilmamura。(找同學問中文 名)

polishing ratio the “purer” the sake will be.) Sake with a rice polishing ratio of lower than 50 percent is called ( daiginjo ) . Daiginjo is usually very aromatic because the starch at the grain’s core gives the sake its fragrance. Crown’s sommerlier Keith Lam says daiginjo varieties are often more expensive because of the (intensive production processes. )

She says that the subtle differences in sake varieties are determined by the quality of the rice and differences in milling and brewing processes. There are four categories of sake: kunshu (fragrant), soshu (light and smooth), junshu (rich), and jukushu (aged). She uses these “types” as a guide when pairing food and sake.

她說在(緣故品種上)的微妙的區別取決於米的質量和在碾碎上的 區別和釀造過程。 sake 有四個類別: (kunshu (芬芳), soshu (光和使光 滑), junsh (內涵)和 jukushu (時間))。(全部找相關日本用語)她用這 些"類別(不應照用引號)"來作為食物和 sake 的配搭指引.

Personal preference is also a consideration. Imamura says some people prefer their drink (dry) while others like theirs lightly flavored and smooth. To account for this she ensures that Okada’s menu lists a ( well-balanced range of sake varieties.)

個人偏好也是重要的考量 ,Imamura 說有些人中意比較 dry(為何不 譯?)而其有些人就(不太濃)理解 light flavored 和口感要順(用書面 語),為(左)口語配合這些要求她保證 okada 的餐牌會為(sake 的配合 度作出平衡的調整.)錯譯(well-balanced range of sake varieties.)

Crown Macau’s (sommerlier ) (Keith Lam) says that while (sake varieties have different characteristics ) they are not as those between wine varieties such as ( merlot and cabernet sauvignon ) , which can differ enormously depending on the grape variety, where they were grown, and (the way in which the wine is produced. ) Environmental ( factors ) and production techniques affect sake but the variations are (less) obvious, he explains. Premium sake is made using highly (polished grains of special sake rice.) The process of polishing (known also as milling) removes (impurities) that are found ( in the outer husk and exterior layers ) , such as fats and amino acids, and reveals the ( grain’s starchy “heart” ) — ( the lower the rice

澳門皇冠的(酒類專家)找專業用語(keith lam)問同學找人名解 說 sake(的變化扮演著不同的角色)錯譯此句但不像 merlot 和 cabernet sauvignon(找中文名)那樣明顯的取決於葡萄的變化,漏譯 which can differ enormously depending on the grape variety, 如 產地,( 銷 向)原文無此意等.環境因子(錯解 factors)和製作技術也會影響 sake 但變化並不明顯(漏譯 less).

Sake(日本清酒)漲價是由於使用了優質的穀類來提鍊(應詳盡說明 polished grains of special sake rice.),在提鍊過程中於(外殼摘

除)詳譯 in the outer husk and exterior layers 時發現(不潔物)錯 譯 impurities,例如脂肪、胺基酸,還有發現(澱粉的"心臟")改寫此部 分(─較低的精練率會得到較 purer 的利益。) 重譯此句(strach heart 唔知 點譯)(前面已題及)低於 50%的提鍊率我們稱之為 Daiginjo(問同學找

person pours for you from a ceramic flask called tokkuri into shallow cups. Called choko, and you do the same for them. ) ( And feel free to play musical sake cups)—(drinking from someone else’s) is considered a sign of friendship.

中文名),Daiginjo 通常都是芳香的,這是因為在穀類的果核 (錯譯 grain’s core)的澱粉質令到 Sake 充滿香味,Crown 的酒吧侍應 Keith Lam 說:Daiginjo 通常都比一般酒較貴,原因是它經過嚴密的生產過程, (詳譯 intensive production processes.)(當提鍊後得到純淨物, 此時已不需再提練。)不要 over translation!

