Report On Critical Analysis On Series Of 3 Ads.pdf

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  • Pages: 18
Acknowledgements The Completion of this Research Report could not have been possible without the counseling of our concerned teacher Mam Sania, her guidance at every step and stride proved to be fruitful and supportive. A debt of gratitude to the collective efforts of our Class-representative and all our Class-fellows, without their efforts and continuous posting-in of related documents, I would have been heedless of the requisite structure given for Report-writing. Last but not the least; I would like to thank my Brother Asadullah Rahoo, without whose help I would not have been able to get this document materialized.

Abstract The purpose of this report is to evaluate and critically analyze a triad of TV Commercial Ads to study the Social-rooted aspects of these Advertisements. Specific objectives are to extract the major Theme (idea), Verbal Content (Language or Dialogues), Non-Verbal Content( facial expressions), Colors, Clothes and Surroundings. This Report aims at deducing the paramount elements and components of an Advertisement. The Analysis will be carried out on audio-visual sponsored communication by simple deductive approach by analyzing the Social-resemblance, Persuasive techniques, Lingual Diction(Choice of Words), the Targeted Audience(including audiences` demographics, psychographics, geographics), Text(Written Communication), the Publicity Buzz(equating brand name with common name), Catchy taglines, Contact-Info, Couponing, Voiceovers( background speech), Semiotics(brand names, logos), Price, Proportional promotion and Advertisement Development Scale( that either the commercial is domestic, export, multinational or global). Through this Analysis, the crucial components and critical aspects of these Advertisements are brought to light. To achieve this purpose, analysis will be carried out from several aspects.

Introduction to Report Introduction Advertising is an audio or visual form of marketing communication that employs an openly sponsored, non-personal message to promote or sell a product, service or idea. Sponsors of advertising are often businesses who wish to promote their products or services. Advertising is differentiated from public relations in that an advertiser usually pays for and has control over the message. It is differentiated from personal selling in that the message is non-personal, i.e., not directed to a particular individual. Advertising is communicated through various mass media, including old media such as newspapers, magazines, Television, Radio, outdoor advertising or direct mail; or new media such as search results, blogs, websites or text messages. The actual presentation of the message in a medium is referred to as an advertisement or "ad". Commercial ads often seek to generate increased consumption of their products or services through "branding," which associates a product name or image with certain qualities in the minds of consumers. On the other hand, ads that intend to elicit an immediate sale are known as direct response advertising. Non-commercial advertisers who spend money to advertise items other than a consumer product or service include political parties, interest groups, religious organizations and governmental agencies. Non-profit organizations may use free modes of persuasion, such as a public service announcement. Advertising may also be used to reassure employees or shareholders that a company is viable or successful. While advertising can be seen as necessary for economic growth, it is not without social costs. Unsolicited commercial e-mail and other forms of spam have become so prevalent as to have become a major nuisance to users of these services, as well as being a financial burden on internet service providers. Advertising is increasingly invading public spaces, such as schools, which some critics argue is a form of child exploitation. Hence, Advertisement plays paramount role of unparalleled significance in Social- Networking Industry. Thus, it should be studied, deduced and recognized in all frames of Society.

General Subject Matter The Aim of this document is to assess and critically examine a series of three TV Commercial Ads to comprehend their Social-interactiveness with different paradigms of Discourse Analysis.

Specific Objectives Undertaken Critical Analysis will be encompassing the Verbal and Non-verbal content, theme portrayed, and Critical Questionary.

Analysis and Findings

Advertisement # 1 Description : Explain what is being sold in Advertisement #1 CocaCola Soft-drink Actors : Features two Protagonists : 1. Adolescent Boy 2. Teenage Boy Adolescent Boy: Antonio Hidalgo, Teenage Boy : Victor Silvester (Both are Young Celebrities) Voice-over: Male Singer : Tim Bergling (Swedish born 8 September 1989), better known by his stage name Avicii, is a Swedish musician, DJ, remixer and record producer. Bergling was ranked third on DJ Mag in 2012 and 2013 and has been nominated twice for a Grammy Award, once for his work on "Sunshine" with David Guetta in 2012 and once for his song "Levels" in 2013.