(While polishing is an indication of purity) it does not necessarily mean the sake is better quality—(the degree of polishing) is a matter of personal taste. Okada’s Sachii Imamura says that some breweries have begun (creating “super premium” sake with a rice polishing ratio of about 23 percent. ) She describes the taste of these as “very clean”. In fact she says the flavor of some super premium sake is ( watery ) and it can lack fragrance, although it is very (smooth) and easy to drink. (Aside from being served straight (or over rice) as an aperitif), (wine) or dessert wine, sake can be used as a base for mixed cocktails, such as the saketini. But Imamura, (a sake purist,) encourages people to drink it as the brewer intended to truly appreciate its aromas, flavors, body and (texture).

(Sake is a drink that is customarily shared in Japan.) Japanese tradition holds that a person ( must never pour their own sake; ) ( instead another

( 意 思 是 Sake 已 含 有 好 的 品 質 ) 錯 譯 While polishing is an indication of purity─ ( 提 鍊 時 的 度 數 ) 錯 譯 the degree of polishing 與個人的品味有關,Okada's Sachii Imamura 說:有些釀酒廠已 經開始生產"Super permium"(自創新名,因有引號)的清酒,是用提練 率約 23%的酒。(濃縮 creating “super premium” sake with a rice polishing ratio of about 23 percent.) (Super permium 唔知點譯)她 描述到這隻酒的味道"非常清醇",而事實上雖然有些"Super permium"口 感很滑順(用書面語)及容易入口但它的味道很稀薄(錯解 watery)的, 而且缺少一份香氣。 除此之外用作供應的酒類如 Aperitifi(重譯 Aside from being served straight (or over rice) as an aperitif)、葡萄酒(錯譯 wine)、餐後酒、(Sake 習慣地用來作 Cocktail 的基調就好像 Saketini)重譯 sake can be used as a base for mixed cocktails, such as the saketini. , 但 一 個 ( Sake 主 義 者 Imamura)則鼓勵人們去喝(這種酒)哪種酒?,就如一個酒製者打算能 確實地欣賞到酒的香味、味道、成份與(構造)錯譯 texture。

(Sake 是日本習俗上的一種飲料)錯譯 Sake is a drink that is customarily shared in Japan.,日本人傳統上(不只是把 Sake 倒進自 己的杯裏)錯解 must never 令意思完全相反,他們會把 Sake 從一個叫 Tokuri 的陶器的倒入另一個淺淺的叫 Cholo 的杯中,而你亦會跟他一樣他 們做同樣的事。(找出中文名並濃縮此句)And feel free to play musical sake cups(呢句唔識)(從碰標的聲音聯想,可找出頭緒)─(為別人倒飲 料)錯譯 drinking from someone else’s 是一個友好的表現。

Surprisingly, sake does not ( always have to be paired with Japanese food.) Lam suggests that super premium, (delicately flavored sake), such as its (Kamoshibito Kuheiji Anne 2006 Jukusei-Junmai-Daiginjo-Vintage) (MOP 4,300) ( is best enjoyed chilled as a pre-dinner aperitif, to taste its elegant, mild lychee and white pear flavors.) Imamura is also aware of some Italian and French restaurants suits being ( paired ) with French food because of the variety of (sauces) used in that cuisine.

令人驚訝地,在日式食物中,Sake 並不常與食物配在一起來烹調錯 譯 always have to be paired with Japanese food. , Lam 建 議 那"Super permium",味道(優邪)?的清酒如(kamoshibito kuheiji anne 2006 jukusei-junmai-daiginjo vintage),(去問此食肆就知!)它含有淡 淡荔枝味和梨子味,給人一種清新的感覺,是非常一流的餐前用酒(價值 mop4300) , 漏 譯 chilled 並 濃 縮 is best enjoyed chilled as a predinner aperitif, to taste its elegant, mild lychee and white pear flavors.Imamaura 知道在意大利和法國餐廳裏的酒櫃 sake 也包括在內, 她表示在(烹調)原文無此意食物方面,因為 sake 可以用在不同的(沙 拉)sauces 上面,所以法國的食物特別與 sake 適配合得天衣無縫。


( As the name suggests, ) ( the WSOM is taking the action and excitement of the most popular game in Asia and adding the glitz and glamour of a star-studded tournament in the region’s premier integrated resort. ) (When the Wynn Macau welcomes players to its ballroom on September 19, it will be hosting more than 400 aspiring champions. ) People who want to (make a name for themselves ) in the world of mahjong by competing for US$1 million in prize money.

( It has been called “Chinese poker.” ) But it would perhaps be more appropriate to call poker “western mahjong.” (The game invented thousands of years ago by what was then the world’s greatest civilization is, ) after all, the one that came first, and is probably played by (more people) (in the world today.) ( Between the two games of skill, ) however, poker is by far the more commercialized. The World (Series) of Poker has spawned legions of fans, tournaments, and dedicated promoters across the planet in recent years, ( involving ) hundreds of millions of dollars of prizemoney and ( sophisticated television coverage ) that has created ( a generation ) of poker celebrities. Mahjong, (meanwhile,) conjures (sitting around tables in smoky rooms,) (out of sight of the paparazzi.) That is all ( changing, ) thanks to the World Series of Mahjong, (which holds its second annual championship around at Wynn Macau on September

(它被叫〝中國扑克牌〞.)時式錯並改為書面語或許我們給它更合適 的名稱叫〝西方麻將〞.(這種遊戲的發明在幾千年前為世界最偉大的文 明,)重寫此句時至今日,這種娛樂變得越來越(普遍)錯譯 more.(漏譯 in the world) (但是,在這兩種技術遊戲當中,)重譯扑克牌顯然比較商業化.近幾年 世界扑克牌冠軍(聯賽)改字眼產生(大量一批)意思重複支持者,和忠 心的推廣者是遍佈全球,當中(包括)錯譯數以百萬獎金和(資深和資深 電視報導員)錯譯共同創造(這時代)改寫此字眼的扑克名人.(欠譯 meanwhile)麻將的(魔力)無此意用來吸引(退休退休人土聚在一個吸煙 室內)重譯(進行不固定的工作(賭博)。)全錯

這 一 年 的 世 界 麻 將 錦 標 賽 舉 行 的 場 地 ( 是 與 上 年 不 同 , ) 錯 解 all changing(它改在澳門永利娛樂場,舉行的時間是九月十九號至二十一 號。)簡潔些

(正如它的名字建議,)四字詞(世界麻將大賽在亞洲推行及帶來最普 遍遊戲的刺激,和加上星耀奪目的魅力錦標大賽,在第一次綜合度假村舉 行。)意思太混亂,重譯此部分(在九月十九日澳門永利娛樂場在其舞廳 歡迎選手的時侯,她將被主持超過 400 名有抱負爭奪冠軍的一場賽事,)籍 潔地重譯此部分(他們想要為自己製造名譽,)更換中文字詞為了在世界 麻將大賽爭取一百萬美金。

Last year’s title was won by Hui Chung-lai from Hong Kong, (who beat off a determined field over three grueling days of intense competition. ) Although this is a game that apparently requires an even higher set of mathematical problem-solving skills than poker, ( the odds are definitely stacked against Hui repeating that victory. ) Every person shelling out the US$5,000 entry fee will be walking through the door (convinced) that they have what it takes to be the world champion of mahjong and pocket US$500,000, (no doubt.)

( It has taken more than a dollop of common sense to get the ( WSOP ) in Macau - and its preceding satellite tournaments in Taipei, Vancouver, Melbourne and Tokyo - to where it is now. ) The men behind it are, some what surprisingly, not Chinese. John Hardyment and Jim Mehren do, however, have long resumes in the field of event management and have lived in Asia (for decades). These guys clearly know what they are doing.

“Having seen the amazing success of the World Series of Poker, ( and having lived out here as long as we have,) and knowing how enthusiastic the Chinese are about playing mahjong, (it made a lot of sense,”) says Mehren, explaining why they decided to launch the WSOM. Hardyment concurs, adding that “Macau was the logical location” and “Wynn is an excellent venue - we are very happy to be doing this here.”