Critical Analysis and Findings:

Voice-over Analysis : (Verbal Analysis) The Voice-over is a background Audio-speech that takes over the Visual Communication, and serves as connotation. The voice-over is read from a script and may be spoken by someone who appears elsewhere in the production or by a specialist voice talent. It is usually pre-recorded and placed over the top of a film or video and commonly used in documentaries or news reports to explain information. In this Ad of Cocacola Soft-drink, Voice-over in background is of Male character who is extrinsic to characters in the Ad, and is taken by a singer "Avicii", whose voice-over song in the background depicts two brothers growing up and is based upon story of "Two brothers growing up in wartime America". The song is a Country Pop or House genre. The Song tone is smooth, soothing and engages cherishness. Song uses rhyming scheme, by ending first two lines of each Quadruple with "-er". Paramountly song contains some imperatives, and exclamatory sentences such as; 1. Hey Brother ! (also contains Oh Brother ! ) 2. I Wonder ! 3. Oh, If the sky comes falling down......

Visual-Analysis : (Non-Verbal Analysis) "An older brother torments his younger brother at every opportunity that presents itself. Messing up Video-games, taking his pair of headphones from a high shelf and placing them on a higher shelf and then does a bit of foot-stomping under the dinner table are all parts of growing pain for a younger brother. But when a group of bullies tries to pick on younger brother and takes his Cocacola, the older brother intervenes and scares of the bullies( thus folding emotions allude the soft drink, Cocacola). He tips the bottle of Cocacola his younger is drinking, causing a splash. Just friendly reminder that only his older brother is allowed to pick on him." Song and Story evoke a strong feeling of nostalgia. They engender a hard compelling emotion of restoring fraternities and Brotherhood. It placates and pacifies the daily hustle-bustle emotions and a soaring feeling of Compassion, benevolence and warmth is inculcated. The Juxtaposition among talefaces and intentional troubling of the Elder brother expresses that these simultaneous actions are done in order strengthen relationships and instill solidarity in Brotherhood.

Targeted Audience Analysis : This Advertisement targets particularly the Youngster and Adolescents in the Social Circumference, since the commercial itself contains a teenager and an adolescent. Whereas, this Ad also targets those people in society who spend time introspecting over fraternal relationships. As the matter of fact, being an Ad, it must be targeted to everyone, every member in audience contributes an equal of amount of attention, communication and infectivity, since it also uses a series of playful acts to engulf Audience in its emotional vastness.

Persuasion-Analysis : “Brotherly Love” captures the unique relationship between brothers, a universal story of love and conflict. Ultimately the younger brother finds himself without his Coca-Cola. The older brother comes to his rescue and they enjoy a special moment together. Reading the feedback like "This makes me wish I had a brother" at WebPages and Social-networking websites, its apparent that How much persuasive and mind-engrossing an Ad can be, if a little drop of emotional relationship taps in !

Color Analysis : The Commercial Ad continuously shows contrast fluctuating the Color-tone between Red and Densebrown. In first Scene, the Boy wears a red-stripped shirt, red-cap, sits beside a red-pillow, playing with a redjoystick, whereas his wooden canvas(surrounding with furniture) remains brown-toned, along with the Sofa, background boards, soft-drink in front etc. This Contrast alludes the contrast of Red and Brown in Cocacola and thus lures the audience towards the product.

Advertisement # 2

Description : Explain what is being sold in Advertisement # 2 Tropicana Orange Juice Actors : None Voice-over:

Three featured Voiceovers:

1. Two Male

2. One Female

1. Male Voiceover : Elaborator and illustrator 2. Male Voiceover : Part of Commercials` Background Music 3. Female Voiceover : Part of Commercials` Background Music

Critical Analysis and Findings : In this Advertisement, the analysis will be carried out by narrating the Commercial. The Advertisement starts with a didactic Scenery of Morning, where a fresh Orange tree is shown (which is how this advertisement starts to accentuate its product showing fresh-tree of Orange), the background of this scene is "Early Morning"(Which indirectly refers to Freshness). The Scene is followed by a background Chipping (Chir-ip) of Sparrow sound (Since its Morning). In the Second Scene, the View is moved onto a table that is placed far infront of the tree (transition from the Natural aesthetical Scenario to Product proportional promoting Visual) , this table is covered with a White table sheet. On this table, The oranges are stacked in pyramid on a picnic table in the grove with a 59-oz carton(way of pictorially correlating product with its quality) are placed adjacently, as the view focus turns, the scene executes, and the Oranges start bouncing and dancing on the table, jiggling up and down( this morning exuberance and freshness attracts the audience) , this motion of oranges is vocalized by a male background voiceover and is then continued to be sung by a female voicover, the song is as captioned, "Good Morning, Good Morning, ........" (Approximately 12 times ).