去年冠軍 hui chung-lai 許宗禮是來自香港,(他在三日緊密的比賽擊退 一場決定性的戰役。)錯解雖然這是一場遊戲會顯然地需要一套較為高的 數學的解難技術,(基於 hui(許先生)扑克牌重覆勝利,賠率是一定地增多起 來。)錯解 odds 與 repeating that victory 令全句解錯每個人付款 5 千元美金 的報名費,(才能進入門口,)換另一意思(說服)錯解 convinced 他們將成為 世界麻將大賽冠軍和(無可否認獲得 US$500,000 的獎金。)是自信滿滿, 並非真的拿到!

(在澳門它很容易參加世界(麻將)錯譯大賽,和衛星直播錦標賽到 台北、溫哥華、墨爾本和東京)錯譯此句---但是令人很驚訝,支持比賽的這 些男人不是中國人,John hardyment 和 jim Mehren 支持比賽項目,他們有資 深的經驗去管理比賽項目,和他們居住亞洲已經(十年)錯譯 for decades,他

who fear losing (high-stakes) baccarat players (who play against the house) of mahjong (where they play their peers), it dose seem inevitable. Mahjong is a (more enjoyable game) (and involves a much greater degree of skill than any of the games of chance currently enjoyed in the casinos. ) Whichever casino provides (a dedicated service to enthusiastic customers) will likely win their loyalty and, in the longer term, be more likely to secure their patronage on the baccarat tables, too.


“基於世界撲克大賽令人驚訝的成功,(和我們只要住在外面的時候,)錯 譯見識到中國人熱衷於玩麻將,(它製造很多見識”)錯解,Mehren 解釋為 什麼他們決定創(舉)錯字世界麻將大賽。hardyment 表示同意,(再說) 多譯〝澳門是合適的位置〞和〝澳門永利娛樂場是一個(優秀的舉辦地點) 地點不應與優秀配在一起----我們十分開心能在這里舉辦世界麻將大賽。〞

Although mahjong is not played in the casinos themselves, both men believe that (what poker has done for Las Vegas, mahjong can do for Macau): in other words, don’t be surprised if the casinos start providing tables for their customer’s ( enjoyment ) outside of the scheduled ( tournaments ) . Although this would require a mindset-shift among casino ( executives )

The game is already generating (phenomenal interest) in the overseas Chinese community, and Mehren points the participation of players this year from at least 15 countries as evidence of its broadening appeal. By next year, Hardyment predicts they will be running satellite tournaments in the run-up to the main event nearly every month. “If you look at mahjong compared to poker, you'll have (at least ten times as many potential players,” ) says Hardyment. “Poker is still mostly played by young male adults, but in the Chinese community, everyone plays.”

雖然麻將(大賽)多譯不能在賭場玩耍,(兩人相信扑克牌能在拉斯 維加斯比賽,麻將能在澳門比賽)錯譯:換句話來說,不會驚訝如果賭場 (再)錯字已定(聯賽)不是聯賽時間以外為顧客提供賭枱給他們(享 受)賭場不叫享受!。(雖然在賭場(執行者)有其他解釋之間是需要一 種思想系統轉移,而執行者害怕失去(持有高的賭本)錯解 high-stakes 百

家樂玩家(與莊家對賽)轉移到麻將玩家(他們與他們的雀友玩樂),這似乎是 不能避免的。)改寫此句麻將是(比較更多享樂)留意 enjoyment 意思的 遊戲,(和需要更大程度的技術,比起任何一種現在在娛樂場享樂的機會遊 戲。)濃縮並改寫此句無論哪間賭場(提供忠誠的服務給熱心的顧客)錯 譯將會可能贏取他們的忠心和長遠來說 ,它更加可以保證他們在百家樂 (漏字)枱上的惠顧。(智)

這個遊戲在海外華人社區已經產生(可看見的與趣,)錯解 pheonomenal interest(和)斷句 Mehren 指出今年最少 15 個國家玩家的參與, (這證明它廣泛的吸引。)改寫 broadening appeal 到明年,Hardyment 預測 (他們幾乎每個月都有主要比賽項目用衛星直播聯賽。)錯解 satellite tournaments

Hardyment 說“如果你將麻將與扑克牌比較,(你大約至少有潛質的玩 家的十倍數量”。)重譯此句(“扑克牌仍然被大部分年青男性成人玩,但 是中國社區內,每個人都玩。”)譯得文學一點!

Merhen adds that the broad appeal of the (game) for every generation is also what produces such incredibly skilled players. “Some if the people walking into our ( tournament ) (have been playing the game) since they were on their mothers’ laps 50 years ago,” he says. (“They bring enormous experience to the table.”) Indeed, the key to winning in this competition, it would seem, ( goes

beyond the ability to calculate the odds.) “Patience,” is what Hardyment says when asked to choose the most important factor for a champion.” This is a game of endurance as well. Mr. Hui, for example, was playing about 10-12 hours solid every day. By the end, he was (obviously tired.)

Mehren (reinforces) the point. “You need to be incredibly focused to succeed in this game. If you make it to the (final four) on the last day, you will have played 36hours in three days. (Not anyone) can do that.”

Unlike poker, there are (few moments) in a mahjong (tournament) where (luck) can play a (critical) role- (the “all in” scenario, whereby a poker star can be unceremoniously dumped in the blink of an eye. ) (As such,) the players who end up in the final 32 are usually the most experienced and talented “the element of luck is still there,” says Mehren. ( “ If you draw limited tiles in each round, no amount of experience is going to save you.”) However, there is definitely (more skill involved) in this game.

Mehren 再說對每個世代來說,(遊戲)換字眼是廣泛的吸引,所以產 50 年前他們在媽媽的大腿上,已經有些人 生難以置信有技能的玩家。自從 “ 參加我們的(比賽)換字眼,(仍然在玩這個遊戲”)錯解 tense(“在賭枱 上他們帶來很多經驗”。)意譯

的確,它看來在這次比賽勝利的重點,(超越計算計算能力的賠率。) 改寫此句贏取冠軍的最重要元素是〝忍耐〞和這是一個(忍耐)endurance

應換字眼的遊戲。例如,許先生每天固定玩 10 至 12 小時。到最後,他是(明 顯疲倦的。)四字詞

countries and regions were used to playing their own way. But with the (advice) of a panel of experts, they (figured it out.)

Mehren(加強這點)留意 reinforce。〝為了贏取這場比賽,你必須高度 集中注意力。如果你堅持玩(最後一天的四小時)留意 final four,你將會在 三天內玩三十六小時。(沒有人)留意 not anyone 能夠做到。〞

( “ Most people who come here heel they have an excellent chance to win,” ) says Hardyment. Mehren adds that they would encourage anyone unsure of their abilities, but interested to know more, to check their website where all details abut the (tournament), such as the rules, can be found.

不像扑克牌,麻將(聯賽)錯解只是(用很少時間),(幸運兒)留意 few moments 與 luck 的關係能夠充當(評判)錯解 critical 角色----(扑克 明星能夠一眼不眨地看著全景。)是「出局」不是此解(同樣地,)錯解 as such 這些玩家當中最後選出經驗豐富和有才能的 32 位選手。Mehren 說 〝幸運的元素仍然在那裡〞(如果你在每個環節有更多的技能放有限的牌,你 將會得不到任何的經驗。)錯解(不論如何,牽涉在這個遊戲當中。)漏譯 more skills involved

It is all about strategy in the end, both men emphasize. Although “bluffing” plays a big role in poker, in mahjong, it’s all about sizing up your opponent’s game plan, (trying to work out what they are after, and deciding where you should go. ) The one challenge they faced in creating the WSOM was, of course standardizing the (playing rules), as people from so many different

在最後,這些關於謀略,雖然虛張聲勢起很大的作用,在扑克、(麻將,它 將會擴張你的對手的遊戲計劃,)留意英文標點,故此譯錯(嘗試實踐它 們是什麼和決定你應該在那裡。)文學包裝去推行其中一個挑戰當然是 (玩的規則)play 不只解「玩」標準化,因為來自很多不同國家和地區的人 習慣去用他們的方法去玩。但是基於專家委員會的(忠告)advice 的其他