All of a sudden, 59-oz carton opens up by itself and all the fresh oranges singing( good morning, good morning, .....) start hopping into the carton of Tropicana orange juice, instantly, another male background Voiceover takes in the speech in this portion, and starts elaborating the product straightaway , "16 Freshly picked oranges squeezed into each carton of Tropicana pure premium". After this elaboration by Male voiceover , the song continues in background as "Good Morning, Good Morning, It's great to stay up late, Good Morning, Good Morning to you, When the band began to play the stars were shinging bright...." and simultaneously the Male Voice- over again continues to elaborate as, "And Absolutely No space for added sugar, water or preservatives", and then ends with a Catchy-tagline, "Tropicana, We put the good, in morning." The Carton shown is having Orange and White Juxtaposition, as was the scene between morning and oranges, and this carton contains a picture of Orange having a red-white stripped color straw inserted inside. The Carton also contains the name of the product, "Tropicana Pure Premium", and also has a small title caption up-top as, "No Pulp, Original".

Advertisement # 3

Description : Explain what is being sold in Advertisement #3 RedBull Energy Drink Actors : Snowboarder Travis Rice Voice-over: No Background Voice

Critical Analysis and Findings : Background Music Analysis : The background music in the commercial "The World of Red Bull" was founded in Antibes in France in 2000 by the two Frenchmen Nicolas Fromageau and Anthony Gonzalez, internationally they were known by their title "Unrecorded" in the film "Night Watch" 2002, the band released their first self-titled

album. It was followed by five more, including the official soundtrack to the film only in 2013 published "Oblivion" and published in 2011 album "Hurry Up, We're Dreaming", on which also the song "Outro" is published. Musically, the two Frenchmen geared to bands like "My Bloody Valentine" and "Slowdive", both belonging to the genre of rock music. They started well before the formation of the band in the music business, but it dealt largely with rock music. They have always found pleasure in synthesizers. With the formation of the band they were up to electronic music, which they have remained faithful to this day. Distorted guitars and the strong use of synthesizers could be described as the band's trademark, as can be seen in her most famous single "Midnight City" (2011). Instrumentation : Although the title was produced exclusively on a computer and not recorded in a studio with acoustic instruments, you can here still speak of instrumentation, since the production different audio tracks and samples were used in instruments. The game is played the song of a drum, a piano, an acoustic and two distorted electric guitars, a bass guitar and various stringed instruments, which probably play the most dominant role in the play, as they always play, up to their closing. They are therefore mainly responsible for the atmosphere during the whole advertising. Rhythmic and metric : The complete song is written in a 4/4 time and has no special features in the clock on. The metric accents are alternately only on the first quarter and then on the first and fourth quarters of a clock. Note values used are whole, half, dotted half, quarter, dotted quarter, eighth, dotted eighths and sixteenths. Triplets are not used, however, are very often found punctures what a flowing rhythmic character conveys. The major central values mainly used by the strings have a soothing effect on the listener. Statement of Purpose Analysis : Goal they pursue is very large. Because there are excited not only young people and athletes to consume the drink in order to get the fulfillment of their dreams one step closer, but much more those are addressed, who see Red Bull only the drink and are not aware of what and how much Red Bull makes by supporting athletes. The Action and Objective Stocktaking Analysis : The commercial "The World of Red Bull" is not a commercial in the classical sense, even if its promoting a product, therefore no action is specifically aimed at something. Nevertheless, he tells a story of athletes who achieve their goals and fulfill their dreams. The advertising begins with some landscapes, such as a mountain or a ramp in front of a canyon. It is shown where these athletic performances can be achieved. After about ten seconds, the athletes

will be shown and using images in the bird's-eye directly confronted with their challenges. After a few more close-ups of extreme athletes percussion sets and you see the athletes "in action". Towards the end, the advertising images of athletes will be displayed as they are celebrated by fans and relatives, they have managed and realized their dream. With the sentence "If you believe in it, then anything's possible" ( 'If you believe in it, anything is possible.') appears the final scene, in which again the company logo, is shown as well as a can of drink. It is again noted that the athletes could achieve their goals only thanks to Red Bull. Thus, it is the story of athletes who dream of meeting the challenge of their lives and they have only managed using Red Bull. Text and Language in Commercial Analysis : The company Red Bull uses virtually no advertising language in their commercial, as we know from the commercials on tv. It is not even the product name "Red Bull" in spoken form, but it is very often read on clothing and sports equipment of the athletes. The language is limited, in addition to the vocals of the song, to some motivational phrases, some athletes spoke as "The challenge of my life is, to find out, how far I can take it." is the first sentence that can be heard, at 12:10. Following "The only thing did you can think of, is did moment right there." , "Yeah I'm ready, let's do this" and "If you believe in it, then anything's possible. In addition to the spoken text also can be at 0:24 a passage of the lyrics of the song hear: "Now and forever, I'm your king". The lyrics are so supported with the statement of advertising, which then appears in the final scene once the company logo in close-up, with the name of the campaign "Welcome to the World of Red Bull" as a heading. Finally, a great Red Bull box against black background appears, including Red Bull's typical advertising slogan "Red Bull gives you wings". The Emotional Stocktaking Analysis : Emotions are an important part of marketing strategies today. The Red Bull uses its commercials targeted emotions to reach the audience better and more direct. The commercial will also awaken in viewers the desire to realize their dreams and desires by athletes and people demonstrated experience success and are happy. Use the logos, images and slogans of Red Bull are the viewers repeatedly reminded of how they too can achieve success with Red Bull. Using music and impressive images generated a positive mood in the advertising and evoked feelings are confirmed. Courageous athletes, an overwhelming scenery and ludicrous and risky stunts create an ideal world in which nothing seems impossible and it apparently had sole firmly believe to meet all the challenges. In the athletes the spectators idols that awaken childhood memories in him looks. They embody a life full of action and excitement, where nothing can go wrong, and who do not want to perform even such a life?

Results : Themes/Concepts portrayed in Ad-1: The First Commercial Advertisement is promoting a Soft-drink, and this promotion is attained by portraying the emotional and lovely encounters between two brothers, whereas the product itself is allover the advertisement, the product is playing a part of "Two to tango grey matter", and the last scene explains this virtue of the product by portraying theme, in which "Bullies pick the younger brother over a bottle of Cocacola". This Ad also portrays the following concepts and ideas : 1. Fraternal Consolidarity 2. Blood to Brother Relationship 3. No bullies Around 4. Self-believing against all odds 5. Privilege over power The lyrics of the song in the background summarizes the whole theme of this Commercial and also promotes it, "Hey brother! There's an endless road to rediscover Oh, if the sky comes falling down, for you There's nothing in this world I wouldn't do Hey brother! Do you still believe in one another? Oh, if the sky comes falling down, for you There's nothing in this world I wouldn't do What if I'm far from home? Oh brother, I will hear you call! What if I lose it all? Oh, if the sky comes falling down, for you There's nothing in this world I wouldn't do....."

Themes/Concepts portrayed in Ad-2: The Concepts and Ideas portrayed in this Advertisement are that , Orange Juice is fresh and frigoric, and so is the morning, and helps us revitalize, and energize our body, This Advertisement portrays following ideas : 1. Mornings Freshness. 2. Purity and perseverance 3. Originality 4. No additives etc

Themes/Concepts portrayed in Ad-3: This work should be clear that there are many factors, options and strategies to influence us with advertising, from which we are not even aware of most. Especially Red Bull this uses very clever, especially the eliciting of emotions. A clever play between the simple, quiet music and the impressive recordings have an almost intoxicating effect on the viewer and put him in a positive mood. By the lack of concrete action, the almost complete absence of language and the omnipresence of the company logo. This uniqueness combined with the strong emotional effect is to give the audience the feeling that Red Bull is much more than just an energy drink. The viewer is the illusion to be any challenge using the drink and being able to realize any dreams and desires.

Conclusion : On the basis of Analysis and Findings, several conclusions concerning the Commercial Industry and its process of getting New and newer ads out. The Analysis and findings indicate that the Advertisement industry these days has been walking on the wrong foot, the advertisements, these days have developed apotheotical climactic suspense points, before which no audience can guess the theme of the commercial, commercial needs to have a gradual build-up of theme, content and canvas. The Major theme idea should be laminated all over the length of the ad, the verbal content should be less flexible,

less predictive but rooted-in-theme. Persuasion is attained by metaphorically relating the theme with an analogous Canvas and build-up. The theme and Surroundings should always be coherent in terms of their elucidation. The Ad industry should keep in mind the Psycho-graphics, Geographics and the demographics in focal point. The publicity buzz and lingual diction should always be compatible and coherent too. These are some of the features that are deduced to be absent in Ads recently.

References :

Emerson, L. (2009). Reports. In her Writing guidelines for business students. 4th ed. South Melbourne, Vic.: Cengage Learning, p. 34-54.

Reading Article Ad-1 Ad-2 Ad-3



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