解釋,他們(計算出。)錯解 figure out

Hardyment 說(〝來到這里的很多人感受到有很好機會贏的〞)是自以 為會贏而已他們將會鼓勵任何人,他們(不肯相信)留意 unsure 意思 自己

(In the VIP market,) the Grand Lisboa will soon complete the rest of its ( VIP gaming rooms ) ( in the hotel tower, ) ( which should open for guests in the third quarter.) And, (having held firm) (on commissions to junket operators,) (once the government imposes its cap of 1.25 percent,) ( SJM seems well-placed to welcome back the recent defectors to its new premises.)

的能力,但有興趣知道更多(更多甚麼?),去查閱他們的網頁。所有關於 (聯賽)錯解詳情,例如規則都能被找到。 將全文中文標點改為全型! Most intriguing of all its plans for L’Hermitage. The building across the circle from the Grand Lisboa will include a “gentleman’s club” for high-rollers with whom, SJM says unabashedly, (i.e. no junkets allowed). The commission cap may well pay into SJM’s hands on this, as it could (in theory) offer higher rebates to these players than they would normally receive from the junkets.

And when ( Cotai ) ( starts to look like ) ( a fully fledged tourist district around the end of 2010, ) SJM will ( have its resort right in the middle of it:) (The Pearl,) which will be a (stone’s throw from the back door) of The Venetian’s exhibition center—(closer than the Venetian’s own casino and restaurants, in fact.)

當(金光大道)錯譯 Cotai(開始看起來像一個)意譯(完全成熟 的旅遊區在 2010 年底,)重整語序 澳博在同期間(將會有其渡假勝 地。)改寫此中文(權利中有:)無此意(東方明珠)錯名將會在威尼斯 會展中心(之後的一個投石問路,)錯譯 (東方明珠其實在威尼斯賭場, 餐館附近。)留意 closer than

guys have not only stemmed the losses that everyone predicted to the new properties,) (but actually managed to stabilize their position.) (在貴賓市場)不應重提「貴賓」,新葡京快將完成剩下的(貴賓遊 戲室)錯譯(,酒店大樓)調整位置,漏譯 which should open for guests in the third quarter.(只開放)錯譯(供客人在該公司的委 員,)錯譯(以公費旅遊經營者,)無此意(一旦政府徵收 1.25%的 稅,)請查 cap 意思 (澳博似乎歡迎最近流失的客人回來。)錯譯 seems, recent defectors 與 new premises


The new management ( blood ) brought in by McFadden has clearly helped to ( engineer ) a remarkable ( turnaround. ) Together with (CEO) Ambrose So (and) (COO) Louis Ng—(masters of local and national relationship-building in political and business circles ) — ( these

Until December last year, it seemed ( LVS ) ( was on a preordained course to overtake SJM as market-share leader.) But the first half of this year has seen SJM, (surprisingly, stand its ground.) It was only in the past month of July that LVS (really seemed ) to be catching up. Indeed, based on its (first-half results) for 2008 ((net profit) of HK$560 million), the rate of decline in profits will be ( much slower ) this year. SJM’s ( share of the pie) has fallen in the same period from over 70 percent to 28 percent, (but the pie has been growing aggressively in Cotai, ) but it is trying to cerate a totally new market for visitors—leisure and conventioneers—which (barely touches) SJM’s core market. And neither LVS nor Wynn can offer anywhere close to SJM’s (operating and administrative costs have ballooned), from HK$3.3 billion in 2005 to HK$5.8 billion in 2007, but the same goes for (everyone.) (Labor costs have more than doubled in the period.)

全新的管理(系統)錯解 blood 是由(麥克法登)麥輝霆來負責 , 明 顯 幫 助 ( 工 程 師 ) engineer 是 動 詞 有 ( 顯 著 的 改 變 。 ) 要 解 turnaround 連同( 總裁) 錯名 ( Ambrose So )蘇樹輝 (兼 )錯 解 and(首席運營官)錯名(Louis Ng)吳志誠,(國家的關係建立在政

治和商業界)錯譯,(這些人不但對新的資產要預算其固定的損失,) 留意 stemmed(而且要實際安排穩定他們損失的位置,)重譯(但實 際上管理,以穩定他們的立場。)多譯

直至去年 12 月,好像(LVS)留意全名(是股票市場的帶領者預先 注定是取替澳博的過程。)錯解但在今年的上半年,(澳博令人驚訝地站 得很穩。)四字詞可爭霸氣只是在 7 月份時,LVS(好像)追上來,從下 文知已追到(其實)多字根據(其)是誰? 2008 年的(第一半期的結 果),(純)漏字是港幣 5 億 6 千萬,利潤下降率在今年將會(更低) 錯解 much slower 令意思相反。澳博的(股票已跌至同期超過 70% 至 28%。)錯解 share of the pie 令全句錯(但股票戲劇性上升,)錯解 (LVS 部門積極發展金光大道,)多譯它嘗試創造新的旅遊市場,渡假 勝地和會議中心,這(幾乎涉及)錯解 barely touches 令全句錯澳博 的核心市場。對於投資的回報 LVS 或永利都不能和澳博相比。澳博的(業 務和行政費用擴張)錯解 ,從 2005 年港元$ 3.3 億,至 2007 年 5.8

bunch, remember.) In 2005, SJM paid (dividends) worth HK$71.7 billion. One can only fantasize about Stanley Ho’s private (net worth after 40 years of dominance in the Macau gaming market,) let alone that of his two biggest partners, the late Henry Fok ( (whose family shares are now held by a foundation) ) , ( and ) Hong Kong billionaire ( Cheng Yu-tung of New World.) Not to mention sister Winnie, who, despite her (legal challenge), (is the biggest individual shareholder of parent STDM at 7.34 percent.)

(Put its stable market share) together with (a booming visitor market from the world’s most populous region, ) and (add in a declared dividend policy of 50 percent of net profit,) and it’s (hard not to see why SJM should do well in the court of public opinion. ) (Its share price, however, will do the talking.)

億港元,(但對其他都一樣。)指的是同行(人力資源費用比同期增一 倍。)錯解 more than doubled 令全句錯!

( Little wonder, then, ) that SJM feels confident enough to hand back a ( whopping HK$3.5 billion in a special dividend to shareholders ) ( who had decided to forego any since mid-2006.) Until then, (this was a spoiled

(難怪那麼,)意思剛相反澳博認為有足夠的信心(交還高達 35 億 港元的特別股息給股東)斷句並錯譯(誰已決定放棄(任何)任何甚麼?

自 2006 年年中。)錯譯在此之前,(這是被寵壞的一群,)不應直譯, 始終是股東嘛!記得在 2005 年, 澳博支付股票(價值)留意 dividends 港幣 71.7 億。人們只能幻想何鴻燊的私人(資本淨值經過 40 年的統治 地位在澳門博彩市場,)改寫更不用說他的兩個最大的合作夥伴,已故 的(亨利)多字霍英東((其家庭的股票,現在持有的基金))錯解 (, 以及)改連詞香港億萬富翁(鄭裕彤的新世界)重整此字眼。(更不用 提)不宜直譯,此處無貶義(溫妮的姐姐,誰,)何婉琪儘管她(的法 律挑戰)改寫,(是最大的個人股東的母公司澳娛在百分之 7.34 。)找 STDM 中文名可譯好此句!

(將其穩定的市場份額與市場蓬勃發展的訪問者來自世界上人口最 多的地區,)錯譯並斷句並(增加在宣布股利政策的百分之五十的利 潤,)錯譯(這很難不明白為什麼澳門做好法院的公眾輿論。)錯解 court 並 hard not to see(其股票價格,但是,將這樣說話。)是引起 話題,不是股價會說話!


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